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Highland Park Press, 26 Mar 1925, p. 4

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il , "o"tal aamrrdayiEisatuhtisure, _ and“; until excused by the Att Vilnius Univmity of Dragon ho {all to pan an agttnmee can: . in' English are required ”R 'to practical means at a», m unifomandbatterprodqct " eetqt human mttetf In“ iemd_irttheworid's output: L'llil'il't'lh IA a importance to an! m of the world has been "tu'ti""itrysf mind-J A the two faced each 'other. Ania Caytain feinted with his Hf,t, with the speed of a snake’s . m he smacked home a _ . right cross to the Jap’a jaw. Th J expert took the etrtnt--in the 1 way. '. (helm was revived the . remarked that as each had med. "fati" they had better have _ teraettie it. The Japanese gloat, head and was led to the M room. _ . has been added to We cut. _ P, of Japanese military unde- Build too Soon Lo lwlnnse greeted this vault and' t nailing "pnnese'ttowed to' the, 1 " T 310-de at the Cap- tab, . 11"): a foolish thing to The 0 faced each othér. Captain "C" ted with his left hand, A Brown. nd t1natted out Ind the white tttmiV t we was gripped in an mule ing que. Then, by the hold u.the "firing mare," the wrist I ‘twilud until the body of tttew.. mi was broughttothe ' where'with I quick jerk and " it was thrown over the Jap'o ' alder to the, Boor. . Judo. expert was the “the weigh " Captain "C", wo pounds. The I an had, taken the precau- tron witness several boxing match- as to, what to expect. The Cap- hin' only what he had heard of the and cruel Judo at. , To Settle Ana-eat To ' Ie the argument, the Intuit hr at W’ that a match be between Ca'ptain "C" and the tor ofJujitau at a Japanese . academy. Captain "C" ex- _ that the purposes of the two m. ditrtrent and could not be well pared; but his hesitancy was into to mean that he Mog- niaad ujitau a a. superior art. The " insisted on the "tateh--tso it; arranged. _ V Mia At dptther given in Tokyo recently by General Utah, Japanese r of War, and Captain "C", A of the, American Embassy Ind number of Tokyo Poet of The . the relative merits of "htit't- set" boxing u I' menu of golf- def 'were (Ii-ensued. The (NmMegt.. eui Jim opinion. after wit- h boxing; match between Cap- tdn C" out Jack Tymn of the Tot, Poet. "u that boxing u a '0! sou-dame would not be of m h use against the Japanese art. Judo; familiarly known Is p- i jaw. ' I , n or 'bhrr-rokohyna Post of Am Legion, have intro- much‘that ia Aperican in the land flu; cherry blossom and Mit- JAutrstr' vs. KNOCKOUT ' t as to Respective Mer. . i of American and Jap T Methods'ls Settled _ _ Electively JABANI'SE ATHIETE 3 LEARNS BOXING ”my FOUR Anovxcn mscovnmr 'hattkite the' right' cm: -ti' "Zia rilroadM,eIt'slrom.,r,shotitieAdt1itio, s.,' _ _ j}! _,,,,,'.," "__,.', _ ", _ ' "t Recently Completed at Cost, ot$t.71i000 time] meetirie of the Holy Synod token foccuicn to expre'qe once attain the 'merited praise and' admiration which our church feels toward your great work/ The Vphihnthropic heart of America" is mtnifested and trpifksd in I the enterprises which you have un- ldenekeo in these times of greet “catastrophe for our people., Our up- predation is heartfelt', May the Lord bless your great, land urnd my His benediction rest upon its noble poo. pie. key He strengthen end in“: " those who' have taken port in the I deeds of int-ttttttnl neighborliness. t Earnestly 1}“me God, I tin , ' "Youm with great respect, ', 'iconstantinmp W." [ "To officers and members of the Near Eng Relief: May grace and - fromeod be with you. A for- A parchment roll, bearing the seals of the Holy Synod and the elaborate fourteen-inch signature of