nos "' f ':1,i,iz'i'tf/, Co. hm Avesi ' , M expanse 9hr ma at Cott bunt URSDA! ild Tel. Eva-saw 4266 fentral 83.3 i er that la tltryr'n- t o'cloek t later electric ittht. iras ple I t and I porch; . hm he light a: an?“ dtime. ', 5 l days iUttort; some p "rf the 1 before 6cm“ vinter , 3 new†ising d met ohm 158} ms ai', tktst in- ;c light durt winter. 3 l Crat deliterr, to tcr ill meal: y pm}. _sxpartsei' 'tAisna, beautify t for 15:. thet) datum iountt, ul ,towi, xhbery' ' invarian- ILLINOIS- " hr? 'one of an! Chicago rpQ I {can is W mow from after " F. Ii5'.7, '. To the legal holders of the following Improvemént Bonds lulled by the At', Highland Park. , _ ' , . _ l l on are hereby notified that there are sumeient hands wary the Tr med bonds hereinafter dgscribed and that the following amp bondrhaie hm selected by lot for payment: . l hem , , . _ .1 â€3- Bond . 5 C . -' w No. Dated-i Series , T Amount :14 1794 July 19,7 19g 1_ "'-'-"T"" --rl-- $39999 tu ttt m 2867 June 13, 1920 C. ___.......-..,.-...,-..-.--.'---"'-.."'"-'"-"..'."- 000.00 Mit 2949 Serb. 16, 1920 C ...._..r, _.....,..'....---.-.... 600.00 " 3010 Ju y T, 1922 A r----:-,--:---------- 300.00 " 3012 July 7, 1922 A os..-..,..-...;..,-,....-....-...., 100.00 " 3016 July T, 1922 B --------r-----"" 100.00 a 3021 July T, 1922 c __...:-.---..-...-:"-..'. 100001 " 3026 July T, 1922 D _..,,..-......-.....-'.:.-.... 100.00; " V 3029 July T, 1922 A e,,_.e_A_....--.---.--.-- 500.00% .3. 3038 July, l 7, 1922 B o........-...-.-.--'..-..'- 100.00, $3 3045 Aug." 11, 1922 C "m--.-'""'.--'-"""-"'" 100.00 Mt 3052 Aug. 11, 1922 D o,,-..'.....-.'-..-....,............; 'JIffl) :57 , 3076 July T, 1922 A _..-.."...-.-..-...-........,'........ .00 Bt 3077 July T, 1922 A m."........-.'-,..-...-.-..-....-.". 000.00 I! 3078 July . 7, 1922 A -t,--.L.---..-.-.'--. 500.00 tet 3079 July T, 1922 A w..-.,--,-:--.-----,',.--- 8tffl th 3081 July T, 1922 A _--.----------------' .00 I? 3084 Aug. 11.11022 A .,.._,___...Cf._......._.._......-....o0.00 In 3085 Aug. _11, 1922 B ------r-""'-"""""""'"""" .00 I? 3086 Aug. 11, 1922 " B' o--,---:-.--'--;-- .00 IR 3088 Aug. 11, 1922 B ..-.r...............-'..-..'.......... .00 it! . 3093 Aug. 11, 1922 C o......-.........-.-....:........, 500.00 87 . 3095 Aug; ll, 1922 C 're ___,....-.......,..-...-,'..-, 500.00 I? 3096 Aug. _ It, 1922 _ C .- o.....--.--"---.'--- 500.00 I? 3101 Aug. 11, 1922 ' D...-......-.-......-.-'-..; $00.00 is? 8103 Aug. 11, 1922 D w.---------.,---!.!!!!,?? ' ',, 3105 Aug. ll, 1922 D oc----'.-.--.-:--. tltffl I? 3109 Sept. I, 1922 _ E o...-.-..'-.---.--',-'-. .00 it? 3110 Sept. 1, 1922 E w-.-..-.-..-.-...),.--- alt I? 1 3112 Sept. t, 1922 E _.--.--)-.-..--.'--. .00 3:1, 3111 Sept. 1, 1922 It -....-v..l......---',.-. 500.00 , 3119 Sept. 1, 1922 1- F -._.......-...---...d-.-.. 3003: 11 3120 Sept. 1, 1922 F w".:...-.-.-...----'--.- 500 M illfd Sept. I, 1922 A? _,,..........-...--....--.-,-'.... 500.00 lr, gigs Sept. 1.1% g e-----,---,------'---- tltffl It tiii' Gog. . T, 1922 11 _.....-...:........:-......-.?:.......... .00 I? 3135 Nov. 10, 1922 H _--.---.---------)-- .00 I! 3136 Nov. IO, llltl H o-..---.-'.-..--..-.- .00 g 31,52 Jtut. 19, 1 I -------r--r--r'--,- Mom ' 3153 Jan. 19. 1923 I _.---,.-.',--'.',-,::--'-. (itlffl, it . 8164 Jan. 10, 1924 1 r.-..-.,..,-.-..:--::--",::-,.-' .oo , , Tut, said Bonds and each of them will be paid " the can of tho'under- Olly Treasurer, City Hall. on the 10th day of February, 1924, after time no interest wil accrue maroon. . . January 8, 1924. . ' _ uADDV DAIYI ' m 51 m m an m an m m :57 an m an m an m m .51 m m m m an “(NICE OF LETTING CONTRACT J ASSESSMENT NO. 272 COUNCIL or _ Tm: cm or I HIGHLAND PARK NOTICE IS _HEREBY q GIVEN that hide will be received for the We]: of a ninloreed concrete ‘mnt in Gleason Avenue from! Avenue to Green Bay Road} lid in Gray Avenue from RidT'ood Drive to Glencoe Avenue, all n the City of Bitthiand Park. Lake County. '1tirtou, as I whole in "eord+ m the ordinance that“. __ diiii%iiGRii"iiuieived by th- fttt2tiitiag.'t1 in the Gig fel; rk, Illinois. In . when: ‘5’. M. on the 18th day. of. Je “17.1924. at which time 1nd like. “I: will be publicly opened pad tu 'treeiheatiotts pd bank In. â€Ills" will be may: a an an at on an, Clerk 1 [the City Hall at an City. r . Tho contmtor al be tay trt Arta, which bonds 1 am intend. " the rate of six (6) per gent W 3.1mm. (, au successful bidder foe the not»! “ration of said hwy“! 'lf/ limited to enter intq bond in“ in“ "ttal to one-third of? the mat of in or their bid with sundae tl' be med by the President 0.1 ttte I when entae'rink into the coll- Amee for the comm of “a 't Mt. . ," A ‘All Proposals or ua must be - Mica by . smrtitud chock-PI!- 509 Central Avenue, Highland Park Lg, JANUARY W, we; FELL BROTHERS "SMART SHOES FOR ALL" July ' 16, June 13, Sert: 16, Ju y T, July T, July T, July T, July T, July T, July, . q, Aug." ‘11, Aug. II, July T, July T, July . 2, July T, July T, Aug. ll, Aug. 7 ll, Aug. ll, Aug. 11, Aug. tl, Aug.; ll, Aug. _ It, Any 11, Aug. ll, Aatr. ll, Sept. I, Bert. I, Sept. t, Sept. I, SGPt. l, "tit. t, lietrt. I, Sept. l, lyspt, l, July T, 1922 July T, 1922 July _ q, 1922 July T, 1922 July T, 1922 Aug. 11911922 Aug. 11, 1922 Aug. 11, 1922 Aug. 11, 1922 Aug. ti, 1922 Aug; II, 1922 Aug. _ 11, 1922 Aug.. It, 1922 Aug. It, 1922 Aug. II, 1922 Sept. I, 1922 Sept. 1, 1922 Sept. t, 1922 Sept. I, 1922 Sept. l, 1922 Sept. I, 1922 Sept. I, 1922 Sept. 1, 1922 tt 1, 1922 Oe . . T, 1922 gov. 18. llit M. , Jan. 19, IE Jan. 19. 1923 Dated r _ 16,- a 18, t.. 15, Telephone M. P. 456 1915 1920 1920 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 More DaysWear Every pair tif "Ball. Band" Rubbers is made Mr' strong and durable that you are sure of get, ting the longest Wear) Good iit and rArtoot. eomfortare yours, too, when "BaB.Band' ' is your choicé. Ten million people buy the Rubber Footwear with the Red Ball Trade Mark because they hare hound that it is the longest weir- ing, most comfortible and best looking Rubber Foot. wear they can get. ' K Don't have wet feet and soaked shoes. Come in and select from our full line of "Ball-Band" the Footwegryou nerd. NOTICE able to the President {the Council of the Cid Id Highland Park for the' sum of not less than ten (10) per cent-of the W“ of the pro- Said proposal malt be deliveredto the President of the Cohndl in open session of laid Council at th- than and phee Bxed herein for the opening at the aunt. t A _ - F _ herein No prépoul or bid will be con- aidered union ammptnled by chuck The Comseirretservet the-right to reject any or all bids if tur deem it best for the public. good. _ . SAMUEL M. HASTINGS ', FRANK L CHENEY ' " FRED A. PRESTON _ . JOSEPH B. CARD " LYLE ,GOURLEY _ Council of the City of BMW Psrk: HARRY PAUL, ' City Treasurer. tn, BAND" a»; I .t. z." 