Brcoue cr rlar rnrrlrg mlxr P 'jiILY 1$, lg tt6 WAS THE S&I-]KIIIG FACILITY, TI{E ffr.oulrD $ 11 , ooo, ooo. DATE @. THE GRA$ID OPE$IIIIG tr'UO HENRY CUN.trTY'S MffiT hfffiffi^}T MC I{ESTRT STAIE BARK. TOTAI NEPGITS A? THIS ?fifE HERE f lrst mortgages. [Ie meatloned the in- creesed acttvtty of the Iastalknent Loan Department hcaded' by ylgs-Pregident Jaraes LarkLn. fhe stoekholdcr.s were advleed that aII totals, lne1u<ilng lncorne, wer€ at an all tlme htgh, -lt wes pol,nted out, horr- ilo'i,:cr, that $16rO0O of the bar,lkr6-6s1s- n tngs ras used to pay taxcs. 0f thlg (Story oontlnucd ar ror bank advcrtiscurent) PETER M. JUSTEN & SON 3007 lY. Elm Slrcol FUNERAL HOME 4;'i r&' j 'idi ,YrlE:1ar$- J.@ McHenry, lllinoir OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulance 385-0063 HANDY RESUSGITATOR ffi- ,' ;,", $ ;t w.. *