the Putti- amh, has been dispatched to New York, beating the following omcill mustard: ; Constantine, VL, the persecuted Patriarch Lof the Greek Orthodox church, whose expulsion from Con- etantinopl inet month Housed the interest tithe whole civilized ‘world and three . ned for a time to precipi- tate war Between Greece and Turkey, has sent h formal blessing and bene- diction to he omcen and members of the, Near at Relief omniution in Americn. _ The Parlor Bolshevista are now; sadly admitting that toraul their-Vet; forts the people are growing more; conservative. Instead of finding an- increasing appetite among citizen: inl general for red iaanea and armentu; they declare sadly that some of their; i'etmeerttg are beginning to backalideu' Emm'a ‘Goldmax! is now in Londoni lecturing to the Bourgoise on thei crimes of bolshevism, and a' current- newapaper report has it thit Big Bill} Haywood who Bed America to makei Democracy safe in Russia is either inf America. Or is trying to get into thit) country. for the purpose wot: aerviu his term in a federal priaon’ hoping that on the completion of his sentence, he Will be allowed to re. f main’ here. . ' A country ‘whereeavlng bank de- posits in ten years inereid from eight to twenty-one billions of, donuts, and where the total of life insurance policies in the “we period increesed frcm fifteen to.fiftrsevtn bi1Iionrof dollars can be considerednreesonnbly conservative. This is not saying that there is 'not-work y'et to Miami in every newspaper in driving these feet: home on their readers, but hep- pily our Bolshevist problem is still confined to the prevention rather than the cure of the disease in this coun- try. _ _ f Persecuted Priest of Orthodox Chm-eh 'rhankt Near East _ Relief . GREEK J'ATRIARCH . SENDS BLESSINGS convert- are beginning to ueksiide.,", "The' new tttgateetorat. have” " 3mm, Gonna”: is now in 'Londonl‘ may topic of, British mumm. lecturing to the Bourgoiee on ther, _ I following the nation by the city crimes of bolsheviem, and ai current rporetion in condemning the hil- newepnper report he it ml Big Bill; He etthedml a We and reject- Hnywood who Bed Amerien to meted the rennin scheme“ the church Demdcracy safe in Russia is either inf ,turities-cthe only alternative " America. Or is trying to get into this? hich would seen to be, e comprehent country. for the purpose wot: isre drytie,tseretne of repairs colt- serving his term in e federal pritot"li tt perhaps $500300 end likely to hoping thet on the completion of his nder the edifice mere or less one. sentence, he Vin be 8110ng to re. ilehle for; church norm over a main; here. P ' . ng period of years. , F One, of theirl leading newspaper ex. The .d.ttutrty nnd .restiona nntur-, ponents recently veiled editorially to " man: from this mud and the extent of e column or more/thati ' 'trtrxteedettted" "time!“ it"! as meters stood it looked " if it! n farther i.n.teeuul by the rel would be ten years or more Morel Y. by gunman! tuid church "-3 they eouid.tiope to "bathe red hint. t titituike to furnish comment l ner own with any hopes of annual 1anatiort. . of: I in the United States. There are notl ht Need of .4th t 1 many of our decent citizens who wit” Thy the, enthedral. for were has ”pm, any partieulkr regret or sore,; n m need at attention is, quite tren- row over this disclosure. The panda},l e " . recomaed and the church bolshevists have been slow in realiz-l thontm have from time to up” ing that the majority of us nppre-l 'l prvcetdimr will the repent-I. tinted after reading the returns oft runny centers mainly f? the "I!" the last election that we ere a steed-l m for'the dome,' which Ire hol- ftatst conservative people. . §lw pin.“ titied With rubble., In American People Naturally Are . Conservative; Do Not Full f For Radical Bunk REDS FIND LITTLE , CONSOLATION HERE f 1923, ieandy received by the ttttreauofedtseatujtoftttetiit- rtment, Irtateitlttt pupils in the ole were ,t'lrg',t,ttet super- . ion Ind specie! ' at: were m for, undernourished children; ei her by meals furnished at school‘ 0 in the way of family relief. .01: t other hand, the: unemployment si tion caused many schools .to ex- te d their playgrounds and to mod- e " and enlarge' their taboo! plants. ,qu done under the tmemptor-, m t relief scheme. ' "e' at re ft: bl: ' No 'CIl-n fat Akr- l. . Sir Alfred Bower Lord Mayor. who i by virtue of iiiRoiiiiih position, I , int trustee of the pathednl along th the Arrthitsithop' .of-Ctnterbury a Bishop of London, was, however, reassuring in the statemenwto t London pm: last night. iriTia t etc was no' need tor alarm sto' far the may of the public was con- nah-13d gave it a his opiisiprs t t the met” re'pairs could be tried' out wi ' at closing the build.., i .piers. All inquiries to elicit 'Irther infatuation have .been' un- red. Canon S. A. Alexander, t sure:- of the cathedral fund, re- f ed to my anything, g; did Dean I e and Kenya Imam, the thednl thinned. Similar reticence i maintaineq by oMeiala. of the city e rpontion. F _ / . , q and I complete -ehantr, of prised, re, involving, it is apprehended, the natngction of“: _dcm_e/_and support: only 214t,000--met as? cue for t is generation at lent. ' _ Now-for reasons not'yet antinly Iained--the. city authorities Lida- In Need of AttE-tion t That the cathedral for years has en in need of attention is. quite gen- e " recognized and the church thorities hpve from time to time n proceeding with the repairs. nxiety centers Mainly on the imp- rts for'the dome,' which are hol- lw. pillars titled with. rabbit, In t e case of two out (if-eight of these? t ey have Seen ytrengthened by in- , ting liqui icement’to fill thq space. A c‘ommission of experts. headed. b Sir Aston Webb, who spent three y an investigating the problem fer t e church authorities; from every; n gle, mdmre regarded with the tat-v; out confidence, had gone to the tet) c ion that the grouting of the piers, mhined ~m‘mm to the stone rk, would,, if earefulir and imme- tely attended tt--and " a cost NEMPLOYMENT AND t "EDUCATION PROGRESS Uemtrloment in Great Britain re- W. PAUL CATHEDRAL ( i RWAIRS DBCUSSED ted in many” wanna tlieedtaeatios system of the nation. Thymus! p011 If the Jaetd'trtt1Coytrtt, 'Coilnc‘Il LITTLE. CAUSE FOR ALARM Lord Mayor of London Thinks It Can Be Dominik With- out Chain:me “not ' in: mm rm m'manuxnl but; was The det4its of Dr.' Tends 1va an will' In lent t'o Wtaiimton. when the. min once: of the Card nesie Sohp’Ohmatory unheated. The 1fmUty o’: Him is believed tls be Very htw and it may tterhtttirly comm jot was. It Mom very teiftlrth'totdtt the sky, Itf.|nt° that has Heart 00:13qu “"100 nine: a' second.» l . 'i. i , , Mira wtdueovered by Daiid Fab. ricius in 1696, H103": “the me by whietl it is known, mum mm wonderful1 Because at the MR. than“ mm intensity or in light. At/its" brightest '1utcriryrotrf" per cent more illumithion than at in dimméat. at is red in color bud ttk light cyplo occupies} down months. The Intonlshinx discovery ttint Min is 250,000,000 miles in jam and is thus 25pm- mt Ingest thit BeteIgueu; the big but of the pot- stellgtion Odom was madoj by Dr. Franck G. PM of the obqervntory, ma, "titntt the loo-duck 'tMUetthttt telescoped'in eonmsetioit with ti. went». foot Miami-on irttertertomeUr, ' " , Retain»: "Wu "nteaustutd 9trer'e'r's fully four year!» ago; and “a than believéd to be the mend laritst atar, The layout atar'lriamt is Animus, which has a diameter otu_0f,Mr0/r00 miles. r E , Panama. 