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 (, ('ttIittri' gjritii-tt Sunless are held in†this climb 38? Hue). "clam, _ Sandi] morning .at 10:45, SEMI}, school manta " tnmlio'eloek “hill and to pupils up to the 'tttriot 20 m The Wednesday owning -ttrtq, which includes ammonia: o! Chris- tin Selena mung, is n tt Mais ‘You an cordially invited to and: ueofttt-dirtrtymot8trrNt. tral avenue. whlch‘ll open any wk .dtftopt nine o’clock in the morning ' Subjeét for next $11111!anqu Sermon. “Sacrament! V ' ttig? o'dopk u the min; all 831047: pita-noon from two to six o' s'.", -. A . ai.""""""'"""""""""""". t PRESWWW 939F992 Green Bay toga and Laura! "can. Rev. F. R, Cdidweil, gator. ', . BiMejettitoirrr0rg(rs m. . I Morn,intt womhip--t0t4tra. m. Set: man try, the,paatore . .', F Christian Endeavbr-JI p. m. . " Prawns-41“ ' m. 'rhrpastor' u, prbaphing a series or. such an» mom on the Mapemmtiditi of Ahrd. The second sermon on “The Dianna»; tion of Conscience†win he punched Sunday‘evening. A latge'ehart is aged in illuantioq; , l _ , " V A special iiivitaitiqn in 'rxtem,Ud to all. ', 'r_i'i,_-" _ _ 9:30 in. m.--chttmhysehool. Mr. Al., fred Sibler’: clan will luvs the wor- ship ‘uervice in the Young People’s der. ptrtmeht. _ . 9:45-c-A. A. B. el-si, . ir-aroma, worship service. _ r . "'.30u-Meetintr of the session. ‘ _ . 6:80w-Sttppdr and tttettitt'e " the two Young People. societies. l The Rev. George B. Flakes, dim of religious edaeatioit at the Chicago Pretbyttt.rg, will Imam“ _ , V _ tom-The Womilh's Missionary un- ion will entertain the Woman’s league at a luncheon ot trhielrNm. Hum“; Oleson is in charge, in the parish house. ( Mrs. Paul Jrinekttottse will give an illustrated lecture, fA9ttitr- neyThtoqth $191113 '_ -- ': _ ' 9:30 ' tC Sum-yr mums»). Noerth will may two groups df piano selections. lm Tllequy-f- _ A __ T _ __ ' r.' F , . "hr-i.9reetinr at the chorus tir re- hearse for the Enter music. , Prayer ineetihg eatery Wednesday evening " 7:45. . 3 ,. The W. M. ‘S. will hold its ginU. ary maths " the home of Mm. Wila Ham turot, 598 Glenview'nenue.‘ Tho] members no !trtresdtotuuthi""tii" matting of the new eye“ . record‘ .Preathintt by1ttie pastor it 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 b. an ‘_ " Evangelical Ledgue' of, Chrhthn Endeavor " 7:00 p. m. _ , The Rev. P. C. Welcott, D.D., factor. Th; Rev. Philip W. MacDonald. l M. A., Assistant _ , ', Sunday iservieea-- . , . 'l,' The. Holy Coatmmtuet---r.80 m I The Church 8'ettool--4V.80 an. _ (, Matins--11:00 an. '; . ', (The "ttrat Sunday in the mouth. the may Communion). , Evetiiomr--tntt pm. ' _ ';) :Thursduy and holy (landl- Holy eomnmniott-AV.80 m. , V f; UNITEI') EVANGELICAL Radic rm: HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK. tunnels CHRISTIAN some]: Outfits Paits, Suppliés Installed; Adiusted, ", . Repaired _ J ,55 South St. Johns AA. Phone Highland Park .115; TRINITY CHURCH i GRACE M, E. CHURCH _ Comer North avenue “than?! places .“‘ , '_ f l j. l', 3:Wm. B, ire, minim». l / ,. Sundae-r y, l j J K 1u9:‘30 A, nix-Sunk: who]. l . 