tb Af,ANY FOIKS'WORST FAULT SEEMS TO BE TRYING TO TELt OTHERS OF THEIRS CUIJ.OM IO{OLI MIETING HELD In the village of Me Oullora Lake tlte CuLIorn KnoLL Assoe . held their monthly neeting Dec" 5. i-a the beaeirhortse. The first thtng on the agenda was the dis- cussion of the Ice Fish Derby to be treld Febnrary 12 and 13 " The door pr$-ze TrIIIbe a L2 Ft. Ahsrirrun boat and a Johnson 3 H P engi-ne " Fra^nk Kurth pnrehasedthls for the club after quite a bLt ef shopping around. The Officers and some of the tnrstees are out sollelting ads for thelr ad bood and the response hae been great so far. They wttl begi.n seLL- lng donar ads for $2.0O apiece, so any one lnterested in havfuig their nesrc i.ln prtnt contact Ken Betts, BiLL Gleouone Barbara Thacker or GaiI Johnson. The deadline on the ads is Jan. L5. CuLLorn Knoll r+-itl purchase a $25,00 ed wtth the lntent of thanking Mrs" Olark sn the behalf of the elub and eomln:Lty for makfurg it posslble for then to purelmee her lot adJolnlng the beactrhouseo Plans ere rrndez-*ay for sometime i-sl lLloun0 l{erry O;nstvnos anl,-lLpry J\I, *Vror Call 385-0e79 Fffi! Radio aTelevisiom SALES ATO SCRIINCE !3:16'H- Rircmida Dlic mt*lsl' lrnlfl Wn**y Cloriotmctt &nJ ct JJ*ury Tlnu, ffnn* 1327 N. Riverride Drive McHenry, lllinois#ffiffi K&$ffi&u ffiw-mmr