ility compan se of this pla relations on l of mutual uni e, to the tang ublic may be 3 employes an4i' [South St. Johns Aren RTHY thawed r... manna Parirlt M Any Tine itrhiand Park. 1111* LIVER THEM b_otairtO orietor od Clean sed Poultry 1‘ eame nits may be left RGARIN 11:10 at +aatill I Ahar, croR ll Preeidem . One of the business methods in- iroducod by the presént administra- 'Ition in daily operation of the federal Jrovermttent for the purpose of saving oney is the simple, time-honored practice of promptly paying bills in order to take advantage of discounts attltrereil, A recent report of the ,war l' department to Directbr Lord of, the budget. bureau show/that under the Present administration it is discount- ng 99.51 per cent of all bills which permit of a discount. By this prac- 'r -- ' _ . I z: , . _ TVAR DEPARTMENT IS 'tice the war departmentdj‘has savtd ', , T r , 151,019 during the first 'n mom ‘5 i DISLOL NTING BILLSNf the present fiscal yeat. At tti I ----r--- â€brat report of the departriient to t e 'Makes Perfect Record in Matter;mixï¬twe::rtï¬fgamfngntimid n . ., ' ' ' tong - of Ecoeom? Effort, Accord- hut the United States only 250 d: mg to Report , paid bills over 30 days old,' , ii, [ A I i SU? Admission: Adults 27c; War tax Children under 12: 13c; war tat A quiet-action romantic story of adventure in which the destinies of a nation,) a man and a woman rested uion an amazing masquerade. é; If you are for better pictures drop in and see this one. I),, Chas. A. Stevens will place;, on sale over 100 pure bred and high glade reg- istered milk goats, including a' tine se- lection of pure bred bucks and does in mature animals and kids of the famous Toggenburg breed. Also a fpw ultra choice Nubians. i, Registered Every animal will have a priie (a pla- card or tag) placed upon it about 10 a. m. About 2:30 p.m. all not solid at pri- 'rate sale will be withdrawn anti sold at auction to the highest bidder;' without reserve. g ANOTHER MAN’S SHOPS INDAY, JUNE 24 6:30 pin. Have pure and better milk ipr your children'. Many homd' are so situated that l, but not a cow. In ten years the milk goat willibe to t e milk industry what tt Herbert Rawlinson ADMISSION Adu1ta27e,Wartax8e Fox News fniversal Comedy THE MEMORIAL) Gross Point Road andiHarrison St., Evantrtot), Ill. Chicago Office, 701-4 Marquette Building. Tei, At the Northern boundiry of Chicago there is Slanted l PARK. Ita founders eiuld not have mseuied a bore unit upon which to establish i cemetery that will for ill times those who have gone betltre. With the comfortallle oMee chapel, beautiful front ptrk, located on the highest part of lined Walks and boulevatds, jewel like lake, theiabundatr trees, it is unequalled in iu quiet dignity and beenâ€. , All lots are sold with full Perpetual Care. qonneAted with; the largest perpetual ear) funds on deposit with a htrong i, under a. Trust Agreement which keeps the fimds _'invioua1i absolutely guaranteed. / 1 . i ENTRAL CEMETERY co. qgiF' ILLINOIS st, giving the registered names and I from which you can! calculate tht a; ction. This list is new in preparation in Auction The Beatitiful North Shore Cemetery l NON SECTARIAN '; 1 sd: J. BUCKLEY, Local Repiesentati Highland Park, Illinois I I Address Chas. H One of the Most Di cult ;i Their Problems; b'inolirs, i Are Evidened . DEL How can artist's express It is one of the most dil Lems with which they have Se ow ARTISTS CAN ', , EXPRESS MofEsniDtr1 ON Saturday CHARLES A. s - your children! Marty homd' are so situated that hey conrettitnrly. keep a goat; a the milk goat will *be to t e milk industry what t e Ford is to the autbmobile industry MILK GOAT IS “Emmi INSTRANCE FOR YOUR YOllNGSTE