an er " g: In! r ata- "iiriek DE [II] hood my or 10220. ANCE W11 NCE mg»; Hick In Park Womn’s ishs,irshuCis to be held in the _Womanhiciutr Ioditorium 2ttr, evening. Jayson†30th, " we c'el ,. promises to' be a very enjoy; able one. The program. a unnamed in the wicks my! the Press is to be given by Mrs. F. 8.‘Munro. Ber topie, “Thong ' otrNodsrn Pic- WWW an! wits follow?†authors and their works:- y, Porno]. Kraut. Bunsen, and WitU Cuber. The meeting will 5min prrmtstty at dam o'clock with [that business ttttts""""""'"."""-"'" goat-I te . . . The but; is believed to have been planned someone who knew the candid“ in the heme. and the wink.†been {dining up a like! utterl- i _ The other burglary oeeqrred Sn - any night at the midenee of welt B. theater, Mt? Lem] evenu ' when e 1*th shined entre m 'a 'trfitdtrwprh'tle the, (uni! In, about and defied bray ebo t 8890 worth a! sterling emu-mm. the police report. The robbery wus 4itr- ewmd wile! Knead in. Swuey returned lune shout " p. In. No trace af the hauler he been found. exeert loom in the saw lending to and from the window. _ JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB m MEE’I‘nnmAY EVE â€the watchman m so nervous that the next nigh, whens. heard a sound on the ftrrrt ' Boot and receiving no stterWWr to . can, 513mm " feet to the ground from 7: â€auditory window] Ina fled through the woods to I neigh- bor’s - No blocks away,’where he spent the night. Recalled the po- lice than libero, but can no indiu- tioautowhohewu orwhérehe was-culling {was The polite. had . Bt-ttttn night trying to loan the aomeearttteean,andit-ttNit' unkind! until curly 'tho foil . morning. wind Moral reappear . The next‘nichtvho Maud to let an - body, ‘poucg included. into, the' . The bird (bit. "has service mtdednrttintttqbatitruftSntttrdrn ' -trsett only;until 8m no than depend. " previously PM; , . My we the residence of 'atategth. ",'ltgtti'l't tttmth M“ .3“ we tt the. er fame qnd cubed . by new; An- gelo altoeut of believe they Vented to m-M‘ wit., son of the My. /ru We: bound lenihm! two domestics who were hi the ham to dainmnd “necked the We, carrying "aremtlttderaNe 'thmderr.'ittehtdirts a sold and a plat- itum watch end many and] min!“ 'rf value.- They “tempted to break into n smell we. in a duet, but failed. or their loot would have been greater. Money which ,they at first took from the watchman end; the hired m they returned before leav- ing; on plus 1105: their captiveu. . Sea In“; Discovery . Mr. and In: lick“)- had gone to St, Louie and the son was preparing to follow them. Wtrrattroad ticket was in his, overcoat in the house, and the mbttetteolr the cont and its con- m Toumr Mkhull returned to the house to ftnd the employes trusaed to ehaireand the bought confusion. Me released the trio and culled the police. . , Interesting Prqgram Promised For Postponed Meeting To Be Held To-momw Eve Hie postponed awning b! the Junior Auxiliary in! tlvuJrirhhettt The Spirit of Aheerta'tw A large part of is†th6rr.rfrrsMtr and ,perlecution eartied by? docking] difhretteeg among the churches. has been brought-about by ttree who have 'rtet,totrtther, not tn W mph-it of Jesus. but in the with of lock ind argumentation. " van; tho {Writ of logic nnd not the spirit“ 1;.» that tmrned,treixettm " $1 89$an it is tho same spirit that 'lr/tttttt and um mums-ins, can as.» 'erpitraite the sect: {IDIW ind neo MW in Highland Park “I"! this wk but around the "Mk Ftrs coma-name. to the men- ace af the’ handout of Chicago bandit- ry.