f{ REPORTS FROU'{UA,SI{I$GTCN Ihe .Iolmson Adninistratim has a splend,id, opportrmity to oarry out e much neoded progran to streanliae and roorg- +nlae the Congross of the llntted $tates. Many of the praetlees foLlssred, today tn the U.S. Houso of Repressntativos strt- odate tho fometlsn of our Fed.oral sys- tga, ln 1/89. fndeod., Jefferssa I s ldauual (derrelo*d rhea ho preffi Soate from 1?9?-1801 as llLoo Presld@t) g€rsorr.s a largo part of todayt a proeeed- lngs sf the U .S . Eouse aad Saato. Mueh of the hoeedure and most of thb Esuse and $enate Rules are hlghly des- lrable in performing the dellberatLve fm,ctisas of those greatost of dolib- erative bod.ies. Emrever, a great doaL of the Oongressional nachinery is ant- lqtratod,, burd.eaesome and. destruotive of the Leglslatlve hanch lntself, Elrat aad. foremoet anong the hand.- lcaps to effastlve Congressl-onal astioa is the laak of sontrol orer fiscatr nattorg. $otrithstanding the Consti*- utioraaS. trrerogatives of the U.S. Bouss sith restrrcct to SederaL revenues aad expendltursg. ffiilo; Earn as hish as r , 4% 0n Savings Deposits lnquire at McHenry State McHENRY, ILLINOIS Serving Since lg(}5 Member of F.D.!.C. Bank ilEW ilIODERil EQUIPMEffi RGdftiltlrI and Gommcrcid Hau[ng It5 E..0 Third Srrort Gomplctoly Encloscd illcHenry Disposal Seruice WILLIAM DEVRIES McHenry 385-2221