I}? 11} , I H C2torrtai'-twttttrwofter- girlfttetrtute-tertomt,shmrid atatnith. tho athartt-tftratroniw inch-chantry. . PAC! TWO Not a sound from Chicago-that’s selectivity ET "fdtr Price $165 2ettt. NORTH.SHoRE RADIO SHOP ""at"tst"etiHighumy-reqame2ss l (380 Central Avenue The Wynne does notttacHfiee power fkt-uctivttvdrsauvemcrteoAi,iie'ii,ai qualities. It sets new standards of radio Won. . I. I , Ademoeitmtton seiiicmsvineerrm. Coho 'nam1armndetktroese.' .' That’- selectivity. Ana ii Jiifi,ii iiiiGiiiri7ii, "ftp'" 199d speaker with amazing clarity Cgmmimity Shop 1froulyeutheetusthetatrequisitein tyemdiorttulmruseuctivitrioliG; ttruagtetteti1gtt'eyeyyj,rii,ii,i blast " once which you must break throughbeforeroucanreaihoutaii. 'Pt.r?enstdrewi1eotoetIvteornan, 11ofthettmieue4ttringiittu1itji,iG't tuneoutthe 12to 1tttntrinditrtsurtouiae 'T1e, gas stoves and, . othermew stock in Thrift Department. " Rad, iifiriAiiiiiiii, "iiiiiiij"ijriir', Set Ifiirit Amore Radio tyiop TTIE RELIABLE LAUNDRY 884 Central Ave Have You Ever T ried Our Wgt Wash Way? , This Ser- vice Eliminates Wash-Day Labors and Cost But a Trifle "The more, yOu buy, the than ire give†_We wash all yoiir élothes in a sirdnderht1 wathiiil moisture, and return your bundle, sweet and clean, 51 on the line. ‘ . Our Wet Wash Service is a real waeh-day help in every sehse of the. Word. our reeesentetiv,t call' ttr y,our.thimps, apdyysn fprget all about Wash-d: - ""'-'"-"--'-"'-. -1..+1-..e -"'"""'"""'t _"'"'""""" - w an Nr0l-lel" -‘ "ab . Ph_oms'Wtritit' dpuk 178 . I ' 618 North Green 'rr Road, Highland Park, Illinois p7 5' _ A. MA _ l (' ‘j" ',l; Us? " 'iii , f: u, m ',cl I -' ' ‘5' /y,iiiiliiir: P,i1, The “women folks 'lhimld have enough coloring material. to w: dull be chic to paint the home And - an; spring. : WET WASH Telephone 544 Tel. 265 W. P. ththr,r pastor. j _ German serviee--i0t80. F English terWer-t1y.00. Sunday school-m‘.‘ _ Ms.H.quutoft1.thmsnBarro.d is entertaining thg Lucifer Aid, to- day (Thundny). _ The Competitive Missiénnry con- ference will be held at Grace Evangel- ical church, Chlago, Feb. 9.11. A number are planning to attend the conference part of the time.' Our church should be well repreheutod. , The last quarterly mpuion for this conference your will beheld over Sun- day, February 16. . _ J. G. Finkb'oiner, pastor. 9t9tr--thtrtdiy ‘school session. 11:00 it, tn.-itrrnintr worship. , 7:46 p. m.-Evenine ass-vices. ne‘monthly meeting of the Worm. sn’s Missionsry society will be held on. Thursday afternoon, Feb. 12. " the home of)“; til. T. Schultz, 826. Haywood venue. beitittnprntt at 2:80, North avenue an! Lturetta phee.’ . Wm. nimble, minister. _ l . , 9:30 a. ms--s81ttdtmsttiot.. » 10:45 a. vyt.-rMomimt worship. _ ‘ 3:00 p. ,i---lrtmtor League. 6:30. p. 1m--alpworth Lune. Topic: "China's Struggle for Faith." In. 35:1-10. r . I" During the evening service stomp- tieon views will be exhibited, illustrat. in: "Where New China Mats Old." #145 p. 'm-Evening service. . Tuesday, Feb. 10, at 20. m.-'-The W. F. M. 8. Will meet with In. W. B. Doble " the parsonage. Wednesday. Feb. 11, " 7:45 p. m,--. Mid-week payer Pra'yq-meeting. i The punter will pieaelrtnornimr and evening. - I , _ Rev. P. R. Cprdwéll, pastor. Regular Sunday services: Bible whey]. 9:90 a. m. Morning worship. 10:46V. m, Christin Eisdeavor, 7 p.'m. "The Conqugst of Belfurtttess, er, Robert Drei-ke. Green Bay todd Ind Laurel Ive- nue. ' , _ r . Services are laid in this church, 887 Hue! avenue. - Stand-y morning " 10145. Sunday School meets " nine-thirty o'eloek and is open to pupils up to the use 't20 years. The ngnoédny evening meet- ing.. which includes testimonies, of Christi-n Science healing, is at 8:00 o'clock. You are cordiniiy invited to nuke use pt the reading room~ " 387 Cen. tral avenue; which is open every week day from nine o'clock in the morning until six o’clock in the awning und Sunday afternoon from' two-ttttrt, to six o'eloek. ' ' Evening pmchiqg service, , 'e SiiWet' 2isr' Uit" 'SEndsy'a Lem seimon, "Spirit." _ UNITED EVANGELiCAL . EBENEZER CHURCH mugs, ana men Iorget all about wash-day. F - C, _ Vim" “I '3 “v TT" (" 3 n a wonderful washer and the vtirygpteisi; of water. tthen., We remove the exeess le, sweet and clean, iustdatmritiisiiiih, for ironing, or" to "be tstarehisd and hung Phone today and have us cell for your bundle. I 5 ' _ CHRISTIAN SCIMCI was momma PARE was, Torte. Lead- :45 p. o. achuinucher dude-pd. Waukc’gan. Illinois, . January 12, 1925. PUBLIC NOTICE u batch: giveri i that the Subscriber Executor of the Estate of Harriet o. Seminal»! de- ceased will attend the Ptriute Court of Like County, 'at tt am thereof ‘to be holden at the Court Home in Waukegan, in said ctimtn on the first Monday of April next, 1925. when and where' all persons having claims against said eatate are noti- fled and requestged' to present the same to said Court {or adjudication. BOWEN w. "tprtrirAcmiai. Executor gf the name of Bargtet, New York city has 1,303,179 tele- phones, Chieatro, has 714,508 instru- ments, and greater Boston. 882.994, t larger number 'of instruments than there were in th entire, United sum in October, JIt The Bolton tale; phone â€Item In: mm from. 1,M8 instrument. in 11881;; to the point when it is expeqted ft will have over~ 400,000 instrument: by the end of the present m. t _ Boston, wheria the telephone was born, is now the third telephone city id the United Mates in point atm- ber of telephonéa in actual me. The greater Boston} district has than twice no many telephone: " tho city of Paris and his one instrument for: every 4.50 period. In tho ,ehtti United States there u. not one tele- phone for "erYrefrven peuom. BOSTON NOW THIRD . CITY IN TELEPHONES Hub Where PThone Wee Invented 18 Next to; New York And ' (Imago . 8:00 The dim-ch night discussion groups will m t in thq lactate room for a brief do otionul ‘mvice, after which they ll go to the various cln‘saes. Tophfn foe discussing this week are'. 33.1%?- class, "What Are the Chi , Translation- of ttts, Bible?'", Mr. tUps class, “Rebuild. ind cf 3 Natio "; Mr. 'Lenington‘l class, "Canaan in the Lover of P91- icyâ€; Miss 'Rtttr'telt'a class, "Att-ttu, and Apperceptipn.†C 7:80 Boy Squats, Troop No, 4, " high school. _' L I Wedmmdar-4 _ . .4 . 2:10 Religion: education clam " Elin Place trehtioi, ' 2:30 ftmt thawing of walks“: communicate {clue at the muse. Monday-- , r" _ _ 2:30 The animal meeting of the Woman's Mhiierniirr tmion will he held " the Home orMm. Carleto- Moseley, 160 Pumped: avenue. There will be a We! Inhaled mgr-m. Gifts for the “unity fund should be brought vath ttte,tsterrus of how the money we; earned. Mi. Pttt will nddreu the meeting. All the women of the church tttq carat“, lu- vited. ‘ _ _ - "Nerday-- '), 2:30 The meeting 'ot theiWestmine: tetrthtitdwiiluu1dattutt-of' Mrsh‘Joeeph D. aook, 115 N. Linden uremic. Mrs. Oscar Ball Will with 11:00 Junibr communion mating in the lecture mom. 2:00 Ymmtt People’s society will meet " the parish house and to by motor to 3mm MetitorU1 chord: to litar Dr. Robert B. Spoor. ' 9:46 church Mthttoii _ _ 11:00 morning worship. Dr. Non mun E. Richardson, who is " the head of the deitarttitamt of religious education " Northwestern university, and president} of the' Ennstcn Local council of Bot Scout, will. want an “The Relationship of the Bor Scout to the M†37:00 Boy Scouts, i'l‘mop No. , at Elm Place school. 7 ' ' 8atttrdar--"' " 'r.00 Boy Scouts; hoop No. 8, " Mneoin school. _ , V _ {panama cmuiit i, HIGHLAND an, lumen; THE SERVICE THAT TAKES THE BLUES OUT OF' WASH DAY ADJUDICATION NOTICE Friday... m LAUNDERERS, DRY CLEANERS AND DYERS . Simply bundle u everything; hare 46-48 Wm j.†. P,, '_F.' k “gm m} 'Ehri3tiipS ',fiitii1'il in of unknow'n oriein destroved 'y _ ', a: mo and barn and pil of the Judging him the the n. 'ite','fg on the.farm of C. A. toru,tutntiuneuaiGr'i"e'. - ' erde11 no" Puddock's lake Inst anions one f m the an ". week. maniac In I Ions uttnuhd at um thet J'tlut kid , pm" between 38.000 and 310.000. Sixteen . 1,, _ it. headuatu,shokes, 201mg. 3m,“ and a small montage! feed.in' the able fb T _ k unmit- 'i1omadetmttsetrsaiorNrrtshtthe ' 'm~°' Wm. iiG."rCtG'ri"iiAi%st',auiiutttttreet- they Moan plaid! denim it I than M . Mrs. Brfdaet9ret"twar, 82. died at her home in Wank-nu fut week after having been in. poor health for km years. She httd been a widen; 'qf the community foe Almost 60 years, and was born tin Ireland. 11112022, 1842. . b-r Judgment for $1,000.00 wn than 10531: A. Kraus, W20 Sheridan .roud, N Cltieatto,ntr, jury for injuries†'22'd in an explosion while em- played by the Winkemn. Chemiul tompany, Winning“; , Radiation of a new lodge home‘for. the Odd Fellows. the Rehab)“, and other auxiliaries at Wenkegui it nearing the build! stage, and plum are now being Figured for I three story structure to‘cou between' $40,- 000 and $60,000. _ While doing construction we? on one of the new tower: of the. Zion radio broadcasting ttdtio.tt Wedne- at, John Arndt 1d! and {natured both his legs. Mtg. 8mm Ifâ€; 72, mother of 10.cidldren, distrust week d her home on the Areret Brothen'lfarm near WWI-ch after being , rick- en uuddealy two day! 130. _ died orttudauofheet6ttt.' ed at Vtuetreilllr, as follow: They ht "waded Osca- COH- Ray Rice of Cooper & Rt' has “tom.- the mom guard, (or bought' 24 um Qppociee a'n,,'l,fi' an opinion to “taxman! Yancy Country ‘club for 8750 an 'wmbly . minim it 'the vote It more and " mono-11:1! mllolmrth the next el In a “a. of the " an: right of my " tion of ttttbl “New. ' Libertrvitto to!" 'ttttttma acre. Attt - a" me, but!“ Thro more realty dint, are report ed at yibctyvillo, as follows: N.L.Muhoré£0hicu¢o.wholivod for my ywsiin Waning-n and Libertyvine, died: recently of pneu- monta. _ Plum are being! formed for the con- struction ofarm/tr home of the First Bum chunk of Wlnkez‘ln. the probable cut of {which will be about $150,000. " ' 'Y, . NEIGHBORHOOD mrrmcsl PLAN or Happenings of Interest Here: Illinois Chem] ' AnC'r1ythr11tissPttrt( Deeide(toPttsilet Of The North Shore; l l mirRefereatd I . County Beat i, and. l flMilli'l)MRirrlli3Is mmcmm n0l0hml0altt [mun 391 North Ave. Baby Dresses, Dresser Sets, Lunchéon has; Tait: Hand.. kemhiefs, Pillowlaaea, Lamp Shula and No ties - Special Sale of Consisned Goods GORBER' GIFT' SHOP Tm mainland Park use . Durintthe "itrn,t,tt, migrate Midwife" tht/tit on your wow. special lunch. an decorating. _ a do _ haul par dating 'dlr'lui'laGT ,Ou' iG'l'irll'G'rllt'/'l2",'lglhrt'lhfgt'. ' 'r i DECORATING YOUR HOME WHY PON'r YOU LET US PTGURB FOR YOU? INMAN BROTHERS ALL SPECIALLY PRICED mm by l (on: to "n thgaatised wt m ml. cranium»: 110 "an - don at my, . e My my _ ' tmain" am. PM! "T am to mum-.. thin- for r,tt _:":,,:,;,:."?':?,' Wrath]:- may isto it “W'Wv- um. wt ’0 y n of thig amendment . e ' to be the fimtsrtn » claim!) any“; stilt? ... ', debate the - bIY-lndil n.“ 'trt '"rrtted Wary-hora M:z..,b..,. next week. ' ] Opponent: feel that , mem- M'M more that-aw .. don tht . " ittht out. but m tioa,mmid bone. mg.†tuition u, -. an! I. ‘An 'tttg-ttBt ' at it to the referendum, til ,rttifteot. fem '1l¢ Wa of the Opinion of the attorney - hathetimofor It is poi out that l'illltum tion to a m. it w mud by {our to uh 5 Oisponen of act of a. Unopened a eminent the indent constitution whieli give' eon- tttxt" co F of child In lesbian“, no and." to ttnd m to at. of hot new it in up It htehttr- fuu, Ili., legislators t the _ mm the tlftrs met-u my. l _ tion of Publ policy. The the at 1130 has -lad (In ple, if m le. . ransom. FEBRUARY â€new tin and: E? IE -t. f In. In . M to â€chugging union chm. anagram. mans“ Milt DVUI‘ERS My May Question ugh m ISLATURE than» bun-u [HE . in ill " ll il, 'dl Itil a lil an '" W I!“ mg ch: "