ro [iii H f', " J! 3E till tif f) l, Li Ir), tir, Hi CII TAGE SIX Little Dorothy Bleimehl is ill " has? home on S. Green Bay road. ' Mrs. Miles Irwin Meredith qt Chi- cage was the guest of Mrs. George Btatttt last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Renner are the happy parents of 1 daughter born' Sunday at the Highland Park hos. John McMahan is quarantined at his home with sen-let fever. pltal “The Rebekah Sewing circle held an audayqneeting yesterday It the home of Mrs.,John Meyers of Highwod. .Mr. M. R. Udell ttf St. Louis was the week end guest of his nephews Mr. Paul L. Udell and Mr. John L. Udell In! his niece Mrs. Walter Cope. Mr. and Mrs. c. A. Mead celebrated their thirty-ninth wedding anniver.. sary and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heir. demon celebrated their first wedding anniversary by entertaining at dinner on Sunday. . Mr. Ernest 'NIntan of Chicago upent a few days" last week with his cousin Mr. Milton Tillman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. McLaugh- tin nnnonnce the marriage of their .dinghter Florence to Mr. Greiory McAdnm Shaken which took place yesterday morning at nine o'eloek at St. James Church, Highwood. ati" Florence Coreoran of Everett attend- ed the bride and Mr. Barry Shah» was his brother's .best man. Miss McLaughlin wore peach colored can- ton crepe and Miss Coreoran wore orchid canton crepe. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the brides parents following the ceremony for the' immediate families only, after which the young couple left for 3 short honeymoon trip. Up- on their return they will reside at 121 N. St. Johns ave. The Worth While Circle eniored7 sleigh ride party Saturday evening after which they went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Clark in Deer- field for refreshmentq. Miss Helen Hill will be hostess tot the Friday Night Club tomorrow eve-, ning. I Mm. B. Kelso Code and children are spending this week with Mrs. Coale's mother Mrs. Arthur Johnson in Chicago. . Mr. and Mrs. Bering returned last week to their home in Detroit, Mich., after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. Kittman of North St. Johns avenue. Miss Mabel' Howe of Central ave- nue who underwent an operation for nppendicitis at the Highland Park Hospital last week has returned home. Her friends are very glad to hear that she is doing nicely. Mrs. Perry Simmonds of Pasadena, 0.51., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Larsirn of N. St. Johns ave. . Mr. and Mrs. TCB. Wiamers ot Winnetka announce the birth of a son at the gighland Park Hospital on Sunday, J n. M. -- Marshall Camuex'wille retains home Saturday, Jan. 26, from the Univer. sity of Illinois to spend a few days between semesters. _ The monthly meeting oi the Woman’s Cltrlttturlpttperranets Un- "ttpts will be held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Schulz,“626 Homewood ave- nue, on Friday, Jan. 26, at 2 p. m. Mrs. Edward Glover of quth St. Johns avenue who underw at an opontiun for appendicitis it the Highland Park Hospital last Week u m an. very nicely and up“: $rthpatt-tttiuitdrstart'drttts Mrs. Eva Campbell Ogletree has returned to. Virginia after a short visit with Mrs. Albert/E. Campbell of Madman street. _ v LACO GASOLINE For Winter Driving USE My? i The ‘Emmanuel T Shrine of Laird EForest. pelebratetf their third birth- ;day Tuesday evening itt, Lake quest: Miss Charlotte Yoe returned Wed- nesday from New York where she has been buying spring and summer models for the Wincanton shop. Mrs. W. A. Alexgnder of North Sheridan road enteraiifitd her Sun- day School class of the J'reabyteriart Church at luncheon and movies on Saturday, Jan. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Funk Kilkeriny of McDaniel; avenue leave tonight for yruthern California for the balance of the winter. Hill and Stone, North Shore real.. tors, with omees in Wilmette, Win- netka, and Hichlhnd Park, announce the opening of a Chicago oiNe at Room 1628, 10 South La Salli: street. for the convenience’of their clients. Louise Aldridge' of Glencoe avenue entertained trfew of her little friends at a party in honor of her seventh birthday on Tuesday afterno6p. _A surpripe miscellaneous above; was given last Wednesday bylfriends and mamas for Miss Florence“ Mc- Laughlin. _ l Mrs. John N. Bell of Dayton, Ohio who has been vitn'tiryr,her son Mr, William A. Bell of S. Linden ave., will return to her home today. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Seyfurth were called tar La Selle, 111., Monday by the sudden death of Mrs. 8erftsrth's parents. , _ Miss Helen Bournique left yerterd day for New York where she will join the. Misses Caroline, Viola, and Bessie Shields for an extended trip abmad. The ma party given by .the Lady Elks qusday afternoon in Wittegi hall was a huge success. , V Mrs. Fritz Baht, Sr., entertained at a reception Saturday afternoon for her niece Mrs. Edward Conrad (Viola Pansie) who was recently married, ind has just returned frdnt.her wed-, ding trip. ' ' " Rev, and Mrs. Frederick L. Gratiot of Chicago announce the birth of a son, Friday tit the Presbyterian hos- pital. Rev. Gratiot. is the rector of the Church of Our Séviour and wad former Curate at Trinity Church in Highland Park. ' _ - Mrs. Belle Allen of Chicago spent last week with her son and daughter. in-law Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Allen. A"delisrhtti1 prognim has rendered, followedhy dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Rosy Fletcher of Vina ave., were pleasantfy surprised Sun.. day evening by about fifteen coughs. Cards and music were features of’the evening. The successful prize win, ners were.: Mrs. Oscar Freberg. Mr: Frank Parker, Mrs. Frank Golden, Mr. William Parker, Mr. Ross Flet- cher. The bride and groom were given a gift by their friends. [ " The many fridtlds of Mrs. Jessie Boyer are ’glad to hear that she is greatly imirroved. ' Mrs. Albert Lpmsdn entertained thet Past Matrott's nf"Csmpbell Chiming Saturdafaftemoon. _ - ii str. Jerry 139mmâ€; who is amid-i irig theft}. of I. will spend} fewdnya: between 'semesters with his patentd; _ Mits viiarinim'Buek leaves Feb. l for California tovapend the remtindet of the winter. _ _ . _ l Miss Alice White will arrive' thid week from Europe to visit her siste‘i Mrs. tr. H. Seller-y. . , _ ' Karl; Moms, who la studying yor, at Georgetown University, bu retuma ed. to Washington, D .C., having spent his vacation withghia parents hi Bight land Park . He In: been elected chap} historian. ,nd .190 bu Ind ,sitsimisr,l, to him the editing of a mrxitetr.eohtent',t in “The . Haysâ€. the aeitiortowrf W. o ' E I On Saturday evening Min Either (Pearson of '91tert'da,n Hume, High- 'iwood, entertained several of her (trieMs -itt honor of her birthday. '3Bu_n'oo was the feature of the evening: IA pleasant the is reported. , " [ g lMrs. Ruskin; who has been Visit; in: MerI-lenry Bord of 'Prospect ‘7‘ave'nge has returned" to. her bomb in New aoehelrecN.1.l, , -, . , ‘; E Mr. ‘W. a.' AM of 30mm "anus but; inst returned 1min PM delta, Cum, where‘he ha, been since November, visiting' friends and rela- tives. Mrs. Ahrens Will remain there until spring; V l 2 Owing to, theCrseent' nub-bro yenthét IMts. memo:- and Mid: Edith E. Jvtlirtr of 818' Roget Williams thnue'." linking were‘ unable to, attend. the reception â€It the him'ie ot Mrs. Th3. ‘Blackyi 'ttone, 19123Prnfrie‘awenue, Chicago; to meet the Mines Hodge and Dam- $011.01 New York city on Tuesday, . 