5:1 I I m a: Iii, n il bb, " [Iii a] lit), 5?? 'il a: 1’16! EIGHT P'"""'"""". :303/ TT?"',',?,',', I card, now- a hne I 'ulectr'onlwre. . .IIIIIIIIIII Dainty gift undermuslins I -- I TRe new Xmas I I toys are Iere , . We've just received a sua- I I ply of toys, fines, do I I and story boo a that will I delight the heats of the I I little folks. Better nuke I your selections MW while. stocks are complete. . IIIIIIIIIII'I Exquisite coloring: are seen l L.mr.:.‘"a7y Store Boy's and Girlie A /resl 67. Men 's Store ,ih,rcia)s Fof tile Aoliday GARNETT’S THANKSGIVING SPECIALS week and air " $1.25. $1.50. 81.75 A nrte gift ' a 'ttr a gal -qrte 'of rthese warm bath- robet. A: well made " moth- tr.'s mg 9111; BLTS Colored handkerchief: for ettihtreo-the, better grades. Six in a box, one for eve weekday, IIa Boxes of three siaestrtot3. ' other good w'ool hose values, of Philiipine workmns i . tyd 'l2'l'llTn, Gowns Envelope eiteitisd, in the new potion. Set of Btrmrr bowl and two candle sticks may be had for 85.00 Single piecesL will always come in way. These are of barred dimity or lawn and have tucks. pleats or black stitching. -_--_ --- ---pot1'11 want I tlne new trav- eling bag of soft, pliable leather. .Here at on!" 11.50 Excelleht values in vachette, leather orAtrr, Quit cygs,__ - Anti-darn stockings. Three months' wear guaranteed for the heels and toes of this well known hose, 3 pairs for _ $1.00 Wushed,wool sport coats, in him and green heather mix- tures 86.75 te,ttt, 1"ghlgti: Wide rib- c oe ans, '. t 81.50 Boys,like x sheep _lined cont: and we otrerintthem at base or two $9.50 and 810.50 S2106 -- ii, - 375750 . - \nuclw me. $3.75 design 1nd Hand drawn embroidered, $2.00 82.50 the tuck-ell, with "ttus-rua,). and Mrs.f0. L‘Olu‘on. In, Bag Eat your Thanksgiving dinner at tha,Mornitte. See new on' “other 9980 of this issue. Cover that“ Mrs. Gum when: and tut.ttt'hsr, 1farbara, of W, Wir., will mud Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Pantry id South Sheridan road, entertained Mr. and )1". Henry D. Iran Cleave ad Mrs. Bennie C. Hurlow of Craw- fordlville, Ind., over the wakiend. Malcolm Gallagher of this city, Charles T. Steele mad Frank Watt of Lake Forest arrhnd chpeodgy. Not. 14 in Clearwater, Fl... 'doe an. extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thoma A..Steele and quLaun Steele. They made the entire trip by auto. _ MhusiArirarinia E. Wicks who is a studertt5it the University of Wiscon- sin is returning home for the week.. end. She will attend the Chicago- Madison tune. ' ' The meeting of the Ossoli club next Tuesday afternoon, Nev. 27, promises to be of unusual interest, owing ttrthe fact that the entire program {will be given by the members of the e ub‘who have but lately returned from abroad, “travel litiy" being the subjecg u the "terno6uc ' ' I The masquerade which was to have! mainlso motored through in one been given under the auspices of the, points in Wisconsin. ." 1 Oak Temce P. T. A., at the Oak Ter- ' ML and Mrs. Rex Lander: can race school, Friday eveaimr,Dlov. sis/ and little Rex Lander 'ttti etc has been indefinitely postponed. CTe.rhdintr. the winter at Redl nds, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kattthnann'; California. r.' i of Vine avenue have returned from? Mr.