ht Fri] il " M f Doris krehr will dntertain a mum ber of her little 'lri ads at I party, I Thursday June 14. i . Mm. Winfield Til Elli: of La Grunge passed 'GrG,liiitiiradd, eve- ning " the Hinadnle Shnitarimn nfter . short illness of pne his, and was .buried Saturday aftet oon " the Oak 'Ridge cemetery. Mr, . Ellis wu " your: old and w“ the youngest child of Job and Emma Galloway, and was born on the old Gulldvuy' homestead, ' south of Deerfield, how known as _ Middle Bunch Farm) on the County ' Line road. Her brot r, JimelGello- my, is the only wt ine member of that family. Mrs. llis is survived by husband, and f T none, Joel, 'ank. Winfield endllarry. Mien Dorothy Reichelt. returned from the University M Illinois Tues- day for I short vmtton and we: se- xompanied by Mia Louise Millhouae of (Edens, Illinois. 3011 Wednesday Mine Reiehele entertained " a luncheon and bridge party, in com- pliment to Miss Militsouse. The out of town guests, who. ire all student: It the U. of I. are Misses Rosalind Hadley and Marion Warren of Irving Park, Miss Kathryn Beak of Wood- lawn, Miss Gertrud Olin of Wil- mette, Misses Charlotte Fletcher and Marie Green of La Grange and Miss .Emily Lane of Western Springs. On Thursday, Miss 'Dorothy Reich- elt went to Dekaltt to, spend the week-end with Miss Clair Lyon, who graduated from the Dekalb normal nachool with her, several years ago. After a two weeks vacation Miss Reichelt will return to the University of Illinois to take a summer course. _ Mrs. Ray Hummel and daughter, Imogene. have returned from Vir- ginia, where they weie called several weeks ago because of the death of Mrs. Hummel’s mother. Mrs. Arthur _ M. Kiest and two children spent the 'week-end with Mrs. kiest's mother, Mrs. Frank Mit- chell of Area. Mrs. Robert E. Pektis was hostess to the Young Matrims Wednesday {afternoon Mrs. Archibald Aber- cromby of Highland Park was an out of town guest also Mrs. Carl Rommel of Buffalo, New York. J. A. Reichelt, Jr., attended a re- union of Denison university men in Chicago, on Saturday, on their way from the west to Granville, Ohio, for the anniversary celehtrations, at com- mencement time. 1* Samuel Hole of Lexington, Kim- tucky, spent Thursday and Friday with' his mother, Mri L. C. Hole. The Deerfield Meni,s, club will hold its first annual stag and buffet dinner Thursday evening, Jizne H. at the Green Tree Inn at'Everett. They have arranged for interesting speak- ers and' music. . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Blaine and daughter, Shirley, spent last week in Burlington, Iowa. Mrs. Carl Rommel (Ileene Kent) and two small daughters of Buftnlo, New York, are visiting at the Phillip Rommel homé. Rrs. Rommel is a former teacher in the Deerfield grammar school. Mrs. S.-M. Goode) and two chil- dren. Robbie and Marilyn. attended the birthday party of: little Billy Kid- well, Saturday, at the home of Mrs. .Gooder's sister, Mrs; R. E. Kidwell of Chicago. ' Reverend M. L. Thomas was a speaker at the memorial services of the Odd Fellow in Highland Park, Tuesday evening. He is also I noon- day out-door speaker for the Chicago federation in the open court. 19 South LaSalle street, Thursday. The young couple imotored to Alle- gan. Michigan, for their honeymoon, and are visiting Mr.; Litdstbody's un- ele, J. King. They will reside in Li- bertyville and Mrs., Lightbody will teaeh.departmental iork in the four upper grades of theiDeerfield school next year. Children's Day was observed Sun- day in the Evangelicjal church. .Mrs. Martha ‘Kin’der entertained the Friendship Bible class of the Evangeliéal church. 'at the home of Mrs. Albert Hagi, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Kist, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell LaVelle have gone to their summeu home' in Water- vliét,. Michigan, fur the month of June. Miss Josephine Woodman ac- companied them, and will remain with them for tein dalys. Miss Eva Williams of Libertyville, who is a member of the Deerfield grammar school, tawny, was mar- ried last Wedne$day afternoon} to Walter Lightbody of Libertyville. The ceremony was performed at the! Libertyville Methodiht parsonage by" Reverend C. J. Dickey. Miss Rub,†Williams, g sister (if the bride and: Frank Lighthody, ai, brother of the; groom were the 'attendants ML; Lightbody is in thei employ of the Chicago Tribune and spent the past! year in Paris, France, on business fotl, the. company. I I Miss Nellie Schneider underwent an operation for npfendicitis at the Presbyterian hospita ' Chicago. The Christian Endeavor sOciety of the Evangelical chur¢h will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. George Deck, Friday, evening. The quarterly coriferenee meeting' of the Evangelical church will be held Saturday evening, with Reveyend J. G. Ellerr. of Napérvme, the presiding elder,.in charge, follbwed by commu- nion services on Sunday. Mrs. C. P. Tibbett of Lake Forest gave' a report of thd world's conven- tion of the W. C. THU. of which she is county president, Lt a union meet- ing of the local clmrches at the Evangelical church. g Music was fur- nished by the Deernieid orchestra. Gl Ft'ii.'ikgv'..F'2'! . 11:: {Many rtrrvatIoii ore intun e . y North Bhorei pie to spend t r unions " m min Lodge, ,1 hique summer? gol resort " anon Junction, Ia., 26 milttrw t of Kenosha. The pulti ty of N ‘ gawk among 'lt/t Sb waldo ts mawbeboanqeofi ideal! - Hon, which rrntthr:rt uni am le i) d yet occluded than city. j (' Nippenink Led†com ritra, troh' e acres located in the f out‘nou h., Pin Wisconsin Into regio , can" - g‘ssible by good roads that GM .-W. R. R. Davies. .i),ttr the "jst atop on the rundown Special. e C',, One of the big tutu of Itth a nk is its 18-11010 golf co me, saidgto g one of the an»: inithe mama West. The course covers ia' acre 30f rolling ground with na ml hazav tr Sailing for all the skill the tra J The course is open to play at real" acne“ ertiee. From stand“ D natural chum, this t of km erharm rivaled by none i its vicin: ‘IPPERSINK none? ', EXCELLENT RWW, Ni min Lodge, " " , gol resort t n, ir., 26 milesvw t The pulti ty of N ‘ {Nag Sh maids ts 'edmie of i ideal l - them east acceui le dd than city. j Lodge com rises 30' e ad in the f out‘nou h.. Iakq "ttio , easily - od roads {apt c," THE RAE]? Yong; VISITED THIS UNI] UE "tTvs" OFFICE? I i A icharming‘i bungalow. Pict- ures lot the p 1m room, lounge, lobb , recept' n courts, dining r00 ' typical suites and cham- berm! Floor p ns and furniture lnyoqm from kid) you may se- lect [your up rtment. Call to- Ingo; lect day! a?! of Nippri- me, saidgto ‘the making ‘15!) "resliot g Malte gram-8} happiness, comfort, safety! and se ated Fmid stately elms and verd nt par! dows _mssure an abundance of ligh and ai Whevii winter's bliizards roar, t ree hu venti , tion guarantee cozy Wan th and of pure, fresh 'air. During summ r's heat will (upply cooling draughts. E my ape ning ce wttter---triple filtered-e ystal et ‘S Elected with uimost care, the. wick: ation of admiration from LN- The bunge, lobby, reception mu: 5, Facet and