Vi fl '2l fl nAan,.nntmmu: gillllllllllI"llll|IlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIJIIIIVIIIVNIIIlllllII|HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIflIIIIIIHE PAGE tttXI j"ii'ilmgtmmaigimtitIgiii, 1730-31: gum-m Averuti, T .5: i _ Button 2324 Yoilitime, energy, sites and In y "11 be saved by _ [ling the 011161th Parisian ounces. ' I" f I'), f T 'j. 9x12 Gseret cl ._-. (.......Utm p' it. ii', .. 9212 Giles“! clan .. . -t, 34,00 31 . â€my. PRICE oNLYioR ma , Pin a LAX FOREST poert in weaiting and . ine/i: Hand ‘14: t ii, Ptihne Ev ' A! I jio SHAVE BARBmsnoM BEAUTY Eamon j, in Hitrhland'Pnrk 12 years Hours Mam 8:00 to 6:30 F my Afte l', Appointmjnts must _ 'j, . Telouhone Highl ITM NI DENZEIL’S BAR; Tel) 936 uh: Cutting Whine _ i),,' Cleaning and 11‘MMORAN BROTHERS £1 Ladits' an re)_ilst,i':ie:1i'i', 1; Hair Bobbing ll [r, Shingling , THE P Flor l Dye Houie & hianers, In } . ' Naz. N “mu. § ELL PAY YOU TO iuonm‘ PLUMImyigi Ln iptAiiNd name. crummy Given. , In. a 8nd: 'ltrrrm BLDG),, iwa foreman. A elem; Shop my. 1404 I I 2 Rain. P. 480; HUSSEY. HA Marcelling _ . ‘anipurihg . Poe ABL-Mem Wo_ '1 I (hildreu Rooms 8-9s upstairs, flute punk Building 1llllllElli1MEf HARDWARE STORE ORIGINAL We ate here Succdssor to F. 18 Math sMruali RM te-SEE TH D. L. Mus'mlc 7 lege Sham doiil' at LDWARE CG SEE Us FOR o ‘sqrve ' you Lady} , Séns 'ttImam; iianieuriite 3BR SHOP attgggmgggggitT.i. 8718. St. JohmrA'tris. Face Masfgage Hair Si'nge IRICES illllllll My I While ports have been thetthe .l seminary ventmlly wouWeort three ', or four iliion dollars, a men ’who 3 claims h was in ’a position to know That he _ talking about recently said to “ 91 Sun that he m4 1the altimatt of St. Mary's 'lll7iiil'l',' gonld [ s much larger sum em "he mat h was added to this lb ‘ pitch. -4_ C ji; A do [tion] of d million dollars to a 3 e county institution was announ tt' in Chicago int wweek when B'on Catholic parish“ and priests 3 the Chicago dioeeae an- nounced. , their-new cardinal, Car- dinal M delein, that they had pro- vided a,. " ontribution totaling that sum for I , big school, St. Mary's of the . e, Seminary at Area, Lake county, u inoia. I This ii the largest donation ever given an institution in Lake county and whit, the work at Area on/the oonstru tn of the new Seminary has neve been delayed throutrh(laek of funds, l hls'big donation will mean a hast'y bntinuation of all plain to create .t l largest seminary in: the world. I . ' I over an a'miles in extent." .i, "The. ole apparatus can be ‘car- ried oh motor-lorry and' is, there- fore, mo le; or the, power caii be drawn f a central station togany given "P it, just like broadcasting. , "it is _ w only a questiompf power as to' t _ distance at which theldis- covery be operated, for the trin- ciple has in absolutely established. The ma _ of distance, just as hap- pered i wireless telegraphy, mill come th ugh further experimental work.’ . . , , _ "It is intention to ttive the if1rrst oiitioni of urchasinx my irtentidlt to my own ntrr--Britaip. But while it is ease itlly a war weapon, “the same ti it can he made a weapon of peace; nasmuch'as if expetations are real d, war will become' un- thinkable as a power that had War- like intdi ions would hesitate before embarkin, "on a'war with d eodftTrg whose s trurth in 'invisible' sma- ment wd unknown." Ji, Grinde antthews, at the coming; ion '0? war, was granted 25,000 pounds b the British government in return! his invention for the wire- less. stare g of ships. He hats/tar. pended a this amount in his prelent researc ' l . Cardin Mundelein' - Receives Big in For St. Mary's On The Lake . .. w_r weep the Skies l _ , T "IrrN e .air raids ele'etrie Rays will sw the skies instead of witch- lights: islnieans that any ro- plane'ror pplin coming withhi‘the barrage uld be brought down , inch more eff F ively than by machine gun fire. '5 F unless a machine in trained night 'on, the nircra ' it will mis .its objective, where so completel controllable is the el:Etric ray that it can be turned on Fo a given MI re inch or be expanded over an a'miles in extent: l "The " tied oh i tore, mo] drawn " given " pol BONNIE MILLION _ _ . 