M ms lineal feet at. eight (3) inch 1 tile pipe dais, laid " an av- engerdepth of four and dive- i' F, tenths (4.5) feet, hid com-' ( plate at $1.60 per Jilted . l, . foot .\.................$1,72M9 when! feet of“ (MO" inch tile pipe drain, Md pt en ‘ avenge glepth of six and b, T 'tive-tersthst (6.5) feet, hid [ 'complete’yt $2.16 per lineal I foot ...'...'..‘.':......:..81.182.60 no ttnent feet of twenty (20) r, . _inehtiiepipedratn,Utdatttit , "9."!um of seven and ; "ve-te (7.5) Net, 'Md _ comglete at 88.26.per lineal ', foot..................81.170.00 810 lineal fett_of fifteen (15) inch in. pipe drain. hid " An IV- , my depth of tht and the.. - but)“: (6.5) te. kid com- . plate " $1.g%, per lined foot _.............." "1Ntel,iht, of ten (10) inch T epiptdminiaidattutav- "TlttN depth, of five and Ave- t .untha (5.5) feet, hid com- _ plate at 81:40 per lineal foot .....r.............86,88 PAGE FOUBTESN 800 lineal not at eight 48) inch tile‘pipo dnin laid at an iv- vengo idepth of foir and 1tve-i%ths (4,5) feet, laid complete at 81.10 pet lines! " lineal feet of eighteen; '(18) ind: tile pipe drain, laid " an aycnge depth of six and the. ,tentha (6.5) feet, laid; com- 2149 lineal feet ofifour If) inch 1 u]. pipe drain bid " an av- ) can depth of three (8) feet [ -bidwthastoirofthtetrrb,_ _' an complete“ 50am; per T', per lineal fbot. . . . .. ' . $1,070.00 1495 lined feet of twelm, (12) inch tile pipe drain, laid " an tttrer8ttN dtptlt, of fisys (IS) feet. laid] complete " $1.50 per lineal foot....$2,'242.$0 90 lineatfeet of fifteen ttti) inch tile pipe drain, laid " Att tit. euge depth Vf five spa (leo. tenths (6.5) feet, hit! com- plete at $2.75 per ‘linonl foot m................',.'...) 380 be! feet of tin (10) inch tBe pipe drain, laid. at an av- dnge deptlrof live an! tive- T tantra (6.6) feet, laid com. plate at $1.85 perf lined TO lin I feet-of twenty-four (24) ' madly pipe culverts. kid It an ireratre depthjof {our (4) feet, with joints of mortar composed by volume a! one (1) part Forum cement and two (2) parts and, mixed with sMteUttt water to make I making mus. ineluding actuation and 7W; Aloud and over thy pipe. from the bottom of mum to It, “glee of the at grade- or e Pemrtti but athnd. ard Pttthpl of excavated material, kid; can» .a- plate 2 at 33.60 per heed that The following drains or cul- verts shalrbe vitritutt,.sa1t.. ML. hub and â€int tile pjpe drainsor window! the inside V diam " ï¬nish: stated, all 'pipe .overjtmelve (12) in?†in We: to be double stratum: indium! foot This following‘draine or cul- verts shall be vitritied, salt- glaued, hub and spigot, tile pipe drains or culverts, of the inside iiLiGii' is herein stated, all pipe over twelve (12) inches In diameter to be double strength, hints of Fenland cement.mortar com- posed lay-volume of one (1) part Portland cement and we (2) M sand, mixed with, truitieient"waur At make a gushing mus, including Juatftioeucfor ditch-built eon- neétione, o trenching, heck- Ming the trench over and H1mnd'tltepiPe, from the bottom, of the trench to the undue of the submde for the pavement when located, with bent and, and maul of all surplus accented ma- terials. 