v NATURE HANGS OUT A SIGN OF SIIYTPTICITY IN THE FACE OF A FOOI luTB. AI'In !,t?S . RO]IEFT GF,IFFfTH ARE RES_ fnINC 0l{ },TTLLSTDE,{1{ llR., Me}IEITIEY trOLL- O1^ITN3 A C ILTTrOFNTA HNNEY},IOON. FATF,TCTA scHtuIITT, lAliilrmR 0Tr n4R . Alil.) I!RS. LOIITS scHplTTT nrr r.,lcHEllF,y AllD l4R. r}RrFFrTI{, SON O.El "8. AND T-.!?S. J. E,OBEBT GRIFE'ITII OTJ' ZTO}I, I.,ER,E I.'[AqR,IEN OCT. L5 , rN ST. "'IApYrS CAlll{OLfC CHi-tlCF, McIIENF"y. CANDIES COSMETICS IOLET lTEtvtS PRESCRiPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green Slreet 385.4500 ACACTA },IASONIC NiIhTS CHTLNFENS CI{R"ISTI.{4S PAFTY Our f irst anrma L chi Ldrens Christmas party nil-I be held on Sunday Dee. 18 at ? z3O. This part-v is only for chlldren and grandehiLdren 6f llas on nembers up to L2 years o[d. Thts is a ehance for Crandoa to take his gra.nctehildren out. There will be a real live Santa Claus to Dass out gifts and a famous clown to oerf orm tricks. Tr{ovies wlII be shown and there wj.II be olenty of r€- freshments. Please rill out and return portj on on bottom of financlal report berore T.\ee. IO so we know how many are eominq. BRCTIIIRS NECEASEN T}TIS YEAR The rollowi-ng names are of Brothers r^'ho have passed away this year. They lle gone, but let their memory remai_n. P1ease out thelr names on youi Christm.as cird mailinq ltst. Their widous arLd- riesses may be found in your membership Shop for your Thanksgiving Dinner Supplies at BARBIAN BROS. GR0GERY and MARI(ET CENTRELLA FOOD PRODUCTS Quality Fresh Meats and Groceries Fresh Fruits and Vegetables _ Frozen Foods Mon. - Tues. . Thur. and Sat. g a.m. to 6 p.m, Wed. 8 to Noon - Fri. g to g _ Sun. 9 to Noon 385-0180 1323 N. R|VERS|DE _ McHENRy