(If? if} [ill s iii " tt .n 'tt-r"th'tseraiart'a,rin be .4. .. tortruttutitot, 1).ch . Sophia "r. b r 'h' when. “no America-n “innit _" l = 8etes its ortrzRiattioit. In†'"" " , havo'ulxudy been .meud a - â€and my)†and â€has i. " tempt-tad; A faculty and t a .. ma, been pmided.1m. - My , it“! he maintained may "ry for seven] yang} int it 1tt , a fully utilized. the build-g hati- 'l, ad " of threity whose Mum). 'begun .under the munch l Bishop John Fletcher I“ nap)". an we. _ AN COLLEGE i NF' LIBERAL Ns "Wild Mint-p" i. da- eidedly was. There is little in “than ioriidatsdtitttetuti, “it! _ Elm Buster’s mother on. tho! in her talk with Elam - ttl we: and without d%made im from run-y in. " Who Cohtdhoem,- . "Gini' 'riGiirrairii"iriiiii. “M rtimtiar using which she, St "Wild Marriage" is, be. It SHIV frown mum’- " id Bobtail." the drama, " and the Personal Code," , r r chapters which, though at“! mount the soap box 1nd 3 _ lav, unfold an interest- . t. ,r , ltr, I Ir, Wall. Huber 1.3m The (tjoi Story. America' literary (ttr,,; n . is quite septa te from ; © - the novelists. e “in- ' .. _", q men Who anymore ‘in- . - I life and in .mistry “um: an" iirri - ...Oerrwritemuett nuns. ~- Amriaudthq think innit; r n about it." Interesting but» 'el' tifthetihortstory had II .. " out the subject for his q . Boynton has not followed Any . , pita. Thom he ha; ha- , Htated tmeard. the out- F it ' a in "flan; Jields, " Mr. ' "heeamse' he is the most . bi nd most talked of to- mant' ist in in country, just u “If, leer must needs'have a Itutirt'ir 'auae he in the most re- no: in." Edwin Arlington Rabi ' [1,. Rohert Frost, Edgar Let , nd, Carl '1ndbtmt for the" “V or, Chicdgo,†followed by the, has ti and more conscious Amy? Lovell-a " the representatives of the' poets. 't" f ' . ' . , M13. Boy-m The L . emit, d Dingo Pro-n ' Prd r Percy HfBoyutomwn the U . . A Chicag'o has written 1;: Mt-dot: Eerie. of - on those Inch . ' maligned, mltmtedl i . . “Some Coaumporary‘ Ann-in I Prof. Boymon writes! with ' of banned charm, _i) dry I y sarcastic humor, . tum. pend a adult), all of which give! Ill , '. em for yhich we are any co . looking of the "profes-' not)? nt of View. t I A N! Y GOOD NOVEL ti8h' MARRIAGE" "rtusai 'st.theboaYuamommterst to d) - . who lived wraith the dit.. new . n of the â€change in publish- {J . n 'te-ht vénture to " 'ggti" business enterprise, whit ', §“Alice tn wteriamt.'1 was" , inmate friends of Spam. and B may. Bryant, Dang ind my mom. ' in .1qu monument to a mug, - ions which like not great busi d r' carried on fearlessly In: " “Wally bound and beauti- my on buy pupa with a 'hih his pad is in, “and! a new: not tho; pm that bu been _ T thinrt of publishing, since . 'rt 's 'ist ‘hook appeared. " iiad to be u failure that it had vac I volume three inches squat.“ widely as if it!†no sure it] '3th to half its “run! sin. W The I Home Om A C mom SPEAKS or i LITERATURE t silt metrioratioet of the couch» . I lirrt undmd years as d . I a: my D. Apbkton mad ,1 I... brought out 'a slender “aorta“ of I Publisher and Tin,- m Hundred Years of the, Eagle t AppletonQ’ written by Grunt J"it'"s'lll't FIRM COMES A 9, OF AGE. _ _ Part in #1301 monument to a in“; which like not great ~unied on lurks-1y, has romance in it (fun my“ For an} irrite to ESTHER ' an of The Highland I" You hunted in Book: of 'acrtieteraithr, Trunk or BU. “a "inns-omits ii to un its nbrmnt in. MM. the book": 3 mum“: Pun E coxmromm AMERICANS†SIX may tra, JiGh "rhai “in: motorists need is In much harder hair as g sq ditch. ", ' , At last iecounu, all;the Eidg-were willing to escort their parents to the eirleid gm. spring. 