_/ SONS HOME ON I.EAVE : ft was a happy bo Liday this )'earfor Violet ano Ben Gates nhen thetr two sons cane home on leave for the holtdays. Bob wiLI report baek to San Diego for duty aboard ship and Glenn will return on Jan. I0 to tr'ort Knox, KY. TJN]TED CEREBPJL PAISY FUND DRI'\M. Mrs. John L. Boehml oresirlent of Unlted .Cerebral Palsy of HcHenry Corrntg has announced that the anrnra L fund dri.veror thts health ageney is seheduled on e county wLde basis for Jan. 9, and wiII be carried on for a two week perlod a good time to rcvietT your home insurance proteGtion ? Maybcyou'vsadded on toyour house. Or purchared new furnishings. Well then . . . take stock of things. And see to it that you'ra f ully covered. Call me now for the lull story about State Farm's safe.sensible home insur. tnce. (Comprehensive protection that can provide coverage in case of lawsuits.) lt's another good deal from State Farm. ROBERT r. COilWAY 3:tt5 W. Elm Slrrt ltcHrnry, lllinoir Phon 3ti5285 STATE TARM FIRT AI{O CASUALIY COMPANY H0ttlE 0fFlCi: EL00lrtlNGION tLLlt{0tS g I\I YE DRUG lanuary Uitamin Salel AYTINAL, Vitamins wifh Minerats, Regular $3.59 each, 2 boitles of tOO $3.69 SUPER GER,IATRIC TABLETS, ReEular $5.49 each, 2 botttes of 100 $I.49 OLAVITE-i/i, Vitamins and Minerals, Regular $6.95 each, 2 bottles of 100 $6.95 AYTI|IAL JR., Chewable Mulii-Vitamins, Regular $2.59 eacli, 2 botttes of tOO 92.59 OLA.VITOL SOLUTION, Multi.vifamins, pint STRESS FOR'IAULA VITAMINS, Especiplly for Hard Workerc, lOOt $6.9S SUPER AYTINAL TABLETS, power.packed Formula, 100's, 2 bottles for.., ...$5.99 VlTAIlitN C, Orange Flavor, Chewable, 250 mg, Regular $1.98 each, 2 bottles of IOO $l.gS AYTINAL, Chewahle Multi.Vitaminc, Tasty Lemon Flavor, Regular $2.79 each, 2 bottles of 100 $2.79 llorGMng.. r S&11 Grucn Stamps We guarantee the fairest price im town. IT'S OUR POIIGY HYE DNUGS tglS N. R.ivenidc Drivo Phone 88$4426 llcHcnry \t\