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Highland Park Press, 2 Apr 1925, p. 1

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lid 11.0 bin My 'l " e wr " ' . [ f; 'iall, ' 't . "."' [ ' . rt gd K',',? ' 'q l r l 's..', . y V ' b. g we. . ' _ _ , l .e, ~ ”A, _ , _ . _ , 1'5“. " ' " l . . , 's, W:" 7,. M 1 ' . _ _ . ", _ . F . x l , s' - ' " l _ t , a: I ' _ . i. z; , , " A . - V 'e- F, _. _ 1 I -.- - ' H 1: M. . T C _ s )., may . ,' In“ 3‘. mm 'llliBl, _ l.“ ‘pqenlinrly $11133“! on torthtpet. an r- a F I a 1'i,'lll'tl,fa1',tt,' birth. Rbi. tbt ‘2 hi ”It! man]. . Qt nu T .r' thr. United Qtattes. '.'r.'a'rtto V; and " dstitrhtNI " (“or v :dng .n, luck..." " . V “win no em srCtTair,v1ht,t .f BrMBr. In. a they 3;” I” thy for both the had V‘EM‘ theUrtddtfhisndop- J“ In its (a he places himself n,“ new! a one wilt: with deep 'iiaiiatttA, 'et. t l privik C, adthemd I . him: by the L'f,'h1flt, P; - ig'mt ob ious of the correspond- "ityh'eyrt.).Yeith.s.i, which he has mun- if“. Be belt" a that "other immi- 'r '"rttn ', learn so thing from lighten: ion of 1l'J1'tPIUg'i'J', _i_ $30 oe, /,' by Note: £133ng is known in Chicigo as oii'ite:,i the: hingo Ethical society, b table body he speaks etery My mar mt " eleven o'cluc at tta,,', Eon on Michigan avenue. id presid t of Ge Henry Booth “lemon; d of the Chicago Ur- " legume, ortmrtization for tMF ahttntr n-- . .. Since coming to this - in l 13, ho has written the W3 = 3: On Becoming on Man, , Religion of Experience. W91: Life, As I was Saying Jmr-uitimr,. we bark in bitter mum: of what he terms "an all evil 1; y eamoafhitred," Our ”0' Shot ".' '% re, and reeentlnthe Mt to). ' éry beautiful edition of ' 311.11. h he has ptibtished.' , _ , . ' looting Out of M', dention far the long agt " my ( ho number themselves V the r mac: Mr. Bridges. 'k and: lab has decided to make " I. "m-tinet-ear, . a]. ‘ . . extending tlk eoedinl Arqtt.ttens 3o -, c." triad: and to the “a. All - 7‘ are urged to M 2tNttfrttttuf - aM , a, from I What. _ V _ j - 3M1 elm-cc W gaitthnniatie when“: 'eN.rehCd, mv" ') " _ I hrt'errrtetatimt "t than . have rebelled against he: ' materialistic pnd was: y: of human life, Jltt artt+ on e ind Punishment in 3“ ury will tre, of interest. “It. es states the case on of . ' 'piritual intet'teP.tion an», and r. Datum replfq: in a Maris“ defense of the meehan.. We " aitthrrsd um " in‘not oN, he ohlirtitirt! Put Mu . p, iv, Ith, "Bef. Th ”at Woman’- A j Th., Orchestra of Chicago T. 'Wd on the Highland Park M mic saociation concert Dro- an , conduct“ by. Hr. Pro. “; _ This in the sixth and H mart f the ”24.1925 sexing. JU M I rare' occasion; it in - emu .thatAhere will‘be I lit atte nee. The Elm Plus “Ivorian! d be filled tomor- hmt no Sunday after-nan at a O’clock by orth Shore music 1mm. ' The Ci . orcheotn' was fopnded tre" the " " training irofes- ahrtn1ts tor hestral work' under net- mt 3m e orchestra conditions. My of i players were tmomrht ”from . l if Mr, who is the founder and“ mot oily had ey,derte, up- y . _ F of Doctor attitude Hub 7 of Chem.“ - in. iiii 'riur" Jioirrtt mm as: tegu,te M ry. . Dumb Girl of Portiv " - ..-.), m...“ Ann t9thtttti; iiiiii, from " m. I”? T 's D-l---:-:--. Mn: 'i,ditti" _ ka, Miami * (Viola 3 English ion ow..