Y3 “war of - swans awn-I Put , titrhuod Park. taunting mullet of but“ Std!- I... Av... {your pmtyr Indiana Jade' :Shop Avenue - ',ttt on Park 12B1. W4 I91) 3 MILLS. 0m CTOR ' Avenue {9 PARK RAVINE . SHEDD 'ALBACH KY and .10le: a Spock!!! '" FARM ttaANoN Illinoi- Tt 6, at '1} " Special Sale Friday imd Saturday, Jmie Bh ind 30th Phones Highland Park 1677-1178 NOTICE--, country along here. . . .doing sixty miles an hour. . . .smooth tray 7:30: Arrived Milwaukee, just in time for the Pere Mar uette Michigan. Saturday morning: Rented a dame and a tent at the lake, gstmm found a camping place. '. . l . ' . * t Saturday a week later: Breaking up camp. . . .feel as though I office for a month. . . .nothing but fish and swim and paddle. 5 Sunday morning: Breakfast in North Shore waiting room at change from camp coffee! Spent the day seeing Milwaukee; tgtg evening: Pulling intd Adams and'Wabash Station.§ Man week in that North Michigan cou try. And the whole vacation cost eluding $10 each for the round an) fares to Manistee.†* f Green Beans, qt. _.,,..-..-.-'. Fresh Peas, qt. ...*.._...._._,-1 Rhubarb, 6 lbs. for.....m._.l Tomatoes. lb. _ -,--w-p . ,, _.. 7 A": Green Onions, bunch ...__' Head Lettuce, each ..........4 Egg Plant, lb. _....-....) Chicago North Shore and lllllilwaiilee Railroad Highland Park l __, Telephone , "n'_C__a. man“ ', l t TH SHORE '; _14(r, _ You can see for yourself how Emuch the convenience and travel did to increase the pleasure of this vacation. All North Shore trains are headed for vacationland. Le mus train leaves Highland Park at “is p.m. All North Leg Genuine' Spring Lamb the lb. Best Native Round Steak, lb, -a:.T-r","' Best Native Sirloin Steak, lb. ...-..-'i-, Native Flank Steak, lb. w...---.--"'""' Best Native Porter- house Steak. lb. _--'---' Fresh Calf Sweet- breads, the lb. MILLER AND HART RAMS ' the lb. Highland Park Ticket Office 'piiiii,7.' ..r.l.r_._-aayiiy w-.------------------- SWEET ORANGES NEW WHITE LARGE POTATOES Peek » Ask to have wr’rog‘hr cite-1hr tisaiioa to you. RAP? BROTE Out- CUCUMBERS 24le 45c 28c 10c 7fhr' L. _..,..-....-)" 5. for.....m._25¢ bunch .....,..10¢ each ....~..a..:18¢_ each .....1§¢ 35c 42c 25c 50c -65c Halibut Steak, lb. .....,._..; Ignite superior White ish, lb. “a tet, Lake Trout, Ib.-., nab Herring, lb. we.-.†Fresh Perch, lb. .....-.......,_ Fresh Pike, lb. w---.--" BEST ELGIN CREAMERY Fresh Spareribs the lb. _..,,...-,---.....- Sour Kraut ' IS £18 qt. a-ire-cs-r"--; t f ib Lam Chops I we lb. ..r-r' V, _ _._.-.f-- __. .'w_, Te"" "Fu- 5(h Loin Lamb Chops mm lb. -.ee.- .. _ __-_'- ttf A /,, .. wt--.. JRh Shoulder Lamb 29 iChops. the lb.' __. _i._ _.-r.__' l i LARGE BANANAS’ r l ' the ooien ' ' i EQRIHVSHORE "9t'ijjiiiij,'i,i,'t' ',, WATERMELONS 3 Guaranteed Jumbos--eaeh Fresh Dressed Broilers the lb. SPINACH Home Grown, Peck $1.00 55c 43c the lb. 24 North First St 29c LOCI; null. and "aroi 19c Shore Schedules ,..'...,...._.....39¢ Iillfi -..sw 1501 '. 50d T .609! . 2% '" Let'd borne brief ex‘racts from the vacation d ary ot two {mung Chicagoans show- ng how much you can t out of a properly lanned vacation: ' 'Friday: Left omce " :30 .... just made th orth Shore five o'eioe imited.* Certainly w I . we on Central Standard Timé F. good idea to trave ,right with our dinner... saves time. Beautifu L traveling I've ever don luette Line Steamer f0 'wet, Highland Park, 11pm. E " office. We deliver your ooFr fro. _dlE, tonomy of North Shor BEST NATIVE RIB , , 6 and 7 Ribs, Pound, stowed our help you plan) Carrots, the Lunch ....--r-e. ......7¢ Beets, the tri, lets .