18c lI kin Cm at 10c 18c 15c 30c & 10c 29c 10c 9c M834! Lt', WU. {“121 an. Household 'goods an Pianos moved, by ttte men. , E Furnitui, e Packe (Crated and 'i; ci'; Ship . Z Motor Truck and Nb delivery to Movingé gaggaiie----staagiiw '2‘ Ile, tettfereittrt' E99455! tr tqpid_etiry assd C‘s-wry Con-pl o-----'.--..."..-)."-.". The Chicago Natal Co., z " N. Michur", 'i-. Plea-e tend no tum formation ttbout Nokol and v0; Matted pavmcnl plan. T ', Rapid, direct delivery cars' to your neighbor' ing fresh, and sweet. Baby's H'eitii'"i) handling milk. and pure. BOWMAN'S MILK is tled in the country, that you) milk supply . m. Wham-.1“. T M egas"h T. . Block 100 A A Ibo l ' 2f?li',; a2'2r,'rgtr Wm? “may TcMmlLiuudaSua-Jalby C . 1.5mm“; _ The New Mu, the Quinn! l tie on Heater $4.4. m andtheba iiird'etttars1ri; 7 spread Aer 'i,, period of 7 Two yrs , e We can make t p" (Her because: puts Yoh are paying fox I Muse Nokol is Bdcause Nokol s l e is no cleah, cohvenient; and I b le that once: home owner has it he never goes bald: to coat. j,' -. l established on m4 habit that it can ' th) same terms as: household device. Ive are so sure 6f $6le perfomanbe thi t we can allo ty£u "tey use-ii-ii',; negrly three he_a Iistelsom while Pljones 181 l 147 ' it! Park Eransfe'r Co. I nth St. J 'W'] Avenue upon Bun-cl Na: Swen be absolutely' safe od assures its he- steurized an? bot.. ideal methbd of iced refrigérator Demands 'l," Central 17832 ""s2ffaAdP" Sum Le, I's, my The report slit' now employed in 9,100 men, 2,000 1 era, besides the fi trucks and other t lluring the “wick ending: on It int date 40.79 miles trf standa d 18 lot concrete pavemeirt was laid. l , e largest week's "in for a sihsie 5 itt in the period on" VIOthy 'he rep rt is accredited to‘contitacto W. F. Smith, Section Mt, , Route 5, w .se crew laid Cr,09', foot. Itieident" ly this" broke the 923 we rd fot ,a week's run. The I l. K. Rh deg C - pany is accredit with bu lding greatest mileage: of pave ent "his year, having laid' .12 mile, 3 3 The report sh: s that here. re now employed in road co struct n 9,100 men, 2,000 ' am; and 116 Ib. ers, besides the! umemus fieed :1, trucks and other . otor equ ment. ,1- With a grand. total of 39d.21:mles of paving completed in‘Illinoia iin 1923, the Division of Highway is ' p- idly approaching its goal of, 50 m es per.week. accordlng to its ilatest 'rec' port on progress made tolGover or Small. 5 ' I ' '/ I Another' letting " hard koad v- ing constructiiin,npriulirtg and brh' te building is announced by the ,S te Deputment, of ‘Publiw Works', nd Buildings, Divisidn of. Highivays. he date of opening nf bids will be’ u- gun 8th, at ten i. m. The Work ill consist of approximately '86 miles of pai’ing, 75 miles;of gradinig and A5 tseparate bridged . g “I airn%ori, than wood {and b iek and stone, more/even than: flesh Ind blood-ul am the,eomposite Isoul of tll who call me Home. V f F MORE ROAD PAVING L CONTRACTS REA Y "if I am planning to the 'iey'e dt he stranger within;; my gatezta if I am such a sight. tMV having tr n me, he will remember the all his ldays a thing of beauty/the credit tt you ,. Once the residents here re lize where their inte eats lie, die need not speculate as t the Mute of this campaign. Howd er, it is u to th in- dividunl firms keep the; public ac- quainted with e line otfgoods and service 2hey a I prepared; to re der by giving it t necessary publi ity. In other words,‘ let us get: better he- quainted in our; wines: a d pe’rs nal relations, and ve all Be, le us know our com, _ nity. _ Merchlh_ 3mm tie' T Merchants are niready ' thusi tie over the plan. In connectio with his one of our reader: has. an ested the following as being applie le to ur community: i, “Make of me What you will---' all reflect' you asitlearly tssl a mi or throws back a dandle Ju. F" _ ; "All we have, to do is ttar =the dollar bill hete.iWhen it ' spent ere it Coerto the {merchant d h , in turn; use: it fiir the ten 2nd her expenditures, and. the land ord in urn spends it with the butche the d tr- gist, and so on. If the pie uld follow such a d Ilar bill a and i its travels, they wxuld never hesita ' in doing their buying in thei nei r- hood. The me" Iihanu nee this ‘up- port, and 3M1 all the (eomm ity benefits by it. 'sch a liberal ed ca- tional cempeimi will hue; far-re ch- ing effect ind make the ‘comm ity better arid greater for it.", "The idea is an excellenh one", aid a prominent Hithhutd N more at. "The etuttpaign'orill hrin the u ten.. tion 'of the community to t may ad- vantages to homo“ in patron in: their neighborhi there ts,†DWI Pl , V o In discussant! and cam sign ore thoroughly, he Enid: f With this was. mm! The: in. kind Park PM launc a “‘ out {our Community Mere ntat m- ptign, which will run in. thir Fper for twelve weeks. The qunpi . t, is prineipttly distitrned to acquaint _ igh- ltutd Park residents witmthe lt ine iotstsibiiitiet, in their own)eomin ity through the means of angled i, ca- tion. r _ , _ _ the Rea tt ItiGn ‘1‘ "---- .HOURS: Weak; ' mi. to C p... Sunday; , to ' p... for reading only. , To Demonstrate 42:21:“: Trading With Born Bu: ness Houses; etitg To All Show. CAMPAIGN EDUCATIONAL phoenix»! .‘ ' criseiuade, Electrit: Shop Teleirhmte 555 " mrhua) M 887 m 1 Aveiiiid You I]! co_ invjtod 'io visit First Church of Christ, & any: yn4 Park "I am your community.†ELE ICAL JigifiitlfiAg, an manna) n THOR 3ASHERS APEX EANERS 886 Centxhl Avenue “when; It, I -." 10.! The: ikh. ' a -“ out , ntat m- ingthia Fptr *qunpi‘ is ttar Ahe spent ere 2d h ' in nd her 0rd in urn the d g- I ple uld tie V T thusi tie with his ested the le to ur dentist If? 15‘ of Mix; an assignment thereof having been made Ind jammed to aid court. the t1nal hearirie thereon Will be had on the 25th may of August A. B. 1923-. or as soon ;thereafter as the business of the count will' permit. T Said I l ment in tiitrte in Nine (9) inst-mu, with_.intetut at the' rate-at six (6) per centum MIMI!!! on till ind-11mm that and utter date of inane af first, voucher. All person: duh-ins mny, flle obNetiom in "id court: before aid day and my appear on the hearing and make their defentse.. 1 l city, and WWII .ptrtud to the Coun- ty Cour-Lot th County for an - "uncut“ the costs of, aid in. movement fucordinz to beitetita, and an assessment than»)?! hug..- k-.. amend. attTttr8imettetrss _ '§ j Ni. " _ F Notied hereby than to all per- son: imam that he fyttrqtmre cil str the'; City ld 1!in Park County of Lake and 'ttt of 1153013,. having cram! the load running“ at the, Rom†in (31me Ann!†from Linc In Avenue, to Green Bay Rand and any Avenue from Gleneoe Avenue tp‘Ridxewood Drivb. the ordi- nance for the name being on file in tlit whey.“ _tho City. Clerk of aid iii-iii-Y),?, Chit ure oi This wideirieraided innovétionj forth Shore se a: adds still f . to Hit comfort and pleasure" of trav firm the North ore Line. . F ‘_ . ., T e parlor-observation-tttrite! ‘ca f remodels of I iriote' .amtrtirt . Eachlhas twenty-one comfortable, d ~npholstered e b l ind In I , i,"iicici'hi,"i'i'i, platfomi PT whic#Â¥ae may enjoy ' (Nights of aid! i,' ing. I ', . _ l ' t ' _ . o C _ uries k,tstseurite't) blicious buffet luncheon served fa" route. _ i, 'iere are phonograph, with a ize iariety of and t traveling; in fact, heading th ijiirhtjrive one 1‘ 701‘ a private car has been; left gulfone. i,,', fighlandjPark, Ticket Offiee ago North Shore andMi Linnea mn- leaving aim-ad Put for Chicago 11331 and 9:21; 'eye?' " Parioriotttrerintio-ttMtet Semi , CENTRAL CEM REE At the Northern mum-urwxm g mu . bum mount. BARK. It: timndUeoigd notafhavo'» 1atrtomatritattlraai-te-t, tetwhiehtooatntttutr-bt- *irsuteattt-trGt-tsetatulLs. thonwhohuembdou. With 'httt-tntuatBtsetmiyis-t-ttu" chapel. bemtiful lmtpu-k, i t1ttt2tt'g::ti:gt'tctgtittgt: lined Nil-Ind iii'ii:'i,'iii?,'t, MI _/tttrat-tati-ev-iii-- tmehitutmequitudtn'it, , l 4‘ij T f ,‘ . A1iiouureiohisittsetaPaUiat le', j mmMmua-d thehmstpcrpetulmtnnd'jon ' ,etui-rtGeassiati-reaa- under I'm-mt Agreement which keep. fitndbtrtvutetru. [in m1 m5 absolutely wanted. _ ' :,i, I h a E , . THE MEMQ'ZRIALPA-RK The Beautiful irl))cti Shore Cemetery L NQN SECTARIAN _ ' .' Gross Point Midi Hm séinmm m. In. Iva-u. as: Chicago Meg, "e Mum“. Building. Tel. cam: an. SOUTH BOUN D M. J. BUG! Highland Put, num- (24-25) ETEfY co. OFQILLINOIS Sf"Tim"-tatty ' _ bl- FCI, huh-mix" j)y",r,,ij; W L OCA Ttol"))) 4 *' 360 Central Avenue 3 2 relepflm 331 , Witten Buiu.lrt m ini) GLASS ‘REPAIRING f'All lenses duplicated .j , and work guaranteed ./ W. Schneide ulna e». lining HHS-I fat [of Inn-ho. ak.tstcmtt 8:58 p... any â€MW‘ any 'ra I _ t T , f ( New tsi? E i)ufret dd Watchés Cloc NOMMUND Lilar Serviia Now in Re tie, to add to the 'tt (the comforts and Telephone 'Mi) ') Mi; ill A,t, It "'ll