7 _ . mm or vulve Wtcov- 1 on to be adjusted to the tht- ' [ and guide a! the lbw human! or pathway by cut- _ , ting down and rpbuilding or l building up would mun- l ry work, mum and tttt i in; up the covers, ad ', complete at $5.00 each. . . .tusm The following drains chili be Mod; alt-dual, hub and W m. pipe amino, ist the We diameter " indicted by: the tin herein and, dl-pipe over min: (12) inches in durum ,to , he dwhk smut!» including junctions fire attetrlntytq con- neetfona, an ‘mchint. bark.. dtiiing the trench with s can wall of cindm r (4) inches thick. t,t,dtt from the tor, of the pipe to the urine of the ground, the re- maimier,of the trend: back- with earth (the pipe be covered before baek- f11 . the tnnch, with cind- ers to, a depth of six (6) inches), and removal of sur- plus exam materials. " $8.30 per 'tineat . .3252.†$1,170.00 85380-00 81,498.50 $165.00] 8247.50 $610.60 $330.00 Mt lineal niet of twent 'i-f ur(24) inch tile: pipe wwwmd " an avenge depth o (our (4) feet, with joints (mortar comm by volu e of one (tt M PM V t And ' two (arm-u a _mixed _ 'i1tdt,tren,t, wat make _ tt T Intr man, " eluding etteavatitm, ttttl? tr ' the tmneh With earth) d we- moval of surplus e vated m'gterial, laid cart etc at . $3.25 per lineal foot ... .0292di0 aBirl-tgt8h.<trqtr" T ' 10 1490 lineal feet of thiitk-itx om' inéh internal diamqt'e storm sewer constructed " vitrir fied salteglued clay "ring F ok interloeking segment block equal to the “ARC " seg- ment blbck, "011$ th to ' tttrw line of new _ 'ttx" (6) 'ditil'ttf'1r alretxe/tvattott, back Hing treat): with . with. ind removal 15:11 aur- plus exeavated 'matfrihl, con- structed? complete at $10.00 per lineal foot .....‘, .$14,900.00 1650 lineal feet of sidewlnlk ap- V poncho: constructed, bre (5) Met We, laid on 'I founda- tion 0 bim'lers six ttr) inches thick: the body comma: four (4) indies thick shtil Ire com- posed bk volume of ne.(1) _ put Fonland Ulu',' two it) P9118 “mt! ttve (li) parts mnl or e stone; the exposed T2t ne-half (K) iqtertttieeith I com- posed , Volume of l o (2) out: , ortltmd f'de,',nftt, and tire2,'g,ty',e,dst mixed with " ant water nuke up (making mass, in hiding all exetpra,tiom.grquh' g, and removal; of all surplus: exca- vated material, con meted 'completé at $1.50 pen] lineal 'foot .A.............l..$2AT 5901mm?! 'of ten tity inch tile plpjagninylddx‘ T in IV- qrngo‘ dam: of MI‘ 1m- mm (5.55) foot, V com- ttt at $1.20 pen linen bot ...i_..."."......=...tqt MI 16M linenhhet of M , (12) inch tile pipe drainJ d It In avenue! derth"of- " Itil .feet, Nd compleM' t $1.45 per limb! foot 1ttflifl " um: Net or and; 18) inch '.',td,h.tttt"didrt mav- -. any [depth of fdnr,nnd (iti(t,t,' MI, (out, laid compo 5 ts not linRatt f...".'.'..?.'?.'..."' Lawful. l xponseb ati i, iik 'ttrf/ki/tll,")'; for}. _ ntr said pnpomd ,i'npwre nt, ' ' , l cont! . "to prese t 'toim, teierj,jstarr, of Laughing put ,rtdytnrtoyimr thai ipnnnt thirty _ (36) iney ititrilirl tile 'e wipe tin-.2351! the herein re prom . (man.. hole " t met Road mt cm- ton A pa, eomptetirM. . . " , ..,» . f'f$:ao,43920 summing serviced 11mm; cubic . ds of cone for four HI endwalls o eal- verta, composed by v I me of ' , one (â€Iran P011132 nt two (2) _ qrta Ban , om (4) In“: gravel trr/e mid , stone, mixed with tsits) water tt make a t kink mass, mange hash; maven (7) feet;high, eight J8 feet _ long, toi ,ten (10) nehes wide tom. eighte'm (18) inches W de; all expo bor- l not; ‘led one (1) inch, ' mama I complbte at _ $ttlulf) ttut', yard. c..8260,00 ThnléEvotection tori, outlet i Of'sto soviet, including six 3 (IO oaklpiles at lea t twenty: q free (2b) feet lug, with twelve (12) inch bu twenty (30) piTcs-three ( J inch by twelve' 12) inch on: leaf yellow pine for sh etipiling t sixteenggu6) feet cub, flee I " (5) aid, 16) inch b ten (IO) inch on): saddles 1tiTrilirrf, .' seven tl) feet long) tdur (4) tsix. (toi inch by ttht (8) inch mg leaf yelo‘ pine _ wales (tite, feet c. two q (2) six 6) inch by ht (8) inch: M21»! new pine . wales, haven tq) feet long. _ . four tl four (4) j7ei by eight t, ) inch long lo .yer. low pine walesl-ninej ) feet ' long, thin (2) four‘ML) inch by eight (8) inch ion leaf yellow lintit:ea,,t v n (T) feet Imiti, fifteen (15‘? e .