,t A RICH fNAN KNOWS NOT HIS FRIENDS S0REY - WE M"ADE e B0O B0O tll Many phone oalls brought to our attention that wo goofed ln our ldentifying the plcture guessing, Tho above gentlaman is Gene Adams, partner in ke and Ray Eleetria Co. fhant God You Are Living ln rhe United States Ttiis gentleman i.s Charles nBudt& Adams, the Justioe of the Peace who dispenses jus tice with merayr and .the other '-part- 116r i.s Lee and.Ra3r. Eleot,ric. PETER M. JUSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOA4E 3307 W. Elm Slrecl 385-0063 fllcHenry, lllinoi: OXYGEN EQUIPPED Amhulance 385-0063 HANDY RESUSGITATOR Wffi*,mq