1mm: 3 great a new: played be}: them ta which makes it ting. Seward lid!!!) for this muting will be ty new Sun- Vat " o’clock. Boys club this to organize n M w this Who In†pn- time Mt I BEACH moi w†Ht IM TO PATRON' OF THE CHICAGO NORTH SHORE AND HILWAU- KER RAILROAD: 5 Wattkeat Railroad hereby gives nodee tothe Public that it'hait+rithtlttr minds Commerce Commission of the State id Illinois, an application foe . tte,rtiileate of seoneenienee and need. sity to operate a motor which for the trartsportatim, of passengers, on: the 1°."O'in: routes, to wit: From a; S?itr of mama put, ttrtrtth a; _Vi1iatre of “mermaid. " Wait-cm Road to the City of Wuhan. In»!!! hon: the City of Highhnd‘ Park. The Chicago North Show and IP- North Shore Tyust ComlHny LACO motor oils wiieeep your car gut of M11“? pair shop. Mew parts can't wear wheh LAC? one are used. They lubricate under the mosigadveree on- ditions and are the best oils we know. ', t 'i,'" . _.; Plume H. P. 359 The' seal of apisrotd has been plaeed on' CO OILS and GASOLINE by the motoring "ij,issie. V us- amid of motor cars and trucks are opere+ed by' CO gasoline and LACO motor oils. i, ' , LACO gasoline takeiyou up thevhilljion hig it) a whizz and easiness that will surprise y F, and, _ E. B. FOXWORTH Phone H. P. 674 615 Deerfield Ave., Highland; NEW COCA T10 Jewelry k 1llt SCHNE 360 Central Avedite j Telephone 331 Witteeii Buildl, Sheridan Road and cm; welry Watches Ml Clot EYE GLASS 1tEPAliRmd, All lenses duplicated ":,, and work guaranteed .. ake County _ Oil Ci) Welcome All Acccs Checking and Sa‘ Make Real Estatel Quality and Service Guarattieed Genenil Building General buzldzng CONTRACTOR (ASmlInk) All parties L tg.g'tlli,, ' this pro, ceeding may L in ti . won as to time and plh of tiii! upon said application br' ddresa g thd Sect-e. tary of the In ois Cd rde Com.. mission at Spti ttfield, (tit 61L“ CHICAGO N TH " " AND MILWAQKEE rug oho ry By Bhltton I." u d,L I (Nod barn-(v4) Highland (Park, Moi: Punts, (tings l Aveni DE l this pro, Mon as r In said 'dt gm. nude Com- at, "ttti' l 10-1 l Two' teams, the Majestic: and the Highland Sweets of this city, (rolled last week, and the only scores tit land in the prin lists were the fusk 617 total of Tony Landon! and the 600 of Georgq Rudolph. The "dabble: mark madd by R. tlreens1adeittd T. Clark will get their entry ‘back. 1 _ As the bowlers are liéted " the doublet at 9 o'clock Sdridarmornintt, they will have tp leave early in the morning on a limited North Shut trtt1ralt-ortltr te make eonheetiqni "Duek Fins," the great baking game, iwilube put on two alle'ys‘ " the Majes c next week. The, mu ban rolled with the palm of theAatsd, is uned- i' , f ' . Next Sunday will tell the istin’y whether or not Highland ParkZbow‘l- era will land state honors thisiyear. More thtur20 men from this city will compete in the mm, doubles and sin- gles event; in the ma tourngment in Chicago. ' . _ _ 1 The Verdict _ The verdict returned by tin Jury was that Boss "eame to hiCdeath from exhaustion after becoming men- tally demand and wandering wound in tht wow: on the Swift habit, in Vernon township. Lake county, Ill., for an unknown number of days." _ the woods, where; persons, seldom passed and about it 'were evldences that the nian had entered some sud- den seizure or mental derandement and though not diabled had lost sense_ of direction the! had crawled backward and forward striving per- harm, in agony, for days to, reach succor. Portions of his clothing were in several places many rods apart and in the pocket of his khaki tgomr. ers was found his money, mounting to 8193,11. This and the fact that none of the numerous scratches and bruises on his facq arms and legs were sum- dent to douse (leash made it clear that there had been n foul play for rob. bery or other reason. ' Inquest mu' _ r The body' was taken to the Wenban undertaking parlors in Lake Forest, where an inquest was held by Coroner Taylor of Libertyville at 5 tr'eloqk Wednesday afternoon, before a jury composed of R., E. Wood, "foreman, Charles Fitzgerald, Fred Wenban, Aubrey Warren, H. L. Hamer and B. Van Amersfoort. Witnesses m J. Corr, who found the body; Theodore Boss,: brother of the dead man; Wil.. liam Sneddon," superintendent of the Swift' farm where Boss had worked, and John Tully, Jr., son of the men by whom Boss had frequently been employed. l e Dog Attempts Rescue " _" From the condition of the body it was belieVed the man had fought death for perhaps days, 'and a slight eoMrmatibn of this ‘beliefvwas seen in the testimony of William Sneddon, who reported that his wife had