s i t , ' , t , t l names and numbers or all theie animals, showing also the sire a d dam, with their register numbers, alr-ulate the age, with the Iy.,i/je..t, which each animal Will?" be pla d on private Lsale for three hours in preparation and will he readyvrfor mailing hyitthe time you1read th advertisement. Write for it today. Sale of Pure? all enjoy movement ma! Care. Connecfted witthemorial Park is one.of on deposit with a 'rtronsr Timur, Company of Chicago I keeps the funds inviolablé. Full perpetual care is MONDAY, JUNE 2 TUES., JUNE 26 Admission: Adipts 2Te Children under jr. 18e and splendor) A cinema] of s; _ , _ ' _ A. Stevens, Persional, 25 Nohh State Street,gChicago Tuesday-Pit) xComedy Monday-Path-e 11-day, Jude 30, 1 23, at Delavan Lake; , A. STEVENS' Sum er Home-North Shore of} Many of! you "110 read this have sought recently tge buy these kids or goats and have en told thit none 1 would be sold until; the day of ghe sale, l, The reasbn:'was )hat we did nht want to sell the kids awai from their mothers, nor the dots awayffrom the kids, until the kids we're old inough to be reparat- ed. , _. l, Even at this lat will be obliged to their kids. By Edmimd Gd, A Tiffany Proq of Pure,) Bred ,ntl HigHj-Grade- MILK (if)? ATS 'day, June 30, 13923, at Delavan Lake," Wis. j A. STEVENS" Sumfner Home-North Shore of Lake _ JAZZMANiA Mae located ll beautiful MEMORIAL bore amiable expanse of ground, ill timesire a beautiful home for Pie oftlee {building the matrnlfieent ' part of,'Cook County, its f1osirer ‘abundané shmbbery and various xovomo 7 ult:pr lr." to canto d. Marni in maxim Telephone 1587 EPARK , 7:30 p.m. : 7:30 pm. i WEI! tax 8e ,1 war tax 2c iuetion iLAKE FOREIST. ILLINOIS EReview /neopation ) date of Juni, 30 we 'sell a few does with ulding l "rel. Evanston4266 i. Central 8330 stands still, from the bus ant the revolving earth. Who d s not ove to be projected through s ace at ighl, speed. Look at the num r arr ted' for speeding! And we ve th mo- tion picture. One grea featu ‘of this industry is that, it is not a we- ment in art, but arti move ent. Some of the wizards o the s een give us the beautifull ndsea of an Inness, or a Cabot, or a" Hob mo, and not only do they tie that but they give us Inness, an Corot and Hobbemu in motion. td h .-Can a painter express moxement? [ It is interesting to tt ha the master-painters attack his pro lem. In the Inness gallery at the A In- stitute there is a pitture lied "Threatening." A inanl stands Aut- side of a low shed inonchal tidy watching the sky. T Off n the 'ddle distance the houses irf a to lure WED., JIUNEI p7 -.7=30i Admissio :Ad 27erwar Children nder :13c;‘war k. dr ma lthe price)) that beauty) iroug f on Gettin. A GéorgeJKibb _ urnerSathrday Evenin Post erial. ', KatherinH Macdpnald e,’ Wis." " i, rf; Lake ' 1 , _ If i crested in' starting a herd , or Iilk. Goats don’t tail to E atte this sale ind secure the l righ kind of Foundation Stock , Offici registration certificate and pedigre furnished 'with every animal. pm? p epared to pay for the animals fill buy me} take thermaway with you. on can very conveniently carry several df them in a small cir---they like auto- obile ii/ding. Also ithrmedy the ove jgh lied r , I I w ’ ic mat.U, PARK. mums ,barely diskernible through the on- looming in 5593 of rain-clouds. You l feel that t e clouds! are in motion and you also f I that they are heavy with irain. It s a masterpiece in sing? 3 gested m I ement. And you know ‘that the monehalanoe of the man it Educ to the fact that he can run for [shelter in the_wink of an eye, and (that' if he oes not, in a few minutes ', he'll be as wet as a drowned rat. '; lULDERS GRAND Thirteen