-.Iud police In "doubling their Mane. to protect the public from PtiimUred Over Week-End; Ct-titerate Loot NUHBER " TWO RESIDENCES ART _.,RAIDED BY mums EMPLOYES . m ONE I In Secured inute Demon n cr, be Hig Mr. Frank Slutz, hadmnter of ,the' Moraine Purl: school of Dayton, 0., will speak on "Pmtrretrttilre', Education'? at I meeting of parent's, teaeherpand clubwomen in the auditorium of the A very cordial invitation is extend- ed to all parents, teachers, and other interested friends. This meeting in given under tuuwspiees of the Lake Forest Woman's dub, the High School Ptutrtt-Teaetsem association and the Board of Education. V Tonight, “Barbara Feietehie," withI Florence Vida- ed Edmund Lowe; Friday and Saturday, “The Chorus Lady," featuring Margaret Living- ston and an all star out; Sunday and Monday. “The Mirage," with Phmmee Vida! and Clive Brook; Monday, Tues: day, Wednesday, Thursday and Pei.. day, “Peter Pnm"rith Betty Bronson, supported bt, Ernest Terrence, Cyril Chadwickg'and others; Saturday, "The Man Alone."“yith Hobart Boeworth. During the mutation of Peter Pan a matinee will be held every after- noon at four o'clock, l There will also be a matinee Saturday. See program on bagk page ct this paper.' Thin lddralli was given before the annual convention " stile Illinois Fed- eration of Wamen’é club: " Moline 1tustvMay and the "Chtbwomaat'tr World" had ting following to say about it: T ' 8 "Mr. Sluts' address was so vital, so virile and so magnetically delivered it is 'a pity every woman in'tlm state could net have heard it.", MR. FRANK SLUTZ SPEAKER, FEBRUARY 5 Meding at Elm Place School Holds Forth Promise of V Fine Talk Wm 'le school, Highlnnd Park pn Thursday, Pib. 5, " 3 o’clock. -. HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI , ASSOCIATION TO MEET A general meeting of the DeeitUld Alumni association will be held in the club .roomn of the Deertuu..Bhuld. high schocl Tuesday evening, Feb. 3, a; 8 it'elockr The purpose " tin meeting will be to discus: future activities oh the Alumni "aotiatttttt, and at the same time; to mum ac- Qvainunce with may of _ the old friends. Every ‘umnberis mnd‘to‘ be Went at this meeting. . "PETER BAN†5 DAYS _ _.' AT H. P. THEATRE The _ Highland Park theatre will present the [following picture: next week: 'Dumnresq Spence post No. 145 of the American Legion am ofte'rs to assist all ex'omrvice men In f1llintt out their atpNieathtn for the Fenian] bonus. reb.'tt, 17, tt, 19, and 21Vate the (has set. A 'totiee,of the place, for carrying on this work will appear‘ in a but issue af the'PresI. It i) most earnestly requested that all men who him; not as yet flhsd their chin}! do an on the above dates; A meeting of thir post will he held Feb. 12th; Lincoln’s birthdnyJ Chair» man of the entertainment committee, Comrade Redney Mason, In: “lively program arrintrediand hopes foe a good nttendhneo on that night. itht for 1985 are not: payable-to Finance OMeer, C. Strylm'. “The Man Alone†Will Be Shown Satur’day; Matinee’s All Next Week ' This invitation my». that whether you In I mother of. u girl studs)“: or, father of a girl of Mr attt. dent, you; are urgently requested to be xix-agent. _ The invitation 1911073: "The Pairmb.'Nieherr association of the DeerAu1d-8hields Tomh! high school invites the fuller: of 'l) stu- dent: and boy students to a banquet on M. Fob..12,'a.t 0:9». iii in the: high school luncheon All mother: and girl student- m km to a luncheon on Saturduy, Ebb. 21. " 1:00, also imthe high tiehoitriluneir. mom. Music and touts. A prion-um by stating: in the gymnasium." g . LINCOLN PROGRAM Rodney Mason If Charm: To Assist Ex-Semce‘ Men Ap- _ plying For Bonuses: ' The 'following ithtim was dent Int wee'. to every family which in listed in the high school Moe. tt is hoped they were mind by all and that every father Frtd every mother will mpond u soon a poulble and helphnnke both “like unusual. Fathers