'Miéa Mit Kimball r'eturned‘. list week to Boston where she will eistv. tinue her wort: in music and the lan.. guagea. f , - , I, (T ' Mrs. A; M. wine of Holgewpod avenue left' Wedhesdny, Jan. 3, for any 'stay in ‘FIoriduuShe will visit Hriends, in Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, Miami, St Peters- burg, and Lake Worth. . ' - 7 T Tonight (Thuruhy) Mr. Harold Knight, tt luv student at the Univer- tity of Chicago, will brottdeast from the. Edkewater Beach {Hand Several popmmfrom “Plans of Life". a book Mr. J. P. McEyoy. formerly .a (retridpnf of Highland Park, and dedieitdd to "The mother of K baby, Mamie E. MeEve', JUso Mamie of the, Potters, } Among the poems which Mr. 1tnisrrj,,t,, will read is we to J. P. MeEvoy, Ji.; "Lines to Mit. miles: and Lieut. Hutchins bt Fort Sheridan were hosts to the men of the Fort and their wives at a tea, Monday afternoon. , ' F _ Monday afternoon. , ' F _ Mrs. t1,N. Holland of Vine avenue was hostess to Mrs. de Mauriae's em-i brodpry class Tuepdny. , . Mr. arid 'Mra.' George SchWalbach of Central avenue are receivirteon- gratulations- dn the birth of a daugh- ter Sunday Jam 20. 4 '" A; ' Mrs. C M. Vail of'Lincoln avénue was hostess Tuesday Waning Jam 22, at a tobogannintt party at the Ex- moon. ‘ L _ Mr.' and Mrs. George; Shelton-are the happy parents oft ion Frederick Duane, Horn January 8rd. ', J ule( Verne won fame ' his story "Around thelWorld in E1 ty De." It ht the "Spteitutka" party sixteen month to accomplish the same teat, but then the facts of the uneven different. , _ I The "SpeeitutU" is a 98-foot motor launchgow'n'ed and captained by Air bert Y. Gowen, Commodoie.of _ We Cleveland Yact.Club. _ Its trip to the farthermost éorners of ‘the earth is one; of the most arttariittr human ex- peflences on record.’ The Pltrtuttotrnt pieturization of the voyagg, “Around the World in the Speejaeks" is I, high- ly instgructive film and most enjoyable entertiiinntei"rhe cruise in its en. tirety id faithfully regioduced a th+ screen, beautifully 1pNitotrhtptted 1!? a matter bamenmm, and it is in every respect delightiul. l, T V . Mrs. J; McGregbr Adams and Mrs. Wiegand left yesterday for Thomas- ville, Ga. . '3 'r, C _ sédtion will be shown at the Highland Park Theatre, Ss'turdny alternopn and evening, Jan. 26th lung the secpnd section the afternoon tn evening of Feb. 2nd. , . F l STOCK CONCERT T0 rc'., OPEN Ammonium $5,000 m pay for the eompetidrs' it the roof, heating. the acoustic en:- rections, this ceiling, and ‘th? saga. ' Homeeep.‘ ,.‘, Anyone .who has not already 'sutr scribed can do' his bit tit tilephonip'e the Chairman of the Womeh's com"- mittee) Mrs. E. M. Mackenzie,, or bf signing a‘cardmt the Highland 's't2 S'tatejBank, at which place Mr/ Pa and Mr. Grant will have ~sqbscrip1- tion cards on1hand. '., _ . F _ t Thei Cqmguittee appénlii to all puti-' lic spirited eitiza,s ' Bitrhiant.1 Park, whether they hai, submibeg! or: have pot srubtseribediFeomidorr ward and help btissh tlufwjirk which will be of great value ti the dim}; well as to the school. (Ti/ 