in I?! i'l iii (ll lt, '1 B, At 'a, , " r d "C1truhrtsapr-rttatseittJtr pace! put to foreign eountrueshoitid be 'mtuMt'trnrsastumailshirts will!» tedt-aetrrhroortttr-" bqtiotsw.hsoeddrtoirt-deltrerr ',re0tttieteredi1nrt1rrgent Rut Later in Christmas Parcel Paulo Foreign Lands Is Pointed Out MAIL GIFTS ABROAD _ NOW [S P. o. ADVICE PAGE TWO FR UIT SALA is contained in this Wéek-End Hydro:; Spécial Brick, Genuine fruits,.redolent With fully matured fitwors, are crushed into it. Ssventyrfive per tent more pure frtam than the law requires is poured into it. And munchiess pdritv--anknomt in non-Carbonated ice ereami--ii)aimss it. For this is motlier famous Hydrox Week-End Special. A wonderful detuseit--a delicious refreshment-Un. lee It’s sold exclusively throutrhaour Hydrox Disaler, it lee Cream goodnesg such as you 1tavexireamed jabout Effi"t'rt"'""t""'a""i'" Two Additions to our Dry . Cleaning Service' The Reliable Laundry 1lirt hare just installed a' Dress Plait- ping machine and a Hat Blocking machine to give our patrons a complete DryClesning an,d Laundryfksrvke. . We y', now able to do accordion, knife and Mx plaiting right here at our plant. We solicit your -plaiting patronage with the assurance that you will be tsat"itOsd and delighted with oiirhvork. , a We are also equippea to clean and re- block felt and velour hats, put op new bandit and sWeat bands. Send us yopr' hats. 7 , THE COMMUNITY SHOP Christmas Only Six Weeks Away Launderers, Dry Clem and Dyer; , surpassingly wholesome and rich 'in nodrpshiryt T cyst Games, Lustre Ware)) T Batik Scarves _ Open Wednesday Afternoons Every Week Until Christmas ' It's Hydrox, who: Piling Ice Cream , COMMUNITY SHOP Phone Highland Park 178-179 WetthtndPttHondLitrertyvtBe , and it's sredat l for this Week-End The Full Quart Brief 50 Cents 373 Central Avenue Telephone 544 Shop Edrly at O'rder your Christan: cud. NOW. Don't wait and] the initials of De- mber. You'llhediu pdrttodifytm da.' W. has a tl2tt'l “as. High- hnd Park PM ' i " ‘8?- rush comes in ,th',gt,eir'r,, of for-. eign mail; penal}; " much par- eels thank! mail them at once. It is urged that puree]: be securely wrap- pedbtrtnootauAtriftrurtltyeedirt ganglia“, And eointNtas,addreis wlfi , thereon in [more than one place no that in use one address been“ awarded or tom " tu, mm] will not he undeliverable or returnable. ' tt Mrs. Anson Mama entertained the offieem of the high Ichool tarent Teicher Iuociatioqwsurdny' -tht Wetlandâ€. Nrt.v7yt " gist o'clock; was Frauen Y, . mm Mr. and Mrs.'Rdy Mord 3M Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pt will entertain for their son: at a gig to b) given a Thursday' "etiitiiDeis. Whittle Highland Park club; } i' 1 Miss Elinketh’ Benton, daughter of Mr. and. Mn. Frederick P. hymen of North Sheridan mud, made her debut Ir'hursiur Whom: atl tea from firur to six o'dtirek at the resi- dence other parents Assisting were ‘Miss Dorothy Cums, Miss union Erskine, Mina Harriett Pieldl,-hgtti Margaret Gaylord, manna keexey, Miss mane Thaw, mm. “mm Machghey, Kin Anna Kn. e' Xian Kltherine yuan, of Ritrhiiri Park and Chicano; Miss Jittla H rd of; Phi1ndastphia,' Mist Elinbeth hum of Erie,'Pa.; Mrs. Hebe Cont " of, Piontlae. and an. Richard mpton, orNew Yank. A 'ttg, for u-‘ sistants and their ;Im,wa1 given at 7:30 followed by; aG, 5.: the Highland Purl: chm i g Ms. Gprsioet9treltttntut of Mpraino road is Entertaining the Elm? Col- lege club of the middle west at panch- eon today. 