of High School 81.1%: To Banquet; Mothers 7 Have Luncheon LEGION" bosrr PLANS INVITATIONS OUTFOR ANNUAL AFFAIR is Saturday evetsiiitr,' Jan. SI, Deer.. JUhl, lodge, No. 6802, Royal nghbon of America, will hold a card and bun. , co party; in BeH,rsld Masonic temple. I The unlit-will heirtn at sight o’clock. inc public is cordially invited to " tend. i, F ttgl M. Blanchard, Mlthildn E. Betcha t, John A. Croke, ha, Ade- jine G. Evans; Elizabeth Flinn, Jack T. Poh)y, Mary Bonita Friebele, 'WilliamiC. Gtitttrd, Richard Hawkim, Elizabeth o. Jones, Frances M. Lem testy, Emma: C. Lager, Jane E. Loewen al, Elise McBean, Donnld McClure; Mhrgaret J. Filmer, Mabel A._Pear§¢, N Witt M. Purdy, Vera L. Partly, Carolyn "athott, George J. Seiffert, 'Winifred M. Vincent, May J. West, at», Louise Yowell, John c. Pteemmi. Mr. Kliner well and favorably known to the clubwomen cf Highland Park. The trrat series of lectures, green before the holidays, resulted in' a unanimous demand on the part of the class for . second series, our al-v ready may clubwomen have enrolled for the new class. The lecture: are open to the public Ind the chums in nominal.; Mm.. H. A. Luther, tele- phone H. P. 1321, is in charge of the organizaticn of the clue. _ Min Ellen M. Guiney, assistant principal; Min Lem M. Nixon, mathems'ticl; Min Etta Grumwald, history; Min Edna Grenoble, English; Mrs. George Tnylor, lihtelishp' Mist Margaret Hem, literature; Mr. Jesse L. Smith; superintendent af schools. I ' . Bond of Education The bond af education is composed as follows: The Highland Park Woman's ‘club‘ announces a mud series of "Current Events," lectures by 'i, R. E. Patti- you Kline, beginning odnesduy, Feb. ll, at 10:30 o'eloek, in the club audi- toriutm ‘ "The Par Eastern Situation and‘Itq Relatiun to the United States" is the subject " the first lecture of the se- ties, the-Fe being 'tttre lectures in I“ on the Iollowing Wednesday mom- hm: February 11, February .25. Mareh1t, March 25 and Anti] 8. , i Intram- ' . up. Acuity of the school . is u folovn: 7 . vGeorge R. Jones, president; Fred Gteemlade, mercury; Robert E. Wand, 'Wimam 'D. Mum; Edna G. Green, Solomon A. M. Peter, Ella- beth B. Millard. f CARD PARTY JAN. " _ TO BE INDEERF‘IELD T Presj " Robert Bltmehard. Colors, o.rantN nd blue. ANOTHER SERIES OF CURRENT EVENT TALKS The Haven; Resoundi -....Hkethovett' 1nbotsatiptv-,u 1 ' _ . The Ikrt Chord .‘.....L..A...v‘....8ulliiv'un. song at tu9rmoter i:.....-.-.. Nevin 0 Sole Mic irv---) .rwwe.qrr.. Copiut Land o Mine 3...“.......L.A.....MacDemid I Woul That My Love _Mende1tsao1trr, Lullaby I.-,.-..-.-::-,-..)), The ke Dance 1 1..,r-.r-.-No1loy Addre ', Land. w, j 3nd Glofy WmElgu Prissen tiara! 1hrloitsa.--Preeident of mi bond "tet'"'""' Benedic on. i A Ut charge! Place In evening nuditorh " T..dt comm-in dent is l An excellent "Quid! prognm has been prepared. including singing by the boys. and girls ch‘oruses, and an appropritté address will be a feturt, At the clone of the pmgnm diploma, will be presented _thti gradual, by Mr. George ll, Jones, iyrqsident of the board" of education or school. district iot. Theiprogram Jbllows‘: A Grub-flu Clan The lit of graduates.“ the class of Pebrua ' 1926, in " follows: Twent ' Ent Anny 1 your Bing-dating exer- cise: id the; e sixth de at the. Elm Place ' do! ill he ,held Mt Friday evening thi week in the Elm Place auditor! m. 7 exercises will begin at T..dt 'eloth, The graduating den eompri . membert and iturpresi- dent " abort Blepchhrd. _ .‘g Thii and mid-yeti graduation at pupils ho hum completedthe eighth glide or]: end â€candy be enter the high when! next {master}: " war, at great interest to the patron- of the Elm Place sthol, and it is expected that nttertdanee " the graduating exereiees _ will be large. Friends are reque'pted to omit floirertr. ELM HIGH g E. Pattison Kline to Begin Second Berks Febfu'ary _ " At 10:30 A. M. 