" It the h " ct irc CK'). In be {I Ilka: it m t u ‘3'." h M “a. Pf “do. than. I; in m m m: " Kati te No..1 for the Amole Coit.. ahtietio Co. engaged in the paving d St, hn's avenue. between Laurel mm mi Sheridan 'mad, for $1500 he“: end material so far utilized was " ved on motion of Commis- duet tit-lay; . _ Com soner Presto? inoved' ep- nui Estimate No. 4 for Angelo Home n (the sum of 86000 for labor lid In. tit] " far used in construe- “on of a unitary sewer system in humid subdivision. and Green my Rich! nd ~Puk Theatre will pm-' "ttt t following picturesé‘nextwogr. Com ttsiotter Card moved npprpvnl d tug-i rs' estimate No. l for the Kuhn 'Construction Co. tdr labor Old ,1: rial used in eoturtruetin'tt. a mtettt f sanitary sewer: in Ravinia Richl- _ A [mien providing for payment at tho cunt specified was_ adopted h och . sauce. ' I The pr lotion 1 The N l h Conn '1 titanic 90qu t tun of. ' ’10de _ , Baird of " W mm NEXTfWEr-zx's PROGRAM l AT n. P. THEATRE PH: ettrri in “The Char-'3!†be Shani s Days; "l, Other Features 1 Toni t, "A Kiss. in the Dark"; Friday d%iturdar, Jane’Novak and "met Harlan in “Two Shall Be Bom"; {Indy and Monday, Florence Mr izdwl'he Girl of Goldâ€; Tues- hy, W headay and'Thursday. Potn Ituts , "The Charmer"; ~PTiday and “turd: , Priscilla Dean in "A Cafe tn Gaff." Matinee Saturday; See new: on back page of this paper. it the ghouls? titye tt gation 'e" . _ luv Ape in presented by nine prop- 3nd " w and residents in the vicin- inn; IN P i} avenue and Sheridnn road mm “Hie o the use of lot 1, Mock 22, w- d on file, on motion of Com.. , ' o-ii-Ort [ Preston. _ The petitioner, ‘mod he p testing against the summit! m we of using the lot for storage wo a w st' material, but inretstitrattint mhte dado that thin we: not finned. this at Put-t Alley do A pe ion presented to 14 proper 'of 1 tr owners, tivinst in block 4, pr6testintrl, drer “an.†he paving of the alley in said ( dail,' Moek. properly signed petition forl in a “the g had previously been Pd,) in it The pr sting petiticn was filed, 'on. a m motion f Commissioner Card. In The bi of Jacob L. Crane foe $300 -exiii In Conn 'tion with the survey of tilt; vim IAN$ATTEND MEETING I. . LEGION AUXILIARY The uxiliary of Dumnresq-Spert- cer P Noc 't45,'Arnerienn Legion. OI Sat " evening brought aghnt h the tienta in Unit No. 5 of rest Lakes pital and distributed Easter anr* , d chocohte, rabbits a; the w. , _ ' The s sions of the city council and the Boa of Local Improvements Int My ‘vegning were devoted ehiefly butt sl of routine business. The 1 day gnu-ting of the Attx- Mary ld at the home of Mrs. Rettry lawn at Thursday was well ab. h“. Many . of rust for I"! "(I be undid-E1 the patient? If (heat [fixes were felled. _ . 80me EVENING AT , ST. JOHN’S CHURCH â€unis Received and. Filed; Re tine Budnbss Trans- , t,aeted; Estimates .' C f Approved (in toaa, Mo - mnovmm BOARD 33331933 or FRIDAY LAST The al committee of the Iodies' Aid of t, Johns' Evangelical church h" . Red 3 social evening to be tha the ehureht tonight (Thurs- vowin- xv film kart A Mlle: 1' Win one it ‘92" ‘2??? Id ttvit l l ommtMroner WW. Invitations have been sent to all the l of Jaeob L. Crane foe woolexhibitdrs of saddle horses in the tion with the survey of tf Vicinity of Chicago; iand the open under the proposition fe C',ii'i'2il, ten in number. should bring ion of schools, wss, on Wlbefbre the spectators i 5 good exam- "nmissioner' Card, to be ap-l ple) of ‘gaited horse; hunters and rm the bill has been given‘ polo ponies as any sho'w in the coun- by General Wood, chairman? try. Horses from the Chicago dir. nimiiths on consolidation ot, trict have been winning at all the which was appcinted some; shows from Denver to the National in to make f thorough investi-l New York, and with the presence of the advisability of the move.I these superior anima . in this local- "sionpr Preston moved that ity, the spectators' tt have an op- Warner be made a payment portunity to see asmite examples of plus semi-annual interest of, horse flesh of in the largest shows. he contract for the "bury; Military Claus . _ _ 7 i The military classes'will bring out Meeting of Board r 3the best that the army has to cffer meeting of the Board of Lo- l and with the exhibitions by the infan- TN'? ents engineers' etrti-, try, cavalry, and artillery, a full and I NEWS on progress of trev- comprehensive demonstration of the not were filed Md approv- army's work with horses will be given. lows: /" ' .‘iNo show ever held in Chicago has ce No..1 for the Arcole Con-l listed the variety of military classes Co. engaged in the paving _ that will be shown a week fromSat- m’s avenue,_between Laurel urday. Ther, classes ineh%e, in ad- Ii Sheridan mod. for 81600 i dition to officers charters: "trcopers' Ind material BO' in utilized' mount and jumping, Artillery. gun Wad on motion of Commits-: section}; four-line mule teams, and urley.'