+ THE HIGH PAGE TEN ; Insuranceâ€"Fire, Formado, Liability Pure Golden G\:irnéy Milk and Cream _ THE GRCO * DEERFIE JL INOIS Telephone Deerfield .235 R 2 . _ _ â€" PAUL SCHROEDER & CO., Real Es We write a full line of inssznbe companies. ; _ * f F. B. WILLILAMS, Manager Of Highest Quali THE MEMORILIA L PARK At the Northern bopndgr®# of (Chicago there fis located a beautiful MEMORIAL PARK. |Its founders$ coul{} not! have secured h more suitable expanse of groun upon which to establish a iemetery that will f§r all times be l.‘;lnnutitnl hom‘t those who have gone befofe. With the comfortable office building, the mag chapel, beautiful frofit park, lochted on the highest part of Cook County, iu}a::: lined walks and boulevards, jewel like lake, the abundant shrubbery and trees, it is unequalled |in itsfquiet dignity and id $E sw o d All lots are sold with Pegpetual Care. Connfcted with Memorial Park is one the largest perpetual |care funds on deposit with a strong Trust: of under a Trust Agreement | keeps the funds inviolable. Full perpetual care is absolutely guaranteed| . f â€" | |; | c t i o. CENTR A L (.}rou[’dntkoad: ‘Chicago Of T he Be?adfflif North Eho'ré Cemetery [* . â€"| 1 NON SECTARIANX ns Highland ind | St., Evangton, HII. _ Tel. Evanston 4266 ice, T}1â€"4 Marquette Building. Tel. Central 8330 | VE FARM tojmobile .i)ccidents Increase Daily â€"| C B M 1 M, i. BU AND PARK HOSPITAL â€" 00 per day s 3 ; odiper y _ 1: : 1 . cuf 1. C ! R' ms from $6.00 to $12.00 per day | ‘bpard, ordinary| medicine, surgical Supplie}s ce‘by ‘the interne st.af‘k'if{c and floor nurse â€" .. Main Entragce | 5040 Two Blocks West of Green Bay Road neâ€"Highland Park 102â€"103 _ ___â€"_ AND PARK ILLINOIS n several of the best OPERATED NOT FOR PROFIT BUT NEFIT OF THE COMMUNITY 'isizwu every day from 2 p. m. to 4 p,. m. and, from 7 Reéservations and Schedule of Rates given upon applicLo CKLEY, Local Representative T ER Y CO. OF ILLLNOTLS Handled and Spaled t r 1046 . % ank Building Hlinois â€"â€"|â€" Insurance protects te 162 ILITY, PROPERTY AISION â€" _ 5 Telephone 1587 £ GEO. S. SCHWALBACH 1/ / THE C 3 hiny Cupde mm*mfl’g 1 Uafcteria. The hundreds that eat there our u‘ï¬â€˜n butthqflh"““’ lm ou 0 .'m nw tlnmiofthdlgmm ¢leaning up the house, . ; :<D =s. ~._\ ~8 THE HIGHLAND PARK P Mn Vescs in Sn 192.W ‘gr;‘}f‘*flrmu\-p« & .. 7 s Creprnancanes fltsn 428 im sincily m duppaptnmiees mrcy fln 6 Nriyc ie peniey ~ Services .:Qfl h:l in th 887 Hazel avenue, every morning at |10:48,| Sunds meets at nine thirty o‘cloc open to pupils up fo the | years. ‘The N ednesday eve? ing, whith ‘ includes testin Christian 'Sï¬ioin.ce’ ealing, aclock.. . : 1~"/‘ ; Sub. for next Semojï¬t“ls iig U Man, Eé‘omd B’ A You are ‘tgial) use of inflt g:; avenue, which| lay. from| ni‘ge;b'c until six o‘clock in Sunday @fternoon | a‘elock, ji=1)j; .. HIGHLAND PARK,] ILLINOIS Sunday servicesâ€" | The H&;}@mm The Chureh Sch Matinsâ€"11:00 a. (The first Sund the Hcl:'qfognmunji Evensongâ€"~5 :00 Thuud‘%ï¬md 1 «+ Communion=~9:30 9:45â€"Bunday sdhool session. We have classes for all ages.. New memâ€" bers are always cordfally welcomed. 