- M HIS r and M. Russell). have“ In tre-"-.-)"" ikdl',',1 W43; “ml... may at ”but an ade ki, Stock to Cond ct Orchestra I a re Next Sunday PM gtritl gular lifetime of the Woman club will be. 15an " 2:30 Illa-u J. Brida- VI“ gem on the subject, if: Coettrtlmuon to am" I Kilian of the Bighhnd will ttqhegtr,nt_Nrtttr risk Home at Wednes- at Mt a. In, Dr. Irene- dr-tth-tig-ttwer WOMAN’S CLUB Section and Lecture I Author Feature' h of Chth'are Invited N E X T TUESDAY AUXILIARY 3'0 EXT WEDNESDAY 'ttonthe-ttttgtk/lst s ‘honi Ni. T..d 1rpolite8r1e" header-elm Auber l The following program will be giv- en at Pearl theatre next week. - I Tonight. and tomorrow night, Alice Terry And Conway Tearle in ""1110 Great Divide”; Saturday, Charles Jones and Elinor Fair in ”Gold and the Girl"; Sunday and Monday, Percy Marmont. and Doris Kenyon in "Idle Tongues"; Tuesday and Wednesday, Mary Astor, Ian' Keith and Olive Brook in 'Thttieemsmt'", Thursday and Friday, Tam Chaney in 1'The Mom. ster"; Saturday, George O'Brien tn "The Roughneck." Matinee Saturday. Bee program on local page of this We . ' ' I . Margaret T. H.101: dent of 'Blghlsnd Park for s. qt 30 years, l died Wednesday morning tt _ he home .of Joseph Mooney; on o . . we: tune. The Mefrnfs family are old friends of the decbased who had been [employed at ghe' Bob-O-Link club for ! s at fiire years. Mrs. Hayes was 70 ”2:: of age and had many mm 'frietttU in the community. The nest- at. relatives; some cousins, livs in adage. Funeral srrrartttenttpta had not been made hathvening. _ 'Other candidates’ are thos‘e men'- tioned last week, George J. McBride' at present and for 3 your: a valued members of the board. who is candi- date for re-election, and three wom- en, whose qualification for the qMee were outlined in last week’s Press. They are Mrs.-Wilford C. Shipnea, Mrs. W. F'. Roberts and Mrs. Clar- Pnee W. Balke. ', Deerfield village dud/tn. a un- didate far'aneanhdr oCthe [Nth tiw, board, in the person, of G W. _ _ ,s assistant pummel: maths Chier. go for ,the Pennsylvnn! taitttM,, my one halite is in Desi-LE.“ WI; mikes five:etutdidates W announce}! for' the election on Saturday; Apr}! 11. Two members are to? be electoda and a pretty contest is in prospect. Three of theme cundidates are won; Deerfield people believe that till candidacy of Mr: Getty imam.» well timed lad logical. ' y point out that theirs is a rapiqu growing section of the high schpol district which has at present no resident rep- neentative on the board, while High; lend; Park end Lake Forest each have two members. It u also Explained by DoerfUH supporters of their can- didate that the recent large increase in population in, the section. including that jvilla'ge and all the territory north to Everett and there-bouts ew. titles them to more direct. represen- tation. Mr. Getty, who has consented to a candidate, is a‘; successful busi es: man, whose residence ia"in Dee eld and whose children are in sch 1. He is deeply interested in the elfare of the local lchools and his iends believe that lie-will make a good member of the board. They; feel that the rest of the district will agree with them Ahat'ther are end titled to' a representative on the board, and they are