PRESIDENT AI{D SECI]ETARY OF STATE PRAISE McCLORY FOR sERvrcE rN rNTER-PARLTAI,1ENTARI UNTON }GETING In the closing days of the ggtt Cong_ ress, two retters of distingulshed author- lhip arrived at the desk of CongressmenRobert MeCIory. Both eornnenrJed hj.m fortris service in the recent Inter-parllam- entary Union meetlng at Tehra.n. Hand de livered from the i.,,hite House on the raorning President Johnson enplanedfor his Asian visits, the presidentis message to Congressman McCIory stated:ttThe solidarity you dtspLayed in the faee of irresponsibLe attacks on your country and its poliey had a substantial inrpact on the rest of the participants. United States delegations have not always shown so nmch solidarity and toam work. As I understand tt, you made a reaL con_ trlbutation to this solid achlevement.rr I few day:s earlj-er, in a 1etter tothe l2th District Representativel Secre- ta.ry of State Dean P,usk eommented:rrl wish to express u{f appreciation for your valuable role as a member of our delegati-on at the reeent fnter- ParLiamentary Unlon conference in Re.elect VERNON W. KAYS Republican Candidate for COUilTY CtERl( OF McHENRy COUNTY Election Tuesday, November B, lg66 Your Support and Vote Will Be Appreciated Congressman Robert McGlory Working for you in Washington! A congressional leader, with a record of action and achieve- ment on behalf of the 12th district, the state and the nation Vote for Congressman McClory a great Republican on Tuesday, November 8 This ad sponsored by the Congressman McClory Campaign Committee, 602 N. Milw. Ave., Libertyville, f eL 362-7OL9 Elmer B. Vliet, Chairman &