G love that mks y aenaatitutal novel hm makers loci-.- al Ink I o' $80,000. ffer you a se- t list of homes bland Park :in price from WATSON mission Trc; tax 3e mission 2%; ugh Ir' 13 and 14' Not Inc.) I Av'. some very de- vacant- which :0 increase in iarchase from we will fur- RI complete nd specifies. d help you to _ your new ms .11 Shows. mm of thrills hr ICA" S - S I XE The "s Greatest ' Values {Post Story land12 ASH DRE MOTORS C1 mes. Rightly 'riced. 384 Central Amue Partirular People" wetl 'phone 408 .ission Met' m53c Lloyd Sheldon I“; 19/) 'cat mus. Ova-t WHEELER l RAVINE , may.“ Pure, , . mi- WHEELER Quinn-I Put in. an . . me name a†Park. Ill. d delights Tel. B. P. l FARM um tar 3e .3" " Hows: Florence I-lusthn, Elisabeth': rthberg, raruzielle Pareto, Tool " hipa, Giacomo Lauri4Violpi, Joseph- br Lucchese, Morgan Kingston, Ar- E ml Tokatyan, Ina morskaya. Ma- , on Telva,‘ Giuseppe Dapise, Vicente allester. Margery Maxwell. Leon ' I thier. Virgillio Lazzart , Desire De-. y r' ere. Paola Ananian, Latin D'Angeio, . iordano Paltrinieri, grid others. Ar. , undo Agnini returns as stage diree- “ r and Gennaro ~Papi, Lmis Hassel- v‘ ans, Wilfred Pelletier, gand Giacomo 'glpailoni are the conductors. , First Weeks Prob-am . The following premium will be rt iven during the openink week: Sat- -rday evening, "La Tropriau"; San- Iray afternoon, orchestra program, . vening, "La Boheme"', Wednesday Sting, orchestra program; Tuesday .'vening, "La Bohome"; Wednesday t vening, "Lucia di Ltunmermoor"; i hursday afternoon, Children's pro-l tun, evening "Carmen'", Friday ' vening, "Mademe Bubtert1s"; Sat- T rdny afternoon. orchestra program, vening, "Mnnon"; and; Sunday aft- " rnoon, orchestra progihm, evening a ‘Lucia di Lammermoari" ',' Monday Night Concerts The policy of Monday night con- i ens given by the Chicago Symphony /'arrehestra will be continued at Ravinia 'during the coming sedson, and the Nst concert program will be offered Monday night, June 25; It is prob- ;able that two soloists will be heard " ioNDAY CONCERT ree' Concerts for Children on tl, this concert, Jnsepluine Lucchese, Ewpmnn. and Armand Takuu'an. tenor, Filming: been chosen. Both of these pimp-rs are new to Bimini“. Miss Iucchese comes from the San Carlo Opera Ctrttt- tpunf.’ a n d "W, " “cured a RT , pronounced 'Ln, i Pearl Theatre will present me 101- lowing program next Week: Sunday, "The Face on the Bdrroom Floor"; " Monday and Tuesday) Rupert Hugh- es' stirring dram. ofimotion picture life "Souls for Sale" [With a east in- cluding Eleanor Bdardman, Lew Cody, Mae Busch, Frank Mayo. Bar- i barn La Marr and Richard Dix; Wed- nesday and Thursday) Agnes Ayres [ in "Racing Hearts" ‘with Theodore. [ Roberts yJ,ti5"i,e,,r,f, Fix; Friday, J. j-J’arker Re preset! s. 1The Li†I Moment" by Jack Boyle; Saturday, l "A Little Child Shalt Lead Them," by Mr. "X." Matinee; at 2:30 Satur- l day. See program on back pagis of 5 this paper, I ' . i isation dur- ing its re- cent tour of Cuba. Mr. ian and made a decided impression at the Metropolitan list season. . Concerts for Children The free coneerts t6 be given on' Thursday afternoons tltr the children are among the important events of each season at Ravini'a. .Mrs. Marx Obemdorfer, who has, given explana- tory talks to the children for several seasons past, will cont ue this work, het talks being illustr ed with music played by the Chicagpiorchestra. with that MBER 16 Thursday Aftern First Week's, Pr Given Below yam is an NEXT WEEKS PROGRAM AT PEARL THEATRE 01.1) FASHIONED SOCIAL . AT LUTHERAN CHURCH An ice cream ts,td,wei,", be the at- traction next Thur evening, June an at the assembl room of the Evarteeliea1 church o ‘West Central avenue. P One' of t main features will be the “wintry ". which will be laden with all " novelties to please-ttoth young and ad. Every- SPECIAL FEATURES Thentre will iireeent the fol- ‘rognm next week: Sunday, tee on the Bdrroom Flforl'; L?! decided impression The artists who will be heard in the condue, torsareas the role NIGHTS a n u ditee- ' and LO F L SCHOOLS HOLD’ y CLOSING iiiiiiiiVsrs Ai' tasa' of twenty-nine pu ils will recq e their diploma, at e com- med ment of ‘the Elm Plac gram- ma school tomorrow evenin (Fri. day’ in the school auditoriu . _ ' Class of 1923 _ rge o. Bliss, ‘Fredgick P. Bo n. Jr., Pauline T. Bur l, Mar- like“ Mat] Jo ' 1323‘ Joy K _ Ma ' Loni Ro , Am Fra Fat ker, tun, _, 1reeriieid-shJeliy H. S. I S John Dunean-Oarke, editorial wr) r on the Chieasrit Post will give givi the address st,1i,1trt',1fi'1tt, at the co ncement .exemi$s of u e Deer- fiel Shields high school to: be held1 thii evening at Ravi ia Park. The list“ of graduates iii.)v'irr:,'; m8. The sal,tltat1ory will be de i'vered by Fred eri Russell Eggan} and the vale- dich ry by Emeline J y Tibbetts. I Pigment William It. Rea? of 'th bod d of education Will pr¢sent th diplomas. . P, Oak Terrace! School g ij, " Terrace school, Highw cl krd last evening.ithe graduatio [ ex teises being helcl in this schoo nu itorium at eight i'elock.i ' 'Beigediction _ __,....,.),-..). Gr, he following eighth guide pupil r ived their diplomas. ' / Class oti1923 l ' (Emu- Carlson, Gelesti l Crede E H ard Carley, Lu¢ille Gi be, Wil liatn Goodall, Esther! Hall me, Ear Hihdenberg, Gustaf Holm rg, Jqeo K line, F Lester Laegeler, Robert John Nicholson, Waldemar-i Oatran Htirbert Rohde, Ruth Rosluhd, Josep mix-y, Genevieve Watkinp, Loree _ ‘lson. I l §While the program of (vents h In t been arranged, it can! be stat ‘t t it will include plenty1of attra ti g of varied interest, I includi Ip"rade, baseball game, iiif, danci .8 d the usual aide shows Anoth future will be the openilig of t Iii permanent 'rxtfresh nt sta '16: ,ted ‘by the park boar , and (e cut that everybody wil be inte _l e ted in will be the iiving away pf i and new, four-door an, ful I . nipped. _ Say, Skinny;" tter eo l0. over.. i The Elks commi tee ale world l rd to make this lebra ion a "s I iss and ask the oper ion of , tizens in their iii?i'i, make t l of, the best da s of (he year ' ighland Park. 1 I ELKS TO CELEBRATE 1 v:" . INDEPENDENCE DA) Highland Park is to have 1a regular oli~fashioned Fourth of Ju‘y celebr ti n this year. The High and Par Elks will have charge, and they pla tot spare no effort that itl help anjke the celebration one o the mo s ' cessful ever held in this city. Cit 1:3 are warned to stay a home o I" ependence day if the-yr want t1 huge a real time. i _ 'i, Highland Park iCounci'; oyal Arcanum Will eel rty-sixth anniveIEvary oi ration of the orde with) unset Park on ednei 20th, commencing h twol v, -. _-_'"" , rty-sixth annive sary o the fo - ration of the orde with a picnic t unset Park on edne ay, J c 20th, commencing t two o'eloek. ' l. There will be g mes, ancing a d bl kinds of fun. Crack r jack, 'AY. mm and pop viil be in nicked f I o the youngster , sun wiches', '.e Team, coffee and hot otrs to e ownups at act 1 cos "Albe " ya, "no use fu ing ith bask u nd things, you w tl get all the e ts 'tou want for a ni kle or Itwo.†MANUFACTUF l NEXT v ; A manufactu rs dinnerwill iven next Wedne " ginning, J th in Witten ll. e proce f the dinner will benetl the pen out charity N of East Star. The dinner i in ch rge, of l Henry F. Clowha is u I this t pices of Campbell Chip O. E. 1 P"""" -ee _ . - As only 75 ca be ac ommoda d iutd as the tickets are " ing rapi ly in who expect to attend should r. thase ticket's incl . IOYAL 'ARCANUM H _ PI¢NIC. E ‘ight; H. P. Chandl Will Sneak E. Na rs diniervril1 " ewninxr J ll. 'the proce (benefl the per ERS €11?ng ED. VENI G "Albe " ith bask bs all the e bs ltwo.†I _ No. "t', ebrate s TAN. 3: JUNE to orrow h tte Th The above was read t the e mm of Elm lace School by Mrs. C. A. Winston at the foot of th Batt E on Central A enue this, morning at 9:00 o'clock and by Mrs. Arth r F. eld at the inia School at 9:30, High School at 10:15, and Line In Sch at 11:00.L L ' k a . aq _ _1A_- " A - ...... hum A ' n Amarimn DAILY BIBLE scrum TO OPEN ON JUNE ""iireGiiiGial und r the a' Revolution. AT PRESBYTERIAN] CHURi Is Non-Denomination l in C r) acter and All Chil ten of 4' Community, Ag 4 to 12. Are Invit , On Wednesday mornin , June M,', at 9:00 o'siloek, the Hi hland rlti Presbyterian Daily Vac tion his; School will open for regi tration ‘n‘dl its first session. The sch ol, whi itl is under the direction of he Pr y-l terian church, will be no -deno na-' tic-hail in character, Iand ll the il- (Iran of the community, f the es, 4 id 12, inclusive alre in ited all fond, regardless of dhnom nation atc filitstion. 5 _ All sessions of the ‘sc col wi be held in the Parish House f the _ go byterian church, and will meet f1vpt days a week from 9:30 to 11:30 i the morning. There wili be a regi tra- tion fee of $2.00 for ea h chil at- tending. The school,.wll clos on , Wednesday, August 1, wi h an e WI- tidn of the work which as bee air I complished. 7 l The 'curriculum will in lude tr ded [Bible study, minions, he liv of Igr’ent Christian leaders, traini in worship, the learning of nuns, mp' Iii, memory commit in c urch sip, [mind-work , and Jother expres ony' Lmirk’, the baking of po ters, -e rat- tter stories}? and dramat nation; in swtrk will le carefully grad ak- lmlnling to psycholo l pri is, a. /rhe school, in thd meth g u ahd pm curriculum, will Be e' is ih- ttrpduction for the. w k-day . ottt [which is tome opened in the fall ‘_' There will be three grades the Kindergarten, for' eh'ild n of l 5 years; the Primaryhfor those .6’j q and 8; and the Junior, p tho ; 9 1 (Continued on p e 12) . _ C, (Delivered on§Flag av, " 5:23P! par-chem of the Wttewi r, WM i, 1 11 1 Secretary of the Ink . y) L 1, il.. 1 HIGHLAND PA', ' This morniné. as I used i $23 me a mfémrdigl ssal 'teh 'ii it say: ' nuirniptr, r. a _ er "'l beg yéur pavdon Old GI tt ii 1 am not the ‘Pteside of th dud wngress, nor even a g eral in In!!! clerk." F 't 7 L ___ _. ". r “I greet‘you 'gain, r. F131 know you well. foo at the ma terday straighte ing o t the u Idaho, or perms: you found t in Oklahoma, orhelped to clear in New York, or pushe the arm or made that mine in " inois mt Soldier in Wyoming. o matte individuals-you may h ppen to Makér." F . words "Yesterday the, Pre ident tr future of 10,000,000 p ns in h on the flag tharrthe s numb: , to win the eortrelitb the thr "Yesterday the con regs 5P1 of Alaska; but a moth r in Mid into the night to give hetrboy the flag. A _ um “an. _ "Yesterday we mm e a new w to arevent financial ttht and yesterday, maybe, a s -hooltea er in hi0 ta fle his rat letters tout boy who will one day wri 1a gong that i I give cheer to the millions of our race. re are [muting the ag." . “But,†I said impa iently, " so ttat w re only working." Then came? grea "shout m t e lag: "The work that w do is t _ adding of t ttt "I am not the flag; not