expecting a good vote for him in both Highland Park and Lake Forest., l F _ . DEERFIELD cANiEirArfii k 1 5m FOR $911001. BOARD! People of Deeraild, aha new; Put Up C W. Getty At I .Thiir.Reorermnttitiu' l iPROC "THE MONSTER" TO BE SHOWN NEXT WEEK Featuring Lon Chaney; Sundayf ', and Monday. “Idle Tongues” i n Other Features il i: At the meeting 1seld1aat,Wedtie- day by the Auxiliury oCthe George Alexander lchinlock Post No. 264 American Legion, Lake Forest, the Dtmra,re-s Spencer Post, No. IM, Auxiliary Unit In: represented by hen members. Mrs. Helen Conic Stan mum by)!rs.gTopp gavertnromtealtumttttrt.' 7 _ - ATTEND MEETING AT LAKE FOREST MARCH 25 An all day meeting of the amtt1i'nry will be held April 9th "the home cf] Mm. R. E. Ila-on. The members up asked to bring blue as: foe m rugs. , F - During the wit drive for £11an for the Tornado victims, the local legion “will"! contributod 8115, MARGARET T. HAYES . . OLD RESIDENT. DIES aA'rirais LARSON 1s BURIED HERE TUESDAY The ftnierarof Charles hum. who died Much 29, in South Bend, Ind, ,where he haided,-yu Where Tues- ty. Mn Larson had frequettttr Vina it'd relatives hm Md had kind: he“ who held him in high rem. He was fer years connected itittt the Sundard'Oil Co. at Sonth“Bend ti who in hits ”Ventieth 1123:. he brothers; John and-Angus; Luann, re- side here. _ j _--.--.- . ' The Aiinor that thatch mum it the B. A; St. Peter residence in un- founded. They are quarantined tep- ponrily' n I precautionary new. 'Rumor Unfoumlgzd i Basic 1 Holy Co t without I charist; land Eat I Then , Church i ', Md, (y, April 6, 10 a. 'tri-rT1ttt Holy C muhion followed by t mecc- ing of 2 Church Service lengug. , Tues y, April], 9:301. tri-riots l Gamma iion; 5:00 p. tm-s-thitting f prayer. ' w n . 'ruetrd, of the! church; [ ' Wedli ' profess: Seminal church I will be' l Easte evening dren. Mandi Brown, / tarian d soloist Wed Holy dren’s prayer. Mann 111.3101} Commu' er.' , . G"?d momma 3:00 p, m., 'm Shiner. . Prom ning of, ial new NEW BURCH AND [ V q i. _ SCHOOL IS PLANNIFD Plan: "is mnounced list tyer, by the 1R". F. J. Magnet of lst; James ureh,Wighwood, for the ' d tion at new church and school iii?,. ing jun out of the present raids e of the that and on St. James church! propeit on North "entre. The dost of the immémgnt will lie 1Utt Mich hood of $50,000. The 6. ing wi be of Brick tend with an“. ern T, ilities, and Pumping?!" the Ha vapcltv of the in nigh h in vi b em T, il hopes I-" . Speci made f Ion! ehtiieh 31 no will it until progra low, t the pla Speci l preporttiom ire being made f T Holy Week tsettiettr " tho local piacopll. and 2:9an ehtiieh . At the latter church (em; 31 no clergyman from out otl town will a each evening 1mm Honda; until 'day night. Mutton The progra for the two chn his: fob. low, t t of Trirdtrehurtth including the pla 5 for Enter Day services: ( F At Many Church ‘ _ 1 Pam Smithy, Aprils; there'vgul be; a cele tion of the Holy Commute; at e1 ' wok-lock with spatial "t tures. An. effort is made to teach every other of the congregation“; thiise ieeand all friends' are “pee-1 ially in ed to be present. ' . h M. Jag hopes 1.11; f modnth the uh trtiirtta, a few SMA , Two suspected cases of Emmi] pox occur here last .serse1t., They were romptly isolated tind the en- tire b Min; in which 'the patients were um} nnd emttertttr,ftaptiente6,; All whrkinf tnd once tam. 3:111 dd and I] known mm W, have n in dpntwt Within: W timitd we been vieeirtated-. flaw the mum! is under 'li,Ji',laTsl; for nu new can and ”all“; 3.. an der probation“: all». do; HIGH: Ca bell Chaim Guild, o. E. B. will Id sn Est" Elem!