(l) ineh br/four (4) in long leaf yellow pine batte s ten (tty) feet long, all in place and bolted togethfrl with three-quarter (% ) inch bolts 1153 cut wash Pi also _ including one (1) in ce of thirty-six (86) inch tt iron pipe in Ive (12) feet? long, weighi approxima I four _ hundr i (400) iil'll1." per lineal t, in place, . chid- . init all; aexcavating, Tb ekM, and: rem val of rri'ii,it,'.:'i,?x,',liii vated Katerials. c011: ystod amplegg at Lutcy". ',i.81,000.00 " Wt. banning the and; with can!!! and 'ri. monl‘qf surplus geacuvhted mnter%tb. ‘3 ‘ _ lineal (optic! mum. ([15) iiteh tile pjpd drain, ttltr, n- on“ depth of Megs; d ttve- tenths (5.5) team. t d com- plete at 81.80 tie linepJ foot rr'..'.......'...,. .'..'.$81 at! .a.. his #95352 $2,475.60 32,380.15 $313.80 $708.00 52.83 $5.00 871.25 "Men rtt' to be 100 use [ com ol lives." I “Bathe although Himalaya ( tribesmenill life, wit 0 or dental their pare, them out , never seem air every d énclosed ca a gallon , d ma 's, a ‘Ihobilu so expensive t bu. G, iiurs 'boutil have to my .’ W lking our 11“" miles a " won ' ad 'sea 'to the walke T vlivea.‘ ' '-l, _ Ur . More WI hr, s:'i.' "A woma will drive. 1-11 who. two miles to e a i anon la 'Nline and calis enics.’ If lit, ,rtlked those two iiim an. iback ihe Would hot need t lesson; B inmgmen should tea to Work in We 40mm to have i bs. The {air will have a 'p,tti,itr'ie,t fefl'ecl.l lint iii/ia certain p virieh1 distress. F V if pen to A tii',iit,'t the pricein$ 'lu) he "Eat tummy you feel (in (can: and as muéh' iyrsott WI i. Dish“! of wearind opt your th }wi:a brushes, use your teeth "utttnitiltn crusts ofahreld'. .Ent ",t , Ahoi foods. I _ . . ' r: " “Anypng who Worries} pbohi' hip health and, shits .to diet is attain A few Mayan“: "H you in to live a don't worry. Be like _ Africa at Ali: --.' tak comes, madly. Sw have high H1004 pressure. l His no“ at how to l a magma; and Youâ€, ad like it, w _ ex , ined by Dr. " S. Howe srrmiittttnt Illinois ph 'lclun and tone: ‘01 Knox coo ' in an in riftsi0ree. Dr. Bower engined the pulaxjx‘ljoy- killing" prescription: f longevity. as falsitiog and ndvoca the'daily use of common sens; u "UN' can for a long: 1ffeand a 'me rt om. i _ WK ot, 'Ii-hw tat 0 , Ji z: _ 33;?.9r§1:hh4m» " (it in ' A. . l ' _ _ a" 'r," ’ E. A WARREN. {seal} j . '. _. 't Clerk†I h in i the ' 3 a. tho" ' ", mm T in“ tuprots, ,.r of the T "itamqd, attendin . e: if? _ E'}€zi I f y _ l "' l L 'tfl'. ['_ ; ", T " _ can: id y the -' I "01W†1) ttet: Dated a fiithlfl'd P rk .mv this 18ttr" y of Fabian? AgQA'i 1984. l g‘ _ ' # if . q I, El. I Huron. City ' do hereby with“: the " " , tr h a t «met my , i 'e ammo ma? w tho ,tl! ttlt,; meetinz Mid tin Friday. $t,',lritt,' 1924, and FM Mum!†" __, (ti, the councgl ma Goth We “are whole, which deeommen C; its 5" sage. C , A .7 tr C,'; I h . the a?" the pro improve mtendirl F Galeshurt will “his ‘nd these t mini?» matterh _ r idly you 'rr? ply. them?†, _ _ 'r',4i, DEWEY a Bohr.“ v'),:')',.:,)",,"! There} o", fowhfun miit 'd facts tht ygu would tltd/n' before y' make a fin p l "' tion, mgr hey are: i '/r' HART !0[L m, Tel. 410 “The Iggy thimrd Athgtjéoul‘di‘" hap- 443 o eUvamire, 'i' 'i, . ye', "rFiAiF,Fhii'iTi l. I Gu P t e: 2. The! , , and in en ' 3. Th9) Inigo His N: To indium bond co “fix it"? muse wanking, 1e â€j. _ andf _ m: the undu- ment‘on 'oiGiai.i,'i - ', prov lent; .