AS THE TOUCHSTONE TRIES GOLD, SO GOID TRIES MEN 0&!5! GU,i:i r,.C;rl-ri,lY CC],?A?ITIOIE Ccngressrir{r i,_obert iicClory (},-, ia,ke .i3Iuff ) a::rrormced. that the a:u.ueil cornr petJ-tica for entrance to the U, $. Coast Guard. .ricaier:y will_ oonnience the Dece;:ber i+, 19a5, adrninistration of the CoJ.lege :.ntra:rce ilrami.nation Board ?ests, Ihcse exa;.lntitim.s will be givm ia over 3,@0 ;est cm'bers. Cm;ressllarr i,60J.ory emphasised the opportu:ity offered gutrlified een .,'rho choose th:"s fourryear Gourse leads 'to a comissiqr as a career offi.cer i:a ;:oer i ea I s old.est coqxtlnuous seagoing .r:t':n€d Se:rice and & Bachelor of Science degree. ttApp"rnfunents are made on a cornpet- itlve basis3 there are no seperate quotas for states or distri.ets and no special categorles rr he said,. ,I urge att gltal- if1ed youx6 nen vrho aro :nierested. rn th'-s wortimrhile professioor to yrrite for d.etails a:rd. applicatj,on as soon as poss- ible to the Diroctor of -ridrnissj.ons, U. S. Coast Guard. :r.@,d.ery, lrew Londw., Cmnecticut 6r2\.tt A ca.udidate for the next competiti on for the Coast Guard. Acaderry naust be sin61e, must harre reached hi-s l.fth but not nis 2^rd birthday by July l, L96,6, I a&c musr be in excellent phys -{ caL corlr ditron, A high school diploma is the mi-ninura educational requirement, although hign s chool seariors assured of being graduated ry Jrme 5A, 1966, are eligibleto en;er the competition if they will have at least 1! cred.its by tllat t i_rae, *11 appl, cssrts nust hi've tirree uni'Ls of im'glish, t;v\,'o :x algebra and one in plane geonetry by grad"uatiorr. jiiIliEP;..L PRODUCTIOii UF for +;he elg;hth time jn as nany years, flli.nols njnerals Ier1 by oi:.I, coal, and stone prr:ducis - exeeeded {:io00 miilion in valuation dur:::.6 lgb|. A suunary of nineral pro<i,uction just releaseci by the fllinois State Geological Survey, slrov,'s that the vslu.e of ninerals produced ln f ll inois last jrear amormted. to $ 515 m.i lL i on , about 2. ! per cent les s that the h5_gh of {}oll sri.llion recorded for L952. ITcHENRY KART PARK SN.ES ad SERYICE 6 Ccrrprp ttitee on lnd For l(afs Nlr rDd Und EDgriEG. hr $12?.ro 1p... TRAC( qPEil.DAtLy t p.rL 0o il p.m. Lh3 r Gll .ia ".rt, tHE Cor-r o( Lfnfr rd (.iltFt llill rlcd Phone 385-9736 or 38L t 994 (ITAn,I,tl(l STII.I.IISG BEST R&TES r !n AUTO LOANS ,, tlcHenly State Bank T'HEilRY, ILLTTqS Sorving tlirp lS t:mbrr ol F^D.13.