/*\# sE^^l-#toreYffiLw P I CT() R I A [-N H}{ $ N, ruTTflffi SEPT. 22 , 1965 VotUt{E 10, }rrI[,IBm 3. FAIR AND IMPANTIAL HEWS ffiffi Wffiffi ffiffiMEJNSgEES I0 Cemts Per Copy i" I!.IY*YE$JT hASONS Picturod abovo from left to right grthur J. Stuhlfoior, a monber of pin tr,odge #*, Minnoapolis; Mlnn., Charlis Las eh and George Kraraer of MoHenry Lodge Ib" tr58, as thoy rooeived thoir ooveted 50-Yoar pins and aprons, &t tho Past Mastsrs and F ifty Year Monhors night, Soptn Ttho Distriot Dqputy .Iamos Crout mado the prosontations. AII threo moa aro Mch,ernry aroa residonts. Tho ovening was cono}uded with a dlnnor and tho show ing of a traveJ. film by Phlllip Massliah of $to Marks lodgo #AA, Wood- s took" SOMqONF TillS SATD There are three kinCs 6r oeople i-n + his sro::[d: those rvho .nake thinrs happen, t,hose whs wateh thi ns-,s haopen, and thosE who ,lonf t 'tcnow wl,attg haoDening. MUCH SPEU) IS STITL THE HIGH ROATI TO IIU'CH SORROYf, &rc IIonne* PETER 3807 W. Elm Slrcll M. JUSTEN & FUNERAL HOME 38s-0063 SON McHenry, lllinoit SKVGHM ffiQUIPFES &wfuwffimmffiffi ffiffiffi-ffiffiffiffi HANMY ffiffisffisffiffiY&ryffiffi