ll i,'ta. can. , Ibo. for - hh: rNesh Pork Butts T/di-Gia-i'"'---- E J'. 1ft.r't..._, an; magi ind-quartet 1925 Spring . mb, each tee V. ,, ""eT read * Batter Pickles a. ltr." cc.........-.., [may 30d Tom ELMILLER & HART HAMS, whole PUBLIC ..NorrtT IS HEREBY rim that the Sub-crib†Executor of llama: Will and Testament of Oscar' £3011, dee-ed, will attend the Pro- nto Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden gt the Court Phase in Wunkegan, in"said County, in the Brat Monday of June next, 1 ' when and ~when all ijertrorts fin: claims Quinn saidestate are Iotified aid“ requested to present the lame to said Court for adjudication. ' JOHN S/BELL, I . Executor. Iyar “Swing Lamb {Sung Com Beat PAGE SIX Ieentenarians. invalids, conval- [ scents and healthy p'eopie. It's 'aturv’s Health Food, bottled ith a guaranty for purity by Friday and Saturday Special: April 10th and 11th MILK PHONES HIGHLAND PARK 1677-lii78', " Loin Rent r lb. ............... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE _ READINGROOM Waukegan, III..:Mu-ch 23, 1925, _ 7 Enrest S. Gail, Attorney Maintained by First Church of Christ, Scientist of Highland Park 381 Hazel Avenue You are cordially invited to visit V the rReadinir Room HOURS: Week days 9 a. n. to 6 II. M. Sand-ya 2:30 to 6 p. I. for reading only. NIL-k0 Superior at. m. lb. ."ttttm.rttm. n Native'pot Rout lb. ------ 387 Centryp Are,, Highland Park " u. Veal Ron: IE ....._....l...m._.“ THERE'S NO QUESTION ' ABOUT IT In nun Bod {of food, lb. a...“ ver Rant. , lb. lb. DI? ADJ UDThrroN NOTICE Veal with poem DEERFIELD 535R 2 un known " FREE DELIVERY SERVICE to RAVINIA, fl? -_.....98e -.3'7he '__....' .mle8c .__.tilie _Mwm35c M-mt..----. Me rinw 4.50 T_Mlie ideal for abies and ly In , “T? HA" 'hw n * ',, win mm25c .....2Se ".80c 29b: "h: .M22c 23he _.....7e 22le 15c Me 18c l Largo Navel Dung“ I the dos. "-----.. ' Eating Apples 2 lbs. for 'm--..-........ Cooking Applu -8 lbs. for ""'-.--.- I Strained Honey f largo Jar --.-- ‘ Mixed Nuts Cranium. [ the qt. ----'-,--. Butter Flake Ought: the bbl. ------.. Snidor’l Rosebud Boob tbs (In. in ................ Sweethem Tuna Fish , an: for "'"-e-t.et-.. Snider'l Etnwbondu the that jar ._-.-.. lady Fingers the dam "w'---.-.... Omen Olives the' qt. "'-----.., necessary tor the’oversvas operations General Policy "The general ‘policy in our war abroad during the year has been t tin: membership. Tho National Wot an's committee had the organized it sistancc of 45,725 women's crganiza tions and clubs. More than a hu dred nation-wide Advisory rcommi tees representing various Religion political, social or commercial grnupt co-operated in mW1rn-wide promotio of Near East Relief. It has been thi - volunteer survive on.a "large soul which has made pess'ihle the effectiv and economical collection of fund necessary for the? overseas onerntionu Hal response was the mum of volunteer wot out the United States mittees in every state inrluded 12.000 person: tivil membership. The N an's committee had the sistancc of 45,725 wom, tions and clubs. More dred nation-wide Advi tees representing vari political, social or comm even m Fore-quarter 1925 Spring Lamb, each _. _ """Fre, _ Mod. Grape Fruit 8 for "'m.-...tw...w.-______, Sweet Florida Onnm the dos. .._..e.qe.m...t.-.e._e,, puople has ever a ing of mgney in great catastrophe pared with the war in and yeah wasted f rum death "More than " m RE Fresh Lake Trout the lb. ----- Fresh Perch the. lb. ..-.--d.., Fro-h Halibut Bud: yin lb. ....__................... "lnum Bunk the lb. .-.......-'.., Shoulder Wat Bout the lb. .........,._....