1 frlANY TO,VIBSTONES ARE CARVED BY CHISELING IN TRAFFIC !h"y visited Gettysburg ancl stopped inBloomlngton, fndiana and vtsiteb with thelr friends Ray ancl lr{ary Sisco, who formerly lived ln Mcllerr3rr ft was a wonderful trlp ancl the girls throughly enjoyed the Capttol ancl nany other sights. While the Vycitalrs werein New Jersey their son Donald, who is a member of the Coast Guard, ".Lt*afrom Hawali to let them know he was r€- turning to the hospital for mj-nor surgery. He has been discharged from the hospiial- and. is dolng fine. He also had gooa nelrs for them he was advanced to Damage Controlman 2nd Class. He Ls anxious to see his brother John, Don still has two years duty at Barbers point, IlawaiinME}CIRIq], PABK BOARD PRESIDENT FRANK SARN0 ( at the microphone ) L00KS 0N AS COI,I},IAI{J.]ER CERNAN PFEPAF.ES TO INSPECT II$d SIGN (macle by R. Gn Howe, Parkray Products Co.r McHenry) I,IHICH i^/fLL CHANGE T}i.E NA]'{A OF }"IANOR PAF"K TO EUGE}rE A "0ERNAN PARK, Ilr H0N0R 0F TiiE ASTRONAUT. TIII VILLAII CTi' BELL",jO0D HAS ALSO RE- NA}MD PTTSCI{ECK RO,{N AS CERNAN DRIVE. A BESInEIIT, Ioiirs pAFpAS, HAS TIIRNEI) OITER A POTI\IT OF SIiOUND CN ST. C}IAF.LES ROAD AhiT },IAF.SHALL A\IE. WHERE A PERMANENT LANDIILAP,.K WILL BT ESTABLISHED 1}.i OOI.IM- Alij)llR Olifr.l\lAN t S HON0R. TiNDERGOES SiIF"GERY WiIIard Schr:.Ltz unden+ent snrgery l"fonday Jul"y I8, He was corrfined to ttre hospital two weeks prior to the operation, Many cheery cards and notes frora his friends and nel-ghbors wiII help in maklng a successful recovery. TTCITALIS R.ETIIF"N HO}M FF"OM VACATTON Harold and Henrietta Vycital and thelr two children Laurene and Dorene, took a two week vacation to see their son graduate from Deep Sea Dlvlng School ln Washington D,C. Ttrey stopped at BedforC, Ohio to visit the Austinrs thelr son Donaldfs inlaws, and from there they motored to Washington D.C. and stayed at Haroldts brothers home until after the graduatLon JuIy L. From ttrere they Journeyed to Johnrs horne in Beach Haven, Nerr Jersey and spent tfre hth of JuIy holiday there. 0n the way l:ome -BACIi R"O',^l: T. C. liYji, SllPT. 0F Pici{ENP.Y 3.-IHOOL. CI,T},IIION ,,"[qRTiN, 1^IAI,TEB CONTJAY. n{rTnnLE F"O'l"l: nR{}lCfS .:OTISLETT, lll{fl TI{0- 'tT,\S; JOI{N CO}'li,i{Y. F;?ONI F.01/'l: pOBERT KI{OY A},N EN NTCI(EI,S. (PICTITRE COTIRTESY (nris. ) ELLA ",0lloiraN rdALIflJp, tqrssroN, TrxAS. ) Tho tublisher wishes Robort fiobor, of tho ll,clionry Stato Bank who is oorl- f irred to tho liarvard iiospital a spoody ro oOVO fY r Also Robort Oonway Insuranoo vrho is oonf ined' to tho lioiionry Hospital a speody r€ covor[.o