iid Lai' (Dylut i (tod at , fp cplot meulud w, iu,it,"1iiiii,ii' 8.95 hats tiulii Sweat: tas A' Wool. V 35c land _ to the, 'i,' andiiie f All. cwooi' I . ' Our Housewarming ' {if} WAY. LAKE FOREST SCHOOL OF music “at Racial: the first Wain-any Mteraooqt Opening of the Second Semester ' Monday, January Twertyfrst CLOSED "CAR COMFORT [MISTRATION FROM NOW ON AT “THE MUSIC 1 4 Frost Place, Telephone Lake Forest 999 Private lessons in.Pianot Singing, Violin, (Selig, et_c. ii; Giiiiiiirriiiuiu, "amaieuG or profgssionda Classes in Harmony and Ear Training, Ensemble and Dalcroze Eurythmics. llimtitrflRirmtiRs Baby's Health Demands that your milk supply be absolutely safe and pure. BOWMAN 's MILK is pasteurized and bob. tied in the country, the ideal method of/ handling milk. _ .' . Rapid, direct delivery in iced retriirAtT ' cars to your neighborhood 9.881176% be: ing fresh and meet. . ' Cadillac Motor Car Company . v Evanston Branch Dining from 9 " " Saturday, jammy rtrt* Husk O'Hare's Attt JANUARY W, 1924 Business Coupe Sedan Open House jammy 19M HIGHLAND PARK. ILL‘NOIS tones: Wt! Park 120 . 12.1 t"g in our new home recently completed " 1810 Ridge Avenue corner Lyons Street . M c Pherson Marta Milinowaki, Director to come to on are invited SIX BILLION RMS, IN NEW YORK Mas M EN'A C I N G IMMIGRANTS Health Authorities Wage Con, ,tlnua! War Against Dttmtetc" nus Pests; Great Dam. '. "- tttte'NCotrtttry j [ _ There ie'oneJdnd irf"munitrmnt tt this g',','t,", so 1',tr,Lt','tete', eo- dnngero a, that no qu whatever in snow“! to him, and every possible df- fort in hide to keep him out enti'reiy. The shipping commutes, use, regard him with aversion; .and ampere“ fully with the authorities to exclude him. Yet he': so nkillftil a atomwey that oftmr he elipe'by every barrier -k1aruitmfe1y on our docks, t Accepting as itgtht the com- plete exclusion of so foreign rats, the health department has organised arsquad to run them downafter they land. These men operate in many parts of the city, but moat of their time is spent along the waterfront, near the docks. “The prevalence of bubonic plague in varioueparta of the world since the war has lisnt spe- cial importance to this work. _ In the last few years the plague has actual- (ly broken out in a number of Ameri- ‘can ports, among them Pensacola, Mobile, Galveston, New Orleans and San Francisco, and the airthoritiea intend, to take no chances in regard to New York. Often hundreds of rats are caught in a single day. The body of the rat,“ subjected to a thorough examination in an especial laboratory to determine ‘whether or not the plague germs are preeent. Thedatt that negative results are " most invariably obtained does not cause a relaxation of vigilance, for the possibility ‘of infection is always present. b Equally important with the health department in keeping down the rat population of New York city are the homeless eats, which operate conse- lessly, clearing out nests of at: from under piles of lumber, ftom trash heaps and similar places of ter. uge. ' . , ' Formerly New York was infested with the gray rat: but some years ago vetstsels, from abroad introduced the larger atid more vicious :Japanese brown rat. Gradually t is new- comer has eliminated the n tive rats, until in this locality they re almost txtinet. _ " tt in momma that the in popull- don of the 800 miles of docks in New York harbor, is no loss than 6,000.00, or equal to the entire human popuan tion at the city. small part only: are hetudly foreign born, but than can be no "doubt that they Mei†ml: you fresh decennial); .i'rom vol-3 ions parta'of the world. It â€seam: inH possible for" shipismterts to rid their vessel: of, tho posts“. " m ind _ettttnilr immovable for tho health do; partment of the city to keep tst" from landing after the vaultâ€! A common method tet the cultures to get uhoro is to crow! along‘tho ‘hawsera with which tho-ship: no tee fut. To prevent this the port authorities require tho use or metal disks two feet In dinosaur on , who; and ables. This pronoun, insurmountable obstacle to ,fope Wilkins and forces the at tom to some other method of/esupo. Contrary to the genenl oyinion the rat trwimtcreadily, and-i1, forced to do so will jump into the Water and swim whore. /" Since the. ditrcovkrrthat"the rat is the carrier of bubonic plague. which is transmitted. to human beings