CLASSIFIED FCR RENf 2+npnoou APARIuEIIT I}I JoHNSBURG. RANGE AT'ID REF'RIGERATOR FUR}IISH@. XruLL NECO- RATE AlrD NErr rloon covERruc. g7o.0o pER Ii,l0NTH. PHONE 580-19OS. MR SAI,E USED BARTON lt{RfI{cER IYPE ]ffASEING MACEII{E il'I GOOD COHffiIICU. ERICED Af $l[0.0O. CALL AHIER 6:00[. OB SI]SDAY I0RNI]IG PHoNE 78i5-07L6 rcB SAIA USED BEI{-BIIB 9 CIIBI C trOOB, CEEST fypE DEEP EREEZE. GOOD &NDTTIO{. PRI@D A? $50.00. C,ALI AE[B, 6:00 P.M. OR SIIIIDAY ljomtr]ic. PE(NE 195;oTa6 FOR SAI,E ]AF.GE STZE GJ-.ASS HNCE MTIL. SETS gS GLASS piDisIAl,, L2 GLASS ffIps A$D I*AOLE. FBr CE $12. 0O IdA$y OtllEa clAss ilt SIIES .\LSo PI-ASTIC DISI#S. PH0IIE 18547];6 :'FITR 6:00 P.M. OR SI}I{DAY irI0mI$G. l,iUCH SPIED IS SIftL THE mOE R0AE TO LIUCH SORROiT M.UE RELIGICET TS TiM Ti{E CF-ISD '"8 m.OrcSs L trE i4tE LEI{D, S0r F'TlIffiDS U.ST i,OIIGER IF YOU' DO $O? USE :Hm,t To0 OFIEI KTULNTS CT.,UB OF trctsTDER i^A,KE ilfNEflNC DEChAm ?8r'tgd+ Johl Shad1e, rho ls E menber of the lriorth Hollyrrood, Callfornia, Ktwanl s CIub rf,as a guest. Joh 1g rrleltlng hts parents, rho resid.e ln Rtagrood. Presldmt Jim Robiasn rcad, a Ghrist- nas card fYom Gwort,or 8111. Jim also di strlbuted. corunlttoe folders to all the commi'ttee chairmea. PhtI Kinzerr Jim Glanola and I?ed, Gutznacher were appoiated. the Lg6 Chrl stuas Basket oormittee. PostTaaster Eberli rriII omtinue as Llasa offlcer betnoea the partt cipatlng organizatisas for this project. Phil Kinzer and Gord,sn Gran rrtll ere ct the Kiruani s ttT'fe1 cone Si gns n whi oh ,/o will bo situated En aII'the road.g lead,- | lng into Soader Lake. AIso a sip for :the KtwanLe 50th .Auniversary, rnf cn rrill be February zTtb, Ean celected, for past Presldatta $ight, rith Bob Esno in Charge. hul Elaerle ras aptrntnted to nake the er*ud aud,lt FITTING AS IF IT WERE Y0UR VERY 0ltyN ntu a fun Arcn a elotib '(' wq We custorn-fit rented formal wear to. rneet .gxacting stanela.rsls. Hard to fit? Not here. Very tall, very stout . or a member of the great in-be- tween? No matter. We,ve the size you take. And we can customize it to your silhouette, too. Complete $t2.50. itr. New CONTINENTAL TUXEDO (sample in stock) $15.95. 'I)istinctive Wear for trfen and Boys- WHITE'S MEN's SHOP 12l4 N. Green St McHenrlr, nt. ,Phone EV 5-0019 McHENRY GARAGE leep Sales and Seruice NICK P. tllLLE& Orner Phone 385-0403 925 N. Front Sfreet McHenry, Illinois 7.