F l I! [J [lik lik lik 1 0c Specials Th man an (hu/s Variet , Physicians urge 'the reguli pure, rich milk'fon men a l as 'well as children. You sh at least a qua i 4.a day--ev BOWMAN 'S $114K is safe One, of our, clean, White wag at yotir door. It will be a. pl serve you. ',, ' l, tit DIAMOND LAKE} _,,l.ll::uNt?"_i!'i/.s Saturday Evening May 31 st FOR. (hid V (kai/i' V lhii'"ia', -ii"'i--'iji)ilf/i(iii-/-ir--!- MORE MI K! Price $32,000, $1,5000.t quired.i T .' 1 Massive Dutch Coloni 7 rooms. , tile baths. Modern in' e ery respect Large porch. _ Double It rage. Lit 105x190 fett deed 130 _ bin rea?: Price $32,000, $1,5000. cash re r) phildmn’s Ribbed ' l Black. Sizes 5 to 8 rl' ormm's, Misses and C ildrén's ' ummbr Undervests. Rib, d knit. yiiiiiii7"tow1t"'1Tt'l'ut8;"4 o44.' , i; b" tt:nittietihgjj",lj,iy,s,i,," Tiii) Ni r dis es. 19c and 25c va1 r',,i'9assjva..rt--auted Colon Ray Bros. Plavihioi'; Mctilory_1ick's, ‘Orctestra and ':, Entertaine tr , I1f1tL'_ltniiTTii"Ti"'"i'i""! 1139 Lincoln. Av nue, . . } Highland Park, ll. May beseen by appo tment 368 Central Avériue Telephone Winnetkia 1782 on (he lake shade lik A DANC ' COLE regul4r use 10f otto ir Store ALE E women Eld drink bl day. Ind pure. Ens stops asure to is Week ial' gat- Hrs, ut- lues. ' :9X't Hose. l 35:10c " " wedded. Sam is 'Tiu,"iiira"ie G, Armed with 1 irrr,!t,y,re, license i/ nude Leo Satin, " Chinamnn, and, Alice Koonz, an A rican sheba. both of Chiugo, 'on . and (iiiiiiii'iii) who: they came his hgme to be â€A -1 m' .. . - - - Kipling in dire sing the Oriental- oeefdUtih ittmi n said "Ne'er,drte twain 511511 meet" ibup Justice Hervey Conlaon hook -tlte'Yrasitsion last week " Waukegan to brave he was all Wrong. . u.’ F CHINAMAN miaxir I ms WHITE SHEBA! "All of our i as of -th countries come tom ma] id“: of the of co their Tlations each 0 “ally wrong. . 'is is dire the variety of stiles used our amips.'" _ "Them, sh 1 be much comparison of natural ies wees, "elimate and i manufactures) i c, , course of foreign f geogttphy," r: Lukens said. "Our geographies a I therUnited States too much the e JF' r of the world and minimize the trt, btive importance of other countri .! t dbes us nd good, therefore, to t" . Id of a British at- leaf or to ref _ i, a ananese chart,, “of a German . é book, or a Frtnehi or Dutch c n al publication withl ti He said t the best suhj cause it. dev the true bro the student ities of other therthings i tel. 'Dr. Lnkem was the best raphy, tray would be tq who knew t of a trip wo pours}: of tht Good! Educator " folds Because They Limit " tion Too Much To krica Only A ' The 851, [ tal employ _ _ 5431.622517 ad ices I Nearly i an“. the greates 1‘51 , liver mail . o g business ho 5.â€; The far rt Postal Se all Iroutes sup yl ilies, or 29.. Ll The 61,89t offices. The: tyry 58 5mm SAYS GE r ' Mums F IM ow THE MIND oh Febru r Ir,", fiee Depar 000 in its e p , letter ttarrie , 44.417 rural I ers, and 21, I .1: Out Wes estalylished a“ railroad 12 ful Uintah " _ private rail iriil . w _ I ‘Atlas wohghg ave had it tough time" ‘indeed'lift'i _ li'] e annual load, of tit. ters alone ttl l the Postal ‘Seriice mm. It iswfimuted to magmas,- yrrtoos. ' , g'i‘ V .