1 . V'Lo‘vely for an Easter Gift, »a.g_,ptrrr0Nec00MpANY Mailer: When We Were "ry Young The Ei'nd of'man that, Hamlet meant when he said: ' “Ne him for all hi. all F J shall n1tt look upon his like hum; SCHOOLS mirtAsur, Publishers By JEREMY FNth'OL, I A delightful cloak - and - BI romance' with a murder mys that defies solution untilthe page: are-reached. A.A.MILNE A vigorous, enthrallingmiovel of life, adventure and love in the In North. The scene is a tur tending station-the chara¢ters. the pic-I ncera of today, 5 I 32.00 l gut It list he inches one clout "qthelusion--that " Ion " one View: 'ttld interim: " tituafionsjt is in.. tensely and“. is soon as one care- what elect the. situations have on Wâ€: 'tt " “who. So he tries is who his problem Exchanging oft-,) unions to conform with what pity dictates, but his mother save. him from this mistake. ,quâ€. him-for what we know as little is he does. R. H. SHEPARD He tries to find tt in other things and does . troisd deal of thinking which gets hi nd, “In, as-mi.. ihexe. . There it mama, an mt- unlity.‘,in the: . nation arf the train of thiyqtrdrlsieh keeps us from: quite“ minim point. I _ THE OWL’S HOUSE ' By 0303815: GARSTIN It is a tale tor thoetwho love to- mfnee---and well written romance. It has all the elermintor--uinutrir1imr, wrecking, maying, pirating} ththt- ing. 1osrernintr--tutd pdt.together with such zest and shit! that unlike moat adirvturrrsuriek it becomes literature. T ' _ Frederick A. Stoker Co. Nev; York the, nucsvof Eugene Field. "in . when her child in: than yen-i old pnd ‘went tozEurogie to live with a In of wealth-whom in addition she seemed to love. The spiritrpf that father which made him refuse to divorce his wife' is the spirit which the 1.6%ng as thunk-it of â€hi-uni; _ T ' _ “an“; at this unusual put Elan; sophisticated pad obgehaat "beyond this you. out» any» Ham"! and spend n yen mm tnthei. Me bar a and “in. like so may mind. in tktidtt, t m. May, is searching te?r somé [ nine to the eni'cmn) which is his IW., He noon; realise: that he if“, not tInd it in what he phancterim us “the Dun, ster's catttbridtm"---. thiptt which he - mud to existttwq generation; Mo. _ ' F “can!†stain." S Hm a Bros., Ptttriisihert, D. APPLETON AND COMPANY Lynn; BROWN' & co THE SHIP 0F;SOULS by EMERSON Hove†ttW when": A New Nun! by the “(Mr " THE BROAD HIGIIWAY ROSE' mum}: LAN}: HE WAS A MAN . For sale " I" b THE LORING MYSTERY By the who; of ru Covered quon" West 81nd St “at: "in“ ak - and - sword murder mystery n untirthe final NEW YORK New York a IS not . softer Boston 13 t "'""'"V _._ "b arou d manhole catchbali a with as d, phd removal _ all mks material,‘ f tit the an tiatchbairin '- cava on, meted - plete at'On "Itim.dred I n Doll 8 ($11 ,00) epeh-i14: man ps~ built ober a d eonnt ed with present c l-. verb; , Q','l,tir,tiN, Sg, c' crate comprised yr v , of' o e (1) part Poms d ceme t, um (‘21 parts sun ' and ur (4) parts gravl or 'c shed' stone, mix feet, averagg depth of cone e ten and one-h If (10, ) feet aide walls b d bott " eight (8) inc thie , with‘ {our hand (400 pound ‘cast i n cate basin lcpvers;r. incl - ing 11 exttpTtioti, am“ d (400) pound asphaltic can cast iron eatchbdsin co rs; including all exca- va on, filling around the eat hbasins and ,trendhes wi sand, and: removal of ll surplus motel-la! fiom the catchbnsin 'excavnt on, con meted complete It Hu dud Dollars ($100.00) eac -----i----li ne combined manhole ea basing constructed; of con rete. composed by. vol.. um of one (1) part P rt- lan cement, two (2) pl in: sun ' and four (4) p 5 gm l 'or- crushed , mix with sMieient w or to aka a dunking ma ', insi diaméter 'four. 4) feet, average depth of cone e ten and nnnJi n td mi to in fe c u h M wr ne pl te in m 8t.9olths Awful" - ttthh. an Suez from. Jttt .. ml†Johns “and“ "NE, a th day'of March, v." 'll)ll?l) yWemrn him ' we _ 'ty, 7 _ isitt the Ewen. "-B" 'y- I t contract was an ' “a the _ _ _ eastern Improvenle hupa ml t tut dag orMnrtr, 4."..1 I ',, Said bid or the ggrist, 'fo ti, tr ‘cuhic yards off/j F n ' i l . for roadway "it1rr,t .., _)',. l ways. includjnt 2d 113. _ (rubbing, main + pi .1, - ', ing the 5mm, 'It he roadway to receive th u " crate pavement an in - ~ al 4 curb, and the ram ttl' sf all -' tmrplttts excavated m y. l froiu.roodwtoand a ay T excavation. menu ‘ he ' cut, ttr, One Dollar, (SI J " _ PF tubie yard w.-i.c..l...l.$6800,00s 8 'rturrirpu'dtrotot.eel," '"'. reinforced concr _. in Itt . ment, measured f ibdek' f, to-bark of latest c . . , ' ten (10) inches thi k, N5 integral curbs. h g of, , ' curbs six (6)'inch a 'itlr5 , the surface otttse p ,reme t, _ W arertqttAtie.Enee f Ib _ six (6).'inches,' mbi " height of curb a pa " _ men! sixteen (16) inc B, The pavement a , y "r portion. of this curb hall ' compotsed.Ar volnm ofio _ , (1) part Portland etnie t. , l , _ WQ(2)p9rta sane. a d th eé . V nd oitiichi'tt (3%. pa 5 . arts _-c" ave!†or his e. gm exposed portlen L f the garb to a d irttcid /, l no (1) inch shall co - .' , L bt volume of 'i/ft . f E3 " fi " a.†be provided ith; thrice artsy 4%) ittih' and 1 bars, two ( {Erin I new. imbedded in? com-g c te and spaced. w (2); f t apart, center to c uteri o e end_ot. each bar shalt Huvel,_or " shed yo le) pprU sand; moyt r ' nd concrete shall in]: ith trtttre'tttt my r, to a qunking ma 5. The avement shall bd pfo .. d with forty $10) I"?! f steel wire fa riit uh .hundred (100) 1t'lt, eet or, pavement: I t -. ighths (h) inch trait rse expansion join Jill ith tysphaltie, felt o " , hill be spaced thir Alto 3 act apart, normal 0 the enter line of and ,tepd- g through the entir width nd, thickness of m pave- ent except that th joint troutrh the entire . tb f the curb and the; pa ti, ent thetetyuier.rtr% he ttom of, the {pave nth) e top of the curb Stall be I ft clear. and "open. , Rich t ansyergse expulsion: Joint aterilt1s 1ttt..tee.tah 't8tyteutw t n of a reinforced; 00 $5 yaw. sent in, St., Johns Aven {waif Ce- r Avenue to Roger W gm; lt I peribna inure“ j . bids for t ft1ratidhimt of 'gtf2ltdi,t it', provided with a w tight , 't n cap ten (10) chad , mg otit end of wh !LI..t, leJ with a wooden plug _ longitudinal" t _ T will sped joint shall bel-en,', ted along the" Merl . V e of the pavement from'; d to, end. .Said lon 'ttyd-; 1 joints shall be. rel force _ with one~half ('i)riiteir,' 'nd deformed steel MM t' (4) feet long, gauged": i, Is) feet apart cen rtoi ter,textendhut two" (2)1 . ‘g t {to the concre _ any, ' ,h A .te' of said lon tad-l t 1 joint. The upper idsresl, said joint. shall be rqund~l 5 Including curing, 'pro-y ting, and cleaning, come-“E , te in plaice at, Three Del-3 _ Twenty'-Fimt Cents) .'. .25) per square yardjt2ttigyr.iyt catchbasina constnictedf onctete composed 131‘;th a of otte(Irpttrt art-1 '. d cement, mm (2) parts]; ', _. d, and tou' ' (4r, parta’ l val or 'riss':tit?,x,i" stone l ed with an ient w ter) make"»a quaking min: E. de dia ter four (4) l ' averagfdepth of con-VI . l te seven (.7)" feet, side ll: and bottom #ttht'(8) hegtbick, with four hun- , . "ffâ€"'7 NOTlClgLO 5- a , AWARDING NI Agr ‘. NOTICE IS HERE}! an tis 7711;818:727 wiles: i W Gil, A“: ; Ava Street frqtn - 45V? THE ma] $880.30 w; 'Nur nus. mm mm. umber the al all Al " he u00 83 311 lineal feet of eight (8) inch internal diameter vit, rif.rede)t-guGi, hub end spigot tfle pig» drain,, laid with joint; o mortar com- l posed by} volume of one il), 1 part Portland cement and two (2) parts and,“ an . average tre of five (5) feet, inclu inc all trench,- ftritr, 1ysekNitnit the trench i with bank and frog: the I bottom of the trench to the subgmde of the P',',',',',",,',',',':' tttd remove] pt a surplus 'r, denoted materials, 'eoar, plate in Naee " One Dollar: Forty-Flu Cent; (81.45) ' per lineal foot --.vy,C,....8 " llnenl feet otten (1.10) inch intarrnat diameter. Ititrityrd,, salt-glazed, hub and spigot; tile "pipe drain, laid with. joints of mortar dampened F by volume of one ti) part Portland cement and two GO parts and, at bit aver. . agedepth of eight end one- ' half "tg',tl,. feet, binnilgggnn: a tre' 'ng, F tie I the Jl7ltl,"/th bank and from' the bottom [of the 'trench to theisuhdrade of the pavement, and iemoviu of all surplus excavated materiel, ttet imphoe at One ’llar Fifty-Five Cents (81.55) pe'qdineel foot "cr-jc-r-lr-ri",-"-'--'." M lineal feet' of eight, (8) inch _ insernalr tTtt'rg wed," ', ea t-glMed.’ u e , ' tile pipe idrnln, tit 'St gmnkioipve 'tttt new - _ . "'1 F" "‘" a? depth of tix m (at: m cludini all trqtt.ehi1e,nure.- wi1llitttr'th'erikiitE with earth: and removal of, animal?!“ excavated :9natiriiiriti, com-"' plete in r,,'lii'tiiit, One Dol.. Fprthiv. opts (81.45), per' lineal foot --c-c-v-,-" lineal feet of,ten’.‘(10) inch‘ internal diameter twilled,- salt-glazed, hublndi mime jbe two (2)'tm lousy-Tia f C' Jthe bottom, mu be, Ipt, length determined by illo'Uh' l ' in: *uld cinder: " at. thtsit natural slope; niacin-0 '. I l deriohnit occup tie full _ “ idthl of the â€dick wherei '., _ wl',lfs'tj'h,f and’mmonl otayp ' .' surplus excanud mated-‘7' _ q ll!" complete 1 iii' ghee ats " r 2,035 Doll†Quay-Five Cents; _ 1.811115) per lméal 1titsi/-tWt,us 960vlimal feet often (10) itteh/ I", l ' ttgd', tT,,tt tt,flty l smuggled. it an up - .1 tile 'pi.p.tsyirai'istiud 33:; '. at openq‘ointa at an "an _ '; .1 l depth of seven and t'l'Je"fllllr, 7 F (71f)rtteet, including £1 V i", trenching, baikftuiir' the" '. '.l, trench Wish cindgi'a ,.ne.t l ‘ earth; be are biltf18ing _ with earth is done, thevcin- " '-., dens shall be Na 'in the . . , trench in piles, .ac thir- P, ty-five (35) heathen r to center and 1xttndinst from l Iherbo_ttom, otyttriihety t . l the spruce pf the_g'r ; V ' _the top of said cinder Itilea . T shall by two' (2) feet lime, r', and tht bottom shall‘be at "rrr . ' l length ftrttrun.ihid by»- ' (dll surplus excuvutgdvmr‘ f â€twink, . laid complote i "a.' , “In " Sixty '?lJll'Gujlrj' ' pet lineal foot c-.v,-.l--Aitt,too 947 [inch] feet of “(In Pr.' . inch inside diameter vitrh/ ._ ified, alt-clued hub and. . my: tilq' pipe-drain. iatid. ‘wi fopen‘j‘olntn at an new . _ ' .11de of eight (8) feet, C / including all F trenching‘ j waning the much. wiul t cinders" and earth; belon- backmllng with earth . is done, the cinder: shall M y " 'plwed in tht,tm.ieh, trr, A ., piles spaced thirtr.hre (35) g _ feet center to center; and t, extending from the bots, , . ,width of the. trench when 'located;- connections "o catchbagins and manholé et1tehlra'fttti, and removal of all surplus excavated mate- rials. laid- complete in place at One Dollar Fifty-Five Centw ($1.55) pee lineal Not Pr.--.......-...-. A at lowiné "iii iGiieTi"ti; 'tat'; their natural slope; said cin- Ite, shgll_,_'occupy the full .1. ,' '. T 'iiiitriiii 'ut. w a: ": jglltrr'-t'_trtlt'iiitci"l " i' " l I: "r'," "“9 “mu Fry , , E‘vbrm'm It!†f 7.; I, Illicit-ilk iiittihiitbiit' " .. g [) ttih,itt.'tyAr.iiitthrrurrfii' a"; . ",' ï¬nd atâ€! 48†( ‘ :L '. imp mambo 'ird2'l',titi , thieetnasrtercttt ytetit - ',' wrought Mala (iyt,tte, T ‘spuodxiimen; 1htA l '1. T q center to cantata? from up; + to motto" Ori, who“; l‘n-‘W .; , eluding all ekeiiiiiui'"j ï¬ve . V lug. around 't,t,ttt t and. and removal 40! a: r' ' sptr'limatettttr from ' manhole excantion, com . 'trirt9tenyltt.eot Ninety l _ Dollars ($90.00.) 1Weltc.,.,L8ttAtgtt 2866 lineal 'feet10f f r, (H [ iych, inside aimed: Nit“. F fred salt-glazed hub and spite: tile pipe Iryn, hid wit open joints at an aw brake depth of three fly feet below the top or up curb, including twinkling. l" ' bareMilthstt the. trench wi _ cinder: and Ittrtht More , ‘ bttek0intr with earth in . " done, the cinder: all.“ be J placed in the trench in pile; spaced tlfteen (15) feet emi, ' . ter ttreenter and extendind from the bottom 'ofgth'e "s trench to the surface of' the _ ground; the top of clam {median be tun (2) f _ _cng.‘und_ the bottom shall V tom "tf Elm treniio at} aux-{Wot the ground; the Pr' jd tht, ginger piles dull be. of a length determined by allowing aid cinders to, tabr their mural ubpr. said, eindem up" iiiiiii full width of 'the M, where located; er.yuteetiott tty 'ge/Ae',',?,',',,', and gmanllolé cite basins, and removal of the. trvry.i%iiFi connections 'to a and, whole: 31.1035 E 850.15 $1488.00 $450.95 8t _rr, T 'tlil","""?)));,?".: 'tii;'-' Bit ' ,.It,, 'y/isis/is.'; T mu tut, _fitiltt'llliis),_ I. A a p I I. Illti l! PP' ‘7. _ new“ - . , 1m . _ tl',tt,'p'ltlg,It 8ifc0oy C ",r q $3333.11? I "'fl,','fi'dt,tt..u,us' ' I , l ' , .--- , _--e-'..'ili.ii,'jleTs,, "an 042x712) - . l ttttttNe. bit n - Jittiiir " i' ',',tttt,',t2%tt rid'i. T T "m u - v14. 