THE WORST USE THAT CAN BE 'NADE OF SUCCESS IS TO BOAST Or-Ir 37L7 W . John 5f r t and seconrl runner was Connie SaIIman, L5, daughter of and Mrs. DonaIC A. SaILman t 23LC N. Orehard Beaeh Rd. up Mf. KRIS CHEIINI L966 l.{ARil{E FESTTVAL QUEEN A surprised slfun, brown haired, blue eyed Kris Cheltni, L5, daughter of t{p. and Mrs. Ben A. Chelini, 9AZ N. ALlen Ave., MeHenry was erowned L966 t{arine Festival Queen by L955 Queen Miss Patti Gray at the V.F.W. clubhouse on Monday night, June L3. She was presented wlth a trophy from the Chamber of Commeree and a bouquet of roses and a charm brace- Iet from the Auxiliary V.F.W. Post h6OO, whieh sponsored the contest. Miss Chel- ini was chosen in a field of 20 candid- ates. tr'irst runnenrp hras Cindy Adams, IB, darrghter of lt'lr. and l{rs . Robert Adams, Ambulance 385-2400 RESCUE BREATHING EQUIPtllEilT Two-Way Radio Since 1936 ANDERSON TREE SERYICE Ed Reid Orvis Goad 385-2575 338-2598 Tree Surgery - Planting - RemovalSpraying - Stump Removal371I W. Maple Avenue McHenry, tllinois LET US HELP - IT'S HOUSECLEANING TIME We Refresh Slip Covers, Drapes - Everything! DAILY -7 a.m.-6 p.m. FRIDAY to 9 p.m. Rct land' o @eanntca, ?ac, 1208 N. Green Street McHenry, lllinois Phone 385-1712 Dispatched