“ paid pm, may moon W. Temp! Articles mums for Eatthe gifts _tb gun line ofSibsrr,tbmt. will on we. The end My!!!" begin t two o'etoek., . ', Gm eh Fin have them 90:11le ‘by eh b will hug “Link us 101' about 600, mp1, And l for Hut Mo pupils. om. I be tax-ted on the admin. w. a _ 1: JIAL SERVICE , DURING HOLY WEEK mus AT {CHURCHES LAND PARK, tumo$. THUMAY. APRIL 2, his L POX SCARE . IN HIGHLAND PARK Mali and' Episcopal Are pa; Trinity Schedule In. es Eager; Speakers l in Presbyterian ' Day, A ril02, 7:30 a, mm munimi 10:30 a. my Mega, music; 1 g. m., Ftstal u- 4:30 p. .,,thildren9 service ter Patt ' - .', will- nq sessions of the haul the: morning. PM!) . ri‘qn (than-ell ,Monday thymus]: Friday was next week Mere win he'spe- iees at the: Ieetare/aoo'm of ghland Park 1Ptmrtsptertan t eight o'eldtk. The speakérs 5 follows.. 4 , . , _ _ FY - Dr. Benity Seymour , urteritttendqttrof the P5085!- urch Extension Mord. .» iy---Dr.' P. ‘L. Btltreh, p.401- has at .Highwood to Er 2 Structure this Tear; ' to Cost 860,000 , bsday,‘ April IV T:80, 3.. "ii-'-.. nmmunion; 4:30 p. m.,’Chil. Iervice; 7:45 p: m., evening Fridhy, April 10, 9:80 1. m., [ prayerfand Litanyr,W00 to m., the Three Ram's; 7:45 p. Le Crucifixion" I y Sir John sung by the choir. / l Earhart R. smith will be I pt each meeting. . 2er- nblic ttrt invited to attend. "ar-Dr. Alfred H. Bin, I at McCormick Theplogiea1 ly Thursday, April 9, 7:30 a. : Communion; 9:30 a. m., Holy don; 5:00 p. m., evening pray- ' Eve.,.April'11, 5:00 p. ttts prayer with baptism of chile 312mb Park _,, ')pijiistss; BEN STAR GUILD ' HOLDS EASTER SALE Ravenswqod _ "turestUterhm u :he Tht mo 3 of all th', runderut- inns have, n kept b Wi. Greew lade and he 5 had A prominent" rt in shaping t e finanoiul polioiel ',.th'f, made these ehievetiieithi pauihle.‘ It is believed hat he has tho low reectd of sis ice in the Notary of Elm J'laee "ehoo . Under th , iysi'teyt. stances it , Mr. Graham’s; will that he be _ mitted to retire tt thin time from etiee serv'ice. g . ;' Mr. Man in the same We: has pleaded lei h, of service to iUtitr his retireme t ot'this Seed Hana“: been on the board 11 you", my tirit term begin as " the timq thatth plans for e _iyurtreVr.rrtriityy were bein 1.deeeloped, During his year's i,'r,,'iqu,'d1tif, ion the {bond his colleagues ave hid the themes ",' his expert advice-in buiidliitr opal, tionttind on roblems of unilateral: . In In!!! CM.“ ' The term I Mr. Jones [8pr of the board expires at thin that He has “tied with with ' and at con denble gamma of; scant leisur that come- to I has: so aétively identified with; but“ affairs, At be main: row at hi! asgociotea o the. bond bar has oop- 'sented to so ve.oné more in; it)“ candidacy itsl approved “the cm election. _ ' . i, A ' T j Dr. Prim ' o coughing, toe deals whip on t a boon“: it thing pro-r ion! m n. a mu both of Elm Place nd 'gtirttttttt, and from the de tal whoa! of ttrtttet- on: universi y u we m in ohm marked into in ”we attatti and martuht1viNyrrsir)rdMramttef ottttiofkrr - yfe eittt4te, -.. _ The glee can. for with“ in! a president and we; mm. (i, F Th _ ' tl'ltl'i','Soi'i'u'iri.i, m m t m . 