\t 1963 TOND GALAXIE CONVEBTIBLE V-8, Cruisomatic Transmission, White Wall Tires. Power Steering, Yellow with Blacii Interior FOND ECONOTINE VAN 9,000 Actual Miles. VerY Ciean. 1962 FORD PICK.UP TRUCK Customers Car 1963 FORD COUNTNY SEDAN l ower Steering, power Brakes, Radio Heater, Electric Tailgate. White with Red .Interior. 196I STUDEBAKER LARK 4-Door, Standard Transmission, 6-CyIinder I963 OND GALAXIE SOOXL 2-Door Hardtop, Clean, Cruisomatie Transmission, Radio, Heater, New White WaIl Tires. As ls $385 $t285 $335 $I485 BUSS TORD SA!.ES "I.Iome oI G[elity transportalion'l SAVE 1965 FOND MUSTANG HABDTOP \a-8, Cruisotnatic, Console, Red Interior Rpdio, Fleater, White Whtts. $2175 1957 rOnD 4-DOOB V-8, New Tires, Autorhatic Transmission $lg5 1958 FORD THUNDENBIRD $675 SAVE 3936 W Ma,ir, ,$treet Phone 385"2000 TIIn AMERICAN LnGfON AIIXILIARI McHENRY IINIT 191 l.tembershlp was the naln topte dts- eussed at the October meettng of PtcHenry Untt [r91. Chalnna.n Dottie l.bsser ?oroun- eed that we are only halthay toward qur goal ror thts ]€Elr. fII members are asked to oay their dues as soon as Foss- ible. Novernber ILt,h ls the deadline an{ e slleht fine wlll be added after that datc. A Letter was read from Department 6r flllnots Presir{ent ELIa Wlllrett Bek- ing all unLts to contLnue thelr support o,. the Legton Arrxlllary prog"ems. I{rs. Willrett has chosen for her speeial orojeet thls ytar that of atd to retard- ed ehllctren. rtle rrlll agatn work through the flltnole Councll for Uenta1ly Retard- ed Chlldren. Thli organlzatlon provirles day sehools and eenters for chlldren not in publl,e sehools i speeLallzed voeatlonal training; sheltered workshops f or those unable to obtaln erryloyment; sumnrcr carylng and scountLng i relreation-aI therapyi farnlly counseltng; asglstance to chlldre ln state restdentlal sehools; ancl professional end publie educatl-or].tr stated l{rs. Hlllrett.n nln addltton, added }&s. tfl}Lrett vitally needed r€- search ls being earrted out in an effort . to flnd wa;rs of preventl-ng mental retardp atlon.n A Veterens Dey oarty rrlll be held $owmber t3th at 5:30 p.n. The arD(il- iary wtll serve a potluek supper at 7z3O pomo The ne:rt neetLng or the Ameriean Legion Auxlltary McHenry Unlt lrgt wfU be held November 15th ei, 8:00, HETR YE!! GilE TO LOUISE'S silmil slloP Ittt il. fhrjlo FI?5rtbr-!t-r 3rna:b- b !}HT I$IPIr T&ef O,-rt UHldH t