'Atttt 1 mi thet e no! thi Mtt ’LA( ‘-FiV1 The Program tth Sc] It And Rall E GR PARK. rumors. THURSDAY; F(iiii,2G' a, Ited W Eight Gram: ant Park Pram gnu)“ Graders Will 1001; Pro. . itorium; ates‘ kDUATIONS Sullivan} -'.w.'.. Nevin‘ tw-res. Comm“; MaeDermidl " Mrs. Catherine Smith, wife of Air. w Smith, of Highwood, died on Fri- y of last week, aged 67 years. The usband is living and 1130 Ave 30113,; ph, Bernard, Gilbert, Howl“! and ; wnrd Smith, several of whom live i Chicago. The bemvdd family ve the heart-felt tympathy of their numerous friends in the community in which they live. 1110:qu was. ad Monday,at 9:30. " St. Jamar rch, His-hm. and harm 3ratb' in. bury cqmetery. .' , r " era and will not want to miss thitr d ce. Tickets may be procured (up rs. A. Abercromby, ehkirmatt of the t cket committee, or my of the mem- rs of-‘he club. _ Erie Delamarter, mum: captive- t r of the China) Symphony orcha- a, and his solo orchestra. will appear the Elm Pines auditorium, Sunday bemoan; Feb. it, at 8 o'clock on t V Civic Music association program. Mme. Minn Hagar. eminent mezzo- _ prano, well known in, Highhnd ark, who ' made successful appear- ces in Europe Ind throughout the nited States last summer. will also pear on the civic music prognm. urther details will appear in next kits paper. _ t . l 1 persons interested in the or- “ 'tgetiott of a Ptmsnt,t'eaehei- for Juluiia school gm timed stand I meeting at an Rubin _ _ home, on Wednesday evening, " at Selght o'clock. _." Plunder proposed new school Mainline will show“ and ditetused. g . The' Junior Star club will hold A Y' lentine 4utee Saturday evening. ebruary " Jn the Highland Park oman’a club auditorium: Music will Nenishtd by Freckmun's Symo- tcrs. Those who 1tamiittended pra- oua dances given by the club will all what delightful "aim they caches Life's End Last Friday And Funeral Held Monday; Near Relatives - itrtrc DELAMARTER ON ; CIVIC. MUSIC PROGRAM Wis. ANDREW SMITH l DIES AT HIGHWOOD ti T. A. PLANNED you 7 ' i RAWNrA SCHOOL With ttrata, golLuuon 'tpgtepaetw ins, the Pal? District Golf club 0&- cera pre making timely plantations for inemt-diNeilitua, chief of which is the extension of the course to " holes, which Work will be complehd. It is expected? t"rin the {all M thi- year. '. ', l ,dllsfedt') nirt4t d Mr...“ Ttt been comm Mil. to I “a not “(by “our, 13‘7“ to" mutual 't.t.etthttir' in “I. dob. {famine may“ C , The Parlt strict come u one of the best inft a section. golf long do. clue. It It uchjavoyod by may players who are t#emFirt' of other clubs, andjit enjoyed a fine amen last year, w th promising outlook for the coitu' g and This com-Io in a publi one. ith reasonable member- ship 'tC,' so hat Anybody" may have the oprkrrttpti y of enjoying this pop. ular sport {at limo“ cost. Mehtber-' ship is limit to citizens cf. Highland Park.. and ï¬lm as who ' Nil to out! themselves'of the facilities provided. and which ire being ttreat1r)rtermttred 'je. impromd, are missing is real op- t rtunity. F T The letter sent out by the ow the club; accompanied by a my a! t e new Whole canny in, printed rewith. I I Much quk Already Piditrhed; 'Will Make It One of Beat In This Section; Urge . More Members INCREASING To li Hows PARK DETRlCT GOLF COURS IMPROVEMENT NIOR STAR CLUB 5 DANCE, FEBRUARY 14 0 Be Held In Woman’s Club Auditorium; F'reelrmtut'tr Syncopators. to Play 'o Appear Here With Solo or. F chestra, Feb. ti. Mme. Mina Hagar 'Also ,Promised r the Nik District Golf club 1 925, you are backing up u coup waive