-.._....â€.. MY Dry Onions. , lbs. m...†29¢ Cabbage, new, lb. WW..." ' '" Red Cabbage, lb. .----Hydt Artichokes, each o-:-----;-'!.?, iirTeirireirirerts, eaeh -.- Miller & Hart Bacon 9; 3 lb. cuts, lb. s.mw.r----im-""" ( Californja Hams 71 tsh,,t11i/iiiriis ear.-..-..'""" ( 'Smok Butts the lb. __,------ Wm- _. ...-...r--.. 32 Ham Shanks or Butts IS thtzdlb -VFV ., . a.-e-_--wrr-t--'""" ._ l God LucksButterine 2 lbs. for ll, _ '""e"" 45 Pure Lard ' Tlhs. for ( _ qt--." _, 29 RAmSHts--Home Grow: _ bunch sirrucrLy FRESH Wes the Dozen g HIGHLAND PARK P] FRESH PINEAPPi each l What us less tl hadn't Milwauk ASPARAGUE Fancy Illinois, 2 b Inches 35c 25c : 35c tton t wonderf u an $50. in, uggage an een at th 3c tk . .somé f)) my 132‘ 'j-li,,'; " 45 I 29 DAST Filling out and signing 549,066 " ‘ I wturthe record made by :the anion oftlee of the Department of e Interion last month representing 1: payment of the sum of $20,660,- 8.97 as pensions to old soldiers and eir widows as. welll as retired em- oyes of the federal government. This, " is? claimed. exceeds the num- - r of individual checks sent. out by y bureau of the government month- and one of the remarkable features that they are mailed and dispatch- so‘ that every one of them reach e pensioners by the 4th day of the llowing month. The signing of ttyreheeks is anoth, big task that is accomplished reg- arly without a hitch and the prompt ailing of 2the letters containing the ensions has been effected through it arrangqmcnt with' the post offiee f separating the letters and sorting hem into sacks covering each state and territory of the union. I Printed in Sheets 1 The checks; are printed in sheets of T Ve attached stubs, the latter being , ept in books of 1,000 for convenience. tter the checks are carefully re- riewed to ascertain the correctness of times, cvrtifwate numbers, dates, and mounts, they are sent to clerks de- 'igrnated to Sign them and whose sig- , hturcs are already on file with the reasurer of the United States, upon , hom all checks are drawn. These checks signers, in order to sign promptly such a volume of them within the lirivi' time allotted for that I ‘work. use, the ill-per" signagraphi i which enables each to affix a signs-l I ture to lil checks at a single opera-m tion. After they are signed the sheets of,checks are cut by an electric-cut. ting machine and are then inclosed for mailing. [ ' ; 1 By the Use of window envelopes the] l name and address shown on the l‘ check itself is that from which de-l livery is made'. After the cheeks are! inclosed in the envelopes and sealed'; they are placed in boxes holding about l 420 eachs, labeled by states, it re-‘ quiring 1,2001hoxcs for the purpose.-. These bo es are then placed in maill fucks. ills,,,',', filled it requires 12.1 heavy office trucks to convey them to. the city post 1office. 1 ; Sent to Post Office 1 All pension checks are sent to thei Washington post office about one week prior to the fourth of the month when ' the pension is due. The city post office routes for dispatch from that iff.!,' upon proper schedules those checks destined for points compara- ltively near to the city of Washington and releases them so they will reach the post office on the fourth of the _ month. , l V _, Those cheeks for points further dis- tant are resecked and forwarded at once to the superintendent of the rail- way mail service in their respective districts throughout the country, and igh Geared Machinery Gets Vouchers in Mails for Old ', Soldiers' and Their .LF-MILLIQN 11s ISSUED N MOST atm 'INPENSION I) with