kid " ant RI ismut up: URGED SAVE FLOWERS Good Food for Travelers V """n - r v - on the North Shore Line, glistening restaurants and soda fountains from Chicago to Milwaukee s irve delicious pastry--baked in our own bakery, and a menu if foods and drinks, varied daily-the best. the market affords.) . l The dining cars of the North Shore Line De Lixe trains are famous for the good food they serve; and many 3f our patrons find North Shore restaurants a convenience. (rices are rea, sonable, for the North Shore Line Concessiorl' Department is intended as a service to travelers, not a so cc of profit. m-r-ri-r-r-ees". The North Shore Line, in owning and North Shore managing its restaurant an neivs stand Merchandise, _service insure's North Sh re standards Despatch throughout--the greatest c lnvenience to - .., _ ._, and... the traveling public. i be all human“ [brim rm ' on the North Shore MO. Through - to Shem rt,'g,t',',t'etd?a'.'g,T: a I mum on I HIM M on: K.R.:nd T.M. 5.3-2!»- tits,", M W..." ' "s,.wd"AtTlt . ' a Canal at». Mil-who old. 403 Soc-nu lieit2!"'"" own-ad F5 FG. -deijveete., -. "fr. rm (I‘m "."W..-. ‘w-I "V" oe "kvhoete local Not!!! sum Am. or Tn6c_D_¢_P“E."!E_'E APRIL 9. 1925 ONE are the' days of' the "rubber'lpie, It: and units. viting under a glass bell/m a railway lunch Pom; instead, -flijiir1,1idiiyit Chicago North Sh Milwaukee Railroad Highland Park Ticki, Telephone 140% siiiiijiiiiiiii iii""'"'""" i" 1f0T0flB'IS ASKED Sena or Barr Backs Measure To ' I ovide Drastic Rules For Drivers; Tests I Are Planned Sun tor Richard Barr of Joliet has introditced a bill in the state legislm ture t at is a counter proposal for the ineasu (I fathered by Coroner Oscar Wolff of Cook countycproviding for the P amination of a)! 1tutomiobile driver . that they km that o is wel ham†a motor simila intcrvs Wolff bill as t Uncr-r the Barr bill the. applicant would fill out a (grin pruvidcd by the secret ry of state cm'euring the follow- ing p ints. Th applie'mt barred by physical infin ity fin] makinv:,,this cvitifi- cate vould have an opportunity to take he rigid tests fur a professional chu‘u 'ur's licuésv. --,' V May Revoke License MI , or if he has tha cd sane at In: o the anplicutiun hat 'h(* is not Barr bill eliminates the re- am of physical tests by exam- oards and substitutes the is- of licenses by the secretary " upon prescribed forms of up- ‘n signed by the applicant and 'putuhle householders, saying hvy know the applicant and e is well "ualified'raml fit to a motor car. Motor clubs and interests are opposed to the at omee ore elrny' within tive hat he never hp hat he nvv ' or if he my ll Inu May Revoke License bill provides that any mum of may revoke a license for men- phyiiical "dencts, for driving intoxicated,' for permitting a be usvd in the commission of E HIGHLAND PARK puss, HIGHLAND PARK, 1uaNoit 1,40 pl'osrrihos that upon a conviction (f violation of the which act the court shall'in- nn the otfcnder's license, the morning the conviction. Three all LAW IS PROPOSED drnpany ht Points Covered address and, mm has the umjnpaircd u and feet. IS SCVl‘l‘t‘ " not afflicted with ' ataxia (r paraly- has h I that than'lG 'ars. , lost a we Vocation 0 gunor n l "tijtui: , has l, two yo convictt " " un convictions wihtin one year are to be grounds, for the secretary of state to suspend the cfrender'a license for three months. .Both the Barr bill and the Wolf? bill are before the license committee. An order for the arrest aftercApril 10 of license (waders; was issued last week by Louis L. Emmerson', secretary of state, to the inyestigatnrs warking under his direction. The 1924 auto- mobile ‘license expired on, December M, 19'24, and every driver who opero ates his car under that license is vio- lating the law. A'tottd tof 1,127,- 641 licenses were issued last year, and so far this year only 914,606 ap- plicntioris for license have been made. This means that more than 200,000 autcmhhile owners over the state are evading the Jaw. For a number of weeks; automobile drivers-have been warned to secure a new license, but the black and orange plate of last year is still 'very frequently seen in use. The order of arrest came last wvek following the report of many triolutor.t who ayiparently iemire the APRIL 10 " TIME Arrest of Owners of Chrs Who Have Not 1925 Plates ls Ordered "If the automobile Toes Were pro- rated monthly or quarterly," Mr. Em- mcrsnn stated today, “there might, be xvnw excusé for automobile owners waiting ,three or four months to se- cun- their license. But there are only two divrsions-sunnuril and semi- annual so failure to segurv the 1925 “who at this lute date 'mgams either "arelessness rr uttur disrsgard for " from imprnpur lighting since the in- vtvitis,rators under Mr. Emmerson's di- rvction have been aiding local author- itio; in oilfdrcing this provision of the law; new rtheless thererare yet many drivers who are catvless about the ob- servam‘e of h' -\'I~ral provisions espec- ially m signvrTin the interest of pub- lic safety. in the nu from impr vvstii,rator, rvetion ha, ities in on! "Not tnly will arrest be made for violations of the licunse provision," Mr. Emmerson continued, "but the invmtigaturs will also' aid in enforc- ins: the proper lighting of automo~ hills, strict observance of the right- uf-“ and cure in approaching rail- mud gradi- crossings. Statistics show that the greater part of fatal automobile accidents are due to dis- rvgard of the law by automobile driv- invmtigat ins: the l bibs, siri 1W Tl tw n um her Sunbeam Electric Iron f),t1,,t,r,,xi'2t'g Tg'utt. WWW. t,l, r'vr_,'_'vii,s,j,j,,i'vij'ii':, "i'i Now as: " , Duplex Outlet It.",'.:":?:','."' :7 s8.. ir,,,,,, r==a= RRiill2iiulti 7 a h r " " 2" I I Illlliilliii'ii iiiaiiTiii C731: dl gag/v4 '; ‘ "es, Ilh21E Wu!» RI , " [RUN . IIEINB, ",ttt'etta"v,p,i1'JTut"tt V, plhncn a! on. mac. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY This Fedonl is ttttttteat model --ait metal con- amnion, oven the light weight tumbler which is aiurninum.Corne in and we will ahow you the dOublo wnilid tub that keeps wpter hot. Also other big Federal tenures. Federal Electric Washer Federal Lighten Your Laundry Tasks LIMIT ON, LICENSE Public Service Stores , Balance monthly with service statement ' with modern electrical strength saving appliances 1 marked decrease accidents caused T _., Tel. Highland Pnk'ssa Wm; Guyot,s District Superintendent 51 S. St. John; Aveâ€; Highland Park OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS According to Harold B. Ward of the geology and geography department of Northwestern university the weather may) 'of Wednesday morning, March 18, quite plainly indicated a serious wind storm was brewing. ' Mr, Ward, who is a close student of climatic and meteorlogicnl data, did not.aetually predict the big storm but, as he Mood 'examine the weather map that morning, he remarked to a professional colleake in his office, FORECAST TORNADO BY WEATHER " CONDITIONS ARE SHOWN "l wouldn't be susrprisiei if a torntuid is developcd'down there in the south- west." University Expert Noted Peettl. iar Atmospheric Feature And Predicted Possi: ble Cyclone ra' Indicated by Map "This weather map," said Mr. Wood, "showed a well developed 'low' cen- tered over northwestern Arkansas. The inner isobars were oval and ex- tended nearly north and south, while the outer is'obars formed .3 distinct V-shaped pattern in which there was a pronoUnced wind-shift line. The. Benefits general forecast issued by the weath-‘ schools for er bureau stated that 'the disturbance operated by will advance riorthward--with con- ( have been l saintly increasing intensity.' This! number of 1 forecast, of course, included) the post-1 ments are sib'rlity'of tornado winds. i iii/i; far in Where-Tornadoes Fo m 1nunned benencmuy; "Tornadoes often form Ion the', , ---- 'wind-shift line' in the scat err? por-) Bout YI you can do to cyrb some tion of the cyclone from 2 0 to 800 ayu'yobil.e speedyt.s.wil.l be tq ring miles from the center of th disturb- the tire alarms of this eitp when _ther ante. Therefore, when t e storm get out on the road. V moved northeastward towar the lows Claimed the young erowd are dano. er Great Lakes and the wind-shift line ing to?. much. Perhaps this can be became more intense, there was a remedied by making dancing compul- strong probability'of tornadoes devel- SOVE- opirutin southern Illinois and Indiana: Another sign of the progress of By Thursday morning the storm haul Americanization, is that many of the moved across Ohio and was centered aliens are spending more _tha'n they near Lake Ontario and had become earn. less intense, although gales were re- Remarked at the end of ‘social corded in P'" places in Ohio and events, that "everyone had a “Md New York. an..." rum him]. "-." mar hnvn Claimed there is no free speech this country, but the public ought be paid if'it has to listen to some the craters. Much being said about the evils of "Big Business," largely by those who do not oWn any stock in' the same. Open 8 a. m. to 5:30 tr. m. of to m El tri ",t-f.l-l,'ge:it ":11!th '==== a C: ‘ "fN N (A I Bi " , .. - Plans for the construction of a new Nervous and Psychiatric hospital at Great Lakes tta1rartstation to cost $1,000;000 have progressed to such an extent that it is expected that new work of construction will be started within the next two or three weeks. The hospital is to be built by the United States Veterans Bureau. Ac- ceptance of bids for the new hospital will be made known from Washington within the next few days, it is un- notmced. ' The hospital will be utilized for nervous and payéh’iatric war veterans and such hospitals are deaignatled "NP". The institution will be one of the largest operated ahd main.. tained by the government and 'ill take care cf la large number of pa- tients. At the preseht time, the gov- efnment is infirm care bf 31,000 pa- tients and it hospital accommoda- tions are badly cramped. _ NEW HOSPITAL SOON ' AT NAVAL STATION Many patients are being cared for at Great Lakes at the present time but the new hospital will increase the facilities to a marked degree. Expected Work Will Be Begun In Two or Three Weeks; Coat tt Million Benefits of the tour open-air schools for the physically' defeetive, operated by the London,Cit Council, have been extended to an annulus» number of children, and some experi- ments are in progress to determine how far sunlight treatment can be utilized beneficially; 'Bout all you can do to curb some automobile speeds†will hit tq ring the fire alarms of this city when they get out on the road. ' Remarked at the end of "social events, that "everyone had a good time." The clock, though. may have got tired before they went home. Having worried from Jnnuary l to March 15 about their income returns, the American people can now get a little change by worrying the rest of the year about how to pay the tax. Claimed many school pupi1r=an't spell well, but they probably claim they are spelling reformers. Claimed the young crowd are danc- ing tog much. Perhaps this can be remedied by making dancing compul- 'tatiorthi.eoet-tuoeatDr- orstutonattirmto-'- plane-noun“ V _ iriiiGoith unit: “can“! OPEN-AIR SCHOOI PAGE THREE it: (I