PUBLISHED EVERY TWO WEEKS ON WEDNESDAY Pictoriol Newsletter TEil CEilTS PER GOPY M {RCH I , 19 66 YOLII}'IE 10, iJo. 14 I'L&11'l STRITET, I,lC HEllRY, 1886 PICTORIAL REVIEW _ PAST AND PRESENT PICTORIAI.. NEWSLETTER Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 2100 p.m. Dailv Wednesdav: 9:C0 a.m. to 12 a.m. r(Dt! tDl c rl! tBlGt - ho,to tr&oa la l!!E. lulliltag o lrft ru lhlti rd Erydrr Irabor lrrd 0fft'oo Bulldtagl tall rtruoturo rar th€ ortglual Oltbort 8utldhg. Drlvrr ot t,r., lreot hrtorl .cet.d ou o1d gatr rrr c.E. craltar end sholl Kolrlcr, ead ou tbc -orrt 1r F.y.ttc Euton. Irr. B.E Bu.r lr rtaadlag at tho ooracr of thc f,trfi Bulldla8.ncrt, not liloattfrcd. rrr t bulldrng la rc ou right, ahorr tbo Gage Eourc, bullt li 1858, rad thc ocntcr of roolel eotlvlttcr 1[ th6 ;tdir. r8oor.. tircr rtght, trh. or,..t.ra Eot.I, .tlll tt.udlDt, rad aor <raod \r thr lcborr. (photo, oouricry nobcrtfiropr oa. ) ( hcv. publlrhcd ) t; iF{Tl* ffi Tffi