mated; Al The La e county grand jury last week rettr' ned 11 true bills, out of 18 cases under investigation. ' The indictments are against Ray- mond hIill and Herbert Washburn, Waukeghm young men charged with robbing thee site of the Waukegan Lumber company last Friday night, and who the police declare have curi- fessed to qther recent local "jobs." f Sven Hainnu' residing west of Watt- kegan is tharged with assault with a deadly Weapon. It is charged his machine struck Paul Sprindlis, Tenth street youth, seriously injuring him, and that AHannua then sped away leaving sqrindlis helpless. CharlesWarry O'Keefe, Waukegan young min, charged with havi g drawn a orthless check for $15 82d havimrWillianr J. Sackman cash it. Morris Gordon, Chicago, charged with opestintran automobile in a reckless manner. which resulted, it is alleged, in injury to seven.pei‘- sons. Gordon is named on two coimts. \l i F N . l (Appearing before the supervisor 111Plct'r"."i ?'f"".CE iw‘th regard u', the $20,000 app Public Nptice '1.- hereby given that pdiation for the memorial to the e the s..eyt.tiribe.r, Executrix of the 'r. viee_men of Lake county, whie Last Wilt and T,estameht of William 'lt' been erected at Victory Memori Arnswald deceased, will attend, the l h spits], Judge Claire C. Edwards ii Prohate 'ai',','; olf take-COMW- It a l f med ‘the member. of die. boar' term thereof td holden at t tett room' in t e new $800,; Court House in Waukegan, in said h spits] have beeii e nipped for. V County, all the first Monday of Sept., u of ,ex-wrvice n of the con next, 192$. when and where all pa“ ltd and their families nd that . 1 sons having claims astainst said a- ', iris would be held to! give them a tale are nytifled and requested to pre- lc' l rates. Judge Edwnrds st? sent the same to said Court for ati-lt t-tMy would be taken care of judication'. _ - -si.---tw-..ri' l If th? usual rates, and' that. E. F Cam, Atty, , , MINNIE ARNSWALD/ 'i' _. ‘ Execntrix 4uukesiian, m., June 18, 1923. _lillfiiril E JrrT_'jrtlE,; chie,t',iiy,ey", JURY RETURNS "EVEN, TRUE BILLS d Other, Crimes Cases Were Inyestic Rdbberies. Assaults THURS., JUNE 28 7 :30 pan. FRIDAY, JUNE 29 7:30 pan. Admission: Adams sal, war tax 8e Children pride:- 12: Itt;war, tax 2c Thomas Meiglum; Gertrude A new kind of 'Erole you’ll love him in. A rich man's son _dmxrn and out, 30%ally, finarr. cially,hope1e 'plji. hen up and over the top sucgess, respec- tability and appihess. It's Rex Beach's greatgst story. THE Mi'IiIt,.I)0Anilg, Astotautd Lila Lee ' " horn. amine] Also Metro Comedy 17-19 A fete ears ago a trip to Alaska} lwas regarded as separating a Ir..ytl ‘eler farther from civilisation than ti) trip' to South Africa, South America, or Asia. This Was due largely to the fact that: there was no communica- tion between Alaska and the outside world exwpt by means of boat. The distance trom Alaska to Seattle is ap- proximately 1,000 miles and the schedule bf boats was very. irregular and,' uncertain. a n In eh With Washington 1 When resident Harding, accom- {partied b some of his cabinet and gothers of) the party, make their trip ito j1iatriui. thistummer, they will be i in as close touch with the government int Vashihgtqn as the president was ilwhtn he was on his trip to Florida. ‘Thils is largely due to the develop- l‘ment af the radio. All existing facil- "atiei for telegraph and radio commu- nicxtitm in Alaska are government owned. i .. ' ' RADIO 'ro CONNECT ALASKA WITH WORLD WHEN PRESIDENT VISITS Navy Maintains Nine Stations Along Coast and Others In Interior Will Be " Available 5 tiine Navy Station 'the navy maintains nine radio ata- tio 8 along the coast of Alaska. These sta ions ire wry powerful