expansion. Ind develop rogram which in going to make , membership of exet'ptfttetat ‘vulne on. " _ Text of {Letter ' I , With your enrollment in n with! (Ccntinued " pt“ .18) Pearl theatre win present the fo)- lowing picturu next Week: Tonight and towdrrow night Harold Lloyd in "Hot w-tér"; Saturdny. Ita. mund Lowe in “PM of allâ€; Silk dar, Monday and Tuna-y, Tom Mix and Tony the Won'der Bomedn "the Deadwood Coaeh" lilo the Spit. in "Laugh That ar", Wednesday, Thursday Ind Friday, Home Pew-I in "The Tornado," also Our Gut in "The Sun Down Limiudâ€; Sgtutdly, Chg-la '-Jogte, in 7 “TM Arizon- Romeo.†Mat#teqttnhtrd+ thetmr- mm on local pm of thin paper. Many Highland Parker: have 31-! $593.59. readrheard Mrs. lids in in mam; Dittrict- tv. 11 before the English spenkinf- iunun in! 85. (ine-Ute. Chicago and will be pluud'to know) WW 0: Ltog that another magnify awitits 'lfl,1) '1)th my t at this joint Elohim of clubs-int trt 8471.00. F o’clock next Tuttiâ€? It is hoped that. District M: Mi members will "tit' â€pay. gm. . -- S The Plymouth Chapter Daughters of tha British Empire will hold I bunco party " the Y. W. C. A. on Friday evening, Feb. 6th " eight “ML Tho} w: 1503:“! a: up. BritishOld p miie'. v,'yr' be opened 12ft month 1"tlt',',-,ttt The object mum ttrg"tttlrrthit.ier4p-sto stimulate soetU1 and intdl_uetatittliMatr. course. good fellovuhip and .m- thropy among _ woman! British birth and ancestry. tor this much of closer relationship between the two great English} lpcnldng peoples, Ind the promotion of a home hr ittt' British man 'and women of the mi 0 west. . Business Ind mscirdastNrthtgr, an held the ifrat Friday of cub month " the Y. w. C. A. corner etcentiit' auntie 1nd Green Bay road. New members heartttr".eirsoltit#. . _ Imtud of the Matte rm previously Mind tot an?†awning. at the, Highland Park, uh, a formal dance win» hold; .fIIg ' nement of tbt, tttttrr' m%ttditr3ir, ilFeu 1mm 'tttttiii" retiidiiitTl d on account of the nrorkhremtiseeu tion with the min! drive. A After retirement from the tug-eh: allied bane]! witlrthe‘eum of vo- mun suffrage and 1mm, writing Ind lecturing â€may “hi-eta that pertain to women’s with 'to the modertrworid. She in the author of several books and phyz for children and he: very recently 1mNished a volume imuiribed to motherrr.,'entt'tled, "What'a. Wrong With Our GirUt" Her interest in girls “my "the women of tonal-tow itat"iriiidiieed this searching and: a! the environ-wit, training and’ future of Anni-inn girls. . I. _ , . _ "THE DEADWOOD coma†“We mu MIX To Be Shown utiPearl Theatre; Also Iilrttt!r, Peters ht "'Ne"Nhtado" BUNCO PARTY TO BE M , HELD AT Y. W. FEB. ‘6 Plymouth Chapter, D. B. E. Plan 1hetetit For Old FORMAL DANCE " .. H. P. CLUB SATURDAY In; Bale it ch in.“ 'tr-thit. Fttrbeoattrbertaon, niece of Sir John. aton, and grandchild of but“ Robertson. She wand ll! :11th reputation as an new: play“: whcn only seventeen with Sir Henry Irv.. ing, and later with Sir Chnflu Mtrttd.. ham, Mr John Hare; with thr John- ston Forbes-Robertson ( as leading lady in a number of productions). with Sir'Herbeet True (tttt .Ophqlia), and with E0en Terry in Ameriea. POST POLO TEAM m ' PLAY Non! on, w, " _ y atttt,tyttig, Feb A the Fort 1tttt, sr'fi?fkt ~$137 Norwich irttttt.itf' gt f. at!“ _ . The gang " “mined in the can riding lull. 