r FOR YOU! this smart sirt free when you open or odd to YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT with $250 or more Handsome and extrerlrely practicral, your "no stick" Teflon-coated covered skillel, by West,Bend, is our way of saying "thank youl' Ior saving here. Simply open a McHenry Savings thrift account with $250 or more or add a similar amount to an existing account. This good looking thrift gilt is .yours free. Sorry, but offer is limited to one gift per tccount. If you've never used cookware lined with Teflon, you're in for a thrill.. Food never slicks and the skillet never needs scouring. Your free Iflest Bend aluminum skillet is eight inches in diameter, with coyer and has a contour-shaped, heat resistant handle. Savings accounts at McHenry Savings earn 4 per cent, compounded and paid twice a year. Insured safe, loo, by an agency of the Federal government. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9 B.rr. lo 4:30 p.m, Fridays until I p.rri Ciosed V/ednesdays" Teflon* coated aluminum skillet by West Bend *DuPont registered traclcmark Mc I{ENR,Y SAVINGS A}ID LOAH ASSOOIATIOH Icilu: tdcrrl $$ltg rnd lpu lrsunnu Gotporttlor SSll lU. 'EIm Strect/ ttcHsnry / 385-3000