'i, :'r,. " AROUND, THE WORLD _ IN "THE SPrilEJACKS" ‘; Two or three gublic spjritedcttitfr' Zens who have M: tchesi the develo ment of the Aitditoriunt and arg‘i V teregted also in thiintphrtittt ijent of Mn Stcek's at)petirtuee here, 1mg doubled their subscr'iptioiU l T r" " Please make pledge on/pi, dat.. ted line 'and mail to' Mr. Edmund Nanie Address Eitel. Amount l Payments an be made in Irtr,tnm menu, t'etiruary 1, April 1',‘ Jan; I; 1924. _ T f THE HIGHLAND puxim'mss; HIGHhAND PARK, ILLINOIS GEN. ROBT. Jil. woo», 5, qniranan Elm PM Auditorium Jr (Continued-From Page ‘1) berm. Willi-m King,_ ifoitttrrr' Highland Park resident whose‘lduth om [at fiiiiiiiiii7 minim; in mm; Fla. " the home. of his daughter tn ode of the older mliddnu of this city. His‘ death reunited Arum Hm illness following in tantrum one yen MN. He was well known hag having made his home here with kg dauphin In. Jennie Miller on, N. “teen Bar maid, tA the put eighteen†an; Hi uh: ed " â€Mater 9116;)†MW?“ FUNERAL H _ ,‘LMON? _ . . _ FOR HAM KING Former Poem tat Died “Dai- .. ‘ tuna. Florida.g Is Bur. F _ T Jed Thad =r - Mr. I i. W." Tnisttherj1for about (at years, and for I numb," of, you; was employed by the Iteti'#e'l)ttnidrw _ 'ai"ttuatre of " Miranda! lucid Jane Sir. i 1 -,' I, \a;‘_‘_>_ _ Mr, King was, bom'in ', Sauna-act» shire, Enehnd, May ' 1844, will: " this country With Ntrenta when six years old. lie dyeivbd his curly schooling in Orwell, Aahubula county, 0... and, later entertrd'ione of the first chase! s:at" 2,'ithgg,f"u", autumnâ€: being graduated fro thew ftt_iim)., 7 Por a number of all"! 11:516an wu-instmctor in Lat n Mid Gmk at Simpson e1ltj.m, t nola/ In , Besides huoro dq htera, h‘eduveu two:brothehr, Amer ing, and Jttmetr, King, and two trriinde ildren and sew en great trrand-ittturin. U _, l 3 Officers of Gehernl George Crook :post of- the Ameticafn Legion manta 31y elected grid installed at $011:- Sheri- idan art: Cbmmandet. E. o. ttibkints;, !senior V triee-eomtriamder; Fted W. iWeiss; rjnnior_ vieeecotmanderi Edof lward. J. Heath; 'iddiutant, Deni I iOyer; fitanee oftitei, Ernest _ I 'isehivertfeigei; ,,ittistotiaii,; Lâ€? Thomas; adamant at, arms,‘H. M f; executivd iommlttee) Ernest W. Ely, "aituh'8. Adams; Rtytierd 'ri, Hoover. 'Meetings of thd page m iight the second and tmi i 'tumsdira M â€ch month?“ 1513,5811, house. A yucky: festwmbeaf ' 't/tetrtt. l', r; 7 future? services mire held Monday at two o’clock' 't the home 91 hu, daughter with intermpnt it; Damyn; 'The February mi Ntrhlttnd Park Jslutt completed and the 1 will take place. . T Saturday. 2nd . ‘ _Mr. King was 'a jreriiirrtatutthttt person and was» gm 11'“sz an. During: his ttttid in Highland Par}: he made 9'11 e acquaintance who learn of " clonal-tum with the deepest regret), i f _ r l 2 HIGHLAND PARK CLUB 7 ISSUES'FEBJ CALENDAR Monday,‘ (th siturdar,i, 9th _ _ _ 3 Formal Rance Monday, hm M l . ' Men’s Night . . _ Men's Tuesday,1_2th- ‘; pengent†tor Jan. w, 1924;"‘1‘bt Bok Peace tn f' A' The Outlook for Jail. 16, 1'924; "The War Over the fence 4'lan,"dn' "The Literary Digest'! for Jan. 19, 1 24; "The American PoopU's Step Tow rd Peace" jr? Our World for Jam, 19244â€; “American Peace tmtrAl', in The1 Ladies" 1Hom’e' 'ourntsl' for odour, 1928; "Peaee " and Peace ttei,',' in me New Mame for Amr. I. 1923: "The Prize for Subject: “The "ttte Wot _ Weirttrp CM mum" Saturday, 16th? __,'! 8:: Monday. 