at V . [am hut-it aha w. p “I am whatever yo make ', nothing mo e, ' ' “I am your belief n you f, your' dream of what people may become. V V “I live in changin life, a e of moods a d passions. of heart- breaks and tired mus lea. _ F “Sometimes I em strong ith pride, wh n gnen do an honest work, fitting the rails gethe mly. ' "Sometimes I dr p, for t n purpose' ha gone from me, and cynically I play the c ward. . " "Sometimes I am cud, go sh and full of that ego that hints judgment. , . ' But always I am all that on hope to ' and have the cour- age to try for. "I am song and f r, stru le nnd ‘mnic nd ennobling hope. "l pm the day's ork o the wegkest n, and" the largest dream 'of the most d ring. _ V A L - . _. ,4 A; --F_- -- A A -L-‘n-‘n 2rnet Consti tion an e comb, sta makers, oldier and adnau t, drayrn’an ttt counaelor and clerk. 3 “I am the battle f yesbe t and the min “'I am the myste of the " who do wit! "I am the clutch f an ide sirsdthd team! tion you believe I can be. _ , I "I am what you ake me othing more. ‘ I, "I swing before ur eyes 3 a brifht ttl m of color, a symbol of yourself, the pictu ed sag ion o that is thing which nuke; this nation. My ate and at as are your d m andaour Ititt They are bright with cheer, b llimt with co rage, firm with tai , because you have ma e them out of your h arts. For you are the makers of the flag nd it is ell that you lory in the making." iir am no mordptin what was about to pa "Mikelrs dwithe Flag“ Course of Sto Br thé Late Old GI "Ff id, " an you mistaken of th dtegfisute not a member g oral in IrmV. t I only I government r. Fla Maker," riph' the so? voice. "I the me who w%rked i the ewe ter of yes- t the ld of hat " moi": homestead in found mistake in hat Indian contract to clear t; patent for 2rf,Y, inventor the op in of that n ditc in Manda, inois m i'.?.,?,, r tmm htie1httbthatiold o matte w ieh ver of these Whom ppen to. ,,-I give you greeting, Mr. Flag- I . on, w n the?!“ at pped me with these bident s kills Word th t made happier the one in tho; hint the act looms no larger irusrgle ion the boy i Georgia is making prize thi summer. ' T . grass sp e . weird whi h will open the door ' in Mi gun worked f omzsunrise until far her bo nedueation. She, too, is making istrong Flt-day . ark the fall _ grades the 'm of 4 5 those 6i' 7 mt, 19%,â€!!!th trar, ofthe De- ', Wag but . fh, _ Mr. lane,' TM ommimumAv, hum: it; was ‘u believe me tl, be, and I am all that ‘te d 'e,'therrurtr4r1mp"td, _lt,,1,iitti,otlt,idt folds I hen!!! Jin K. CONT$CIS LET FOR C IMPROVEMENTS sane-171m Ibsughters of the American. EXTEND WATER, SEWERS In Sun t Terrace Subdivision; Also n St. Johns Avenue; T tal Cost Close to ' $100,000.00 At the regular session of the city council I? iday evening, June B, con.- tracts we e let to Charles M. Porter ' Co. for e construction of I connect- ed syste of water mains and a can'- nected a tem of sanitary sewers in the Suns Terrace subdivision and for contract n of water main and uni- tary sew in St. Johns avenue. 0th- er impo nt business was taunted. On mo ion of Comrnt%riotter Cheney communi qtions and petition ‘relutin to the e nsion of the basin“: dig trict in ntral avenue were placed qits file and tion deferred until some fi. ture mee ing. F Bills f presentec $7,037 .87 T Rebuild Fire “be On mo ion of Commissioner Preston the/bid f Peter Pinch and Sons 00. was acce ted for the rebuilding of the America LaFramye fire engine, into a city " ice hook and ladder tragic. The bid was $3,600 and the ,cdntract wat' a ed accordingly. -.. . . On m ion of Commissioner Gourleil, the orde on. council