‘ Every ti fojll of the twenty-tiiue hours ore r {day then; are 389 Lab ters drop a to letter boxés; aviary minute; 23, 34'? ml every hour 1,dii. 000. ' if: T , . _ Every y $,lithe United States 05- tal Sex-vi swaps 23,000. 900 articles. , I y year the ie _ in number o i â€it ielm ih. the tiiai ' itt more t .tbillion. Of the btat man sub " 'lit,12,0oo,0oo,tyo0iariiFG; tire letters {’4‘ " I“ EverryN 'i theU'ostal Service; on3 an avera , ' iiy'ers 112 letters to eV-J ery man, 738.11 and,ehild in Nthe‘ united-‘3: 'tral ' . -' ', Millions' i: '. tiers Every liour Are ii in Mail Bong; . Tho r dg Postmen'in j" 'l' j: “I?†'i' ' mramiiUli,r, Busmys HANDLED ?~Iï¬ï¬uï¬viérâ€ï¬ , ; mm, SERVICEH MIGRATION n its e p Besides the 43,657 r ttarrie , l ire are 62,400 clerk's. 7 rural iii ier, 51,893 postmast- and 21, Itil, ailway postal clerlis. e 51,39 m; masters run as many 5. The Itl, one potrtoMee for ev- 8 squa ' Ies of territory. _ l a MI, 'ill and part time pop- mploy _ 4i paid approximautr 622,517 a "i", tally for their sew-1 s,ldit Every Man y 4 , 0 l, poUmen, me ates ‘s jiirii' business, ail. o i; illions of ho I has“: in American ar “rV not neglecte Se iii"; To-day 44,6 Iup l'! ail to 6,504,5 29/. 'nil ?.8 individuals. Wes " Postal Ser, hed rai, -rikablu ant 12 I es long to tr ah Icibl ) valley tow rail ih§has penetrate w I , a the' Work brur 3,5, 1924, the l " " “had more th! s e p I l Besides th rrie v, l ere are 62,401 "a! iii ier, 51,893 pa 21, it i? ailway postal ,89 pug; masters run I Phe va [one potrtoMee we ' Ies of territm f,t u will and part til oy' W' qt, _paid approx 517a I: 'ally for thei - s :1' l m . IE l GT APHFES . Fair' THE 1 , l lens of 'the shapes of from maps. but out be of countries and it) each other is us. i.“ is directly due to it.l ij, ave had it tough time rig 5 he annual load, of Flet- _tl t. the Postal ‘Seriice is 1" thitated to tota1'188,- H I. poStmen, members: of is‘igle‘ business, daily tle- L: illions of homes and 5 J; in American . cities,, N11101: neglected by the iiij; To-day 44,552 rater "I" ail to 6,504,592 'rl'" 1,1 3. individuals. ‘ " h TI Postaf Servicfrtzfs _ likable! automo " es long to the frult. ) valley toshieh ho has penetrated. en the' Work ". s, 1924, the Fog: Or. had more than Mi,.. or', AR'rrciais in making PARK u p m ot over-production and u 4:: pr ction. The Northwestern p fes r held that no more than , f 000 00 people should be penal lto oee y the United States and t our truggle henceforth is .to ld dow population and to obtain a l-, _-_. v-lu W110 bio ht out a book ahowin wo ii, proceeding' helter, a p nt " over-production a pr ction. The Northwe fes , held that no man 1 'lt pm do i pedi th s in the fiei a be t ‘ Condition " Present j V Prof. Fox didn't indicate that #ditions] he feared were a y " ii the future but suggested t _ on is at‘hnnd when the United tea 1 have reached the point of tara- ti from the standpoint of uln- til . He also said the entire world is rapidly racing toward the “met u appy objective unless co on- sehe rules and judgment tt the pl e of expediency. iWhile our country is now o rt- in l' foods, it also is importi name an it is but a question of dew ye i s before, the United Stat will r .' ire an the food her people also. A {ti-31in and South America are Pt ying toward the same go and E ‘ ope, of course, is new tteh for a Far, .with conditions in a no her._ _What will the world ' if thsii, conditions go on? It will he a see ing:plenet whereon home ‘be- in " Would be struggling one a inst thellother for food and raimen iun ficiI t to maintain life. ' The thin we tw, of law is wiped away n, cwile are starving and it is p to, us P students of these questio i to areare and solve them, We met lo 'l, unless we are splendidly 'ip. ted in every branch of science. ; q Danger to Be Paced _ j I! of. Fox said he agreed with (u. , 3.81. of .Hervard who in» I im an ye4 ret Jllprwor1d needs quality has: [an numbers and the Uni F Shh. louldt see to it that immigr (pa in [controlled as to mm in: i, Me Americntof the future w ch its h soil would not be able feed ’OLLEGE PROFESSOR I SAYS a Ph'tilfp Fox, professor of tr. ' ind director of D thorn mer'vatory at Norther Uni.. rsity, made these points at an srf1ow cthel on ther E iiston npus recently and ’pleud with dents to educate them! _ to et and solve the problem. ' 1 '. g.' Must Not Be.For Into Place Where It Will N We _ Able to Provide F :',, 1 For Population I Are fair Thinking of Tomorrow}: :3 Call our earikt 'iririeei" or let us tall upon you andoutline ur Platt. Ydu will not be "obligated in any way. at do it not ' F . orth S It isnev r toojmr,iy nor too late to begin sav- ing. The i portant thing is to begin now' and to persist unti we reach the goal. C . . We'are cringjyou an opportunity to invest your; surplu funds in our 7% Preferred shares. l These g ares may be had on either a cash basis or on very attractive savings plan. , The hold rs. of the Preferred shares of this company kn w that them-is sndfiei1sttt property equity back f every share to more than protect the moneyt ey invest. _ i , V , Financi riy)epiiidi'ire is assuredto those who save , eadily and iiiirest wisely. .1 -, Our hw tment/and Saving plan will no doubt interest yo . N . mr r r 55:; Plannin 'ahead and: Working ‘consistently lo _ accomplish jrne'.s plan; is the key-note . of all ' worthy ach evement. (r . _ ' Thinki to-day. PARK; spewing £53m W? "Mitch! ti) Mdtly of tomorrdw leads to a wiser use of ore Gas Company Betcha lea -- we'chnmbion work. ed in. final p .. "t on the Courts of the Watt Sid. 2'itt Club. Oburv- on we imp ' f by the mocha-hie 'i',,td,',",Q,'ied m be: volleying, I department of any which- It h, 3.; Ca " the lt, of Staining†51'i'ii'i"i,i champ whips in my, “is: _ elen w C of UnitediSutu _ a. pion, awed tut; wk 0. atria. with her Mather. U-S- KWOMAKTENMS ii cam '10 EUROPE Emmi, Wills was to Compete Jaimie, Matches and . ! GLYNN: Games C""v"tT"""" "N I cum cup trt" 11rst,iared fpri; 1922 when an Eng- 1isrlt.tiiaitt comm of x. McMullen, W. P, Holland P. W. Egan and L. W. Walford used. The Amari- cansr‘jA. W/ they, R. B. Blak- well and R. K) Cpoke. won all three guinea in nthh jammed“ {AM on cut mm, but the 111M013: from [Francs minus... n k.. .