~.._.. Best Elgin Creamery Butter, 1 pound for . Pop Corn the pkg. .e'mmme--..m..r.s...., Filet of Haddie the lb. TF---, ____A., e rt SHOWS ACTIVITIES co Is Filed With Congress Eve Year and Gites Complete Information Regard- ing Work NEAR EAST ANNUAL A REPORT SUMM Y unstrucuon was not only, ll prime _ ential of good relief, but it beca t eculiarly necessary in 1924 to e . ble American philanthropy adequu " r to round out its work. ' Chair? of ()rphanages "The chain of orphanages that Ne r cast Relirf has built up overseas s m nmst remarkable tiut'cc.qs of co - nuinst charity that the Amerie n some has ever achidvvd: fur the mi - "Mo ‘ntril mgncy in u spurt after soul atastrophe' is phild's play co with the continuous suppm and year' out. of children sa "rum death 'in such catastroph C than a million Amerinu: um! $4,265,322 to Near Em urm RAI l the 1b 271/zc m: the i is,rnifiea nt :9 was t , state of the U persons in their 33..---. 40c past your. B It than this final the Mme (nlis workers throng nos. LLocal can overseas use, of c: Amerk hr the ra Aise 2h:, ._25c â€55c 2Se 2lie 23i: .431: _tl 48c 25; 65c ( Ah 19le 55c ..15c .42c 3.50 ..25c Ah: “45¢ __. 45c ninth: it) Sinthurt Spinach, No, , doz.' for -.7.7fr._. bait Sweetbmd. _ American Cheese, Stud sweetheart Shrimp tt can: for -9.-tt-...--e___,_, he d- o al n. n. PIP BROTHERS 1Med.. Red Sllmon (a can: for w..........'....... lieed Bacon 1 % lbs. for -----i gtrictly J'msh Etttrt L5 lbs. Ion 1d " ry Shoulder Veal Road 5 lbs. "'"---.-...-.... Good Luck Margarine l lbs. "-'--r--.-. Shoulder Lamb Chops 3 lbs. for "e-'--..--,....-.-.., st Rib Lamb Chops 2 lbs. w-r------'-. Boneless Beef Stew Boneless Rump Corn Pork Chops 5 lbs. for ""'"mm.rr...mr---.. Loin Veal Chops 3 lbs. "...-r..w.r...-___,, The total disbursements during year Were $3,966,329, leaving a ance on the year's operations of $ 993. which has been applied to tiu icit remaining: from the Smyrna astu‘. The balance sheet at the Plate Corn Beef J 10 lbs.-................., Pot Rout 5 lbs. _.r.t-. Round Steak 3 lbs. '""-'"---mttm...-.. Sirloin Steak 2% Jlm. ""'-m.-rr.-... Porterhouse Steak 2 lbs. """"""--om-.r.. Flmk Steak 4 lbs. """..we.wmr-.me.. Limit Reached I "When one notes that the largest child-welfare organization in Améri, cu has placed only 3225 children in the prosperous homes of this coutry in '35 years' time, one realizes the task inwlved in finding homes for 12,000 orphan children in a single year in the midst of the social and political chaos of the Near East. In the opinion " some, the outplacing has been too drastic for the good of the children. but it has been necessi- tntul by financial limitathns; Ap- parent-1y the saturation point has been reuched, for the time being, in some aremr." _ plu eonsiddNtion uul child and future, Pers supervi<ion i, economical ‘relat 1924 an additional l_arlytilaevd. This out orotw child 'ev each working day 1 years. In evtry stitutions sudported were as follows: 40 orphanage centers, 65 hospitals and clinics, mid 23 special schools‘ and other institutions. The report adds: To Provide Romeo "Every effcrt is being made to re- institutionalize the orphanage and child-welfare Work, and to provide homes or self-supporting employment for all the children as rapidly as pos- sible, The statistics reycal an un- precedented achievement in child plutonium. During 1923' a total of 14,159 children were placed in homes, apprenticed or otherwise brought in- to ermparatively normal social and: During th past year the service of Near Ea Relief abroad reached {354,978 pers us, of whom the great majority we e women and children. This Service included food, medical aid; educatioil. clothing and personal service such ins the release of Greek military and! civil prisoners and the 'ruirervisiorr Pf ‘refugee emigration. Children in sjpharuures numbered 41,- 062 at the beginning of the year; children supervised and subsidized in families word 18,774, and children in special schoolls were 1454. 