" - - - ‘ r x H . q , ' - ‘u. - - ' " I w ‘ w ': "mil"!""?!,!"!"", , _ _ m. . ‘ a “A; PAGE 811 aiaiamiiamiaarmaigiaiaiaamtitl.i A Dodge Brothers Oars Solvay Coke FRANK SILJEKSTROM [PAULDE All Indications Point to a Greater kaand for this year th last. Jn order that wtPtiir â€serve the greates number pf purehaseA1 We suggest thatyou pl e your order early. a.,' we: _," l ". A: G. McPherson DEN2E!L'SdBARBER-j,SH0P Tel. 936 You yril be pleased with the. miany dishes t£at can be prepared And jm- proved iwith the use of pure,' rich milk.. _ _,." T , It 'is not merely a beverage, it is Ntiture's greatest health food. ' Ladies' and clijte,ii',t, Hair Bobbing and Shiiigliiig 20% cheaper thanks-decal Fill your bin now M( DAY IN AND DAY OUT 1M1) PARK, ILLINOIS Ph I: mam Put 120 - 131 The finer points of Chicago Solviiy Coke must be a . ted as thou- sands of tons 'i,'lligri','l't't'f,', fuel ate fil1intthebim9fhyydredt.sdfhorm)s. Yodrlincanbelilkd now at the ‘rockbotmm price of the year. There’sno ssmtAe--moaoot. It leaves fewer ashes to handle and it's , V iA,Igthtriett,tgrttt,tchtt' a . . North Shore I' "1"?‘9’9Q'1" , "' V’ Q' CHICAGO HIGHLAND rm mat? - Phone 335 ' "DRINK---,---,--- JRE' MILK! done at |."1.\'ILIL'. I 87 S. tk, Johns Ave. 'ifll?.'ll)"" L .97 Aa the bog beco __ itrmer, bog shrug: and dwartl‘lE'dn appear. Finally, tamarack tr! my from the mat, and in tha iimr" of years the ialand become- Iike any other piece ofland. _ . " " . i 1 Such blond; Who, the profu- ior explained, from , group of free ftoettintr plains such in aunties sud pond weeds. The-q trtinte on re- onforced by plants F have their roots in the bottom a lotion 'on top of the water. ' The has appeared pm nix years in and, at that time; was only a few yards, across. It now in about twen- tr-five yards wide thi professor stat- ed, and will almoét lupport the weight of a man. "t _ Cedar king’s IhsatUg Island of bog in Lake county is grown; rapidly, “cording to an tutnqttneenrent today by Dr. W. G. Wghefman of North.. Western university, who is making I special study of the inland. Limits tte. _ The possession of rash fruit is a pre-requisite to the ins of fruit juices and fruit.) made from such’ fresh fruit, ex naively for use in the home, may _ at be used as beverages after the become intoxi- eating. _ _ It is obvious that tied fruits can; 'not be used for m ins non-intoxr eating fruit juices exclusively for use in the home, an r the provisions of section 29, title I of the national prohibition new and? notice to that ttrect was issued in a mimeograph of October 7, 1920, pertaining to the subject. it Professor Desert How Lake County Cedar e Bog I: Develéped There is no new Wslation on this subject, but, attetttiotiis merely called to the provisions of Uw and the in- terpretation thereof-br the depart- ment. The regulations are msttirded n being within the purview of the statute. . i rr ,' FLOATING ISWD GRO _ G IN SIZE It is not to be an grstood that the department has is: ed any regal;- tions, or intends to ac any, which will interfere with t legitimate sale of matetials. of this amter. "No person and“? Apr utter the date when the eigh nth amendment to the constitution? of; the United States goes into' 'ii/ii,' manufacture, sell, barter, transpbrt', import, ex- 'port, geliver, turning, or posses: any intoxicating liquor 'tett " author.' ind in this act, and ï¬ll the provisions of this act shall no liberally cprt- strued to the end thin: the use of in- toxicating liquor as}: beverage may be prevented. » il' - .Under the oitrht nth hamendment to the federal con itutidn, and the national prohibitiot act and supple- ment thereto-of N ember 28, 1921, ittthxiqating liquors " not