by the medium of the fkra, he hu become the object of suspicion in reg-rd to various other) diseases. It is new eq- tabliahed that he cirries' triehindit and tairemirma, as well " epidemic jaundice of Weil's diaeue. Recently a New York investigator produced interesting evidence to Show that the animal is responsible forithe spread of infantile paralysis. This is 'only a theory, however, and "until more complete evidenee"ii, supplied'the tut cannot with certainty be held guilty. But the count against him is grout enough “it is. l th only is he a ‘dila ease carrier. -but Leach year he me- ceeda in destr‘oyhig summons quanti, ties of food by ruining plumbing and injuring maionry and woodwork. It has begn' estimated that theluuv. tiohal rat/ bill is no7l'ess than $180,- 000,000/3 _ year, and= that ’the peat mi11ifWsi the win-k ot200,000 men. r The' United States Public Hedith Service has made {close stuaroi the pkoblean, and feels thdtjthe only ade- quate protection is 'to be found in making all buildings at proof. ‘Pol- son, ears,,tmips, disease eulturen all nre treetite only"ih part, and where- as they: often suceed in clearing 1 given [house or n given community', the temedy is only tempotarr. Rata have the habit of 1nitrmtintt from one place to 'nnother“ and when thing- are "ntdeysmtomfortabhr for them‘ in one house' will often log-vein a body. Thus one ite,tttt1./"1ill pin at tho expense o Another,- It is estimated that the tit population of the' (tonn- try is between 200,000,000 and 300.- 009.000, and it is a question whgtlier at' present they no declining or in- creasing in numr=rit---Net York Sun and Globe.' _ 'sl . “Ya-is ddet, m wetp--tmf not Marty u perfect-tho new had why the bill." _ . ' 7 . ' f Yam Tet1 .3.- , I "i like‘your new town. m'dearu- 1t1lttpeeet.lr".c. .. . , T ..' This mndesirihie inimimnt in THE magnum PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND Pm max: ond sees a thi s',,te1tt M. ati, without radiator gown." an A -‘ letin issued by the Maï¬a? ice department 91 the Chicano t'; club,_ "tet we PV â€poet my]: .1 msithfr my time to}. and untim- KEEP MOTOR WARM _ "if _ :~ IN COLD mum: ‘fProbably so potash: oripi hm A Really Sound hwisgtinent ', ', $atisfaetor, E: A Sound Investment 'i, North 1 Shore' i Mom‘évm _ Locking Ah r', SPRINGER & PERSON f t . Authorised Full Baku. M t64 _ â€5’ , l 'r' 'v., ' T , teel: .mamï¬hmuï¬muh. not: “:1:th 015nm delivering Pelican Trucks. avtaitii'is1rri'd,ti-tunert »hpcoducbd. TuCalikid for Fares, and Trucks I“: ' m. inat'ogllindiudmgbefuruueathnnhnmw? yrinte't 31:th been image-sing}! p - up. pkg: on 'rh,utrwetteee..rttritrtheeetirt)tt itg,thntggt,hlA',',Me,22i'hgt'lt, chased: tGratorrrtsekhrmbthi.tbeirt- wish téavoid delay in deliver.) , T ' l, iiaTiiirii 3.13171: iGiU "i 'LnirVstietek - Rp. a. Ford Werktr Pumice Han. was you on If 1istaitdiosiue.d.liverattturfrarat Ihwhw Torrihtoer.rrett.itvrre. 1ttt'ttere,eetey, Backed by the stability; and fpture , of the beautiful North T Shére’ samba its_ being effered to you through the 7 Yo Preferred Shares pi! the North Show this (Fombany. The business of the Ndrth Shake Gas bom- pany. is that ot,udpp1arint.gac/, has, the fuel of a 'tlgousaixd uses, has i2isGhpportant to everyday (ite, that a modern tivilized com- munity oOuld dirt; exist sirithoyi, it. The de: mand therefore, aigttrninia co t;in1ihtrtsutti. étantiai market for the, com ,’3 product. You, ean buy fiit ceShfor on itNestment sait- ings plan.' ' . _ , Er ' fd "Actuat retail :1;th past ftdiire 'totaied 308.170 Ford GursardTyichsritm increase of 1.961 adayoocra‘ycarujo. il OPERAND BY mt. A. iuztgit enemas Letutottt"rsritrirutrrtaatint1rjtitrttt,moitie Compu-tttive-ttlin warm â€unity. id A' teetedenra mammal!!!“ ble in the tom of,ttrteeor+t iaeheh and, Itturoag.titmdeeittrt berptor,_siiutqtdandfrhdroryuy.. "A irtttftgtit.mqrtia an. (all. much of thigh is notcomdeIt tusait_tittti.eia.rteuttt a comt-dihtion g! the on an: 1itvttrattlrtni-toetexmh'i. "'mtemotori'atattmthuttrttti-t THEiJNtVEMALChR 'tLuau.?:,',?:,',:,':,,"':,,'?,'::',',,".',',',.',','" L"gLTr11'Mlo'T';riliot"aU'll, min ......._A....l-l~ Gas Company ll, wmwuu'mmh tm)rertr-deitb,atth-fi". mun-numb†wan-pmmthomduw phantom-W 1150* is,'urtrmraetrt-tndthe,ftmt" stnuom-aitrtumedtrett"-h" "ttor, and an and) can.“ Wmmlgmampu' ' hn' Ei- aus; . TIE WW T'dt,?3 PAGE ELEV“ m: