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Highland Park Press, 29 Jan 1925, p. 2

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I?! THE RELIABLE? LAUNDRY V _uUrmil,R',i)iti,',',e,g,e;li ftie,',lrl,lllt1it"' "lr"f ' , " ti18 North Green Bay Road, Highland Ptrk, Illinois v- _ _ , ., c' I _ , T ' ' 1 . - Ill " ‘ 1 _ T .2915;1.;‘;.;;;§1‘.f§§;;jz‘;;|;':::.11;;.1:‘;. :my:my;;;.;:i‘-:§iu‘.mi,;J-L:7“!I‘E'irf‘iW PAGE rwo eettvtiturtutott-trrtoytt,trttteld with: tt.rimnt-ee_rt"tmt,is- binomial-try. , _ ' Not a sound iron: CMeago--ehathir selectivity ' " f WET Wr/lr/Til 3.3: THE RELIABLE- LAUNDRY Have “Yak Ever Tried Our Wet Wash 'Way? This Ser- vice Eliminates Wash-Day Labors and Cost But a TrijU. "'N,tr Price $165 22'trtt. NORTH, SHORE RADIO SHOP 3t'4C-itkmetoHigN-thekqtrelehore26s 'Radio 'Nasiiiitii Set ' t , North shoreRadio Shoo h/if)))', inexpensive ' , articles for prizes. Lambs reduced in price. 380 Central Avenue Telephone 544 Community Shop Aaiietmtio9wiiicmsvinsmrmocomet tiomLurautteGrmte. 1frttulirehsthee1mrNt1tetirttrequuitein theudioseermburuielectivitr. Forbes: theeeare12hugehtca1-tionsnearbrgohtg full blast it once which you must. bfeak throughbekreroucanreachoutstde. TheDeresnadrne will not onlytune out any 1toftusestattoeuandbHnginthe12thrimt tuneoutthe 12tobHngin'dUtantoutstde" action: without interference from Chicago. 'Ihatuseteethtw.Anaitwg1brt'ngthmntn on your loud speaker with amazing clarity Th! Dwayne does not "crttitse power 4ktrteucttvitvorsrice'veesa.1taiotnbirtesboth qualities. It sets new standards of radio 384' Central Ave. “The more you buy, the more we give" b _ r We wash all your clothes in a won erful washer and the very purest? moisture, and return your bundle, swee and clean, just damp enough far Ontheline. l. ". . _.'.-' l .' _ . . _ Phone _ y and have us call for your tip ty aaa,i.AU N) .v k. I, [ ', f. _ ti"';',"' 1 :i'ytliyii;', = _ ":" ' _ 't " www.‘ w) ttr («I ' .0 ’:;,| J; , rt', rtrl, ll. I 4 The woman folks should have enough coloring marina io we M be we to point the houn‘nnd m this spring. l . V Tel. 265' Services are held in thin ditch, 387 Rue] avenue, - Sunday 'mqrning " 10:,45. Sunday School ta, " ninartltirtr o'eioek and in itt,l"srpll'l'i"t,'tt'pflfi'uT'ss'l' yarn. The Wednesday caning meet- ing which includes» Wain of Ctiriattan Science healing, is at 8:00 o'clock. The business men say that the peo- ple of, thig city éhquld welcome the newcomers, and the boys will was tar4o'itofhiaattttrtrhrstmtttmrs are concerned. , . Sonia of III are feeling sore begun of not raving any money teruoie in worthless stocks. ; ' i en”; Mr. Irfy'y dun, "llntioetnl Vie- issitudes“; Mnl beniritrton'ts clm,“8t. Anthony and the Aaeetics"; Miss Russell's ch l “Methods of “an. tion and 'i'lll)dlli'o'fl'e ' . . This evading (mt-k1) the Luther league will be the: glut of the Glen- coo Young PeophN society. - “Saudi -for' Haiti 'Sia'nda' ii'i taui, ' _ _ union, "tatm." . ' Wéat (Janka! Avenue W, P. Suhr, Pastor German "aarrriett-u10.180. Engliah srerviee-tv.00. Bunarrrehdoi-aFA6. ' _ At the Engli-hiservice on Sunday holy communion wan» uhbntod. t, GRACE le. E: CHURCH f Wednesdnyzi 2:10 p. m. Religious Education Clam " Elm Place nhool. 8:00 p. m.. Church Night Dis- cussion Group will meet in the, ue. ture Room for brief devotiona1,arrrv- ice, utter whi they will go to the YII’ious classes Topics for discuuion this week are: Mr.. Pitt’s dun, "How Were the B a of Our Bible Claw V Saintdayf :00 p. m. Boy Sagan, Tryst yo. 3,: Lincoln‘gchogl. . . Sunday: ip. o. m. Church school. 11:00 Morn worship. Communion service. 5:00 . m. Monthly meeting of the Seisio f 6:30 p. m. Young Pengle'g Societ . -- '.... '. North men and hunt“ place. William B. bit, Mini-“r. 9:30 3. m. 11nd” School. 