1fitl m V39 a, E! Hi 1 T age; An a safeguard against de.. , ltructive this, withdut mun in the home, ottiee.or store, or in- convemence to you, . GEO. w. CARROLL Phone 28 Care Purdy Sam 'Hardware ' Store _ , a.---------- . _ “Knuth. Til. 410 PAGE 's, Slag/[1TH JUNK 'i'"---"""" - was ml can af 1ft..itnryxttaiiiiir, us than by the report of the commissioning: is Sle,fle; and tethgtsthe hitl mo useuad n he Tpon _ J'lttlll"d 86827.77. . i Dated at Highland Park, Illinois, 'tt 16th day of N/rvemreil, A. D. . moans MORTON. JOSEPH B.‘€ARD, n -.: NaeNf,pr.t6ifEti, A 1 ,_ (V- vum... In†annulu- That u speck! summer“ In: been made to nice the canto!“ laid im, movement, and that the total cost of aid improvement as shown by the eeey , 88866.50, Ind the "otal mo " -- A £--7~ - I an persons ferlring mly flte otw ken??? induid Court on taggers " an my " r an ar- ini, ;'trlll'd their t7'e.Ull. he and 'utttetmtsentuttjiaid report montiomd,,ia payable in ten u" in, stallments, with intern“ at t rate of gsirptr mapper "mum. , and In mutant theretor hum: been made end [returned my.“ court " than by the ',trtnetlei'i', report filed in the oiTtee T the ct rk of said County Court on the 'tt day of :Aumt, A. D. 1923, the, flital honing thereon will be had and the time an fleet af the return ofthe, summons1 and in said edtatge wilt be, on the 8rd day of member, A: D. 1928 at 10 o'clock A, M. or u soon thereuter as the business“ of the Court will permit. t 3 . All Petont'y?et.irine mly flte ob. a movement of name, and having pro- vided for the making of said improve- ‘ment wholly by specie} ,uueulnent and having provided for the issuing of improvement bonds welt-fay; an the ordinlnce for the' time being on tile in the once of the sweat; of aid The Hithhnd ParVEaat at District and having " lied to the County Court of said Elke County for en “lament. of the east of “at immanent according to tiiiii.ii) , In “tenement thenInr 's-A..,.." - ,,,,- -.._ "w AVBPq usual" Hull" ter (N. “Main! Section Thirty-six (36) 2,gghk Port .‘Three 0443) North. Range elve {12) East the Third IFrincigll Merldiiinu'n the High- land ark at Park District, Lake County, Illinois. and ttt,tlte improve- ment of said real estate by grading, grabbing, .trmidintr, “king, rolling, constructing a water sprinkling afa- tern, with meter and meter vault, w th connection to present water main. reg moving buildings, refltlitttr, basement ")ateAvatlons, and covering with black ‘earth and manure. all 31 said Hi - land Park East Park intrict, s, County, Illinois, in the manner a n and set forth in the 'laifhe,etdhttt,f ed to the petition of said V Highland Park East Park Dy.t.rktLNed lathe omee of the Clerk of the County urt of IAke. County, “limit, on the lat dar of Fkrlrruary, A. D. 1923, tot tho Wer of providing “in real estate or use a! I'public iurtl' 'nd, the im- V --- v- wav' I J“: In. VI, of the Chico» and Miran Western Ite,ih.erctiiiativ- and Forth of' and “joining the westerlz 'ttte id Dean Avenue extended aout Westerly; elm, all that port of Lot 162 " South Highland Addition to the City of Highland Park lying no ‘of and adjoining the 'Jf1',titt,',i,id of Dean Avenue extended sent westerly: also all that an of the Somb- one-half (it) of C t 164 of Soot; Hishlond Addition to the Cit? o Highlnnd Park lying easterly ft 3nd adfoini l a line one hundred thirty six (13%: feet easterly from and parallel Wt the easterly line of the right of my of the Chicago an Northwestern Railway Compnny a d north of and adjoining the westerly line of Dean Avenue extended southwesterly, in- cluding buildings located thereon. All of the above described real estate 1tinir,loeit,et,! in the Northwest Quor- toe Ch _1aA.-» .-.._ -- ,HV,‘._,_ “nu-rm ‘uN feet eatrtarrlr ttmp andpanllel ml. the easterly line of the 'thd wuy of the Chicago and No eatttrn tapr/io Company and north of 3nd “joining the Westerg line of Dean Avenue extended non mlynulao all_that art of the North F'e'i'iiii7 2tl of Cd 184 of South Highland 9“??? to ‘25.“? of "at?" t,e or yang“; ryo . own: ' [inc ope_hugdred mix: six (136\‘ _ - -_V_.wa-u ‘ww-y m- '; my; also. allthat rt thnNorth 1)'llt.'itl Iii, of M 151% South ‘Hkhland A Mon to', ' lt? of bland Park, lying candy 0 and u ttg a line one hundred _tltirty at: (185 feet utterly than tad pu- dlel with the utterly line of the right of wny'of theicmcngo and NiirthwestiAi Pert' Compmy; “so, :11 titular-t of south ane- half itll of 161 of South High- land d tion to the City of H hlind: Park lying utterly of and I oh! 1 Line 1t.taye!fE.ta Airtr Sig: C1'hlllf I I from and inllgl'iv'ii"€68' GGG; line of the is)» of "is: the of}. cMo yy,! N -" Katiâ€; mtthyyt.poeptr ttttg or WHOM} 5. UNTY or LAKE vi, V , . IN THE COUNTY jGOUBT "" ' _’ my: can? , SPECIAL ASSESS“ NT NO. THE HIGHLAND PARK 'flak _ PARK DISTRICT, forth. pattttr- [ dug of had’ foe an n . public path and tho improvement Mum. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Node. ia here that“ all .. not: interested tat the Cami-3:» cal o.f the Highltnd "f1igittt Put flip 'phuiti,uetti mm" 2ti'd n o a on rm cogsiutinc of the 'i'i'yi'th'ili? fire at: u a public park all that put of Lot 160 of South 'titil Addi- tt to thfi%tiei: bland Put: qutater a n S'l'f 1:111:er thirty tttttia, foot euterly from and addoinin a line one hundred thirty nix (G'll'ffd, outcr- lr frogs qnd mulls] with the qtnstUrtnr er and meter , present water itga, ref0ttir, ad covering v mare. all in? a vault, whiz r main, re- ', basement with black we. lingu- w, the dien...iL, Juicy {Lemons the lichen 8‘70:th Grgen Peppers. Sweet Potato Squall the lb. .......§............‘....... Radish†_ j and bandit --....-., Log; Green Cucumber: Florin Tommi the pound "r"""""" the IS. c.........".'.'."...., Canon and Boot- the bunch ...........n... Gmen thtions .. the bunch s.........