'sro .~ '.--A1eunese: ment tint the ttriable m: lira; , faint speck in tut sky 165 light-year! any, probably“ it the ”com! largest. known star in tttO/tii- no made' " Motmt.V1u't, Obserutbty My. The 6rlowt' ‘ is 'a élippingrfrm the Lou '. "t1i's",td, of!“ 9th. showin' I the ac ieyexnentof Dr. Fun: a. G. ease. ttt. Wilaon 01mm tory. Dr. P is p former High- land Park t. _ ' or. Pease of Mt. WMDiseov- era; Mim,fkrottd Largest, ' ;-Star in Universe ' be made muchmére may hell- iah by iieaiteetneW we». of pm.- sophy, dust an PM Wand! can get in his electric oven a human. higherethan that of anrtrtar. What it com to atrocities, the it-mer of the Caucasian, and particularly of the Nordic, is beyond claim, A Londcnicabby, thought M’uould bust with h map»: f his mild and scholar Joaniism,’ but. the " tle tttMor . la“ pMlohnrfat, who gave him that! anti1 then a can"! treatise on thd art " swearing. In 'ttts" same way, the chathpion cami- bal from the nth} Beta is- a tin compa with _ spgdalist "from Er-l, sen. 'it, to p vtheuame thought inj more . l urtep and more CW‘ language, 'the it nothing worse] than threorru tion #1 the beat." ' FORMER RESIDENT IS , PROMrNENt ASTRONOMER "If mt should come, u do hat phudder ,lt tht thought of the - cultgreql population in Europa being submitted to the tyranny of African savages, Wat is Hell: but I!!!“ can "Bow glibly e an all talking not about ftho F':i?ii5, Our admit“: and'tteheraU _ ”than when thy say: ‘We tteiieve,t1int the next in shouldibe "and in the my.) " all previons‘wm have been - ed,hy pupa-i fot it.' In there no guy out? 11:: m1: would' In. " Alphonse 't"cttttt, when it was [imposed abolish capital yum it',t,e,t'd,t't vanilla-s la Azania: comm tttr.' 1 _' . I ~‘ Speaking at the Black thmsr.l of PtaateerDtttttor"A3trert Guard, of the University orcstifamu, up in the March Summer’s um: NEW WAR Mons ' wow, SAYS; _ g Doom tet, 13 mm. So _ Bad as Corruption of t ' ' the Beat ' 'i' "'ulritrstirihteirgmasmuvssiseesr.tttiieur.si. Alsoahmbs,cv . "iroaet,ftttittmets,mtitsttmMat Imtqoxmbheprime,f owsitrthetimetoplantgrii-dand t'etouttmesrtutdi't, 'bs; Plant tsttr1satstitmtrsodgru1tts. Ring 62tltmd wail on m job. , t 1l!,itlttil, Park Fuel Company 10211.11; IliiuhltlEM1,ttaiieait rags-e335 - Peose'1ttttytuut!yer-e. , mmmmv \- "P'irtd'IN keMSr""""'"'" , 4tr"'ust?t.0rmgtaBur0 MWPu-km Building ,Material I,,, l lr '.1r l . ;;_: . Baggage, Itttersimr, Mama] ' 111mm: Park anamghwoad ', 51: I 100m ‘. man. adf'd'fl'r'fad. EVANS . 't.t.eA-sritn WS‘ 1'rctrroiuAtcheatreteeMe+ ,'tl'l'd'l'n'lt1tdlut"turid Jim-int“ _k1nnt:wmmwmum 'Telephontiid06 Ittsurance--Fire, Tornado; Liability _l_ JOHN IlllilN6lllillLlllillR Chathk F Gre Nurseries 134111, SCHR0EDER & .co., Real Estate 'r.lLmLuaita- 315 M's-d Am. Highways Construction Co. Worftaiifts1tttniotinmgmmstna-tetutte.t , Are$oarc.amhterilrew ' . Atoend-takturaat.u-tratgitatevr-e com AND sowav COKE "rhetht-tngt- ,rtrtprnirrtimotrnmmrrorm momma _ GENERAL CONTRACTING Cleaner dud Dyer Tabla-EB!” THURSDAY, MAWN FT lwmi Natl! l2,'td magnum}; lieu “brand pndty_ ,rtsdeasahty" the)!“ pie. 1yiiilriiiiiii! ICC A. 'tdt VIC l It Limbo-H l ','thse I P a __.. wit! at?! ' I thm. WW nttdats can .- ,td,,ttttiJi,f." m I" out out, in nil "Hi and M tte-trl- that pkg-inc “(In att 43M" booh 1.0 5.311.; You Eva YOU In!" g1ffth IS . MO " BLAZE swim" new P 1 Batch: not!“ w f2tlhfi". ',dttdd'g L‘Wbith bylaw-#21 WM ttLo, l [81.10333 DEE"! I. HARCE 'ARY RTFET 5mm 3.30!!- g51$ THE ONLY :Pouc m. oi: or ski m KI

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