" fl E?! TtCtr '\ k w El E? ll [if m o RRiji))ki;r.Iry)i" [E WINTER ENcr2iiii'iiiriir" "u Estimates, Furnished ' pygggg 330.4011 AND CARRIAGE PAGE EIGHT ing. m Imus 8mm EVANtmm, ILL. ' CHICAGO m norm mama†AVE. "" Kid!!!“ Ava (,iet,rtlhittmdiile Repairing “mung? Blah Grade Work EVANSTON Etat MODERN PLUMBING AND HEATING Estimates Chmfuny Given. Jobbing a Specialty WITHIN BLDG. 360 CENTRAL AVE. Tlhphlge Shop a. P. 1404 Mac. II. P A†Tickets may tre'seeured at (new. Desk now or satttrdarlrettimr k In.“ an _ FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 69 YEARS T HE ORRINGTON invites you to enjoy another informal dancing party this Saturday evening, Novem- ber Seventeenth. Six-piece college orchestra (protlaim- ed beat dance' music on the North Shore). Immense ballroom accommo- dates over two hundred couples. Per- fect floor and a most desirable crowd of North Shore people (many you know). , You've heard ur about The Orring- ton and these good times, so come this Saturday and get acquainted. In.. formal. $2.20 per couple. First num- ber nine p. m. Come! , 1lllllllllllllllllllBlllmglmgmaig q JORDAN & COMPANY J. Ill. MORAN vnvitation ;' ILLINOIS of 'futor'ia ‘and' jaunt import»; buildings. We make am. proof mm doors of out strength, and ridding power. We He. experts in thU mark " welt " all kinds of tin and that, metal work. Former customer; will. ingly testify to the high mighty of our efforts. 1 Er3it.fa_etiort Guarantee; PHONE RANDOLPH 1m AND no: 48 North First Street Phone 635 _ FOR PROTECTION EVANBTON " 1. Winter CO. In this why ht lees the 9‘st go round" and mike: mums am'cne the men.' Not in a why tint they become, spin or hawks, but employées who lee Ming wrong with theirilim 'trirMr. sad; offer abetter sciatica 'i,rr)tmtlue) “on, k ' '. . I . l He gets. many dt his nimble bits of information from the mun in the 'shop or along the tracks, according (to his interviewer. T l "Why doesnt " employee, work.. ing on the same think day after day1 know 1 number of things about his work that ond - heard of from th mt have! ag'mahognny deck?†was one‘ a! Mr. Rudd’s mentions. He is" : membgr of two clubs. one a golf club, and he ha; only played four - ot golf in five years. After work, when memtion usuallyviio on the given-gm. ha ttoea out on the properties he in bead of. I. Budd, accordih to gatory‘in the October issue of lid Mtiutfatttmsm' News. . ,',, ,.' ; Budd; a director iithe (Middle West Beeuritiirtt 1somptitiv, Utilities Securities conning, Northwut Utit.- 'itiea company, ‘amrn F Witseotuiri Light & Power; emnpaifr, Public Utilities Securities Company of: New Jersey, Lake Superior District‘ (Power company, and the 1:?an & Bessemer Railway &Ltghi, com- yany, is also healof the Public Ber. vice line. . "r"mamaAtfrrPArt-tottatst,amtrNist, The man who know: the poorest laborer and has flamed Jtote sad why the wheels do round it†ttritton I. Budd, "eordiftRto gator-3r in the GETS INFORMATION j . - FROM MEN ON JOB When these letters are published. they will furnish “humnn docu- ments" to the future student and to coming generations. They will tell how Illinois men felt " “rim stages pf the straight and will the an insight into the biographies id an infinite variety of people in ti mat crisis. 5 , ' /" "People who received letters from Soldierrend thong: ho took part in the struggle here .{FAm‘etla 3nd in every" village 3nd city mould an the material thet Java,†slid In. Weber. "And ittrhrseieietus, it they expect to make' at' complete record of their country's’ part in the are“. eont1iet shouldgllyegln " cape the big task of writlitit the thanâ€; _ some by Privates,) somqby 'Giiiiii; boys, some by. some}: who; newt helyen, qway from home beam. l "hrrtsm, In“ Side F _ Another volume now being com. piled will deal with the hintan in- temt side of the Var " told by sol- diers in their letNhr, home. Thott- sands of these letters have been col- leeted-soue written by (men, once. the more historian will La to depend partly on the memory of the partteitratttar, and everybody knows that memory is likely to lac faulty." ', I, _ , The state historical moiety, with