"Pi Mm an the Ar/ tn of “my“. APRIL 9, was The Dc SL ED W ARDS COMPANY g: Landscdpe Gardening and Roddbuilding Contractbrs If you Would like to look at jhe firiest display of Flowers ever shownuoiig thi/Ni/ttr-tUk. we would be much pleased t *havelyou pay our Greenhouses (Laurel Avenue, 1 block west- of Depot) a visit. 1 T _:', _. . . , . a , f Whether you just wish a hit e pot: of Tulips, Jonquils, or Hyacinths, a simple assortedplant arrangement," or a more elab rate hasket 'i combination ranging as high as tmsritt-fivis or thir- ty dollars, or if you only com to feast your eyes on the many hundreds ,of stately Easter Lilies and take a walk throu h, the Greenhouses, you are most welcome. i, _i, F . ' Bear in mind we pot only d liver your' orders along the North Shore, but can in a few hours take care of any order by Telegraph anywhere in, the 1Jrtitetrstrtes or Canada and Europe as well. V l a . f,) _ . . Telephone 85 C , r _ I Telephone 85' isit th You will not overlook the foe} Berry Bushes, a complete as) Plants, Raspberries, Blackbei Seed for our prevailing soil, 1 tilizer. We are always anxioi Let us give you names of some of your friends and neighbors we built orxrepaired Drive- ways, for last season. i , , _ _ . V . _ I. . I o V k _ Let us tell you what-your 1)rivi) IS In need of and what, it will cost to fit a Let 'us tell you what your f,t',1,mt; need in the way pf planting. Tomake them attractive we construct Swimming Po ls, Water Gardens, layout irregular Shrub or Old "Fashioned Hardy Flower Borders, Rose-and Formal Gardens. ' ",' ' _-,"" _" ’ Let us tell you What a Hedge would cost and what plants are, best adapted tor that pur-' pose, what splendid specimens of Bush Honey Suckles, Lilac Mock Orange,ii Bridal Wreath, Forsvthia. Golden and Red Twigged Dogwood, Pink Spiraea, Weigelia, and many other firt,e; pase, what splendid specime Forsythia, Golden and Red 1 shrubs we have to offer. i') We have the most ms-to-da, TELEPHONE 7 8 Jlli2%l22l2l@lMlllllE "Bett was mam“ tl m tttt he eminent to do good work with and at We . go anywhere for business. , t) e specialize in Cairying Out All Work Connected with e Laying-Out of Home Grounds, including Draining ‘rading. Drives! and Walks, Lawns and Phntings E that we carry over 30,000 Shrubs and Evergreens, Fruit Trees; lortmentyof 'Perennials or Hardy Flowering Plants, Strawberry fries, Rhubarb, and Asparagus Roots." We carry-the best Grass by the pound, ton or car; -1.. and the same in Commercial Fer: ins to ‘30ffer You suggestions on what to plant tor the best results. FHome Grounds †AN D PARK We are yours for 7lower‘Show mass, HIGHLAND PARK, annals OFFICE: at LAUREL AVENUE unable rates. I? PAGE -