be man- utnctured in the home or elsewhere for beverage purpoqes and may not be manufactured {gar iponrbeverage purposes, except “We? permit, '1; provided by the natiorihr prohibition act. _ . Setup n reg Section 8 of t rational prohi- bition act Aprovidés bt Section 2,200, y, to which reference tically parnphmses quoted. . _ From, the foregoi ' it is apparent that the sale of su r, fresh or_dried fruits, malt extra _ with or without hops, darit)erts, or. ' other mater- ial with knowledge, nd design on the part of the vemG: at the purchaser intends to use it in b'2,tt,'gtt', of intoxicating liquor fi; _ verage pur- poses, in the home or lelsewhere, or under circumstan from which such use might reasons r. he deduced, is a violation of law. - Statement by Wham Mead In State to Make Clear See one On r This 8 Sect T Section 25 of i, iietitle and act provides in part tits, ollowa: Text of, w . "It shall be ttnh, ful to have or possess any iiqupr/ or property wde- tttir, the mm future of liquor intend for use violating .thls title or which bu use used._ mid no property rights , ll exist in Any such liquor or pro, ty." V . . Section 2,200, 9 regulations 60, to which referene _ is, made, prac- tically pauphmaes tion 18 herein MATERIALS’ USE - BARRED There have been ; may inquiries concerning the , ‘sio’ns tif section 2,200 of real: I 60, mined March, 1924, eflec a May I, 1924, that ‘it seems ad "tble to further explain, Ind to cal jattention to, nec- tion 18, title It of t v'" national prohi- bition act, which re. d; " follows: /Ut shall be unla , ul tir'advertiae, manufacture, sell 0 possess for ale any utensil, c'on Vance, machine, preparation, com m1,- tablet, sub- stance. fbrmulg kl etion, or recipe advertised; deaigne or intended for use in the unlnwf V manufacture of intoxicating liquor.' ' ', Federer Comm“ r R. A. Bat. lnes has issued,“ ‘foliowtng mu- ment: t .' . NEW ary RULING Dp‘ening bf rNeW Yard ti)iN0'_i,UrtiCfil"h/fEN'r n b'.',?.', b. Yen f,1i:jri, a' Share. of the) Eatningd . of This Substantial Business? . orth Slipre, Git, ti)iitnp.tnjir BEST OF A ' their money it; safe as it iiiinveated in a well managed ublic ntiiity, dealing in commodities that are absolu y essential tir, eir4rrdsiar life, the de.. mands for which re increasing daily. _ '. _ Send us the , hed 001mb}; or call at our nearest office and we will 1 glad td giviiaou the d,eta%aileird-' ing this matter. i, _ k _, _ . _ . l ' _ Their shares and dividends an tax and V j RANK, SILJESTROM Our 1sharehok each year at an a " If you do not ;ou are) missing' a greatropootisttu'iat, " . f "e---"" EREIS THE REASON " r" I Each day th Enumber of customer Shareholders of the, NORTH SH gRE (hrs,c0ht?ANTssItowt a substan- tial increase. . I is rapidly iriiowinsr body td share- holders see the ( ny adyaptag‘ob of inireisth)tr their any; ings in a substan ‘ial Mine huiuiitrar, l . A PAIL ILLINOIS t . With gnlarngacé and ettiitrnteni; weare now 'hapdling---- ii'"-': -l._', I. _ ST 0 l E of all lands m: , "m Finest Black Dt sro , Ji' of till kinds ICE i, ___: _ _' _ C0 F-' /, a i ' W0 i)p_i_;,:, 'r' . SOL I Ar'_y (i0KE _ TE ()vrftiti_,,_t'_and EXC) VATING; BLA) K" DIRT and MA URI?" _ wm be in ted wreaking thoideuua' mm; I»!!! Customer mill!) plans. r 4, . _ F N.†-.......c.4....'.....cc-iL'Laul, Jaua Gentlemen: _iysTglt,F,!J.'rl Telephone 65 for gardens and It.tirntrlitiht honour um. tis 131th dirt. , J', 4 t _ ers receive dividend checks tour times araetiire irate-WE' Percent. _ tte free from? personal groperty tax not étibject to norinal federal income COUPON f. APyT3i, 3.43.. Tt as; THURSDAY. ['/:'l ),v,",1 (ii, 1 1:! I ii! If: ill lil #11 '11 :Vl t'. WI I. I , , I 3 l I 'it HIT fl