Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Highland Park Press, 26 Mar 1925, p. 11

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HE! ,.--. " 2 as its”) tttlt ' do ringed a", tr .' “can a',tl mu f metal one and .nilo- Months (19-16) . he includinxmll ex- u’u h ”has around an mkhbuin with removal of nit , uteri.) from e-entehttaain ex- »en ' meted on at " .00 each Ad0.6 he: as (9) inch le pipe drain, laid " s "can depth of (8) feet, .1: (6) be earth MM]. can " in place at we eat foot __."-..-.. 1g 1 feet of frittttt $25 I Net of ten (10) inc 1e pipe drain, laid " "eratre depthtt (T) Net, Ill (6) inc . earth new]; ', making t mun. Ittt Manta time r. , uicbvulls ind my... eitt f (a) tgr, . . xpse- ept IL' ( fed. mil-mun- Mit . ttjdritttt five FW"u"tlqr) ”d t iron whole ”ff ("no ', weigh- - t hundred nine: IT: ( ) ”a! and & lid he tllrllltf my ,3“) 3mm, mm. , of: metal one sixteenth. li- .10) new. winding Mt e tion, Mtintt noun unholy: with "a, 'ee.tt ttfill m] material ftom wk excavation. can. and pompkte in: - '00. cub e..C..-.,4.... let mbined aairitc eaieh ins, contracted a! and cement can. ggQte nun-ed W 'ti no f one (1) PM cement, two It) ratrt' nnd {our (4) pnrta val or crushed “one. mi with BufB. chut ate! iff', Hated: quad mui. ttai i.. use four U) feet, nod j bottom “In (8) inches thick, the. (8) foot be- Utr w line of low drain here Ion-ted, nw. tr'- detlt tune (9) M _ (6) inches, each chbuin fur- with 1 cut iron a in com. frame m (93.” tnmdr.ed IF) (0 i It Herring . ' I tr,tttr.itrtitl'.rcf!ie i 'i?'.iilt1...--..-?lie , , ELM}; 1ttttt..-18e I 'diiitmytiNq APP) T t,.t..r,tt....._..L..tc.2lie nude Sauna at“; o..--------""" Me ', t Ribbon Dram , 11:1“! Mr sf-.-...------ Me Pork Loin Rout tttttr. m m e...---------" Fresh Pork Batu . huh Lou: Beef M doc food, lb. .......,...........' Log Veat Bout. Ttttr. eutn, “no lb. w-------"" Strong Anode“ Chat ind lb. cuts. , “I. tot Brent'Ved with - the Its. _.-.-----" Pork Loin Rout tttq lb. .--,--" but his Superior Matt, tb. ...... hm Con Bed in lb. .-------_ as Sp”!!! Lamb uh tile pipe drain, t an lance depth no (5) he}. earth ill, complete in a 't.00 Per lineal BONES HIGHLAND PARK 1677-1678 “but". but m, tho lb. m... Lib Lamb 6509' . Front (he It Y. men 126'; ms a. iara- . iltued from. page 10) FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 1 ____r________r___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Â¥â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 'riday and Saturday Specials March 27th and 28th ' [tt Mackerel “it tb,.-.-, NOTICE -...--.---u--r-----""'-rTL. 'GREENING APPLES, the bushel $3.35 Nam Pot 'toaat w..-..------'--- w-------"""" _ m...- 6,625 .00 2,097 .00 13253.00 “28¢ 37he L..32C -18e T65c “35¢ _2St: _.80c 29he "h: ....22e 23he _....'te' 22le ”‘79c ”W15c __2Se 45c Me "t'ttt" "Wit 'lllllt " itl,'if',ttitt' ', 1.848 lined M 01,,welve, F Its) incl tit' riu drain, " 't It emu mm tut1f (a) foot. earth, , l, complete ttr " 81.80 per 1 986 lineal foot of tttum, (15) "thilt' “double in!“ ' drain, kid.“ on “mpg: depth ' of cl he (8) feet, earth, ' 'i'e'llltl1. complete in . tti' It $8.10 p.1- lined 880 lines! feet of treat - one, . on inch. has strength tile pipe duh); laid "t an - depth: of ten (10)' feet, earth ‘ ttaekflll, complete in plsce " $8.50 per lin- I 00 lineal feet of thirty (80) inch reinforced eon- , crete pike drain, three and one- elf (3%) inch- es thiek,dour (4) foot -? 'r/ittt,tu, {It a: 'Ili ‘ erase t 0 cl: t feet, earth Mil“. com- plete in plsce at $4.75 per lineal foot w-tr..-.,..'.-.. 196.1ineil feet of thirty- eix (36) inch reinforced concrete pipe drew. Wear (41 inches thick, four (4) foot sections, kid " sn avenge depth of aim (9) feet, earth bmektltt, com letc 'in lace " tllllt per‘llneel, foot...... " lineal feet of thirtyoix (M) inch reinforced cow. emtbttip, drain, four (4) inches thick, eight (8) foot sections, laid " an overuse depth of eight (8) test, esrth peck ll, 'pate in pine " flihtr, lineal foot.....,. l " Ha foot of thirty-nix , (M) inch reinforced con- crete pipe drain, four (4) inch-o thick. eitht (IO foot actions. ma rp, tunnd under trucks df. Chicago & North- -vactom y. Ctr., con- _ ttaekfli1, compound by volume of one '(1) part Portland cement, tr.,, <=2:., 9-2: “a an: ,1): vs, - depth small (16) {oath complete In plgcg " tun per lin-, Etrepuu in PM eel foot "d..--....--. 426 lined! feet of six (6) inch tile pipe drain laid " en avenge depth of three (8) feet six- (0) inches. and uekM, complete in place at tApo per lineal footy"; T24 lineal feet of eight (8) inch tile pipe dninleld " In avenge ttt of five (5) feet, sen hack- M, emplete in flue " $1.90 per lined oath...” 162 lineal feet of ten.(10) Frtmh Like Trout tuo. -----.'". h‘rdsh Perch tto, lb. o-.--.-----""""" Fro-h Halibut Sunk . the lb. .--is-e------ Salmon Sunk the lb. --d....--,---- Shouldet‘an M tho lb. ..------ Beat Elgin Creamery 2 lbs. for . _..----.-.". Pop Corn the pkg; o...'.-..........-.- Boneless Smokey! Herring r)ik of Kiddie the? lb. "i'"'""'" N Spiked Herring Med. Gripe Ink , for .._..c_.......c.'..-.: Mot norida Oman. the dos. Lam Nun! W the dos. L..-....;...-'... Eating Apples L 2 lbs. {or ..-....-.u---""" Cooking Apples _ 8 lbq. for J..-.-...........".... Stained Honor . . hm jar _-..----""' Mixed Nuts , Cranberries , the qt. _..".-......".-.-- Butter m. Ought! an bbl. -.-----iu-- tttstdin Mind“ the clan T" mpg”... swam Tuna Fish 3 can) tor o-..-'-'. Snidgr'o. Strawberries the ‘huj‘r -.........;.;.... Lady Finn" . the doull .................;...... Queen Olive! _ . ' Pe the qt. .-t:c--u-""' r......-----. 'igiituo 2,421.00 2,068.50 1,880.00 3,885.00 1,176.00 1,375.60 MM.00 ...4Se Ase A0t A0e 19le ,55c _.15t: 42c 25c 39c Ge 29c 25c Ge 25 ts 23 .43 " 25 65 i beat and; treki9t, _ c plate in plate M 4 per line-l foot-i, 137 lineal feet of twelve i. $2 inch tile pipe duh, " i at an average derttt o 21f (8) feet, and ek 11, complete in I? co at $2.TO pet lineal " Irteal feet, of eigh ‘1 n (8) inch douh e , nrntrth til? ripe 6. ly 24 lineal toot. of Went? f e (21) inch double _ I length tile pfpidpth, I id at n average depth. _ ten (10) feet, send chill], complete "ts, 'h"' at $6.00 per lineal 80 lineal feet 'of . thirty y inch rehtforted eon- te er, drain, three nd one- elf (8%) inch, thick, four (4) foot 1ttl"P, .an tug; ge ep o ex _ t, sand iffill' 'it'lt late in pace " ' .00, r lineal foot _.,..-..-,' :40 Weal feet of thirtyisix', l 86) inch reigfoged $3,! rete pipe in ' l 1 t) inch” thick, ekht! 8) foot Iectionl, kid at! n Iveuge depth ”of: leven (11)' feet, and aekiiii, complete 7 in , lace at 8ilu00jer linedl bot ._..'.-...........-i-... ll of the above speci- . ed tile ipe ahelleonlist f vtllhtdl, salt-glued, . uh and pleat pang ell ipe a 1 be la with ortar I inta, compeud volts e of one (I) l rt rtlend cement nd two (2) pert! and ixed h auiBeUttt Fil, ter to eke a anemia man. The Manatee shell m the‘ineide as Mr. , The "tirndted cont e 1 include ‘tile dine: in' the ends of ell (leach? edl 'tthit,', tron as, a ne, .. i1llitttr, ind removal“ ell tget,'.' excaveted in» ' te ale. All of the we“ 1 id at an "(vet-ace do(tli 0 nine (9) feet, and 11, complete, iip fun at $4.00 per lineal ‘ t i-..--....-.-.-.. l h tile pipe duh, d u an average depth f , ten (7) fe_et 913-!) l, THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS o RAVINIA, ' HIGHLAND PARK, HIGHWOOD AND FORT SHERIDAN ti,aGiiidGorfemt. 1}). 'lttil be construe“! bf Portland rt','lrt,' con- crete compo: by th ume of one (1) rt Pogtlnnd cement, ItWo (27 parts and, and-four (4) parts gravel mind with water to make I Sinking mus. , sch of the eight (8) foot sections of thirty- six (36) inch concrete pipe shall be ninfgrced Round Steak f 3 lbs. o,..?....................., Sirloin Sunk ' " lbs. "ir--""'"' Porterhou" Steak , 2 lbs. ----"","""" Plank Stank Pot Rout ' ' 5 lbs. o..---..'"' Plate Com Beef _ " lbs. .....--.-_ Boneless Rump Corn , In o,...........;......".- Pork Chops 5 lbs. for w-..-..--.' Dollar Day Loin Veal Chop. 8 lbs. .--":'",'T" Rib Lamb chops _ 2 lbs. ......-'.-= Bond”; Beef 8 _ 5 1',tr1fr11t.l.1 “Sweetheart Brand o' Pure Foods” Shoulder vrl?tt.1 l 5 IU. ---r---e-i-"-r-' Good Lek Muzak: _ Shoulder Lamb Chops _ 3 lbs. for .---r-i-r- ) 6 rib... --r---r-i:'-i-rc-r Med. Red suntan? "i: , ' V ‘4 cm foe _..--':.',.)-:.'!-",,"--'-: Sliced-Bacon ~..: l, y. 256 lbs. for. "r'cf-t'-trr'. Strictly new a i . T ' dot. for e'--:-.-'. ..va',--r-e Calf Sweethma. ( _ g . American Cheese; and l a IN. '.'.rcl(C'?C'lrCCCii...'c., ttirettttear) My ", _ " can: for --ccrii-'-dr--i-r- Sweetheart Spimi‘ch. No. , an 4 «an ...-.»........... P 1Btroa?Itt,)E'lRt,!ii1 C........) ,.....:....§...$l 364.50 369.90 336.00 120.00 240 .00 440.00 POTAMES, .63 lbs. $1.00 5 iiianesdasi,, Math 25th, 1925 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 tl .31 $1 £1 .1 1 [$1 has t1t"ii,iglli"d,'dr (tters", (6) T 'i_" be: in!" '.' in)» m 'W (3-8) int! minim “has (Silicate the“ tn ', (t manta! and two 1 ' " M. R- _ iii-zoning wire mesh _ ' humane and thtms hood r (1.03) pounds per. MW1t.N foot), e (8) inchee wide. , ieleven gm) feet e " 1(8) inches long. nacho! . the tour (4) tttttttltr, of thirty-nix: l ) inch concrete pipe shall bear» interced with one }(‘1) pieee of eteeireihfo’niing. wire Mesh (weighing 'ttit/tt d htt _ . poun I er when foot), forty-Jam (48) inches de and eleven (11) ft one Cl) inch long. ch of the four" (4) dootiseetiant of the _ thirty (30) inch com crete pipe ehsil be rein- forced with one ll) piece we. '?tfgitt iiii'i', mes '9 g - five hundredth? (0. )' pounds per square foot), forty-eight (48); inches wide'and nine (9) feet tive (6), inches long. . The integral curb erein specified the“ be con- Itructed simultaneously with the pavement slab and shall be iiii'GG7iii part. of the phvementp and the estimated cost of the intartrral.eartt is in- ", eluded in the estimated cost of the pavement. 36 cast iron cover: of exist- ing manholes 'and valve vaults shall be adjust- ed to the finished grade where located, at 35.00 16,700 square‘ yardb tt. parkway cleaned at all rubbish and sutplus- nia- teriale, hand and“ " 2e per square yard 1,000 lineal feet of ftvd (6) foot wide Portland ce, _ ment concrete 1 sidewalk approaches, sixAB) inch- " thick, concrete com- posed by volume of one _ (1) part ettsteptr_twes (2) parts and, and three (3) parts'grevel, mixcdfwith 'natBeitrtt. water to mahe a -quakitttr mass, laid on Fundy rink Salmon; lb. an If up. l....-...-.-----? Fancy had Salxhon. lb. an Early June Pad; 8 an: c----':- Fancy Suzu- tiim 8 cam ....-..d.-., Pan Tomatoes , 'lg, "u-ic.... Good Luck Milk. 2h?” a' foundation of cin- dgn six (8) inches thick met being .thorouxhly compacted; including all main: Ind pnpanption‘ of submde to Win the walk, laid complete at 31,25 per linear foot Rip'of Oiivu Yeubwgcunx Packet, 10 Go Lo Fish Balls 4 tg to? w..-.-.--.-". Mayan". 13mm Btn Dimnd Exit. Th! trtt you. 8cm ............ Li a Green Pin ', t 4 tins v--'--.'---' Sele‘bt 'nrly 11m 1"" mit/tr. Prunes viii” can: Page. ' liaise w" firr ttttt Olive Oil an . ..du--v-ie cal I humid and Btw Fi, 12 plrtttw w..........,....'.... Olives. mutate ' M. L.....: {cacti Egg Noodles , [ BI "v-e---"-""""'" 1,250.00 180.00 314.00 " $1 $1 $1. $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 .517 31 $1 tl tl s1. tl tl n .31 41 $1 Jr 0 T! A Li EtrtmArtrlp our pr. SAID 930. P0330 unnovm um l-:..,:-,,-.-:--,..) poctinif 'A' _ N 5 . I ' 1% F "in; / _ Acting m at l. (My of High!“ Park _ .Adthttt ', President of t Bond ot pr [weal 1m ram itietf the V City 0111ng Park; . Dated at that?“ Pate, “limit, this Sgt', ot. 'ght; D. 1915.km ' Item may in 'tpits the e estimate 1ytllllt and the _ le out.“ the who“ pro- " itggt?tge"', Mu hvful expense: a n e 'PT .- "l1'itath'i, Lo; mi tl . c . a t o KW Rm , “ml; President- of M; Board at Local ht',tpittt4 of the City of _ liPu'k. . V much " Baum: ah. Illinois.- this 6th day of mix, _ . D. 1925. (ra/ilu',', m- a. ' "ft,Q2',t; A t t om 1h"g,T,'d'l're'l'gd't"ti. dialogs: mm submitted to ttte: ' l at It. meeting held on Friday, nah ttttth 1925 ind was thereupon _ erred to "tite-dai-tAi-uid/tttlit-tttttte whole, which recomm _ it: pu- M. d." I For Ten Years Dependable ll Amount mitt V fd wad u,-...-.'":",-.-,.;., All I expenses qt tending the proceed!!! for m aid pup poled i ti'".",',',',',","; in eludqu court eo- md thd making laying and eolbeting a} tht a manual: for aid p , posed i, movement, ttttt In exam! of six per con tum (6%) of the cont It said improvement -", Baked-ling new” 4.1 15.06.00 a. aim” Bowl ' i , an, q.......'---.---',-)-,- Fund Pun, No. 2 ad ', 4 can r.lr./.,rr----'---ar_c--- trimrwtitGiiii any“ PW cooigieAmrt" 1 r ' 8 lu/for ...-u.L-.--,i.. .u., Good We. . _ _ 2 Ill.-.------,:",, M FazmlReymts SM . V a g tttbr for ""1"“ tr. M. i'hmtoeu. No. a; _ s. A. thated mum. Hominy. No. 8 an ' led Pitted Chord- 4 can: 'c-......-..... Womb Ripe Olm- OH Pam: 8M .Mpplo 4 an: ......f.."......’..............;.;.......... Black Sonia whom an 4 if”, s--...--;..,.) Rowlme sautoiuw Pumpkin,- No. sun sand may 4 jars --/c--c-l-u,, Bantu; can _ it 3 4 glut in: {or w... Grape Fruit 5 g l' 14 torl m......§.-.....i...;'.+ Grunt!- _ " 3 dogett -1----t-ii: 1rtoorttytu,idhiti' ', “WM ite, ', ', . Suntan“; _ £32: can: at .‘..._"....+..»+ mm. mm mm, momma mm Umas oirpos BROTHERS _ Commercial Ctr manna Park, mama. fir ....‘...-...LW+‘ $116,000.00 #3236000 k, G. newsman 6,960.00 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 tl .31 $1 “$1 .31 *mwi'mtssmuorlm 2gg',t; 'iiiiiriyiifiitiij'it'irti?. . o drift/ite mlayum """"T"-; new“ . _ ActingCityCIerk, (SEAL) . MONDAY SPECIALS . . MARCH " Pnlnolive Soup. " has .-...~......1 An. Pam. Bear. " Iran ......50. he. Ivory Soup. "but '1'.“ Fab Nuth- so». " Ian mm Argo tltamb, " "an. -UN" 25-115. pails Soap Chip. ”~33.” - TUESDAY SPECIALS , MARCH,“ , El Cu. Gal. Inc " lb. m Foul-I'- ml. ' pics. mm raw- amt-at. ' my” Cooking Ania, . lit. "a...” Fro-h aura-Ilia. It. --.at" In: Knit. at. -......-....-a" Yellow M... It; .................50 Dry oil-...! In. hr -....at" Wm, It. .....--..._......* THURSDAY SPECIALS APR“; , .' Con “than. pig. ---i--cu w M in. -.,-L' Md Wheat, "e. - Cabbage, the lb. ------.-dmd man Pot Rout, lb. “may ,ttturarrartB-,tths.-V Yellow Curl Id. 1 pt]. r.asd “at, Ill icy-h. " RI. .1.“ Flu. Corn lac, is. mm...“ Brick can... ttd --.--,r--ltt" meow. the. an. inn-km Phone tttsat EXCAVATING & ammo one: 12: m at: am himahitdhrOAt Book, at diagitn " manage. "an by!“ from tt to $6S0. _ DOOMTOPS in unmet!" do- aietis at 81.3. 8ue M 'MO. w. .n. med - lil- _ x."N,' m0!” SHOP LEUER BROS. 391 NORTH AVENUE “1314.3. P. 656 , Phonon: H. P. 120-121 DODGE sacrum Motor Car an“!!! om 11¢ We! if:

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