40:45â€; Ttatt',',",',',, Pt, ‘Subjgct, 'fr tlUtt.tmt)tlfrr3rpr. I 3:90 p. itrez.1nrttmirtirauHe_ . mo p. "i.,-lhe apt 'iiiiiiiiii' con- ference. Tht distriét In†W, Rev. CHtustie Odgers, vim pro-opt. 6,:30 9 'uc-tThr Elm mauve. Topic, 'iiiiih and the fe1t,llrj'h, L if“ a). ttLa-ii-ttit Isl-vibe; Sub- ject,x“'1_‘he Cotger's Sammy RPM or God lit-the Fireside." , ' - V _ NOTICE I Foblic notice is hereby rim that therogneil of the City of Highland Pa b, County of Lake and State of 111113015; by: 61ed my; County gum prlrrsrhteetiitir, sinuses my Illinois, (mitigate that, m 'f)h'iTnlll'll)'ll'iJ,,'i'i2't' h" “My, 2, p, hc-uahe gWomen’: Anx- “my " the home?“ Mm. Wm. tit Bleach, 882 Making road. Kongo“, MrcWrn. til. leach and Mm. . L Boyd. been completed, tittd that “sonata“: subltatftinllf to the require!!! of the origin; ordimzce for the con- struqtiop of thesam , to-wit: Mt; meted tsystem of water mai tr in est Park Avenue, Elmwood DIE]: Clifton Avenue. Yule Lan ‘Hnrva Court, Princeton tiit,t,'iii,'ihtl',i'e,i, Road, Rev- erif Place, female], Avenue and Cen- tral" Avenu .A Hit.rliltyftf'trk Special Assessment of "idfpoirr't Docket No. 266 and that applicntjon has been manic to said Court'bo consider indl determine whether or not/the fatter Stated int said ts_ettifiqatq are true: That n hearing_will lye by! my eld tphe,',tigy"a' Sunday the 26th thy January A: D. 1924. at the hour, of ten (to) o'clock in the lawman of said _titty, al the fh8sytv' __Cou_rt "It County. I . ' Qiectiom may be Bled to aid th plication on or before the hour of _ 3105 o’clock in the foreman cf said my. T _ , ., SAMUEL M. HASTINGS " . I FRANK L; CHENEY _ ' LYLE GOURLEY _ . JOSEPH B. CARD FLA, PRESTON , ,' Council ttf (City af diam Puk Dated at, 'iihhittd Putt, Illinois. January 111th, '1924. M'B: 33m Cqurt. in»; County Court House, " Waukegah, in nid= 14159 County: ©31, 'iiiii7iiiiririi'r' v.'. "rn.-4iiiiGreit ivindowr, broad cowl and high n- TheTudorSedanisa'die '"."'". M I!†M, N U. 'c‘ "Fa .v. , . t _ appearance' andearcareNxrotirtterior Wide doom» himted tr m b At $590.1m brice is narrower tyttrirmdr.kymtrn bm"iloth “P than any MFG“! Sedan, but hehe.rr and attract“. Pre lower than and â€(1me on trirmhiusadtime-hlrtoitmudi- Body lines, lar. M i, '-c , a. See this exception- panelrearquotrtil( “’ fr'?" th'". ahdeimtArnew windows. Stead I 7i'SF'i"aC'l'iGi'i7 1 Ite' produce in “.4 ‘._.a Ct - '. a _ -l...m.'.._.- aibearanee' andearai,mxtotimerio, At $590.38 price it no: dulyloWer than any prmtit,nm Ford Sedan, but new Ford body type, admitably dd. signed int "harmony' : of "exterior CARS - TRUCKS . Tmcrom SPRINGER & PERSON A New Body Type THE t'lriiiritr SEDAN JWYMQ' ‘ _ F ttttttet. , _ I _ $ub- , . ht or ',' (weeit Aux..' ' ' n. til. was, _ tib. .t that 5: blind} ', We of , Court, . 'rfiqatei 'r r. o. B. DETROIT 46-47 Giiieued Pred Helen. PHI. "' Eta-+11 your {£06,1ng up _ 61mm and ward on" com- by MufRBXALL an . 0!"qu LIVE oi. g Ith, ' mimme,mi' l bmn .nnut'qmlity sWlit,i whim!!! t 13!:th concentrated. but -,'totW,',Ptrttttr.t'tt'ttttt! tt ". _ new m‘ml m '590 sjge,-r,a, JOHN ZENGELER ' " ( Cleanei aid Dyer A _ "ps North 'suits Raul , " WE OPERATE iwrimm PLANT m A " mam!) PARK j':' ' GUARD _,' Yop)tsriirar Axum the Rigon’s of Winter WWitgnceandpohphun 3.1] ROBERT W, PEASE war. no H Foidr product' in Ford slutweitoms. Martin. PAGE m ft h