0R NEW SEMINARY I certhi agree with Nikola T)shy, the yen st'of all inventors of mod- ern time Quit it should be possible in the n r future to transmit?irirt- less pow l ' l "Witty maul to the possibility of furhtimr rcraft, it is not so math ' question f putting the magnet? out of -actio s if the possibility or, act- ually se tr fire to the aeroplanb, or of electr uting the pilot: By _ Cu- latin’g t p"ower you could e ther 'knoek o ' the pilot for half an I out or kill im staitrhtway--whi ‘ever method , chose to adopt. it does t seem to be much usol for any pow to build ‘aeroplnneajl for warfare hey .eanle brought down" by simpl turning a senrchlight upon them. '.. " 1 a NEWRAY L r 1qlt1l?h"LLs _ That :we claim of Henry Grin-j dell Ma _ s, British inventor of the invisible, ' a of destruction, , l) stateme made to.the lnhemat haul; News S , ice recently. ' 33 l "Mi /' continue; Grindell Mat?! thews, (' n create an atmospherb in which ins can exist, which mull ignite e ythlng inftammable crimp, plOsive d even with. sufficient Glee; trlcal ei gyg melt metal or ‘oven glass. , _ _ ' , . _ Time to Test: f (, e "What r--the future will have that it, i0 be possible to tratlsmit power or electrical energy in with a warm' t make' it a eHtuttereiariet pohitign, inte alone will prove. J Bat "It is . invisible power as der qtrisetive: s a mush of lightning--" ray of l ht along which an electric current vels which is ednstant and controlla b. My invention is, pitretr In offe e and defensive pdint of View. il INVENWON OF BRITISHERHH Can C te an Atmoarherti" in Whi '. No Life Can Exist, . . Iventor Declares ,l/ In Interview i _ "My trie will sweep an rmy corps w sufficient power to p t it out of a in for half an hour wi out any Jll _ acts to the men, or hi de- trtrof, Ii ( entirely." i; . HIGHLAND PARK srrasti,lruamaatds PAW, Wars lackburn college, at "Emilie, at week. The party " ting Lake crest college, Illinois lace at cksonville, Lincoln col at Lin} In, June: Millikan univ rlity at ecutnr and the Presbytae an wo connection with.the U unity linois at Champaign: $3,000;- endowment is to be iatributed l Plum 'for the mixing af ’8,000,- _ ‘endowment fund for bytes n educational institution of the ate on being develo by the arch, according to t pl of dis- nguished ministers‘ w visited lackburn college, " “Emilie, at week. The party iu'vi ting Lake oreat college, Illinois legs at on: these schools, it is _ "0004. lackburn’s quota being ' 5,000. , I; _ " 'rarsstrytehiin Eduatio Insti- tutions To Be' Ai , . F _ Report Says " ENDOWMENT lfl, T PLAN‘FOR co LEGES EH WB6T SUDE BRA CH 4660w.Waahipqtnn vd. BROADWAY BRA CH 839 Broadway WOODLAWN BRA CH 6051 Cottage Grove A T Community Brandi." BVANSTON BRA tin 1310 Ridge Ave iDo 't _i'_iv_ri'-_'i_s:_ci-_siii'i' “CO. 1, o'g't, You 1 'ill He ls' t M CHirt e iaw ed by salesmen and oiherss4lio . all _ l n buSin igmcn without appointment apd are ke tw Fsiiryit 'rl ms. 'i_t a ".' 7 l Ty Thi can I - avoided y makinidefinite iippointrtietts by lo dis illl ce. telep e beforeiyou start on your out- of-tow trip p 'l, C . . i tp. if IL Irll cAptLiiAcrgo'rtrrt d Ademonst ition-ride will reyeal to yi "‘j‘fwhat V-63 Owners ilre , 'rhnow--that added to t Mr, unrivalled depenahbil tr of former Cadillaé mi M: 'i motor car perform? iice abodutely withourore but or equal. gums BBLLITELBPHONE COMPANY l 'iou't/iotm 1 student! unwind l,1irat â€mu in; cum a mu imamâ€; _ murmu- lexaminitién 8nd advice commint PM cafe 9nd irat.anent of minor til-4 menu? Th iateyis that one out lot own-7 th gnudencs examinedlud {some fem in form as physical I defuégante j th cad-Lu 'exph'ined. i, The pore.» T of physicnl detects (in tht " . popuiatioerU timb. 3:1ny 'r, o lead 'han that anon; the â€waging, a l rdintr to the health 1 authoi ities. , ' ILLWOIS EN‘I‘S -' _ ": _ ' r. SICALLY UNFIT Large N , Called M For Ite-e nation; Average . o Polmlation , 't 2301 501115 MICHIGAN Avnws DE j; {hrclxcg jinnécnr“ _ 7 Hum ' if Gcneral “may: Comma-n Bur. SYSTEM System - Universal†a"giriUt a?†A ' tp', I . '0; on-rideU1 . J, Mk ' a i' l what V-63 . . 'VAfi' _ 1 know-that . 'l' ' q T, unrivalled F . i of former l _ , . ' 7 ' is 1 motor . . . " i, tag a.“ Alt COMPANY â€IVA?! H W " £25 ' DR. J. w. Bmmiltt " BLHirt “I†Pai, WWI! _ creenthijliijti. Electric 11iiiil, ELECTRIC f CONTRA 7 It. THOR WABHE ir) APEX CLEAN ',,' 886 CatalAmIH THURSDAY. HA1 mum DENIM 9‘ F 7! j, 'lil,), rl Li Fl it Ki