1 mn- ent bond w ou‘termu expire Mt? . time, Wed G benzlade'and Wimp“ . Mann; Mr. reenshde [armed in the tee f 21 years; holding the positio of eeretary during the 18V tire that. b ing hit remap! “at“ there hue _ on three malot building cperathns, the enlnfgemént of :the elementhry NiidiiU from _ditrht t tourtesit 'rt the building of FN kinderiilsrteit primary of five mold, and, finally, he building of maintai- mediate builbinx and the new Judi- torium. P T _ . , Mr. " c. um: um Vino “can: is 1y known tn phihn~ thropk eheti in Chicggo. Ha tmifte active bud comm-um " 'm... ,ent but u hum; of thdi'bon'd of directors off Mabel Rem hetstrttat is devoting but ofihil time to; the welfare of that institution. Both u to his ret View point and experi- ence in h Tes' affairs, Mr. Meyer should provb a valu’uble Member of the board. I » ', ' mummy 'sn School lDUtriet 107 will be held the Elm tttttrt; tary school" building betwcan- l, hours of "iiiiiFiiii fiire in the' Sttttt of April 11. i Petitioni of can _ [ have been 33d with'the may go! the board follows: ' 'r-' .; , George Rd Jami for" pre‘pldent the board iii . term of on: my. Alfred C. Pfte. for ttihither serve 'sltermi of thrdo yum , _' Dr. Earl " ‘F'ritsch tire What my we"?! of 1ltrrr "ri, t, ', _',, J. B. Gui-inn .is '_-uritxunrtia,e the scope or " Mines- mention: by the. estibliahment of n [my in Evanston, tt, the ‘locttion on Colic tral street 'formerly occupied by R. H. Sahel. l, An entirdy new: atd down to t efminute stock of dry goods and mat) ~th-mr merchandiuu hr. i inst ""Vr Ind-the stoic orm be 0 e of t ( , at of it? kind}!!! Ewan» t . Th, is' the (oitrth store ttttder t Ga matuaqitertt. Mi. 1m. n r man 'er, 01 M ',iitth.tAdt'aiii ,ori1t,ll, " cm of the new s re. ii'jie,fal,)irea?,iiitit'k,tiiitiit', i 'Highln , Hithi _ Font and Glencoe.‘ i / i'; ‘ _ ') GARNE'rt OPENS NEW STORE m EVANsmN Chitduauisri Filer Sky. Grecia- ‘alnde 31W; D. Mann Are :, , I Reti tr after Long _ i/ 5 Service _ 1 l The Fri Depqrtmt it Trin- ity church hoe] will bid " Bum Sate of ho l, Quoted fott'ds and Enter noveltiu in the PIM Hume allot!- day. Apelt trout Jo.afp, n. tt EASTER gm APRIL ir ' IN E PARISH HOUSE " PLACE scum I ELECTION ' APRIL 11 PRESIDENT. TWO MEMBERS 8 p. m. ',gg'f,'t,'t n'll “110% for prim. punt. t in that all me he: and triennial of Trln- ity church It In!“ the little, one! by their board Domitian: will be If" y naked and may be nut its Paid! Home on 11” tawny! any on an p-eil, {113$de 1mtht.0t.t, the hour: of ' mutuallaullhi‘l /" to of to ' Tonight Htfr,tperrowjtiirttt, Rich- 'nrd Dix, Clam Adams, gun Ede- son, Flora Nels and a giant in "Men and Wagon”; let, and Bat. urday, Doug!” Palette a. in, in “The Nr Mniprt Sunday‘dnd May, Jacqueline Fobin in Ho je. of Youth"; Mr: W rjnd Thursday, . 'i my Tea 9... "Sigrid Holman ;g I M401“ in "ehool tot, _ m”; Fridqy 4nd tut. itrdar, Patirttuth mm: affirm Moore In “W Wise' Virgin, 9,..9tl- noe 1,titt. f; See program " hick mu i this mar-v l, 1.0.