t0 Cents Per Copr GnoncEWesxrNcToN,sFAREwELLPRAYERToHIsTRoC,FS-I783 PIOTORIAL.NI}fS[[T[EB IEARUARY 26, 1964 -- I'OLLn{E B, NJLEIR 1g Almighty God, rve make our earnest prayer thatThou wilt keep the united States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the ciri- zens to cultivate a spirit of subordina- tion and obedience to government; to , entertain a brotherlyatfectionand love I i for one another and for their fellow citizens of the united states at large. Ambulance EU 5-2400 RESGUE BREATHING EQUIPMENT Two-Way Radio Dispatched Geo. R. lusten & Son Funeral Home 3519 tff. Elrn Street "Across from the Bank" Phone EU 5-2400