‘and Mrs. White and {unity of New'York' and New Haven where they) Glencoe were the Sand“ sue of spent the past ten days. They visit- i Mr. Iand Mrs. H. F. Claw. , _ ed their son, Theodore, who is attend-', Eat Your Thanksgiving dinn I' " ing college in the east and also wit-j the Moraine. , See (menu On an‘ messed the' Xttle-Prineetott Came. " page of this issue. Cover c we The Dom: society of the SPresby- terian church will hold a Wnksgiv- ing bakery sale at the church, Wed.. nesday morning, Nov. 28, beginning at 10 o'clock. All kinds of bakery goloda, cakes, pies-etc., will be on " e. Mr. and Mm. F. & Northyd Cers tral avenue returned on Fr‘dey, NOV. 16, from the East where they spent the past three weeks. Next Thursday being My. ing Day “The PM" 'will publish a day early (Wednesday). All those having new: or social item kindly telephone them in early deay or Tuesday. 7' f _ In and Mm. (Edward Steunkel, Miss Laura, and Walter, bt South Green Bay mod, nceompapied by Misa, Isabel Bamborongh (It, Chicago, motorist! to gutting, Duluth attend the urdue 'r"e't',t,tM (the. Miss Bamborough returned" ‘Hixhhnd Park with than. to spend the week., end. I'. ' er, The Philathon class of tho Ebene- Ber Evangelical church «at: this evening with Mrs. Milton gum“). In many parts of the state interest in securing 'ttttit share of the bond issue appropriation fer roads is inte se.;‘snd every possible Influence is being‘ brought to bear on tht governor and highway department to, build roads where these sections desire them. N aturally'where widespread interest in getting “roads built is shown and strong†influence is exerted results are "obtained more readily than where-apathy is manifested. Hence it id necessary for this section to show revived interest in this route 22 project if the state authorities are to be expected to give it early, attention. The larger and more iMutntial the delegation sentjto thtrinitfiitl4, to boost the construction of this road, the. better-the prospektof C It is a matter of gr ‘ ifteatia to theNrth.tttttrs etmtm,tmtti" interested to know t active steps are being taken to mm the state highway (t ment.iti the ftit f'tt,ttig, of state bond issue route Nd. 22, the Bmington- e crest i',te'i','/lti't. will open Green Bay road between Highland Park and; e For- est by a direct paved highway on the West side of tbr'tailriiad. This route has been teatatively mapped out since the; s stem of roads under the $60,000,000 bond issue plan was iii'r'i'ii'i'i?'aii, unless its completion is soon provided for the fl il l be ex- ahausted before this section ié reached, those who 32 informed in this, matter report. _ T T I ' It is a proposition that should have the prOmpt ind 133411); support of everybody in the tl',',,','",?,.'),,','?:,';'?,','),',',',',,')!?,""',,',": it? organizations which already have displayed interest? n the _ l ' the Lake Forest Kiwanis Hub and the Highland Park 31155083 Men's association are entitled to. credit for their activity in the matter. Through their interest and readiness do everything possible to push the project before the proper a thorities and in the proper manner it is believed the road can be gestured next rear., But prompt action is necessary, and the time to do good word: on the plan is now.. l _ V i The Higiihmt Park Pressl,‘ The next regular meetihg of the Lady Elks Social club will by held at the club rooms next Wednesday' after-Mon at 2:30 o'eloek.' [ '. Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Hand and Miss Salem of Central “Mme mo- tored to Milwaukee, Wis., $1 Sunday: Mrs. Brand’s mother, Mug William Hitter, returned to her bomb in that city after visting in Highhpd Park. Catalan Coale enberfainéd at a cousin puty in honor of)“ sixth birthday on Thumhy, New 16. Percy, Prior, Jr., entertained a number of his little friends at a putty in honor of his third "birthday yesterday adternoon. l Mrs. Margaret Shake!“ Danny Lamb, Mr. and Meg. litigant Lurvey of Oakfield, Wis., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Sheahen of Central avenue. " T success. Enlarge a â€could“: utter Much I, Myst, " the pod: (do. It‘Hi‘h" land Park, numb. under a Act of “I! 3, Mm). T l I pk -l LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS I Published Wam'uégu Printing Co. " my“; iUririjiirii; . 's- ".ydi":,.v, r 3 Iltinta , _ T " . N UMBER " PRoyp)rierroN NECESSARY 'df a" gï¬g ,5 N Mrs. Fred'Wéod of Fond du the, Wia., is the coat a!!!» 'later, rs; W. Zimmer, fol-gm]. of ' y..' Mrs. Lucian trim "tan l from Ohio, ,rhem.atteattendad on: hundredth “aim-Iv of the . in: ofthe Berlin HMâ€; , _ g tiondghnrch. 7 ., "' is l ' 7 Mr. F. w. cum is' maimitMo week in New York City. ' _ I ""fi'i, mam. was initiated an Sheridan Rebekah has: on Mo , tvenind. _A, large {number of hers were present} from ":wIht.'irtti, Libertyville all Wt as"; to. wit» ness the ceremony. _ r', ' T l , Eat your Thanksgiving (Him: the Martin's. See menu on an page‘ af this issue. Cover ct $2.25. _. l . Mrs. Robert Gretuaa. mites-hin- ed " luncheon on JVturdar jfpli her cousin Mrs. Owensâ€; 'H. Mr. Phil Mueller returned l last week front Mayo Brother; hostital, Rochester, Minn., when he ittder- went examination. , .. _" J (iiiaiiTiriiriiiir1i . Ja qivaaiinod with scarlet fever. ‘1, ' ' : Mr. Robert Luke, manager o) tbs Moraine hotel left Saturday for; Hot Splines, Ark., where he will retain for several months. ' t, -rriy'i'iSirririt"iiniriirrv'i'i'ii, din j at the Moraine. , See (menu On an‘ page of this issue. Cover c m $2.25. _ I V ' ! Mr. and Mrs. A. Kim.“ and mother?, Mrs; Ernestine Re of North 'St. Johns avenue, and Mrs. Paul Blanchard motored to Ken In. Wu., when they were the ttT. guestspf Mr. and Me. muiei cu. Theyjialso motored through“ on: points in Wisconsin. j ', Mr. and Mrs. Rex Lander, one: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER = Last Thundny evehintMrtr. Mm.. cil Muzik we: pleasantly " by the U.- S. W. v. of Camp ‘7 pt. McGrath and auxiliary me rs. The affair in: in commemora n of her birthday, and Mrs. Muzik was presented a bridge lamp. "(is were the featu'rc of, the evenin Many members of Campbell Up'- ter visited in Evamton last 1111» day evening, Mr. al. E. Gull ' of the local chapter terved, as hr patronttterm' _ _ ~’-: :',I , Little Prank Keller u t,onflritdt to his home with scarlet fever. i Mrs. A. C. Allen who pet it,' a serious accident 'a mkungo- - day while crossing the “feet, Hast- ting along nicely Although it ll be many weeks before she will _ Viable to be around. Mrs. Harry Marital