passed Dee. iii" 1921. gr nting the North More lia'l pemissi n to tiiseuntitttte the “on " Laprel venue was: revoked, and thei compan to he notitUd to manly saidsto, r.).., - y, 0n m of Communion" Card thd cot ration counsel wad trtrtrtaettsd to Epm re an ordinince requiring prope owners makin-tfrets' for lin and grade; for. sidewalks they int nd to have txiturteuistq4 by pri- vate co met to min deriuit in each immnce suMeient topover Wt. int and indpection eets. thi 'iiotiin' " ( ntimsed onipm "t g 'ir' take of tomorrow. . tout knowing why. l ed purpose of resolu- Men and the statute- d street sweep. took, lithe month of May were and approved amounting to mMAcULNnrcoNcBP'noN _ (Mitt u _ athm.wrroNHi'rtmArY m tuiat ll Two'Shoit Plays to be, Phenom? a by School at Ram Park Tomorrow Eve. lSCUSSES HOTEL Tttk elpvénth mun! lemma- ment' ot “rd hummus 50mm: lobed w1r held Friday evening " ttts Tthsr in Park theatnA The 'l/gel',',; mando- two short Plan. Roll . " theamttrram. T WE'RE?!“ â€REFS? ' and Ghana: Gum 881mm: l iarirlt' Clinics Cm _ h'li SUMME EVE" t" _ j, “at: the r , or y, w- " 1) y a, and; Cstherhe 'sh'ltit, . n -... ..r.-. Kid Catherine m Hamid w... . --:e'ii-. bran (Hm I'tstti' 1 "'_, r 3:1. _:. a " .... f ' "tinny aiid gammy“ Arbutus "4.; .7..»..,;'-,Caiherine Bum Inmideqee i 4M.....L... lithium S _ Wi11uy-'rtiitiWispt, 1theen Elm. 1 . l, lowers. Fumes _ _ Intarmed _ and Pain", Grades Spiritof f Dawn... irinm Wttttahn , mind. was Adm Husk . "rmtAAr..N?.!9lr,t SOCIETY" i' i A “may ' E I Ohm Nell van M, irmiidtsst...c-..-. si-ii-dire,!',': 'ftttt Replica): at n, vice p Cs-.. {Alice Maiiton, Mm 'r".e.r.'.cf.U'i_iid-.l'.....r..-ali" mm m Isabel Supp. My -.._: . Beatrice (Manner. do: poet...'......'.. o..,.....,.'..,"......' mum. Walsh Olive Mere, pexiidpttt.ttaakatUt1 tetutt.-i..d,-.-,We Alice Carley Winifred ('Nmiey, steers-yt/er-.. Edith Jon. ' the'lm Wmâ€... T lil,-'.)-,'-';';'?:?,?, Ch _ lambda... Rose "iiiit' , at '. '0 Yaid .....,......;...2.um: but. O'Connor . 1%: about l, *‘Plucezi F P " istm'sfyetsooifoe l :Youutrbdiu ' Act 1.. ly Birthday Spread. Act It. Cone fuck later-Pe- ing Stage 'il?ttg1igi l ' Valedtctod-.. urRIiribettt Mind: gut-1110! Honor- 8 ior Class 9! 1928 ted Eliza t tr. Carley. Catherine iditttt Elisabeth M. O'Connor. Elisabeth p. papa; Khmer“. of was . Ivan Gi Q,',','), John O'Connell. Janet Brneirtnii,i' mm Culley. Cath- erine Get , Loretta Gmnnld. Elsi. 'i2,'2dt"ll',//,' Inch; Dorothy Mis Neil, Shuhen. Loretta sut- fen, An a Unlini, In, Ugollni. TRmrrt CHURCH T0 "PR, REV; CRANDALL The. v. Edwin J. Bend-ll. ex- ecntive I of the diocese at Chicago; .5: to ,pmeh. in Trinity church ong' Sunday morning, June 17th at elevexj o'cloek. Bis purpose in coming t to stimulate £11th In work ot lire church-t Inge and makeal portaattrhtrwtrtitmi- emttrihittbttts are being and. . are u ice aura ed to t join wind worship) l MRS. game; WILLIAMS _' means um ENE soo/ti' 1h Last' Thur-ally on His y Esteemed Woman; ( I Funeral Held Big ' d Park friends were 1 ed Gd Y ttridyed hut Thumb to hug t the-midâ€. death an: (inch Williams. gaughtor ttt I4 G." Yo; ll mm retired march!) mo ml nvenue. plug. William: feted 'M, en mack Thur-day no inc _ gin take to' the K Part pink» 'lldG'l2, poatiir Wu dd to aid het, but without I and dd} ensn'edr Lacie noon, due weâ€?! . i . n'rt. _ Ft, I l' sex-vied ware held " tl Yoe . _ Jte'tt â€mint; and.“ My taken to [he Arlington cell “TY. Irii nil, for, burial. _ Hui. Williams in†the wido.tr Col. Ro rt C.. Williams, "rho in min engagement' in the W wit. 1 , died in March. 