II IS EASIER TO FIGHT FOR ONE'S PRINCIPTES THAN TO LIVE UP TO THEN'I :,R.. iiliD i,A.S. I{UG0 Igim,Bm.G' of llOT }i. Park Stor L{cEe,lrry &xmoulce the Grr$a$o- nent of their claughter , l,'Ii s s Judith Iielena Fretm d , to Re3m.aldo Fernau,dez 5 son of i'rs. George Re3m.a of ilaukegan. The couple are Plarning a Feb. 27; wedd,ing in St. Haryt s Catholi c Church, I:;ciierrry, VItEfu"NS 0F '."1,ORLD r'-Lt:iR 1 0f TIII U.S.A Mcllerrry Barracks #Lil5 The regular monthlY meeting of the i-cuorry Baraclcs #t1t5 of the Teterans of l',lorId. iTar 1 of the U.S'A. was held Thursd.ay, February h. at 8:00 P.LI. at the' i,.rnerican Legion Home. Jucior Yi ce Coriunand.er of the dl stri et , iiarry Loclc, had sourething to say regard'- ing proposed legi slati oar providing a pensioa of $100.00 per noarth regard-less of the fi:rancial status of the inclirridual involved. He vrlII rnake a spee clr in thi s conrection at the District irieeting to be held. at Harvard Srmd.ayr Feb. l4th, As ma.rry as catrI, are urged- to meet at the limeri oem Legi orr Eome 1 :00 P .ii. on February rllth to go to Iiarvard' and lenci ,-ludcy Lock our support' rhere should" be suffi.eient cars otl ha,nC to taice celre of tirc transportation, BEP['B. COUNTT CHAIM€A}I PRESEI{TS PEIITIONS TO I,EGISTATI'RE MoHenql' County Republican chaiman J. R. (late) Levesque uas in Springfield for three days last reek protesting the pro- posed, re-apportionment of the Senate and House districts for I1linois. Aecording to the present plans, HeHenqr Cor,rnty rould be caryed three waflso. Chairnan Levesque pleaded to members of both parties in both Houses that courl- ty lines be obsenred., as is mitten in the Illinois State Constitution. Re-apportion ras discussed. a+ the last county neeting and eomnitteenen ratified. the plan that Chairuan Levesque prepare and preseat a petition to the Icgislature i-a behalf of the Cor.mty. Republican Senator Robert Coulson will read the d.ocr:ment to the Seaate while Representative (D) flrrn Hartnett of Lake Couaty will present the petition before the House of Representativeso ffiJlo: WE OTTTN PARDON IHOSE WHO BORE US, BUT NEVEN, IHOSE IYHOffl WE BORE. Geo. R. 3519 W. lusten & Son Funeral Elm Slreet "Across from the Phonc EV 5-2400 Home Bank" Ambulance EV 5-2400 RESGUE BREATHING EQUIPMENT Two-Way Radio Dispatched