'A (a 'duce win follow the game " the 00km club; "Ays'uItmeetimtoettisrpiieishs1t with an Hikhhud Pair Wasn‘t glob will be held " a p. m. on My, February 8rd at ther Woman‘- that auditorium. Sher-i611: and atnd Elm place. ‘ . ' [The prom will begin earlier than the nail-â€Iv; in order to 'ii) camodnte the nsiaur who - 9n C a one-thire, ma mum have at I scheduled time to f111 an eveningfj appointment elsewhere. once" of the two clubs hue than counsel together and lave given noel! thodttht to the tlet', of I was! for thig day. y are pram Beatrice Forbes-Robertson lute. :1 hamseheteetta'hdrautrieettuue- tam, €11an One W3. JOINT MEETING or 1 _ . CLUBS NEXT TUESDAY Meeting Called 2 oturA Slurp; Beatrice. PoebptAtettiirttrop Hale " Speaker, _ Peoples Home NORWICH U. I Beee0dd _ - Diatrlet 1, I'll. Evi My†tHet2,6i.WtguJ.Tu'amo ma ‘trict a. ters. John Striker; Did 4, In. John C. Euler. $624.75. bl, Glam, $85. Other'ntum tro- Glencoe and cltdiiiireli'.' mu m min: in by -uil.vmbeuporhdldcr. F . i an. a so __lw From report quit. evi- 1(hint which "Aaittteiu-' Driver†all ' hum»: should be urn-good the'blm :Fi'iii'i. nu ma be varied at the 'ite may: the tetghteod Park tLBu-inue: Min's Aetek,titty nest ‘l'l‘nuday. Conn-am trail the {cunning executive and†to the "“winning-worton, Matekt 14 repre- 'lariiiii' the Highland Park Business “Ian's Mum ' ' _ District IS: “one. District " m. The red ribbon will ho awarded-to District 18, E. C. Ohrmmd, "Am. bnhnet Orin." This but: reported on Smsdarnigtst bud»; and: two hundnd‘ unions (:0!) call. “The Camp-kl thrr.artive Committee re- alize: the We! uncaring a cor- rect record " umber of calls made Ivy m trieeas has. y, Siam the report: then am 8 a: the an: ' Wm. Ibo, up this fttttl Tttin ribbon will be Itrae#d6b,J. ’nextlnctingottho One of the mast mutating gent, 'ttitsrttteNteofty'enarrL9t in that“ at “haiku. This to- Iâ€. in arm-Italy Moo pet-mm. Thi- aumhr will be untidy 1n- cmud whoa'nll mm m in. ""Nis wanna: be aid." accord- ing to C ~Ealu PArtpthnr Slalom. the can†M, “towns spurs. did with!“ than by the, whim city of Richly“! Park, including Mayor andâ€. the 'somhtituyonem and the â€was City lull, the Fire I _ the Police‘Deput- meat, the men of the toms, the PINS: / . _. at 'radical-ly iett helm W â€It of It! II: bid. which ' no inspidagly on Sun- t on pile Mt -' District u; W. E. Iain-bod. J. H. Miesat, Clarence Witt, 83,729.50 Maria Mit William Gare, 8960. District 10: Wham B. Blanch, $1.296. V District tr. Gauge Baldwin. $885. . Dhtrict MP. E. C. R9hrmund. mum 19: P. J. Gan-in. $218 mum: 28, " ":ythdt" Bull an]. M07. . - _ District Mt Jon» Cube-.111 mom l District St: 'dmAr.9Sittstk, $198.50. .' District at; In. 3.1%. Jacks. an Nurse: and employ“, 8812.80. ‘ 32,569.00. _ District 3 r District 4 32,096.00. e District $1,106.50. District 6 _ District , With me "ttae-ttrare' cooperation , emu†ttlate, Park the up. '-paiett for 880 ' In annual pledge- at 310.000 for nu. ma Ind mo, na- ized the sun of â€OHM. C .Arwna antidmtod, the (Rhine 1m to deb-u tho we was!" detkit of the bound, m Inga tttytth?pud-Ne,eeehoftN8e ms, attuttah any per-dag. not "a“ " m 'ttttue, Are buoy-minâ€. VI- inns-“Militant“. Were it pea-M In this WM count on than intuitions; the' amount liked for would have been greatly over-deMu it Mid beta pro- vide for possible shrinking, etc. ' Too much ttntrnttt u tilt! in pulp. a! the thirty or my “mull-Ib- drivers" and that on of WM who on 'sd,',',','.,",',','.,',',',".",,', arguing, with {3%th {Chip on New, My and WM! of thu â€It. ouch secured the gothmrhig am in cnsh and pledges: a _ DRIVE IS FINE SUCCESS Amount Desired To Fina-66 Operations for Three Yuri, Is Practically Rained ' _'" By Buy Wot-km . HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN l, BEACHES ns GOAL 1mm, mm District It w District 2: 79 6:George6ddzik,m T.. In. R. W. Stem Highland Park "breed . 20: Joan]: Cube-n11! J. E. Conrad, $785.00; In. Wuhan G. Hum rm. Gurtt, £929.50. Everett _ L. Hill-I'd. mu Mime Bruin was Emma Hoke In. Gem's: 'Hinn New Churchill " te um», um. Geo; I. Mun-u. Milton. Hard-tn VOLUIE u tt Lil