and ml " of Chicago was the we? of he pin» ants, Mr. ind Mrs: l, ' _ that yesterday. . . . _ _f _ George Merrick Rossini)! v titer. tained eight boy friends t a" .311- day luncheon on Sum- V, i which they attended the . ll game at the high school. l _ " a. Mrs. Robert Smith enteqhinf th- Rebekah Sewing Circle at'isn '", day meeting yesterday. "'1 le, . Mrs. Henry F. Claw is hogan to the Five Hundred club this P"- noon'. v _ I T I Te formerly-Mita Almal Glenna. . ' "iiiiGriU,, Rebemh' stat! Mu“ i't on the york ttWbettrille on Jr ' Mr. and Mrs. alum tjisrilitrot Des Plumes were the Sunday was†of Mr. and Me. J., N. Zimmcr. i ' Mr. Robert Greenshdewu than i delightful surprige party last data?- day evening by sewn! af his friends. Cards were the feature! the eve- ning and the' prize winners were: Mr. Arthur Ender, Mn. Agnes Duffy, My; yr! y“; Eljur Miy.ter THE HIGHLAND PARK rams, alumni) plum, more! ' W ,'2'a1ii' "i's'st, " ---Ade. 'trat, Mft. to" mum are rower: thttair"iiiG"ii 1rf#r.adMra.ir.iihittGTGi' SouthGreenBum-d. "r: '. A. O. 19tpi,tdtrts No. 678, A. I“. ï¬nd A. N., will obttrrvldite,pitrtit not: Ntmrday "gains in Masonic. tinit. All wives, t,t,ttitiirt Treat' Masons are ink to present; I delightful manna“ has ban â€and. and ii most pluunt "pnlrte in unis. cipated. ', , MASONS To OBSERVE , LADIES NIGHT, SAT. Monthly dents in the We , i Shields high?§ school ochednla trout, 't now until June, 1924, are listed a . j follows: _ 3 f . i Novembe t phonon It,".",")),; V Deeembe ristmu party, 1' 1e f school, T t r.' Jamiarr--8enior ~Hop, evening. l juniors and anion. :1 l Tyhrtmr.vc--t,r?phomom Mound. i, lruryr-zr'rxislumut informal. ', 7 l Aprir-Junihr prom. - _ ( yay-Senior Nair. i' ', Jums-Ah'adimtioit and other m- ities. l i The dork tras beautifully axehtrt1. 6ed, and eacli oitieer Manta" 'tit deal of credit Mrs. Roluind 131.1ch and Mrs. J. Bobey nag upproptku songs to the “new. ‘About one hum dud and Mui, Weré mount. I COMING EVENTS AT -' THE HIGH SCHOOL Monthly Fault Scheduled at Deerfubi4, ts' Ids From NOW td June ' t I Past Matrons' ind Past Patrdha’ nigh}. was kelebratod " ,Campb'ell tg?',',' latt,letteninr. The ttttt we all flied by titejta , Mrs. Lil1iam':Moon and Mr. William Thomas wed in the out. The other enlarge! the evening were: Emma Brown, associate matrbn; Albert Lar. son, secretary; Charles Brace. trua- urer; Anna; Aricknetl, madman†Myrtle E. 1thode; associate] conduc- trest; CatherinmA. Levin, ichaplain: Richard Brim marital; Carolina Winter, org-a tt airline Glow, Adah; Mrs. Bane“ Ruth; Karyn-at Marshall, 1iuytetrEttliiie E. 1hsail, Martha; Frames V. Luann. Eight} Henry F. Claw. warden Norman Cul- ver. sentinel;:; Carolina Winter, organ-l ist; Gertmdeanoaeman, soloist. £33»? V - delegate . Jet/eh/lt/leger,',',, 'iirii'il' repo o a cam- season of tt,he't'ii,'r: peach d- nutmef, Shady university, ad , F a); 2,lfi't'i"d on “Speech new“?! Mrs. Arthur 'Bhuld" music Mr; man, announced tt lactate to be than by Mrs. Edward McDowell At ttmr Trier high school on Monday evenihg; Nov. 26. my. McDowell will lecttro on the Artit _ ' Colony ".Pete6dro, New Humps re. and will play music written by F r husband. m Pr? ceeds are to? to the MeDotreg 41n- dowment {at for the maintain.» bf this urtitta’ golony at Peteehpro, New Humps ire.' , 1 " _ ' 't, 'rate, at the his?