18th _ ', r T " Man's Sunni-y, 23rd . Monday, 25th tuesday, 26th Those willow are intét'ested in the mf.. erendum on the Bok hseaee plan? may find information om the "Neet in ntnnerotttr articles in {recent t,'Jigit. lambs, which no on Ne it the Urls, land Park public library, "cordintt to the fo1ioiitel1itrt Iumiahed by the library: V _ _ i A ( "The Great Bolt Humbug," it! The Nation tor January; 16, 1924; “The Bok Pleir-9reatify,i or ProrrtearyiA',' in the N(w, Republid for January" 28, 1924; 'At Bok SetsHUl all to 'NIK, ine," in e Survey for Jan. Ili, 1924; "The 301: Peace Plait/' in “The Inde- LIBRARY HASMUCH pom: ot! BO] for -Aug.11, 1923; '"The "Prize'" for Peace." " The Independent for July 21, 1923; “Synthetic Peace," in The Freemnh " July. 1923; Why 1 ot.. fered $10 .000 for a Worktibu Panda Plan,")n Allier’s for Aug. 1, 1923. f A Those Thteresttd {May Find In, L A fbrmation, in Magazine . Articles There "mse, next iyei.r1 bf m 160% Strihtp Quartet will be held " tho horn' of His. ‘Wiuiu‘n 8.1 PM Moraine road. 0h M! PM» am 8:30 o'tloeki ' ' " j FORT LEGION POST _' INSTALLS OFFICERS This i. the thtrdommitpar,ot. this “delighdul series my: the' We“. kn planned: â€banal Mm- j'Jer: of the Y. W201 A., m tho MUSICALE FEB; , zH 1 d t AT MRS. mumps V 10550“ Aftilrnoirn Pro$nm babe Innounoed. Om“ Art-moon l _ l Leanne Mr. r Syd Hosanna Militirv' {ma Open HI Mtn's Night Men's Might Open mum mam“ for the has just been allowing event; rht Bot PLAN World and 2 ..80 p. 2 ..M p. mnERGAmEN OPENS - _ FOR 39mm; Tm The spring means: at Nutty Pri- nu s't't2'gfad",tt Ishtar, I. Fun-Mr on“ rec-Min. an. my 1»!de by rd V to h 'tmiodnamiilt on "ttttHe of thir Don't Throw Away Your Old Machine 1 We.will gccept it af a part payment on any one. pf, our hitlrgrade, Electric Washing Inching, ' - ' Phone oreil) at our store and talk this ovier with mir washing and ironing machine expert. he will explain our Easy Payment Plan, the Free Service your machine' is given when your seiection is made from our Stock. _ , . ' _ makes. @335: Khin tout wider or ironer is in need of ram“. In j,:' the service! or'ostexreruaseu podium. Rabat. foe al- I [ _ . V 1,lusi,a,Lr,u,,. VACUUM, CLEANERS Hoover V a Eureka _ Ohio . "i'" Thor "Over the, Phone" One of the any“ which talks _ y purchuing their drug atom 30063an tttJehu' you; alder for your drug store mint: In one td the mint (bumble eon. -vertieneetimroiNr sveadtir2tyAo2elr,tetet,ttt.t. of it. Coupled ' In our very PROMPT DELIVERY EEBVICE, telaph' g to our drug store is a\time and l bot saving habit}; Cultivate it. No extra chm for this extra tttsrviee/ , ' '. . , / ’EVEI‘VHARP. PENCIL? -, . . . T" {620% org. _ _ r Murrow“ _ _, 1 . at fbeeiarPriees , ' Stan-mo titovieeaoap--Rubing Alcohol /" ' .,.ToiletPaper_ Ehrl W. ': Gsell 86 Co. 389 Central Avenue beciiariii- Huber If '_"'.':,': Washing Machines I fl $5.00 Down, $5.00 Monthly SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ALBERT LARSON Stationer N Your Old Machines Taken in Trade min 3 ' " - Illlll Premier Thor. Ditplesr H. w. Huber Electric Shop: " 1gi2gtt Ava. T Telephone R. P. 1 EXP annulus FOR ALL MAK- e .» h " Ca' uric, 4, .z, 'te', _ 'see).,?, , Aig a q hf" e a, mmlt ' i rr â€an MtRtBh8t B, po you: 1);:qu STORE BUYING [man ItHAttMAC1STS gENTINES _ I; llama-ammu- PHONE BST For TRURSDAY, :‘JAKUAR! " 1tdtteatt'tiorhnsifeo-* do [can deal at this moi“; “mnmhnbhhwl Comer In†and out. " you. int-harks. pint or bifw hing Ha. Ha. ial',ti?tgtot'J. . ' Telephoné 23 Hamilton. 150 '. P.M' EC? WBA fut-bu bath: mat in": I litUd, cada I :3- 132°: A uri 'held ttep fttu In I “q tpedrtri km: we: to“ is In Vb]! ohetri 3-! mate' to“ '5: thatt U m