2 ' 3 . Capt. and Mrs. W: D. Van Ingen of Fort Sheridan are the happy par- enta of a son born on Tuesday; Nov. 6. Mrs. Van Ingen "was familiarly Miss Ridlon, Iibrsriun " the Jrigts land Park jinblic library. 9 Mrs. John C. Rhittehartrof Hm wood avenue was bogus: at a 'tttteel- lineman shower JTu’esday _ evening, Nov. 18, in complimqnt to hex- cousin, Mira Lucille, Rhinebu't. i Mr, and MrsuWill‘hm Millard of Ravine Drive left ytttrtrerdnr for Pun-v dens, Calif" when they will spend the next few month's, expeistiittr to return to Highland Park that the first of May. T . Mr. Louis M. Bern of North First sheet " in the m blind Park hoapitul suffering from! pneumonia and broken ribs; ths Monday after- noon, Nov. 5, he fell trpni the root of the H. L. Wheeler eaiagrs, locued on Linden avenue. ' f eV ', Miss Heldn ‘Willits‘of South Sher- idan road is expected hirme'next week from Boston, Hum, where she has trpettt.ttte past 'ix weeks. f ,' Mrs. William H. L. Borden enter- tained at luncheon followed by bridge on Mondaw. Nie. 6. Tuble decor:- tions' and re, werepi’nk up! Iehite. Miss aDBmthy Carlson of Home- wood avenuu entertained at a very delightful shower on Monday evening in honor of Miss Lucille Rhimhu-t. The table was bewtilully decorated in pink andyhibe. _ _ The Rex Jane's family have kt: the Moraine and deplrted for Cty11fqrnia this week. .They expect totitettd the winter there. ' ' ; , The girls chute .Willilg Helpers clan of the, First United Evangelical‘ church met Monday evening, Nov. It,: it the hemp! Mrs.' Fred Bother at Ptirlrarenus.' They spent a very can joynble evening. , A T Mb.. anders. Janina entertained a Minibar of guests at dimmer at their Mteisnth wedding trnniversarr, Charles Russell. 3911 ot Mr. 1nd M11312 E. Russell of Sheridan sve- nde, wlio is qaqmtinod withuearlet fever, if gaging; along very nioely. Mr. and Mia. B. H. Jones of Chi. also announce the birth of a daughs ter on Thursday, Nov, 8, at the High- land Park hospitqlu [ Mr. IL B. Roberts-o! Plymouth, Mass" formerly of this city, visited friends in Highland Park on Sunday, Nov. It." '. _ . Min Anna Berube of North Fink. street had " her weekend guest was Violet Ruumums of Cary, Ill, Sun. day evening Miss Bembe entertained' Misses Agne- tnd lfitherirt Hurt and Miss ngevieve Mowers in honor of_h)sr guest. _ _ . Mr. and Mu. William Johnson-of Green Bar mad pro receiving coun- minions on the birth of . ton on Suturday, Nov. 10. ' Mrs. Henry Links of tuteridtpt,av+ nus in " present with, her mothâ€. Mrs. Johnson, of Fruit-icy. "can, after returning from the Highland Park hospit'll. , , A . Mr, Robert Weber 0;! Hemm- 'lit'?."' is in the9itthlaiid Parishes- pita . C f A [ , Mrs. R. E. winteF has .rtirned from Hammond, md., when the we the past two min with her and!» May um of Stteriden “an“, is quqnntined with scarlet tent. , _ Mrs. A., M. Cline of Eromesxrood' no. nue is spending a few dgys this {week witt herpon:of Quinn s' Mr. Luther 81ndwick of Claim. who In: been, windy ill with ip/ fhtersm; in new“ “on; u in“ u; can be gnawed. ' T " I Mr. Entry Kettle ot Sioux (html, It; spent. Sana†With his punts, Rev. 3nd Mrs. J.’ B. Real; of Show Green Bay mm. In Kw is on a business trip to Detroit, “languid stopped in Highland Park on his way there. . Twelve member- of the WtthUn6 Park Woman's club Wed the meeting of the Tenth Diakriet ot the. Federation of Woman’a club) at new eri Park on Tuesday. Nor. .13. The principal sputter of the morning, Mrs. George Thomas Partner, in 'tte president of the Illinois tedtrmttitat. Judge Hugo Pam was the prln'cipnl lecturer in the afternoon; his topic was Ntttmltrmtion." ' ly. . l 'dy'. "s"iieihk."'tii, 'QmmamaNDPA3tEmuttttt,meahaMDraM,tusntatB, 'te,NWF' F) :35; A. S'. '. Have You ordered you Chris dump]... i'iFiié"i'iii7,iii'5. diuppointod " the but: _ . orthe ante: and“ 7 -"-e"_ JiiiiliGGi"i only in the you to 'ae'ttii,'t July 1ttt,ttrntaomeiat.r4.atte., TJ’ _ Gasoline tax-i: duo trttthu) who . RE? important mum 0133mm for' highway improvement. 0min: the. first half of the year. Me has in the sum " $8,670,000 - _eol~ iected; of'which $5,000,000 VII - plied toou'biii) highway work. The reveuua from this scam " tteater. iany increase during the lat halt d ttt year, due to the {at Minn-d The increuae in remit-no; of mo- tor_vehiclea is providing I madam fund for road htrpm 't.’ Th9 total revenues obtained 1',',',h',is, re- gistration amount to over 91074001». 000 annunlly, 3nd of this $185300.- 000 is applied to public bitty†eon- struetion and mintananu‘ ' The registration in mm ."'t,'li'1,,'g, 996nnotpr can 1nd Mela I n Jam Lst/thiss year, the total, tstioer of motor vehicles '1: 18.002 'tt m this number 11,571,181 very private passenger can. F _ Ahere is no sin of a loo-u in the put-chm of motor vehicles, $661111“ to the Bureau 01 Platinum. During the timt it 'ttottthrof' 1923 there ms nu mgutrsrtioes of 764,052 motor can and truck; Then“ a! manna; id about the some 5“ that which has prevailed since 1916. No Sign of, Let-up in Pttrehtm Of Motor Vehicles, Says ti',.'i?,It' "11w; Not onecan 'seriotta1rttetaretd that either the home-owner: or the firm. era are or can he controlhtjby any trust, whether from "Watt ttteeqt" or any other place. Machinery ' and: and control them does not; exist. ' NO DECREASE IN BUYING or' AUNS There ares,448,866 farms Mrndd in our country, of which 3,936,095 are run by the owners; the balm; ex- cept iiturts, being mutual by 101:- ants. Théae farms have a nine of 87T,924,100,888, ind we mom for only t4,008,87mt2, t Over ten and a half million homes are owned in the United Stiles: Of thee, 6,522,119 an and tug of im etmttrranee. ' There are tbout 110,683,502 - sons ,in the (mini! States--" f 500.000 (amines. The, bust ' te of our gross wealth in than" f 000,000, My» the. Nation's Ruin-u, and our, incomo in pinned " than: $6B,800,000,000. t 7 , Munch! and economic Amer!“ in controlled from "Wall Sheet";byt| few designing persons of l mt wealth who much out to every city, town, village and himbt'of Auntie: and -. minimum the countryfl p- awl-m and control its with. a such persons everything tut trims C 'tttttttnull' is controlled by thing fintuteiat autocrutu who, from ',,ofBes in “Wall Strut" or near them, hold the econolnic destiny of the Mich: the motest corner of the United States in the hollow of their kinda; ‘When the elder Hon-gun died he owned but one share of stock im the Steel Corporation. Yet than in thousands who still believe that Jéf P. Mount; absolutely â€,1th it. ; We Hive recently [and In? an» parativély small an intasgeatg'tthiD, Bockfeller' hah in the 8tautarduOit Companyn (Yet. to many ' ' John D.: Rockefeller pal-millet t lute dictatorship of that that win- pmy with all its "itiatitsat-aatrt1fted, of,,the entire oil trade with :11}: its rttmitieatioru. . _ , The Bert Euton farm of 100 um, south of, Deerfield on the Wuhan road, had been sold ttte $1000 an "um. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 0.8th we living with In. Powell on South St. John: avenue, luring "and their home in Raviitit for the winter. V qua 13qu 3f Vinlh, Calif.,', and It', Corn Home“: of Sun Fungi-co. Ca . _ x ' WHO OWNS AMERICA? " PREQUENT QUESTION Farmers and Home Owners Are, In Majority in await ' Of-Property R. ii. Khmer ind daughter of CM- cngo, went the week-end in Innu- kee, Wis. -- -- _ _", _ _ Mr. and Mm. Henry Buford of Chicago, will be the week-end an“ agar. tt.u.ytt. Tritg.t Win?) ..3? mrried in Trinity Epinoox‘ul 1:15th by Dr. Wow, the pastor. any?! P. Tit-yer of Chicuo. Kin PM Is the daughter of lirgs. View birtii, and niece of MreR: C. Jmmsm Hue] (venue. lf was I putty yea- ding and “undid on}: by the failâ€, and A View friends of the bride mud groan. After the Wedding dinner It the home of Dan. Jncobien, Mr.Und Mrs. Than; departed for a boheyJ be the Sheridan PM hotel, Chir%ro.. Mr.. an} Mn, 11; G. W'uttorUnd daughter, Edna. ttsd, my. and‘ Iffy Mr. H. K. coau,Ah., und' unili had as their tteta, let "91.3“?- Mrs. Witmutt thtrothrho hairs: eontined to harmonic with the me for the put fiw dam in able th be nround min. '__, _ __-- , _ A There are times who believo that Federal Bureau T!,t5'e? W; Mt', Sunday. Nov. 18,the Wuh- v!ttirytottt1iuLtrmiesttuidriii. Amos A. Atett.9AsetorGilis 1ritlerynit1rtutttit"iiiGsitTuiii'ii' “marath- Puma-aka." 'uemrA.thortuordiiu.-cGiri 11tete.ttdtolimstuietiik; BIG FOOTBALL GAME fA'l‘ WAUKEGAN SUNDAY Ehren- arm GUM 'Ame1L_CotChetiiiarirt g Mid-Wasting. '.:' 4 North "yibridan Road, Highland fl 'ua-Ti. bulltnvoryhu-d “It!!! Annie-a tutu, tttNuAriterienttt-htiiii:jG; '. .H8rill yopeallmet i _ frnéudmmn. "-rrti-raro 'i', , I would be pleased to refer' aroito mm 'i,' friends of yours who know me and my work. q , i Past performance speaks louder 32mph? bpaating. . Achievement flof ttoeit Sheridan Road. mm am. Iitlttt& 3 . mm a. r. um tit $2.50, $7.50 _'" aid $10.00 ))iiad'imit' 8flle,d'ut,ohes and ooi)ghnattij" _',; f" g of Highliiind Park has no jbfusi‘ms ainniiction absolihely with A. W. ainieier of Lake Worm. ' ' ,1 The Green Tea Pot I Please Notice 'ripe) firm off John Zengeler ; M. As ERNST Fruit thhis and Plum Puddmg If. tmti.attatFuruarAr; Wiyarthtemrttiitsunotu't inton- ‘ _' in. when : â€maths-d Chia-i" Wank-nag W! tetthetnatdi â€nub -tiAhtals 'iitte', W†Cindi-nut annual was. mama-1 the " I W0: QM!†(iii/ai/A " Indian "iiaehnmetraeR I'M-the We up- maturity M in an: s “In" Show] welt hm . of Luke PM univenity ' lagooylth Wuhan; V - n' mid W‘ me. “It: has Th: took! “by km U114 M’s with}; eft3ti, aw M te Vac otg't, Betcha whys: and: 'irieg was}. can»: tom: CE 'Dru- Eda-Pl hula-I at»? b, $toetti Room I Arttte' tttAt,' .43 ' Ha Wanna . .80 In but] mitt: 31%: 36300141 PetoeE, Third dor cup- 333m; “if: non fi?ii,'! In" into The! “in: lull 'lkhme9 Iii-pot lulu. l miller. , and A. notoa. dt 53;? iiiu"iiit 30m UM hot-mil blow their to db. but and . Nrni Iona." . in. a '1’:qu all»: 'tt pmmtyt m a to I†cum unlit: E? “to am 3:1: Hm (lentil O 'l