‘FIy-Mcr; is bet tir ‘ 'tre later! on main“ ttrlth. ‘lwho umthsirpeieer,the Intildi ' g _ " agree is... "table add od. 'the city’s improvements and a? ma credit to tho ttt 'nd all It', had]: band in in _ naming, g e and furnishing; a I , . . 301: Saturday mania a’ tttaieal mqua given, foil ad fi I (line- ing and my 4190 JP' In- H " ' ed by Mam-ind new tChrttt, Eastern Star 4Uier Ind (the /Mtii- lated OWMI. On " " an ternoorrt1ta Mucus kept bt iiiyyiii, audit”: 2itd ' o’clock " Va thronge‘d with: [visitors w e reused unanimm; delight 'at th ii, u. l net of the 'iirtrotptiieu the a ll '5 An orirah recital by Frederi . Sharp and selection31by the Seco d t try band of Fortj‘Sheridan re; en- tertainment Maren _ l ‘ A feud nnd‘bum pu-ty win be given Vedas-dz! emint. Atrtr " at Fellow ttntl underarm!- Meme 01th! lyal Neighbori- Lm‘ will inw The. partrrirormt to th¢ bunk-:2 ' ( .5 Highland fart thdatre will pram the foiltrwiittrttiettmtt' taertitk., Beginning Wednesday, Aprlr8, the Isiah“! Human store ad the Highland Park; Nathan Gs, will close? Wedded“ “new“. miu in in mum-m mun. 2iiaTiik of ottet busing“ have. in It ad Parkihnd it ttt ferr the Ttttl li' f, iiiiiiiii em and: ‘n m such. eeku , T 'F/tr t The specta‘do' . pretext itiy', tht Knights. Btptttthsr1n full V ttetr iag u sauna " tru: , one h punt: mu T Mutational?! tune _ [ " “mat tit the ttefr' ' in” nude toArthiiPar, lodge 9f mkhborim lodges nu illuminate received with, _dué axing 101i of ap- trreoiatioet. _ _ _ l" l . I DOUGLAS FAIRBAN ' R., I I A IN “THEA R IL hhe Hirttt'erf Youth)" , day .' and Monday; "Th W t' Vin-gm" Two ya l Roma NEIGHBORS’ HOLD (CARD PARTY APRIL 22 HARDWARE swan m1. ; CLOSE iiiiiiidisjiiAys TA) afi,hlt',i,',', Park w in'siclnb will old a dau' ',,ttg't,t, meat of thegwmdnh a guru, Wed pad-v.3 my ': “in, April; It, " 'l'lt Ir.The '. _ , will go tq'the tiisitiiindfiusd.r ' The dodieutott So! the ' WW1!) Temple hm let, Sam! y was we dt themtost notable And _,,itlttiiif, tended "mttsfof#teklnd w' _ 103 the tiytti Show; over 8 ., ptrattmt havinw visited; the "thuttymt new structure at the three aquiém, Sgt- urday .Ifm , and binning pad Sunday aim. *w ,nAgit, in: thrown omltb,the public ind the» who cane to, inspect the ‘building crowded every'mom. f _ ‘7 _ Saturday’r Mata-y l eei " I were tau-rind an " pr un- nouneed. Grad Mists! up of Chicago and other Gra i, $01- Bterg participating. " I ", 1 i RUMMAGE‘BALE " 1 l . ( a. P) WOMAN’S CLUB 'rof"N/Jf,'/dfigH,G/ Tht regular monthlym a: tif the Woman’s ttttist club of. WWW! by hg'ld 'r, village oui, do n y, Ami. gt two oiblock. A nursed on admit!!! begun M31. Jean (itmtttt, the , Meet/ot' . hickyill, 18W 8 and-:Iqqpct than? l , '. _ Notable Event Bast Bimini; , Thousands VisitiFhei' l - _ ", Structure I _ l "rrrirtrAiiiiaiiiiiiiii -Tti 1oeiIKtitiltuot _ a ":5?” Alt “2 M 'tttii))',!:!,?,-' u mint-n t i ] _ 'i'ilii',iii'i"fti,'lh','i 'tttt smmup.‘ mm. mammalian [ Pk"- maaair "duimtg. - ig enacted. 11 :7 f I? g i MASONIC “mm“: ‘13} _ ' ROMALLY DEDICATED a; "iafiiiiiiiY 8mm Highland Park Club ' Progrdm for April," Numerous Featums r. P. (buckling WM; Amok Construction 100.. 'ct,'.?",), Gilla- pie Gon- tt ',% "' .187”; Highway! 