11:00â€"â€"Morhing Wworship. The male quartetto sang imppessively last Sunâ€" day, and we bope have them renâ€" der a selection at this service. * 8:00â€" vcmflc‘ rvices. n The children who were promoted from the primary Hepartment to the main sch£l; seem fo feel at home in their new rélations}; and the superinâ€" tendent was able th secure for them splendid ‘teachers. | _ _â€" | t i! Ra \~J. G. Finkbeine The sdedor be as follows: _ .i.j,""'T"T",'r + PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ? Sundayâ€"|(! | 9:30-:%;&:1:1;: 10:00â€"The C Class. w. v. B. i?«-%q Tuesday, W&dneud‘ davy. o) CE ‘ 9:80â€"11:80â€"â€"W. Wednesday,â€" _ 8:00~â€"Prayerme 9:00â€"9 :80â€"Regi B; S. %i.! j Mondayâ€"â€" |; ; |}| Green ‘road. Rev. F. R. Ca Bible Schoolâ€"9 Nehemigah §;1â€"12. Morning | Wors Sermoft y the p Christian â€" Ende Topic, “Di&ow‘mi Endeavor Pledge.‘ Gieser. * |" â€" â€" Preaching=â€"? :Ad the pastor. | â€" _ all. ©O66@ y**@ A cordial invita Outfits, Pa EBENEZER El Tel. 41 J. SV w4 55 South so; Phone | mug Instél!ed . Figst St. :E Dell< next |Sunday‘s Lesson e Universal, including by Athmic Force?" : held in this church enue,| every Sunday 0:48,| Sunday school thirty o‘clock and is up fo the age of 20 dnesday evening meetâ€" cludeg testimonies â€" of nce kealine. is at 8 zANGELlCAL Ex School. mmunity TT H ipâ€"10:45. ; A. . M. tor,. v2." vorâ€"7 :00 P.. M. ig the Christian +Leader, Kenneth Worship Service ting invited to make oom at 387 Cenâ€" open every week k in the morning the evening and rom two to six ts, Supplies Adjusted, ired â€" l. Johns Ave. LId Park 115 nionâ€"7 :80. 1â€"9:30. a. n). di1o r in . pastor. next Sunday will ion is extended to ing â€" session â€" of ration for W. V. P. M.; Sermon by Highland Park , Thursday, Friâ€" in the month, Bible Tel. Wighland Park 590 PADD% AuTo vans _:| [|_| MOVING TO ALL POINTS ITBACCAGE, EXPRESS, FREIGHT and TRANSFER Prom Exp i%hland Park Fuel Company 102| N. 1st St.. HERMAN DENZEL, President _ Telephone 335 2118 St. Johns Ave. WATCHES, CLOCKS, . ‘DIAMOND$ and JEWELRY m uilding Material CoAL AND SOLUAY COKE ‘B. Farmer, President 3 ighways Construction Co. JOHN ZENGELER _ 1360 Central Avenue _ fetephone 331 |~| " Witten Building _ Home Dressed Poultry I â€" For All Occasions |_ . _ TELEPHONE ORDERS$ PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Public and Privaté Roads, Sewers and Water _/ Rxeavating and Grading â€". /{. 28 TES FURNISHED $ We make a gecialty of High Grade atch and Clock repairing. All High ade Work. | im GENERAL CONTRACTING akwood Avenue Watch Repairin * Store and Chapel, 517 Elimn Place Office and Residence, 884 N. St. Johns Ave. \‘Highland Park, Illinois | rvice, dward Norrlen Demi.â€"Surgeons PACKING, ï¬bvmc & SHIPPING { Pi for Rent â€" > : ~â€"~_.|| ~ ~W, A.| Wiliters, Sec‘yâ€"Treas. â€" . f Filling Dirt For Sale, Ravinia Woods Addition. ~‘ Field Phone Highland Park 2012 â€" Cleanér and Dyer . ‘â€"/. 25 North Sheridan Road. . wE OPERATE_OUR OWN PLANT IN _ HIGHLAND PARK : ‘ 8, Embalmer 8, Embalmer TTER and EGGS George Tucker J. J. MINES & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS Estgblished 1890 _ Office 21 $. St. Johns Ave Reasonable Prices. Telephone H. P. 169 Highland Park, NJ . Schneider L. G. Quigley,: Vice President Telephone H. P. 1128 THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 192 Telephone H. P. 782â€"M Telephone H. P. 1408 829 Ridgewood Drive All Work Guaranteed Lady Assistant Phone 1920 5t 4 Ts New Sp £7 We came T Be (} J. H A NN nterp nen $7 0 By Tel EA LA] W hy Mon