3i. ' “Wat " “RYAN. .nue, {twelve M W tttek,:ttomied (ith (will) 'th?', of H, 2t 3: _ e a: pet-13ml . lr' ' 51???? 1"fut', - (3S) '. me - o J r I, 12,} (W,) inch.†Fllii7i; 1 tll {negation nd I'M , I T [ 'o :11; emu , W11» complete inrpl .., at Two _. Doilnm-and ti 1,0011“ ' ($2.50) For aqua gunman.†80 Engaged}! c curb at, r _ mm, m. tttrt 'ttpit,) 33;: . _ e in: ' ' composed by " of one ' _ ti) part 'ftii'iiiyiii'i two (2) parts. and that 1',1u"t,t (8%) pa m or _ ' stone, mixed With _dilitt,t water to make a “making Ittea, including all: up“)... , inc. uekiitiin ' and W. nl trf all 'dl','lfid eta-nut! 'tt2tgtetttl place . at One liar ($1 ). per . " linenlftoot ri-ai-aria-ii,"'"' trees mm 9x _ . twelve (12) 'inehea In dinn- tttr, eat dowmptTttrs grub; bad out. “if in}. TGrd sang-gnaw “any It I . Ten noun-3; Ft; 'i'i'ai I 2 an hydnnrto 5313M- pected, M. I by.“ to line um! 1itehitthtq twenty 2120 feet otlattt) (0) inch Class, B C ,,t?'i.1't tar pip'e and . Writ}: ma ma oakttm Joints: in- T eluding all tee rcueb. mm; gm! re L o; w any-plug ‘oxeuu W1 alt, not 00an n ieit " rr""-"--- HE In a in your for then a, succew den by I will also hour dr 4 Gard 1 “etc“ 'oasis, Phom Gla eh) eeks now you win either glory flotM tsr-or be famed: to website [ a _ mace. Make doubly sure of sful year with your ilitmtrtror gar- tavin us assist you. A few 111mb: half); “We will _do thawed by dar, :ontrhct. hi; Portilia & Natta ririn Your Fldwers 9m. $310.00 you. Too, can iaiirw the hap, Jr.ttstm of health. BOWMAN’S £1le will help 1' you.‘ It in rich in fntrtr.trrelementrr; ew 1917 drop fortifis . 1,tod,'tid, can rhland Park .228tor 1999 10Aâ€?! (ELEM F34 {this an? "iGriaaTL'. D. 1925. " MILK NTAL or 3111......†Thimwne'u at a majority f " the lots and In“? aid tn, which "id to tte no, my. within tt'liih' the d hereof, It1t _ _ work and enter into u tract to do said work stun, mutant less than the prion it the name has but -d, K C _ FRANK L. CHENâ€, fRED A. PrtWftyjii," x F 108"]! B. CARD, b , _, LYLE GOURLIY. 12%;, “ff It',',',',",','.",';'." t . only; eysNorEdin-r.tin- M 4 ahor. Ctt-iiitlrit Md 1tP1e,efyrte2rPitrpri,V on 'sa-dit-boat- 01"! ‘ wily. thatch-tram theNe ,tt.etyleiytutrtt. Mm rtauonNttiouttoAAri, wean ant-e 5-Way" customs“. '. -: Insiston F Elegy.“ C: fC" L Fil', , W b b Aim -1 _ . mutual-M1... " "atWr,.riF'ait that an C . 'rtett “a qtrer, â€- _ . pasta gt Pte, Mai“) ', it = iriiiriirciirtrira,"? jw to an "used and: C m but». ($5.00) t.9ycu' 'f2$r'%t'22'rit lt 3' _ . 4 _ Street; Bose!- wn , Aryans. and Jud-on A "nue,tobeud$nstedtoline. _ and grade tr thesauru- _ than of new emu walk w' on (sweet wide 'iqi'ii! . _ moth. tdfsfdld l ' . m. , l po-i3rrirhniiofone (1) , l put 2t"g,',te,t two I (2) ptuta and» I t M 7:36 oooAsntt Wit put- _ and Yr trudged m. mixed . th â€Mont water [ to, nuke n qtmhine mun, 1'lugu'ttit',f 2ut,t ' m o m ii,E'rtfil'll,'il' utr,',','. tee' . 34:3“ (i'eliiit' a'g Mid m’am hauls“ on". a foundgtion of boiler ein. leg, tid f'Li,',',tr, M" thieA; 9 t r a: you» _ pm It Thirty Cu; , ($0.80) per mun tooth...†HENRY G. 48th First Street " ‘Msss (enero wants; mm": APRIL t Keil Ea KE Have yet Em ttt pro-dag: w. ' I put“ to I g I M: In! plain ttti. the ' But! it our that to t APRIL! Pho n lil PA