r AUTO r0At{s# fu,,,,ffoufrFUlgEWleE F'inance your car for less...here! Yes, you can tcac ,norrc! on the over.all cort of your next car right bxc. . . where imncdirtc action, olearly.statcd termr, low bmh t.ter, budget easy payme nts, and inchuion of your initial car insurance premi rm (if dcdred) ipctl rccl ccottotny, ComeJn ,rou, end rcc! ' ' IITAIK-EP A DNIVE.IN WINDOWS OPEN Tf,.IDAY EVENINGS 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. I'NII?,. A\ID I'[tS. JOHN i,T. OLSON ARE RESIDING TN JOHNSBLTRC FOLLOI,Tj,TNG TFIEIR IqTEDDING OCT. B. TN ST" JOHN THI.] BAPTIST CATHOLIC CI{IiRCH. TT{EY H,*,YMO.NED IN NEhi Y,RK.'Im BH IDE IS TI{li F0RM, tR I'IARY IOU I,,i.qKrTSCH, DAIIGHTSB. 0F MR . AND IURS. GEnALn 'riAKT'ISCH CF J0HNSBTJRG. THB BFTDEGEOOI{ TS THE SOI{ OF' 'IO1B. AND }MS. l,ffl,T0N 0LS0N 0F MeiiltrNRY. f,IcHEt'IRY GARAGE leep Salcs and Service NICK P. ,rtlLLER, Owncr Phone 385-0403 9!16 N. Front Strcot McHcnry, lllinoir McHENRY STATE BANK "lVhere Family Money Matterst' PHONE 385-1040