'The in- .efrpftte actijties, an largely as pm- titable, to rphhnage and child-wel- fare work. lln , war-ravaged, im- poverished 3 ea, where 28 per cent of the populpt on are refugees and where the holesale exchunges of populations re still in progress with an inevitabl accompaniment of suf- fering, redu ticn of the relief pm~ cram has no been eiusy.'" “Sweetheart Brand of Pure " an additional 12,000 wery simi- ly Nam-d. This means the placing orotw child 'every ten minutes of h working day throughout the two rs. ln awry instance personal sidetution is given to the individ- child and the safeguarding: cf his um Personal inspection and later Orvi<iun is required in every home envivomnvot in which a child is Dollar Day Wednesday Tm: HEBLAND PARK mass, album» PARK, ILLINOIS relationships awmcnts during the 329, leaving a bal. operations of $298,- 'n applied to the def- Beef , HIGHLAND PARK, HIGHWOOD AND FORT SHERIDAN 51 _tl $1 41 31 $1 31 31 $1 $1 $1 .51 l ,_$,l 31 .31 31 .31 31 $1 tf $1 $1 During dis- end " can: 'e"'"'"---...... Pears 8 large cam for .--r, Pompcian Olive Oil the qt. '"'----, 6 an: "-r-.--....-.. Fancy Prune. - 4 lbs. ""---.--... ‘Yellow Cling Peach“ 4 cull "--...-.. feutt Early June Blue Diamond Extra Tiny Sifted Peas, 3 can: .".r.wt-w... Little Green Pm Swe'ethgart Golden Bantam Swéethent Chili Sun. 3 bottles "'"-----.. Gorton's Fish Bl"! 4 can: for "...m.-----, Yellow Cling Peaehes Pork and Beth 10 can: .'".-.wt-.-r.t. 4 can: . Apricots Woodcock Egg Noodlu Ripe Olives POTATOES, 63 lbs. $1.00 Red I Macaroni and Spa- ghetti, 12 pkg; L_....-..-..., Bins Olives, Giant Size 5 can: '"-----..- Fancy Red Salmon, lb. 6 can: "b----.-.-.. Good Luck Milk 12 large can: ...-..t...... fancy Pink Salmon, lb, Early June Peas 8 cans '"'.'-t.-mir........, Fancy Sugar Corn 8 can: "-.".'.tt.e...ter., Fancy Tomatoes t The committee' feels thin most of the cities and villages of the region do not immediately need to go to the extent that the city of Chicauq has done, and that the weight of advan- tage is in favor of delay untiLthe de.. vision of the State Supreme Court in pending p'roceedins,rs. 4 _ ' As a matter of serviceto' the com- .mittee in the region of Chicago the committee on legislation oruie. Chi- cano Regional Planning association has given study to the effect of the recent decision of the Illinois Supreme Court imthe,Aurora Zoning' cise. F It seems that several of the cities and villages in minors' are at' work ion amendments to the ordinance to make them conform to the. decision. There is a divergence of opinion in ,regard to the‘exact meaning of cer- l tain parts of the decision. , _ -A-petition for re-hearint of the false is being presented to the' Illinois; lSuprcme court and will probably be :acted ypon at the April term. The 'court has before it another Zoning case, this one from Evanston and a decision of this case is expected at the April term. ' in vicw of the petition for rc-hear- ing in the Aurora case and the pend- ing Evanston case it is suggested that no final action be,takeri by city and) village councils in‘ amending- existing l zoningr ordinances. .lt’is also, lsug-i treated to those cities and villages! which are preparing ordinances that. their final action he deferred until the, pending cases are decided, but 'thisi should not be construed'to advise de-f lay in taking: preliminary steps to pro-g pare for the final 'enactment of such? ordinances. l i The city of, Chicago is proceeding; with amendments to its.zoning ordi-i nance so as to change all