the active anp'ervioion of Mug Mer, goret Johnson, will lune noon two volumes giving the statistics and ac. urea showing the material part till- nois played in (the eontlteb-tu amount of money spent. the man power called into action. and the work of Vatican public annotations for doing their bit " my The Red Croo- hu helped coauthor this information and line the vom- en'a clubs, local td'h% We: and exemption boards. A _ _ _) Woodford county, too, has . hil- 'torr in prepnfation, and ft in the db; sire of the 26 Jtiitorietu societieu ies) " -mny countiet to follow suit. Some pf. then New. began col: lectiriz ittuerfal immediately than the armistice. : l ." C Up to Local Sock“:- "People do not/like to an ‘their old letter, and other interesting dun," exphtned Mrs. Weber. Nf the local “We: do not‘begin work a; company out! the NoAii"tiiie . . Platt County Begin- ' The Putt County amended Jo- ciety ha I history well under my ot its share in the tttttttBet with pie.. tum of every soldier who went from that county ittto_the armed forces of, the United Stubs. The society it also investigating the ttntteeiUrtta, of these soldiers, tracing the mttiotr. ality of that panting: so “to ob. bain, a. complete ruin! mam of Platt cpunty soldiery. Three volumes on the part played by Illinois now Are in prrsttdratioet and two of new will he my for distribution boon, It", Weber anid,, trure%n with magnum: of a In yarn. peoplg ht" been destroying documentary evidoncg precious lt the t,",gl't whq would tell how Illiggis met a uhne'of the nation’- deferine. I ' The story of - Illinois donnty and Met and its Ihnré in 'the world war should be written " once, “cording to Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber, librarian of the/state histor- ical library. -Aimatir the records we disappearing rapidly, and in b. few years most of the feta, will be ob. sensed in this hue of,the put, the tai . ' _ State Historian fawn Collec- tions of Intonation in up To LOCAL T SOCIETIES URGE WAR HISTORY FOR EVERY HAMIEI‘ All Communities in g; ltr', Damage done by insects slid (â€use to living trees at! to forest undue“ amount to about 3130,0003“ a you derptsetment of Medan mu The tmuttrtottlth anniversary aga- sion of the world famous 1tsternntioU- ul Live Stock sh‘pw will be held in Chicago Decembdr 1st to 8th and promises to suntan all former ex, hibitions of this; mammoth 'ariettlr, turd sham 1ted6xsd rates will be itt; effect on mama-d. during the hold] ing of this great Micaela“! event. I "The Inhernatip'ml at Chicago "ig 1 really nation“ in character and vim nings there carry a treat deal 'ot weight with, prospective buyers. There is no greater opportunity " fered to the broader than to tltaad shay I curled of? barrow: of his own brooding at the ttttermrtimust. The; advertiaitttr, In!“ of winning tum award mot be dmtimaaL" ' l LIVESTOCK Show is. . NATIONAL FEATURE Prize Wigningd There Carrying Great Weight with Pros- m The contest which hats the endorse. he menrot Dr. John' J. Tigert. commie.» as lioner of education of the United " Stated States, in fully duel-ind in A its pemphlet. which 'wiil be distributed l m- through the high schools and the li. l ,, bra-ice. This ttamttithttreontatt" in addition to tanetmik letter- of en- dorsement from, pr. Tigert, and . 1- from Dr; E. C. Franklin, president) 1- of the American Chemical society. a l.. full outline of the terms and condi- _ tions of the £3th together with the L- letter of gift of'iMr. Gawain. . The " entith supervision" of the contest end e t't'tt:T,2utigetttt1,ijie,,iii.i t to the American hamicai society by Mr. Gama. B. E. Rowe, editor at . "industrial and Engineering Chem: T . Ttttrv," the otBeial gorge)! of the Amer- , ican Chemical poeiety, has been I named as chaimnn-o! the committee. 'l!Pdtte_aiatutrvDr.wiarii' t Bancroft, proton-0r of Chemietry " 3 Cornell nniveni 't, (me at the but ' known men _i1't3t'r,i',ii',iti'! circles in q this country pmident of the American Chemie‘al aociety in 1910', by Dr. Charles It. Betty, president of the Synthetic? Omnic Kandac- txreu mietioti and f"St,t of t 0 American mice Ioeiety in 1915 and i'lh,.t'el by Alexander . Williams, In. 