'atttift Co.,' ma- 60; Chicago Heights Coat Co. "trr 08030: new: kids wet...“ for public input“ for the time requir- ed by law, "tar which the contact was let to thy Western Immanuel: 00., the law bidders. This will be known " ”$11 annulment No.10. At Tuesdqyprsmrttrte of the but! the at: atrgftiirryrr,A" trtBtttreed In pupae "thittte bf can arm the~qlley in' flock}. ' _ 2rtl loch A muting 01th city council in held Int Prt8tr that", " which peaiett was gusth Baroda OCqun’emM tmetsfrmttttterttar% why in have! the uni Tole build- ing on the north side of Central nun nue, between Mud street and Green Buy road, ti, communication having been xeeeived3rmts the 'tttm8rty re. queistitstroaid';peFitm, ' .‘r _ v mu Away“! ‘On 'a',ttei1fiottttt,g Pun- tbn up {accept-nee m given . plot a tho 9rorari.e6ird it" ,"iiiiiiiv'ii'iiaJi"Ffri, . mum ot.'Lota ' m8. inch-1n. in North- sbt'trd Knot sum. in: for the Wino! min territorywutottb Datum ditchfn the ttfleets, Put ad may Walnut dismounted t)erttoer to th. “It.“ ofB-f1eu, -' the apart at; I“ qtt-giti.aitte be 're-sn to the maxi-Illa with imtru to my!» tint oldi- nance in 'mint with the mt court decision mm. Aurora cue. "Cotrtmitm'tmtrr Gem-Icy pretend bill-jam! who!!! from Feb); to have]! 15 and; the “me were M. id and orsieit)dutaH. The bills bv tNUdr88/m,M. . . "ht motion {of Cami-dong! Cad 1‘1th of dedication for a tsuttie street. of the; mthyvest ten feet of trtlfl'r,'eti"gtt Miami and: to son ' , 1',,Morthrrrsod, mum subdivision. m uppmved “dim, F b t, On motion jot Con-Hum: at: by apron! and beam , voted ' plat of Thtteaeh'a $54!th of Lou-21, w. IS, 18, 12.1, 8, s, 4 and tht.pethcqteett of tet 2. in tho gong: 11W with: to KW at , . l (Contact: "or another and” ttti,','?:'",,',':,','? was and“ by the . ed of local impmmts It I sped-l _ meeting .tteld My, Inch 3;. In. mm to unwind he 8t. Johmjnnm, Cedar to Boga» :Willinma Ivonne, An that, from Jud-on "ende'to St. Johns pm, And Manhmtn that. 'frm Jud-on avenue to St. John. The Westem Immovementfconpuy was the we- eeuful 'biddad. their price being 848.- 081.75. s', t? “ e Ordinance Fund 1 On madame! Cum-intone: Pru- ton an oediut- m put-d M'- YThe manna Put club has in- nued it; mu mun for thy month of Mrtl in! the {alluring 1’me “My aim; _ - _ - Friday, _ :thr-dCtadren's inch: classes. 8ti6pat00, 4:“; A '0turbids.oidatn m meeting on tdaeds.er,se_ u tol- lpvn: B. G, was 00., “9.66118; mam. ttttii-a-t by Gino club. 8:89; himmtnt, dat- by". and”. yttr--ueht. pm 7: . ' f l . . T Tuvalu. "ttr-ro-lr, um 2:”; attttttat Spring Mic. with Elsa lire-mu. soprano; Rom Indomld., pianist; Del Mouse, violinist; '. _ ' e My. tfttrdaten'. ttight, "MN); Glee- dub, “Mg, mftedtimqgrta, d . sdiwan 1gttr-Amnmt nesting adamant”. ', I, -, qurednr,' 'tttgr-it-i, am 12:30; “21¢le and has. 'tteirting.' BAKERY SALE APRIL , AT Y. w. ammum Thursday “term. March 9. b- ginnin; at one o’dock, the Older OM. Club‘ of up Y.W.C.A. will hail In Enter hunt and than Id. In the t w, 31¢:qu ad-tte ed goods sad my “and” g was grad-s. will it” sale is open to the ' TOTAL COST m '48,0M.O To Improve Parts of St. Jottn's And. 2ttrd,'Ne',,r'y _ 1ireetittttts Held ANOTHER PAVING , CONTRACT IS LET NU IBEX tr

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