-.;., Crisp Celery the bunch .................. galaxy Csbbagé FLORIDA ORANGES ' the deen _ Me Phones Highland Park 1677-1678 s,',' . NO'nCB-.Aatr to have our regular circular mailed to m. CENTER CUT ' PORK LOIN PORK: CROPS _ . ' If ROAST . the ltr, tho."- Special Sale for Friday and Saturday, November Itil and :17, "Idem _ Autumn! comfort tr , .V "_--'-. w... "rr'?""'-"'""'"."'-- tlt,",',',',,',,: ut2ltrt', !i',','ii,lc,iiiti 2tNTtirantgttt that 'ttettt amount“ a magma“ -raradmaarGialii'i'GriiiGt of mink-n zoom Phi vim tUFVt%ii; - thaw lite la am located. . JUICY GRAPE FRUIT , 1r,8orttw BEST POT‘ROAST ' the lb. F-e---, m-h-----. wmmu.“~um~uuuqnuu "-"-r-,-"--e- RAPP B Chicago “Nprtjp - Slime and Milgukee Railroad Company Highland Park Ticket Offiee 18¢ .......... ---- -.6..- ._-... u 29ld ,f ,' -, To x3: f ' CHICAGO NORTH VSHQRERmILM/AUKEE RAILROAD comm T l, "".-'r--r-"-"""""""""""""""""'"" " IN RmOGNITIQN OF ITS DISTINGUISHED mNTRIBQTION DURING THE PAST YEA! THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRIC TRANSPORTATION FOR THE tz1NVENiENCE ty PUBLIC AND THE BENEFIT OF THE INDUSTRY. 1- new“: "".'cr.oeto.an min tteunti 99! not We». driven with] n. ilHlARLEs ACOFFIN FOUNDATION ...._.....r,10c _..,....'. Se -.. 28t c'... 4Se __. Me .12le an nus, 1Se 2Se .. 8e . 8e h: study -yowmidrrtumuaiotat ts.ltsi'iiGbitF'rttiiktmtHiiidrt when Wmï¬Mu§nnymphpgnleW-W“flmw t 'tOtt-ttutr-tGrit/tiii-tk. an.» t'oeh.rtettttstrs. tl TE _t, aim/E BEST ELGIN CREAMERY Btu-mg F the lb. _ Largis Cut Pork Chops .418; Loin Veal Rout lb. crdl5'li8 tt 1"/tl, ttth, -...dN, - g . fork Shou. Rout b.1522: Breast Veal Rout E, Rump Com Beet lb. Best Round Steak, Ib.,....: 'eetsrfyrroirriiiisiiii' Ib......., Beat Porterhouae Steak 1 Native Plank Steak lb. ....d y.tot.thut8tssaii lb. ..-........d MALAGA OR TOKAY _ GRAPES , _ the pound , we mm. iprkiiiii ' , LAMB . the lb. b LamHithKiE in Will Chops lb. jasm'usnsp by GENERAL ELECTRIC comm FoR',r'rrpirNrvANcEtkiiprr OF THE ' ELECTRICAL; ART "53¢ ' 19c 3214 the lb. 19%c CHAN.“ 5mm nun aartrttTTss or me mm Luann: mm Assocwuou. ROTlHliEllitS _ AWARDS ci' 2,4Northtimtstreeou,mLdrse Leave mound addre- atolce. We delivery“: on FRESH DRESSED FRESH CALV I B1l1,tmttq cmCKENS I 3 sum; r' 25c Min-Hart Bacon ices lb. Mt% Milk" Hut Hun I -'..- " i'litj.?,i!t,'ii'h,il,iitiiiliiiii. lb.“ or ' 'lt ' Beet huge. Ib-uhh) 1&8".er k Tsit Net 80m- ttet, qt. .....atgit new: i' was was; [was i.-, ‘~'" “" ..--eQP. mnuwrygï¬'w £335, Rtt: lb. "..r.rri.r.gllt ' My?! Stag 1b.. 'niF"iiiifrii"iii"iiiiii" W’ 51130.10:- ikitur" snouumxs i; A the lb. W thNtlr, iiiriiiiirrii"ii; - , CHICKENS 1‘11 ' GOOD RIPE , BANANAS the dozen [Ci 15% 32%c 34% VEuicicvm-chmauy tnaytar,.ettstrtTtehit the lb. eatrrktrtt the a}; 'teethiem DEW 039? co: arm. ltr.. Jatto, my Inf 8 m M ... m...» Moan-f Telephoiue _ Mit qt. -,'. at; 69c 85 FEES TEES “Ewing 0-“an I SHOULDER VEAL ROAST s'iltdl'iyit. “LEE: lb. “than 7-»:th MHU‘UMHIM than}: tom U _ Iii-60).]! 1914 thalli. 59c t .lt.t.r...., 15% lr -2Se so}: 3tk, Me .. , tii 4