-cl 1eriuitiaat titdiruuiiiiGi' 11rst,iared (org in 1922 when 1391:5131 fritttt'odrd of x. a beqn‘ aphtoirjteir,t)o watch the dank?- mehta of the pity-m Jn moodtim thit summa- " ‘choou a team that itirttt 11'ertt,,t, meet the strong " tack jrf the IF limenywho it in re- potted, "e. T to take the tmphy to France um the United State! The khaki Indoor Polo Auc- eWot has n! ,dr started prom-h.- tiorirfor the :difenae orthe John R. Towhund tririU mind. . ttttsud 1rioiftm, FM which will crow the imam: tia/tt winter, and a "ue., tlonl'rreommi'tta 'tio-ered of G. c., Sheihnnn, rrrtsi6e,nt of the arguin- tiottt R. A. anniu, 'ttser-ttresident,. Ind jOtartes {12:112. mercury. has bean appointed to watch the defelop. ments of the myâ€. _in competitions this “summer “taboo†a team that u, it! tuber tVit inhuman and. inch: Oiled "rain. /; _:; . . FRENCH mm TEAM comma T0 AMERICA ' 'nited Smâ€. Association "In Oman! ' to Batonâ€: o Trophies in 1925 JIW math a $3090! of the United Itt vi“ the, lunch 5 Olymbic.Gumes, W TT, of California, '0 tennis Chan- 'ri, Wk on the Dem. ri hei â€Wig" "m“ '!latmiiieh,iti2 "iii/iii?.?" 5'5 a of the in the Olymbk: 'tirno-r,romiistei,t,i I the tirll tgt"'.t,t,"s m. tii', ,tittudoitirrmreiidii"ri 3 NORTH snout: mi ; GIVE TAG DA It ,aujtu.aeiiiediaiTaUa tag (by! held for the . Adult charms, it it laid. , _ "g llQuad-y. new». of'tng day med by . . Brumbwk, p . of " tun. The m}... _ 3.000 young 'rome.i,t, ', T the an": wig can _ eUritiea in CM 'TF _ . . their union. Ju, Ittt ' t.ltuttettPftxer"C)n.iti p. C Lake Bluff. Latte Fons tr PIN: and other North 8 momma; with 1 t nth. tub-crud» "â€1300 l F cation of Agog â€a Adit 1. H T M?tttd-seaiitie',i)G ' . :Kidhppio Til . Iâ€; and Meryl... l shack at woman who hul we: l T _ '1 other was GGi iiTGii "--. T dbomedto'death~forl ‘. Bible. .' a. at. to the M "rrtasd) N. When he _murtrymrtss , 'illatte u obey“. For a". _ " tag. thanked (in: (and; a _ ties them won ttrates. I?’ I" ' Marty killed-le V from New. ginningâ€. t: ttet Ped. Ae .il1erd, ii?, a. Kukutuk, Gangland - " the out.“ In." h I '" btd, announcedamn , - tâ€: thrirtt had :1)de hthi A, f " 1'felPt.tiryqhuN'tjori' "uc e" to the†brrmd, dia. IPe Ite 't)hk','l'l'ifi,%' ‘ _ Fren trfarroiit-poet , Canadian mound pol 3'1W111W! . at; ur ng 'I on: a; the life of ammo ' miles yithg'n th.iretie C tt ._ I l M v j . Report git“: t', Northdm tit _ E35 RELIGIOUS “M "c? j,i'i': RULES 1gtgtij,,iieii, “ijtdonotkuow _ 4.4 ' 1 'tetty lirl'i‘m ' . ' of he: gbility to“... le , The 1'"f,'hufiiitl P T and me ' p _‘ Ma overshadow ttdt, " {f of the Olympic ', . . i Bond. ll†an; I 3 ms and but: a a.» ddMBat lib. . s _ t champon w not?, . since "iiit damned w; " Muller! at Ron-t min i t 1921. . . l , tet,ittt,tiei Mr, iQitt9?, In b E g at??? ESE I00 :5! ill " Val W E i we. wad free the he tn ‘ fat th to um m3 3p: the St dar: ca WI COI E H' "I mt in; m St th fa Fra' u yt all m n D E u