hue. Evtnston Int 3 is OR RIN GT o ORRINGTON In ndditidn ‘to m, f may _ all popular sports and provi ed, mri in- eludind trap thtiotintr 'and die horses. Lakes To bean nd B iet furnish excellent gaining, buthin and boating. A playgrmnd ip ith open nit tiymnyiiuhri ppara is maintained for an child n. , .In epnneetioh th t spa all the conveniences o , con trydli ne found in the and u: clu hottad ver- looking Lake Tom! u. Here h pro- vided locker many a owcr ', tbs. smoking rooms, ladics’ _ mo and lockers, and a lnrtR'lou ge. '-, I green- fees, or data}: fnembewpa may be chained, l, ', A T ' Guestspf Nipsmntir.tlr re ac l dated in either tht new 0400 haven, a perfectly up inter! with rooms single or ens‘ ite, wi and shower hatipvor pri ate co of various sizes hivi,ntr nning electric light, and “teen d po Several people who ave _ ' up toNippersink this'soaso to p j golf say it is the moat comp etc re il of any in this part of the aunt . i The kids find trouble n exp (suing their ideas in the Fehool leclam dons, but they encounter no dittten1it at home while speaking the famou ieee entitled, "Gimme authin t' on _ . m menus!) P} iiti DNL! will be 3 tr home I 5 ma home TI ele- and seHice, beautiful y situ- mt par ays. Scores f win L and ai or way apt. tment. hree hu boilers and forded th audit: minnows ei ulation Ir's haunt e ventilation system fur mos pain! " ings will bi astidious hop , room, private DR] {a ntinuous cine it e ventilation, irlrmentsill hat tl CALLS YOU TO A NEW gate], L tub ter, EVANS Servi ac held in this church every 8 nday morning at 10:45, Sun any 1c meets at twelve o'etoek. and isro ntopupil. tsptoth.eogbof 20 yea . The Wednesday evening meeting which includes tugimo‘uiu Man," Wed meetin: Sub for men‘SundIy’a Len Scrm n; "God the Pretend"; of KEN GTON (TON ‘ing an sewife. dining With the first tuoi of li quarters three st parkway, with ballrodms. _ f garden, louIiges, p and fireproof, The Owing is indeed the ho a better, happier Mnie for u and yours.'; In the kitehenx who1esoi e, tempting {pod w 1 be preps with the some cart " in a, ivate home by chef who have ready won their laurel: a 'whoee instttrctlo are not I chea'p but how amt. There ill beisass suits, f t of refrig ation, seientifieally arranged or the proper pure 0 foodstuffs , Piety' now to treat your: to this enjojable c big advantage of 22)minu tram'portatifn to rentals are moderate, _ rooms. solarium. billiqrd r ,' etc, will a this feeling of the moist m itieent home ILLINOIS ind .h": i,,.',,,-,,)',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,-,,,)'.,,,;,.: The: l, inched-mu! ow jut-commi- out good? ' poop]. how to void v- in! lot of good gtrla, T that! ' V opinion. at not so my a""1 iLiig Battery land Electric '_,', r] A on he of Willow Automobile Radio Storage __'; i- "or. and ffrRent ALL trmm MAKES acumen!) AND 1 ' (inst; a Full Lihe iieiAiiii'iiiii,i Pam and Ace , §. WD 11 1 ste ctrtmo Avenue éRaaio Outfit Aglwaytin Operation, Coie in and s ( r" Lia n to it . z tharus, R. McClure, P i etc, will alt, be fu For our convenience the renting Mee is open from 9 n, m. u til 9 p. m. daily in- cluding ndnrs. To make sure af acco odations for Sept. m, reservnti us should be nfade at once. G t list includes dineat families f North Shore. Call today or send for 1itamture. C',,,':,'),,):.,',',, INCLUDING SEND S AND EVENINGS Teier4one Evan-ton 8700 I'nished to give ) HOME huge and the Rh. pity. The uries above the orntttade, em, ' dt homes-- l be prepared who have " are not how st of refriger- maria 'l KL Ff