'diiltr2t; who la act as as secretary committee. Natkrtat'iOttanmitte. It in the plan of the committee in ' charge to appoint a' national com- mittee of fifteen Who will be chosen from all wells: art life; from the leading eduedtom, dentists an: public spirited nien end woman at the dountry. It will be the duty of / this committee tq judge 'the any: V and to “$3 the, scholarships in the q national. co petition. â€They will he [ existed in their Work ttstate com- mittee: of eleven rwhoee duty will be to award the print»; in, the state com- petitions. r ennce books am being placed in it; lending librariei of the atatte for the as: of student- xvho enter the compo- tit on. ', ' _ A not of the hooks which inclndg Creative Chemistty by Simon. The Riddle of the Blithe by Lefebnre‘, The Life of Patent by va1urr1tadot, Discovery, the Spirit and Service pf Seienoé by Gregory. and the Film Independence and Prop-nu of Amen iean Medicine infthe Age of Chew istrybyncommitteeoftheAmctian Chemicnl society, is being not from the New York headquarters to ovary necroditéd high and secondary school in the gantry, and net- of that ref., _ con-nude In Chou All armament; for the contest as faiths land- of th) committee in print any: of the America: Chemical so- clety, with Mull-urn It the Mun,., 'tgttti building. New ank‘ City. " prim of $20. in giyld are to he lind- ed in "ttlt untef in the union and scholarships to Yale and Van: will ‘be' than for tho‘six Atesst any- in the United States. These scholar-v 7 ships Mil curry;with than: tuition tot foul-yen: biettmttiater or chem- ictl "e'lll8l'1Tllie,'ll $600 I year in , cub. In additidn to than awn-d: , many other uholanhips will be of.. 3 fared through vnrloun _ nulvenltlea and colleges. ' to 'their daughter, “trick, and, id intended to stimulate intact among high 'nchool studehta in the develop.‘ ment of chemical idem in thin coun- vex-amen and Tim-.3 The coated Me)! rt there-alt of the gift of Mr, ind Hrs. Francis P. fu.rryu! " Nay tore,u's n new Punch G. Blair, but. layering tendent of adulation, Shag been any cially notliUd of a. min; on». prim may cont"; of the Aging Chantal society. in which all . at; of high and new", schools mm mm of minoii have been ‘invitad to compete in I national coats» ttt $10,000 in cash prim and scholar- shir'm to Yale, van: “a other uni-J Myth. and wages} State Btoetirttqidertt of Edua- ' ttoh GM Nbttited of Plan for High and Sec- oetdnrr'fkhpoh CONTEST IS ’NA'non-wms Pmmsnm , ' trl!llllll) oncmncmonc A SW; pectin: Buyers _ iaurgiiopt, 1ilxpet Dem J. J. Ennén jam f C In mods. aiuieaii, - Sign“; I g: 'iti'iiit"'t15"a1'sdeii"iii'i'iii il, _ Caéillac M,t,,ttyfiirconfp'ariy Seéks to lower rates BUDGEBRDTHERS _ . summon“. 6171212.; Place '; once and Residence, 334 N. St. Johns Afe. T P Highland Park; Illinois, 2' rl _; _ BECKER , 4 ".. Jéllour CADILLAC? USED CARS .r," _i"r You are protected hiraiiist ovdrcharge---you iiwil1 lt/ive a courteous driver. '; 'ii" YELLOW. CAB service i'inearis everything that or- ri)ranizedteaportsibiiity implies. ' f Hail them anywhere / announce ' j improvements in appegrancé. , and _ l 5 ' Riding Qualities 3 L J MINES & SON Our request for your cab Risinws is based. on the simth t propositions-the bat truasitorttrtiott â€WWW. 18S,JerP.meteandeatttrlitu ateytteiililiiiti.iiaih7'GCi%iG lmwhou “am“. 'ldGWllr'A"flf, . Ottrs oil-ttttiii",". continually mn§n2,'ud M Witl And but " alt-mean rheuenrdntmitl ‘0‘]!anme “garment at -tml in put in; . ireHiGiriiGi, our like model." Aioiid iiiiittariri5iuii' has. Thou an will attract the bu - td '3'me 1tsyPdtylitF, em? duo. who would a,“ iiiuitraT shin-the Wotan-cam.“ iiiir,lllhllliiltr' to enJ.1Attatpttoit to in Th Pt Car Dix-mm oettil Emma Milka and: an... a Ewmawposlmm HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS‘ tones: Kirkland Park 120 " 121 td min-ton Branch 1310 Run Ave-nu. Em . Mc Pheriion Phone Highland Park , Ban-0mm Establish“! mo 31 blush!!!" a! . and'mimu." ~Wmh' ab L? We? Telephone 1:1,. 71:24! , Tele'phone P. no: ' Lad? Lsist'attt Board Put mo if Csr,