and main- taint contact directly with large ra- dio! statitlns situated in the United S s. . he army maintains radio sta ions ’hroughout Alaska, having a sta ion located ' at approximately ev y 20b miles along the lines of tram] and telegraph wire systems. The iriitipal army radio stations are situatéd int such isolated but strato- gical oihta " Fort Egbert, on the Candi)? Alaska border; Fort Yu- kon, wi in , the Arctic Circle; Nome, on Sewaid Peninsula separating Ber- ind Seagfrom the Artie Ocean; St. Michael,: on Norton Sound; Holy Cross, mi the Yukon River; and Me- Griath on the Kuakokwin River. i; ', :Telecraph System f i In addition the army has a tale-i igriiph wire system reaching from iCoi-dova ion thi Gulf of Alaska nort "ty'iF'airbtriks, thence east throughou ithe' country to Fort Gibbons, then i,tt,?e,iii1,1t,s'i'o,r; In addition to thir, t government's railroad has a telegrap isystem. in addition to communion 'tidn from Alaska to the United Sta es by radiouthere is one cable. The facilities: are tmfBeient to enable ta president and his party to keep hi ,intimawtouch with the seat-of trovn' ‘ernment‘ at Washington throughout; his Alaskan journey. ‘e ROOMS IN HOSPITAL 'm EX-SERVICE MEN Ten of Them Provided by Thi j County in the Memorial t Institution F uipmq'nt is as 5m as any in mm Stun, that-egbz'imz no hasp Is in iChicago that-are able to (i tar twice. -‘ in SAT.,|JUNE30 FF 7; Adlai ionPdu1tts 27mm Ite Child nunder12: Hum Se A sitory of 1848 when i- ' fornii was ceded to the hit: ed S tea. h CALIFORNIA It 'iiirfriiiil The trend of trrowi 12:) gaimrt government out 'Ihip a operation of public new is fan " the testimony recent p in the testimony meant] (before the Mundane“- ljoint committee on pom (which is making (study Hem. , E. W. Burnstead, up nting a Massachusetts Civic Alli ' appear ing before the eordmi ,Irr . the hilure of public . i operation in the follovi um: "A move for govern humbly means not only that F shall nap into the but! :beiu full by private enterprise, _it no... that private :i'feg,'ft, I M on of this business nn be In“, MA. if that is done in the e pl one li of industry, why-not i “her Ii af induétry? . I‘m-cl! Do. N I“ ' “There is one amine but“! P forward on this moped --that better service It In: Tint bued solely upon an pun- that -unent operation 16. out): and more efBrirrtt than vat! con- trol, but that “lumpd in - been proved. . _ - SENTIMENT AGAINST IT Massachusetts In G Report on Q from Represenuuv of Civic A "Government bud tt lea - cient, for genenlly . who m- "eit.retstarte.dinn than“ not from the Wm ' it“. ht private busineu the developing from once. . up to the top. The I of a eminent enterprise u {m _ changed through ' and by pointment, If theyde up a ability, their bonds my " at . moment, and the dep' t aim loss and the governme' but!†be comes I failure. _ May Eu ' "It is not necessary amid m- of the kiln-u 093w t m tion of the mum at - service. trtenmshipts,' celegnph and am) lad . Every man’: In. taxed and will be for u. been of thcv‘rou extra“:- waate proftittaey of thou " " Thin testimony Into the l chusetta legislature tune , given by a lay tritium. It indie-ht. however, may!“ ‘of ttlie ment against Any Ion ownership-whether it he nattiotit, state or municipal, , h '. Also Comedy A large number of Ie m I paring to show how they l, their burn. up I lot property on July Four! Jihtelie Taylor So in the mm and hue not taken much i bathing pool movement he wheat tietdk I 2t",'lNlg' the Waters. bugle . are 1ouing lung-om. . ' I I time at 2:80 p. m. in hobo elem “nut in ( "up" on runni ll of a ' I km l mg; Aritsiatttie' and 11th t! the prob In. ' a, been rate in ' “W! [ m8; FIVE uf ot