them are special instruction that they be held and released for dispatch in the same manner as are those for places near Washington. , ' -- ' . .. ___A, _L-AI-_ M... rm--- .._-- T'"""" - Civil Service retirement checks are not dispatched ahead as in the case with:ptttrio.n. cheeks.. The law pro- vides that they shall not be mailed until the firtt business day of each month PUBLIC UTILITIES SHARE WITH PATRONS Employes Also Own Much Stock; Illinois Corporations While there has been agitation torl public ownership of various bunches of industry‘ it has remained for our guest publi( utilities such as electric light, street railway, telephone and gas companies to lead the way in en- tablishing teal public ownership by se11insptheit, stocks and bonds to their émplgyes-ahd customers. The 'fttti'et'p"',',e,' Edispn et puny of ci, icago shows nine out every ten jof its 7300 employes stockholder?. U---.-..V,_V I The Pu lie Service company of Northern _ llinois with 2600 employes records 18 9 (75 per cent) as share- holders. g T F The Ce Gr Illinois Public Service , company yhich serves 198 cities and towns wit electricity and gas, shows 97 per cxitlt of its employta either owning orl buying stock. . Custom r ownership of stock has "increased as rapidly as employe ownership] and the Commonwealth Edison co puny shows 36,000 share- holders, J:- Public Service company lo! Northoin Illinois, 16,300 and the ,Central Illinois company 10,184. l l This corstitutcs real public owner»l iship,,for.the people served and the} iworkmcni of the ,ccmpnny are thel 1 owners. vi Thpsefhree Insull mpaniea un- doubted" set a record tfor employ: and tus er ownership of such prop- erties.’ my community can be proud of such tir showing for it assures good service td the public. 7 C In ordiring ire cream for the Spr. day schdcl picnic, better figure tit a good timple,amount and then don- ble the order. 3 Widows' Benefit ai, mun 114mm: Set Record If ttt0met5e.tn peopk's tooth M may â€I. pt - was“. it iiotdtiiUek ot or July oegth who my] ,h‘l cinema Jot. ixcheviumantboe uni! (by In! 3 ,Someone rita,tokiiotrfttttel,thte . ' . ball gamma we called “fans." My!“ Auden: food WI Per-hm turttrien theirjavsoovido natty aid to be pic. but lt, they look like: the above named "r-1ll'i7i'/iii for the nut m; F L- ' " “M com - of as "An ounce of privention is worth a pound of cut on mm tmaarr ' no“ “matron. ILL. [ summon " . ammo ', PtMttm , m norm MICHIGAN an whom M m CHATEAU MARCH; Telephone Highland Park 1064 Vi(iiiiii5iriifi5r, Y, 104 South First Street At Laurel Monthly Aécounts at no advance over Cash A Pound of Grease is Wot: More Than a Repair Bill " mtnhe+d "" FUNERAL omEer0Rtrri'OR 69 YEARS FILLING STATIC SPECIAL DINNERS. SUPPERS AND BANQUETS will be served when notified in advance We 2earnnat .,' ' "That high powered gasoline" on the basis of [ tmitormity--iefined from one crude, by one reirperi, one "method, insuring you? of one grade gasoline} Ns ": erlra" ". sdltii'li, if; - 'ii, I Chane-934,! Phone H. P. 359 Like, a Jewel tn Its Setting! _ My epperienee in s I believe, 1treal value May I eipect a call? '1 Prairie Ame. Highland. mi Lake County Oil C A house depends . JORDAN & COMP Dinners served from 112 to 2 p. m. Slippers served from: 6 to-8 p. m. Landscape Gardenin LACO MOTOR OILS "That tonic tphur motor" on the Min of " J', less tear, lodger life and tscientific lubrication for your consideration in securing harmonious non! LACO very land? on it! grounds fot its e‘eas, to you by pi¢uic Inc. (Nd 1515 IN 894 Ravine Mme Highlanleuk a: PAGE Ite tor- H