told him of the strange actions of their shepherd dog on the Thursday follow- ing the Tuesday on‘which Boss had left. The dog was apparently excited and would run off in the direction of the place where later the body was discovered, and while no particular attention was paiduo his actions " the time, Mrs. Sneddon remembered them in the light of later develop- ments. It is thought that Boss may; have still been alive at that time and that the dog was endeavorittg to bring him aid. . LOCAL BOWLERS IN STATE TOURNAMENT All the witnesses, testified that when; they last saw Boss he Was in good health and spirits, that he had never been ill nor had suffered any kind of attacks, as far as known, and none Irt them could account tor his death, except that probably be had suffered a, sudden seizure of some A search war muted I“ the. body was found by ohn Corr of Ars etett, who follow the eustorttir, route token by Bots toward :home. The body lay 120 rods from the and and far from guy dwelling, day in Boos, Who was a ‘arried “glided with two brothers, Tg','),', and John Bosh, in that trtitrhtiorhood, hid been pleating ehrubbery on the Shoddon farm and left than about 8 o’élock Tuesday autumn, " 1, I, r. It wed supposed he he taken “In! evening course _to o born when he was in the habit ofdisedintt harm and thence to the home at John Tully. Sc. whore he usually took his male, or to his_own home some distance farther. He was not missed until Tuned†of this week, when M. Tully went to the Boss home to get him to dit game work, " he had beep employed much of the ytnerin the last eight years by the, Tutbs. Then t, was dieeovmd that he had not bee at home; while his brothers had, thought he We: at the Tully farm. I T Bods, " farm la m, - found lam hue-day aftern on the End- don; farm of the , t ssstate,:smrttr. weqt of Lake Forest, where evid'enF 1y it hid rain, for sewn! days. with death, alone Iretiton town-hip, t Bods, 54, farm la g lat, hie-day aim don; farm of the , 1 Body Discovered 1 . Vernon Town: THE HIGHLAND PARK PM Inked and bath: Reach S ottingt Str ' with clothing tarrith, struggle the woods in mbodyotrl'nd nSwift Harm, Evidences} of 9F dd my PAUL -, c. P. GRANT Vice-President ", _ Vice-Mia‘s. ' Just received fine new line of wash dresses for spring. ‘ dug them 'are Tub Silks, Ginghams, Lineens, Tissue inghams, Ratines, Linens, Printed Silks and Shantungs. hi, are varied and styles willsuit all tastes. These are Epecially good dresses, wellimade :of excellent material e prices range from ' , a. v,' F - Wit bw in 'in bttl h) l: H. P. 110 Nst-cour Cinghims If special sale ofi rugs good col sea. j4'iiriiu: J1 by44in. .....JI 'byr54 my; m4 Fave a new and full line of the _us Nemo Corsets. Prices up La] sale on Fast-Color Gingham é ch33 wide; 30-cent valued at, , rar -- i ing Tom Sawjer brand; dikes year?; special 'prices-ri, if ",, ' Highland Park State Bank EW WASH Jacques blouses in silks, C " hines, Paisley Crepes ete. 3)l, f; spme garments and specially hysical Consolidation hildren's WashSuits .'» (i, We beg" to announce to the petrone of the bank and {to the general public, that the physical consolidation of ithe Highland Perk Trust; & Sayings Bank with the gHigh'lend Park State Bank has been completed and all libusiness is now being conducted in the banking room ot, ithe Highland Park StateBenk, pending the remodeling gof the bank building on' the corner of St. John't and ECentral Avenues, which will. be completed about Sept- ;iember last and which will then be used for the permanent jhome of the Consolidated Bank. Rag Rug? $7.50 to $12.75 N emo Comte $3.00 to $7 .95 New Blouses S.M. HASTINGS Chat-no! Board l ag Rugs: we‘ll Era for various _ _ [ I ---t1'af VT,T......s§.4;5 Sale was mnmuumm $5.75 to $25.00 at, Men’s Straw FREE-Y": New Njeckwear for men in at! 3 designs and colon that now. ular. tltr, stockto any from thear're) good. _ / Straw Hat Season is hem and we re 'ri,'.1'tt'attl'irhfl,tt',tt Weh [ a. gnaw ats in alttlte new 1ttt d sizetstyldrtarhsa,widerrhns , y r; classy and down (to the minute' Get; yours pow while stock is complete“ and range of l choice is Widen Prices-,- . . ' $1.50 to $6.50 , . , . / ' i' New Neckties .[ New lihe of Rip 1e . 40 . ies wide, fitr Wit, ','tt,.ittt line‘gthix colour eae goods tttll on 8 he street tor $3.50. [Our specinl pri , perya,rd-- q _---- "'i, Welate éome good tate in rem- nants ttttt Long tlm; White Gpodg/ Dress oods, Pm, Cur- tain mums, Silks, M Wash Goods) All greatly reduced in price. Bargains in Remnants Tf DRESSES ELM! Delivery PAC! um i Vpt and D? Ira Th t Pp, FE Lt !2,t