tl WHENYOU'RE PUSHING.SIXTY, THAT'S REAttY TI{E SALVATTON AR}T Through its rfStars 6f Checrrr Christmas Camoaiqn, The Salvation Army in the Chteago area will brl-ng happiness to some lrL,OOO people who might othernrise be friend Less and f orgotten durl-ng thls Joyous season. Chrlstmas is the rnost widely celeb- rated hollday on the calendar. The Salvatlon Arny tries to see that no one ls left out. I{e}ping the unfortunate at Christmas has been a traditional serviee of The Salvation Arnry for more than a hurulred years. Familiar Christnas carols bring nern hopes to patlents rn hospltals and nursing homes vislted by The Salvation 1.*y. Through lts League of Mercy, TheSaLvation Army annually vlsits more than 3 rnilLton persons ln sone L0TOOO institutions across the eountry. Prisoners are twiee as Lonely at Christnas, esoeeially those who have ehildren. The Salvation Arrr;r gives them the ehanee to bridqe the rlistanee by sending a personzl gift to their young- sters. ,'%, ,rr.1 1, i ]l8w 'water wheel' mtl isturiz ing for c0]lstatlt humidified comforl West Bend's new Drum-filter Humidifier automatically replaces moisture . , . drained from your home or olfice by wintei to.restore comfort level. Silent, low.speed fan gently forces air through the constantly rotating "watei wheel" (watei- saturated foam filter on a drum). Gontrolled and filtered, the moist air flows out the top grills (adjustable to direct air at one, two or three angles) for whole-house humidification * prevents dry air damage, keeps you comfortable with less heat and more fresh, clean air. ffte Wesl Bend HvmidiJiet and Air Frerftensr olro laotwer r Er$I refilling through r Watcr lod lndicator gauge, large opcnlng at thc top. r lutomatlc end rc.r Speclrt, large crpacity ruct. fill indlcator llght, poof polyprodone rc*ndr. r Built.ln ruhmrtle humldlfit. Wan't chip, cracl or brcel. r Usrtl1;l rir clrcuhffon and Holdr 872 gellonr for con- dlrectlonel confol. tlnua$ nokturlzing ar{on. o Smart drcoptor *t llng, with new owoler wheel' moisfurizer decorator sryled for homc or off ico and ain fneshenclt' farhloncd lllc lim finili&ro. 69e5 LEEa RAY ELECTRIC (McHenry's Largest Appliance Store) l0O5 N. Front Sireet Telephone McHenry, lllinoir 3850882 _ FREE PARKING LOT -