-.......,..31 $47.17 TOTA OF' M THE mama]: P JUN and Guttieitr (for: en _ 'l, Ite 3' T"hedirr e,nnd e bt itr'/ main CF-o ii 'l The naibility Ewe; an a. ten. , '15 'rr s _ _ Oil B mat The {futility of yoflr pr t eating pl: N Tho! _ , ah] " uric and†'inuaeitr "tF, . “lit at. Hulda] '8... of at. Bank". t fear a; Noi pl, song hm over the clii the way, dip. _ wq'men‘could; Irn'old if , Jenna in t SMIT n enough to is lot,, uen Monntdi ‘3, e a hit y, t fear _ A N W Mh ONGEVI' ' Coronet Q MfUpon tion of How to Live * Hundred; n’t Net,, He Ba tt _V F. at how to I ',art4 like it, w MP, S. Howe 'icjan and J, in an in :y Jttaieaa of Bearer in YOU WAIFT. tri/ts , l,ct',bl"' F' to raise rs 'iit'e ' 'one ikttar ma I a mobile! so Add @115»? up dean, in]. lit the" here _ the" dirty »preh‘sure ito throw g to l, get; .oldtolka; 1'an of a never In. / r'aum.two in rNlintr he milked the ikould knead men ‘the v'fopen l driving in as“; live tax would melt 13.in chi-k (ii . ., ' ' if [ I; l j _ 9 'i' {p _ _ i , . ' I t _ ls I ' “W 1 , , Tf s _ Cy " Maht ottiket 188 w. Washiu‘lu atrium» Illinois she‘- his: Telephom Main 3675-: y't; ( i, ' . I . 1 mom larvae fan 'tttttttli" 3’ Ion ' storage arteinpreaturq ,apgiiitr 'froia 24",to'4So Ff. . . " The, ink/[5% vault my; all moth life. 33 ' 3: Besides this there is large ,i,_'il",i'_i, ; 4e. to the vault’t dust produces. min-l“ alone, means lower (by? it I . g Hillsiand‘ a longer life for deiiteatlui,iesc his a well known fadt dmlug: my; fabrics. , [ P h 't 2;: I' _ _ Take it all in all the PL? 3,3 . Vault assures you tonly‘wn yi ' 3but ' Here is an old e,a,',i,'i,'ii' irr')ll)i (tmoth, â€1 Mac. I in , r I l I (and) i. f'/d"r'lir'iTln) 'rilli a?» Tiiii,'r, m _ (ertht Page pf ,33 A It is" a well known fact 1 '.01d storige of furs preserved, not, :6 if tite,ijt.G, " moth life present 'in'),' " 5. Gian- ment BulletitrNois" 1L5"..c the. moth larvae fan with: " ‘é?’ ttgif am 24° to'4So Ff. . . " The; HEYM L v: . ' ° W 'l, __,","'"'"] ItrJt/aa tdl,ll"i,i,_t"i'[i_i._"' megs: You can have right in); lawn . I'me far better protection? for . than can beobninqd in the!' ir' ds, Rage. The PLYMETL Air-tlt gun; own opposite, is built righti L pew med jor ae't into existilig cloth i' 'oi " 1-{A death chamberi _", t! j ottitii, e. Eggs, larvae and â€E“, 'ar, ' ' tdiiedhyitnove I, gt, i. o tion-ttrocetsshaa iiéirii, iin " endOrsement of; tir U. 'i': . Government. _ ii 'i/l - b-A storage vault to: alualée furs and dreamy , l g. j, _ It protects them l * 7%.! 'tr. 1 Moth Ravages . -_-,1Lossi ",' SoitttyrDust rpm Beats Cold; (lit,toriaire for. Ydui' Furs 1Bias1tellite Maï¬qtactgringcorporaiï¬sn aux. was i,'iirii'i3i?2i,iiihrr2"tit,'i't, "' _iiih,', ‘ mint F, Wy 'itilr. may , 'ree-am- The t)ijj, promptly??? costs lanes The ',, Ems Will. be, in my. hands Saiturday,Mar 22, arid will befatgmy "pfficeip the North Shore TitiJst'f’Company Bank, cornér _ oi Ctintral and Sheri, dariRdiiii, rr,.". . _ DéiJUTY ctyiritri/ f ' "ri' _ _ _"_. ",il"ii'jf01j,LEc'rt?R . for the ï¬llejétion, of Persongl Propertymd Real Estate Tdxts for Eat -?I)eerï¬e1d Township. x-IiulI-m-om I ha t j {gold “he In '__ _ lid :3; Med tr n , tteen . 59%: . _ , Luau? ( HEP?“ _ ' Pi ,1} PM; is urged' to oily .' il':,, to , avoid '. additiodal . i. _ t . C . 1 l ( : 1' g it i . , E 'e ', E. J GRUNDY _periity County Cohectbr --_o- "u'tat-FiiuaueaaiFiiqaH. " appointed Write. tbr car inin NW "The Life Que a the 'foth"isee Veda iipuvumst Sales k i,. manic “xiii." M :CILWMn sauces": THURSDAX, man