1921,, musk. shunning" his a . ment 1'1 inspector; of the fedenli canny of Tem_,ln. William survi‘ 'by a [911.1% and dang ': Hm WW W .‘M. 'mutmrieitrdworrtasttte% an! esteem 1y A but of i re’ 'a, "ttlt' qt m of Irnic It’s hot ham who ' been "hipa"tttr 'in Jim 1/t 'aved relafivu. l l an: the v" was“ him? tobl .htqhem‘ 'sti6, ' ghe'lp tawdry“ ' ie , non! amok; the'imnIng T giants on than: mine: who' V low tail a t8at MM‘IIII" *mben ot'the congregation to be present " this new. cordial invitation is acad- public to be present and Q us in our Sunday min: Program .aiua tiliimttettrCisrhr Hart " a dual! not ,~ inur- tedinth'epr-ed.ea ' 'ethe >mum tith- uiaonUfanrotttte 'me" on. S. M. Hunting) ighltrrsd.hrt, Ill. V y Dear Mr. Hunt: ~op¢n [can has been Muyor Samuel M, Mas tttWt- ey Enact L. Mittnrd _ protroaition to eastaeu, , tttat- distriet tar the incl ' infilt- and other commm'nl The tter e’mphuixes the de! . of mm to the oeigistai Mm, - e my tt resident“! ' It Midi eonaidoeutitteuand iilltt'ef.te rob-bu "panama w. w '/r 'riiurGiGi,i"Gmikllttr. too6. ermyvievdthe ,illhtt,ett. nditaimpetetnnee,pe Met'".' ixedn-t,totheem t'l"8r madam» Lilli of» ntioaintuadyitthtq 1, - m.udiupnunu . oetrtrte maniacs. 9est!thHidt -c. l entofthp - ~ “H. mm nee-I, Hm qr Park j oineintrorslattoattmt' q has . oily than mt Mon. , _ . urvttuee 1110mm? - ; ttxmtadartthth. " I of ', ofcityveshlnbe.“ , - 'at 'iai.iiii.GriiFiilli, has and: in -- ,_ull [ hm problem: before Tities i must consular with fog ï¬ght r knowledge of modede f ' weimtoruidethegro h '.theestrp1 munity. It is out of 3191» to let Icky grow "mam, tet',' few intcmtl â€may, Iiliiiiir, u attired-cud“: llhtr1,et junnmununherof , " t -edettrrrumtin-e9. ! "E. bte,dndhnnb-utFt! . ' by Mr - - 'Oli, m parks and mutton a r have thought out with n n r future " well u the , att of ttii: in: Nosed†of Main: City att' a follow: city. 1neeneraiorthtuet,tht meat toetheatveittt; hunch-bum u smut!!!†a†f,gtt2tt, Pan, t unbound!“ 'cityofhonu. f Runny min on tto%oe-t-and it be quite a ended fine our activitie- td amrof can... into, atrains,tit,aatd lf attqr oituatimtiriBnatatmil' ttT,,"':',,,"'.".':,'," ed, in vhigh â€at isThetuttt. remin- ‘lts Mt _ 889W m'nmwhen “in! Witt ‘l-ldmooturelvontnm orntioutlt- “spun" Men â€500‘!!! immune,†um (tertmi,UM61 rimwvrmm tbetoomi .ieetr WWW“! _ PP' ir, -'i,1t,.t,2te,,'tt,2't 7; , Walla-dud 'J,". I sf Highlood Pork " to a ' . ttmn would Monte not! had M W. and tho ettneaeter the m lotioh change. I do not tho M was man would wait ' . of the and: whim “I " they think. Tempor- than vol situated irould do .0. In {and they might " well move use.†tt they wont simply I In nut-h without emuiderirtd _ blot coll?» petitiotrtUt would n50. . , petitionthtvould’w I -. can: It is the duty or may and: todirectmeoum. ‘ it'll“! when you but“: 'm‘ . think to be tt Ate . and in moor m2 All' 1awrndotttmi. ht ch " . a the public to in ~ . ’1 tothedtution.tnd1fllqdo:. they will walla but: r serious dr- vergeno'e inrpcldblli ‘ td (“at growth ls eoadpmtht ', The we ml public seminal! F, I think. in: strongly nut-stun 'q Ate, of an bushel: district for, ' n. which ,etitfnevttatstr w to f >M 'to enlarge its tttmmM u, plant‘s after tauefu1 study and 1-- -- 'dtntiole formpurpgoel. A†.-., big a will come next. mantle! in not tubular a luv Pi 'rrxtdit by; than. -tiut whether tt comm welt“: when p " , by their a. elation and by thi ' axiom of the min: luv, T _ a SOBEY 1l't,Nfl,iteg , . HAVE N A110" thu; denuSnburb tinâ€. Ru tnueottmiei)re- BestreetNitr . a 'g1ttg',1t-'iua,as, Them and“ 'tder-rr' t?i"r)?il brain {antiwar win-nu: pm drift.“ 2lted iii? 35.?