10:45 F m. Morning worship. 3:00 p'. m. Jttniltr League. 6:30 p. m. Epworth League. Top- ie, "Beneath "Chitrah, Smokestack.” (Etch. 34:240.) 1:45 p. In. Evening service. Wednudny evening, February 4, 8:00 o'eltek, prayer und praise serv- Ctmummton--t.t0 a. m. -FiiiLy... 7: p. 'rn.' Boy Scouts, Troop No. 2, b 311mm»; Selma]. Thursday: _ Hist) p; m. Y. W. C. A. members“? dinner in the Parish How; . Tue-day! 7 80 p. m.. Boy Scouts. Troop No. 4, high trehotst., , _ Konday; te, Dorcas Society. Luncheon will served a 12 :30. mnmenunn PARK Prttm, maximum PARK, ip1astrohi, CHRISTIAN WC. Jl'ilje,,'iitie Rhett" ' Wank . ' Illinois. Jami-y 12: 1925., PUBLIC NOTICE is he by given that we Subscriber Exam: r of the Emu irf,sRarrut O. Schum her de- ceued will attend the Court of Like County. ht a term thereof to beihtrUen " the Com can in ttrt/te,',': in said County, on the that onday of April no Mlaj, when (and where all persons hum; claimi “my aid, ttttttte a noti- fled dyad". rriitsested to preseht the ume ,to mid Court for adiuditition, THE SERVE: BLUES out Those us will kind] present' earlidr. eat and . 7:00 p m.--ichrV endeavor. Topic, "C rUtfnrt Endeavcr u an Ex- pramalon f Friendlimu.” ' 7:45 p. _.-c-Evenintr matching oer- vioe. S on by the mtor. ' All! and friends are wet. como to “hip wfth Ill. _ LBOWEN W. 1T'Pftei,t Exeeu r of the Estate of R rriet 0’ ' ,BondanduttgetiAvt. _ E: . R, Caldwell. Pastor ' 9: a. "-Bibleoettoot. The re:- ulariclus study will be held as was} but tht c sing exercises willlcontlnus somewlnt longer and connect with the 1 r morning service. The pastor vi preach s junior sermon for the parti tar bernefit of the children and you people. The regular morn- Ing snub p service, usually beginning " 10:46 1., m., will be started somewhat sooner because of its con- tinuance mm the enlist service. Those us ly attending this service will kind] take note and try to be present' t least fifteen minutes earlier. e sermon my be of inter- eat and neat to' the adults as well. Wejwislh to thank our rienths Ind relati‘yes tor the kindn and sym- pathyi sttis)m during our recent be- ttvtiittettti and for the ny beauti- fui ftitral basting": sent. One of the hi fut members oflour chard: is Mist nhv‘Vouling. She seldom mine: a nice. On Sunday was ber birthdoy anniversary, and in the afternoon number of her friends out-prim F at the home of Mr. milk-I. T. H, or. Mote of, our boys nd girls in the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth grade: should take advahtage of the religious instruction conducted y Min (Hick every Wednesday gamma, under the. direction of the “High d Park Coun- cil of Religious Eatathm." The eta fort ab far has proven , be , splen- did success. ' n Thu Bendq supper, i nual meet 8, English Friday: Siturdtr, “unis. ' 9. T . Finkbelner, Pastor _ mug-s n y school session. 11t90-- 0 ine worship. The day has been et apart by the Woman's Misudtmar ‘n iety . u I "Day of Prawn," fe, missionary activities of our eh rch There will be special musiqnml th pastor willows]: on "The Tilt Sn ' brim in Ill-lions." 7:45-~EVenin services. Subject: “How .Can‘ a . tian Life Be Main- tainedi" ( ' 48 8M1? tea. 2 1 Haida 3:15, Shinto Club meet- ing. 8. (link Claus, Elm Place tkhottt. I V _ Tuesday 4, Ever Ready Club. Wain y: 2, Girls' Wor'k Cow mitten tthe. -, __ UNITED EVANGELICAL ADJUDICATION NOTICE CARD " THANKS Ar. A, t Smith ubd family. y: 4 p. m. Peppers' Club. rs. 6:80, Membership _ bvteiUn Church. 8, tn- nx. Presbyterian Church. chases,-Elm Place School. 3:16 p. tn, Sunshine Chib, Open house, tive o'clock Reisort for honor: and dle. THAT TAKES THE OF WASH' DAY Mug Jones A. Ttraadoek Ind Earl D. Cornwell of the University of Illinois have been einployed all swim on the borberry eradication field force. Upon completing his duties at Urban, Mr. Cornwall will return to Washington, The common babel-r7 in being and- icnted beau-e it harbors and spread: the blade stem mt diam: of wheat, oata,ururtutdrge. Mmit in estimated that the yield of null ruins la reduce}! by Mt million bushels. C . Telephone companies in the United, sum my 190,000 tele- phone 0mm. . In addition, them.. sand: of ulophono operator- an employed tt land bushel: bonus, banks and Wu. _ . . A large an of Bel-bed: Camden- tsit, we: diecoveredxthie year in Talo- well county leer Poor-it. Anatolian on- botany were much. interested, in the discovery, " this partieuUr spe- cies of berbeny has never been found before in Illinois. ' Flt-men of Lake county ere aw. ing that active step; be taken this year to emetic.“ berberry‘ bullet. The state department of health stut- ed agitation in Luke County last an at the bake County‘feir when thems- estrous efreeta of barberry wen point; ed.out and Ingestion; were mule how the danger could be eliminated. The halo utivities for the year 1924 in the state barber” eradication eatttttaittrt' indicate that more than 90,000 common box-berry tttttthen were Joented and destroyed itt' no counties in Illinois last season IN mm: includes " ‘oountiu in the northern half of the state. An "ort will be made to direct cam to Lake coun- ty “It: not. ERADICATION URGED FOR THE BARBERRY Farmers of Lake Count Bel. ing ctf'ttitt'ti of he In is Project GORBER GIFT SHOP Special Sale of Consigned Goods D.L. Mustric Beauty Shop and Barber Shop Durietttthoftiterrmetatt1ts "ii-rand-ttmeh-gt. onyourwork. MIMI hmmdaummdwun decorum. We do gown! {tinting tad ttq-harming. Our prices are right; out. york in the V 1 WHY DON'T YOU m S FIGURI FOR YOU? -f TM 313% Park 1180 Baby Dresses, Brasher Beta, Luncheon Beta, Towels, {Isad- kerchiefs, Pillow Cases, Lamp Shula and Novelties - MI North Ave. TELEPHONE EMPLOYES DECORATING INMAN BROTHERS ALL SPECIALLY PRICED Mitreetiirttt, MW, Henna, Bobbing, Sin-boos and Fume We otter the very best service BoetmtrtottS0r.trc-.nftee6t" Appoinmnh must be made “on o New State-Bunk Bldg. rho-u tinnd F 1tt.Mehta.N Cts.to3.Boidm.Part of Sec. 32. sum. Dead summon. an an. E._8tewart to C. G. Bingham god wife, it tans. Part of Bee. 16, Deer- iteid.AtCD " . C. G. Bhutan And wife to Lucy M. Brenner. Lot llJud part " In 12, Bee. " Highland Put-k. VD $1. REAL ESTATE 'StANBhNttt B,1kMnMtstoW.N.ru.ttu.Eiy 50ft._of|otllndz.block19.leoord ?1rttr.ftUtartofme9atdNre.WD swamps: . J.Nr9ttrandsrftoSertdeter Hon- IhnCo.WD$l°. M.88.Ptaotioo 881 an!” in his!“ lienterwifrtaifr.pttea and witcjttm. Lottt,tNhmrdod Grove Satan. wp use. 8t. use. 1ll.M.Bet-tdwetor.qr.- titoatdnrf_.WDtt0.at.tt.Pt, of Lot 19, In“. Week.’ W.B.Sttithandmrt'trtPA1.Amses mum. Stu. handgun» wood Grove with. J J. tLTaartHmtatsdwiNttrW.g manerandMtr_terttr.Lotst Washington Cinch Subdn. WD - St. $2.60. w. when and; with m’Joh'KiiQ ken. WD. 310. -Natnoehttt'irtt Wood- Inbdn..80c. no. WV , C.G.’muhllll ind vi:- to E smart of Bee. unequal Highwood, QCD " anmmavm 051%: Part of Sea " and! econ. ' P.t9rE%tt-ndnrffetort. Etna-well and vita. wane. St. 811.50. Lot tur, Ibo lot L'Willkm sulgdnhta " and 57. Lake Forest. anyl.BnnnertoC.GLmncham and wife, 11:. Lot 11..amt port of lot 12, Bee, " Bietttnrsd Ptre. CCD $1. ?mrMtrArltyCatndxruptarRoe. tkh-ud. WD no. th,8t. Int 82,tstk6,rimtaddn1uvtdinBtetw lands. the. 25, w, See. at Deer- tield. M. M. Gunman to W. P. W. 1'trtftt'eeiNerfuu.,rWD 'IO, Sun. .' L. A, Hendee and wife trot. Slan- 11fP: Ragga»: I, block thy» D of YOUR HOME THURSDAY, {JANUARY TEEEPHONE M. P. "" by appoint-eat WPu'Lm. NH.P.656 Mt, Mt “a ll iii l; iii' idot tin Cl {hit bus hi: (tg m W ii,ii,:i :3: it: ta = "

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