blocks con-; taining non-conforming uses to the) zone in which those uses are per-l mitted.' mi l CID! Have. Studied (mitt Dééision And Urge Waiting Until High Court Acts . Total expenditures by the Near East Relief since its organisation have been $90,387,820, of which 824,- 000,000 was spent in Armenia, $20,- 000,000 in Turkey, $11,000,000 in Sy- ria and Palestine; "600,000 in Meso- 'potamia and Persia, and $8,000,000 in Greece.» During the same period, the "national headquarters. expense,†in.. cluding" administration, publicity and supervision, was" $4,586,000v or 'ap- proximately five per cent, of which more than half Was met by special contributions for. expense and inter- est on bank balances. REGIONAL PLANNERS GIVE ZONING ADVICE of the your shows a remaining de. fidit of $298,229. . " . Foods†, April 15ths1925 :31 .31 .31 .31 31 .31 31 31 tl tl tl ..$l .31 31 41 31 31 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 lhmert fetish. Imported 8mm. 6 can: for um...“ 14 for .-t.. Orange. 8 dozen ..t, Swat Hind Pickle. 4 jar; .... Bantam Com . 4 (in: Jan for a..." ilrape' Fruit Royll Ann Cherries 8 has for ...~.........._. Pinupkin, No. 8 New Comb Honey 4 for w.'-....-..., Red Pitted Currue 4 can; "-----.-. Black Berries B. B. Grated Pineapple Hominy, No. 8 on 5. can- w-k-...-.-... Cdifomia Ripe Olives 4 an: _.-...-.........-', Old Paeitte Sliced Pineapple 4 can: '_.-.........-- Cooking Apples . 8 lbs. for """"""--"'mwmm-wemrt.e--..... Good. Codes 2 lbs. an Farm House Sweet Pickles 2 qu. for "'""""-"t.--tw.----rt.. S. H. Tomatoes, No. 8 can S. B. Kidn " Bum Funcy Pears, No. 2 can 4 cam o-..-..-'...............-:.. Kinz'l Choice Sliced Peache- 4 can: -.--..o.w.-----__, CIR. ..........‘ 24 NORTH FIRST STREET, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS / sscvcrrtirEN?iiiI 134 South La Salle Street . gl ' L V A ', ii?s:rf;iil)i r , " 1120 Lake Shore Drive 543 Wellington Avenue, Chiciuo BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. Anchor Post Iron Works Ckvoperative Homes bepartment r........$1 _31 31 31 31 31 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 31 31 31 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 can“. the lb. ----..id Nada Pet Bout. lb. 0....“ must Hart Bowl, 3 “I. 81.19 Yollov Corn In]. 1 pkg. ....llé Flour. nil brunt, 1-8 “I. 31.43 Plato Con Beef. lb. ..........».-.9¢ Brick a»... lb. “MW [army's ant, E-th net Mbe Inn-Ha hub (up. It, .Mtthd Boudo- Bool am. I. a...†Wat Ski-p, 4 an ---..,.Mytt am canâ€; bet. ....†I! In... In. all ...-.umd Quid om. pkg. ----a" Paid What. pkg. ..............18¢ Cor-Hahn, pkg. Fresh Snudln. lb. ---atH, Bout Kfllt. qt. -,---atV You" “My... lb. ........._.....-..5¢ Dry om... 3 lbs. for 4‘...†human. lb. "www.mam TUESDAY SPECIALS APRIL " an on. Gun. Sign to II... 'se Fould'n Emmi. l in -dlit" Poor. 8mm. , in. “HA Argo amen: " pkg... -Utiid 25-lb. will Soap Chips ......83.95 . MONDAY M'rNTALt1 APRIL " Palmolive Soap. 12 Inn ...........81 Am. Fun. Soap, " but -ase Ln. Ivory Soap. " but 81.“ Feb Nani. Soap. " Inn .-tttV Lu. " pin. ...................._...98¢ 808. 4 Pk!!- .-,-...--.UNH Ivory 3o... cam, " fee â€563 All. Egan. t8prr Chips. 4 for tttre THURSDAY SPECIALS APRIL " Protection ' . for children and garde othermteaforallpurposes mac of copper steel chain m4 wire, galvanized after w'eavin Durable and attractive. 1 Phone mseiatruri, 19m mummy, um Central 1855 Ereetioq, Service Informatimt Bali-lug â€.- Tit .II BU amalgam NIL I! i Mdfodd In: 'lt"tl It iadl'itt1r,'r I! Put. Ill. 'tgtt'd"kfr' '23-†'.', Y "r-dr- rgriciTi= ttst H if: um a mum 'brrtettu ig Floo tutti! If!“ c'nN11 [RING DYERS " DER HATER} Service‘ . PAIL ngsa 'Acl LOOK “um I ward! A“ IT [E all Lil but out