“ Set y oel a um, arm: with the 'lt iveriigaat ‘71!an Hill tmbieetiwaa the "Urifaldiaeiot Democracy.†_ _ if,“ _ The meeting adjournedva 'lter ann unceme t of a card party tom. xiv;- nt W n ball loudly " Log),. Marx), {ohm betteftt (if bui ine f . I , P, LARGE ATTENDANCE AT 7 ' ' [ PAST OFFLCERS NIGHT Mm. By Inner "tttttttseed that theorphm‘ 1tirtsotttitsittrludm_tb. unteered to bend the sucking twice . month fdriDirrnaa hm. She naked for 1htnkirivityt eonMImtioatr ot food or dodging for both'Dorcu home artd. Lake In! "trphanntre,, “deb irear and 'ta being most needed. Articles: of ood or clothing left , at Bowden's mdrket or at Ken's greatly next Monday, or Tuesday, will be 9:11- ed for by het committee and delivered to both orphanages. ', _' Mrs. Samba! Knox nephrted on the morning "ation Itf the hath distriqt federation ting held Not. 18. qt thejRomers ark Women') club. “he “barman . ion will ho 'r,tetittiat the next me ting of thank» V, := _ The Noveinbor bulim- "meeting of the Highlqd Put Wmn’: dub was held " TM†“mg; , WOMAN’S CLUB IN . NovemberiSushu.-Eeld Tues- day; Numerous Interest- , V T in: Features , "teras M' >M2ml‘m1'9d. followed by; â€portal from ttdttdins contain-es as follows: '/, l Hrs. tsine. Bulb, chairman of education. outlined the work that fall: to het committee and destined it: plus in; tueommunitv Moe. manhunt“. iconic! thug?!“- Wan cldrch. ", we 'trr, A Irv o. ls 01m, fimmee _it'.'t tr-port" on my! it ' ','t,itiifre,',2iu'url',"flt.tt, cm of the new audience room Mrs. Frail: Cain. chairman o! the pet-munch: .fbuilding command. 1»- ported ‘on building progress mad con- tacts let. 2 , El 'jllotlAf'r/v",niarnraa"P'r"l" ' "t'c?Wiilrit?/l ’| Just for Thanksgi i'ir.'th!k'"il)iflD_i,,"i" $5 ': Ready foryour. , . ', CardE Examine It, Point by Point and l _ Find It "Exactly What You' Premier Duplex vacuum Ckatiers, $54 (war to wash your jeldth$, next wash my. l, _ _ 03 at our 'store or T ‘. lephone us, Mi t Mon to " ' tp let the G V , y show you (a Mir and better To _ 'tttit you are tttng the best value, ' 't,?e'tti, to mine Re Gain-day carefully y, /otitiQistit,tgtt,1',tt ii' the tt r of v ( _ ' ma e te?,i.iiiEiiiiii: After an. that u what f ruin att cloth-i=1 vain: economicnl (iitt','i,tt','ciiiCii)"ii'i'ii, neverbe 1dhnyp§intetj lathe __ - y. 7 - - (it, in: ,t,fia,it in: a tiithu, shod on how? Minch'ne it (fl/ll team:- of Wm- '",1t 15 ' " Johns Ave, Teiersoniijir: P. l _ a 5 mums 1N alum. than“ run. A?! f ANY or on: all Gunmen“ x 11: mm A mum mm or! I V t man GRADE gunman may Wanna; y, t - -H ""'""T-ar- i, ', Put: your own NOW POI! alumnus ilaavm, Sepap' Chips Eiiil Ashrder' IEarl W. Gsell 83 Co. A PURE soar , Z PHARMACISTS g? 339 Cacti! Aitenue Tali; QHYDRox G.VERriil,ui:Y' QQREFISER oit.rypuijlt, '_' H. F: Huber Electric $1139 " menu-31m. Mn. an. (ii, an Immune“. mumcu or *u. tutti mm mm: 2 . 1.: ICE CREAM ass “national mien-11ft; “A; full line' of a new qua ty candy for 'nanktssriiri),t,g. Ampriea's nicest, put uri f in attractive packages. ' f! As a Thanksgiving gift) as an addéd delight, _ for: ' e Tl,iihilrstriving dinner, ati," n expression of affection, _ d y fatmes 3rhieit absolutely efe. MW?! Bttt.ttlm can: ret,Yre 2’3 You m), Want" _ 2 'Ct' ES