. . , . l lothers I hich show the skill of the men WI'."' .Prtttof. iyovtd ti.and the training of the animals. will be a tshortrthik hr Rev. Roth Mlowed'by a tmt w‘ If all those present. This of a social purpooe~ INery- Wited. T A light iGeheon,Ti11 of Board of the Board of to s engineers' esti, on progress of trev Saturday. May 2, $911 Sheridah Iwiéll hold its annual {Horse show in the Show ring " the' post,_‘thq pro- ceeds to be for the yemitit of Elm Place school. Boxes 'iari'/beine con- structed end a trratrtretand set up' toiaeconititodate the horse enthusiasts from along ‘the North Shore. With the pieturetlque militery background which Fort Sheridan supglies the show will be nicolorful spectable. The indoor shew held in‘I‘ebruary Med the Riding hall to itsditmost capacity ind the great‘ demand for “at; has implred the building; of this large outdoor ring. 'r" . . ‘ Tickets may be chained from Cap- tain Orville M. Moore, treasurer, Fort Sheridan, (phone Highland Park MO), and retre6ationts will be made in the order applications are receiVed. Seats in the reserved section, ring side park- ing spaces and boxes for eight per- sons are ptovided for. 'rThe admis- sion is for both the morning and af- ternoon sessions. The secretary, Cap- tain W. Dirk Van Ingen, is handling all the details regarding the entries. The ladies have beervinelitded, there being four classes which are' opin to them only, . ‘I Judges of Show The judges, who rave consented to act, are represents ives of, the best horsemanship and "sportsmanship of this part of the chantry, and include Mr. Auston H. Niblack. Mr. Stuyve- sant Peabody, General Robert' E. Wood, Mr. E. J. Lehmann, Mr. D. o. Nelson and Mr. Luther S.Piekey, Jr. The American' Remount association tutd General Wood are among those who have donated prizes. ' Which FOrt Sheridan supgiios the 1- Preliminary anti ncenlent of the gnaw will be nicoiorful spectnble. The, program for the avinia Park' sea? indoor shqw held in'I‘ebruary Nled;', soniof 1926 clearly ndicatep that this' the Riding hall to imminent capacity? year’s offering; will surpass those of angl‘the great‘ demand for seats has i previous' years, ma nd Rodd. as tuu- inspired the building2 of this 'larsre)a1, Louis Eekstein't, romiso that each outdoor ring. 'r" . . 'iyear the Ravinia rograni shall be ADM!“ f ' " better than the last r The Elm Plaée school he: Joann-i Begins J he 27 ' madam the children in Fort Sheri-i The season this y (tirbetrins on Sat- an for years, and ttte "my people) urdity night, June }7, and will con- so greatly appreeiar, the unusual; tinue for ten week and three days, tAteatioeyU advantages enjoyed t,y,hfae.in't, on _Monday Sebt. 7, Labor this station-that they are anxious to, day'. The WING"!!! as 'Sid',ie,',',t,1'f do their share toward the expenses) prides thirty-seven 10130238, and the of the new achocl. Fifty-tive' ehii-', usual coiwUt fetytitrea will be Pro- dren of officers and enlisted inen are' vided, it i§'understC(lld. The first o'pera daily carried to and from thié school to be presented Will? be Monte'mezzi's in army trucks and the post is' united CThe Love of the biCriigi's','i' , in its effort to make this Horse Show) The list of talent] seedrtd for this a success in every way. _ ‘season is a brilliiutt one, including Invitations have been sent to all the many of the artist) who have been exhibitors of saddle herses in the popular for several} seasons tit Ra- vicinity of Chicago; land the open) vinia and some who-have appeared elataes, ten in number, should bring) there in previous years but not last before the spectators ias good exam/ seascn. There are: also some new plet of gutted horse?, hunters and ones of notable ,iepytation in the oolo ponies as anv shdw in the coun- musical world. ' _ Anna-into f ' ' The Elm Plaée school ha: accom- madam the! children {of Fort Sheri- dan for years, and the Irmy people so greatly appmigt? the unusual educational adamant; enjoyed " J. L. Wehrhetm', for the last five years adv'ertising manager for the Rubin's store in Wankegsn, has takerr a position with the J. B. Garnett Co. as “shunt manager. ' His ability and experience in the drygoods and ready- to-wear business is well known and his addition to the Garnett Co. per- sonnel should still further im,.erease its etBcieney and service to the; pub- lie. Plan Home Maui at, . :RAVlNIA , Fort Sheriilari. for BE ll . School Fahd Benefit, _ Mayor Hastings hast returned/tGm his. honeynmon trip, “mowing Mire. can't marriage in;Los Angeles, Calif., and "a at his goal: in the city hall for the fiest time qunesday morn. ing- since his return. His many friends are wercomiruri,him home with hearty congratulation and a good wishes. q _ ASSISTANT C MANAGER OF' J. B. GARNErr co. MAYOR HASTINGS ROYAL NEIGHBORS ) CARD PARTY APRIL 22 The Royal Neighbdrs will hold a can! and bunco party in Odd Fellow; hail, next ikidnudtrr'evertirur, April 22. An invitation is "tended to all.. Prizes will' be "a.rtlitd and refresh-l menu will be soundâ€,- . L. Wehrheim, Experienced in the Business, is New Em- ployee from Waukegan HOME FROM WEST tfi.", ., , Many Popular A 'tisis Returning , ,'and Others of qua] Fame; , L Several Op rati New _ . Here " List C ' The dance and 'reception at. the Highland Park Wonian's club on Sat- urday? evening, A I il 18, at 8:30 o'elot3t is being 13mm in hdnor of the outgding officers. .3 [ Conductors c- Loilis Hatmelnttuts, Gennaro Papi; assistant conductors, Wilfrid Pelletier, Giacomo Spadoni; concert conductor, Erie DeLamarter; stage; manaker, Armando Agriini. Alfo! these are artists of.no‘te the work? over, and though few are act,. uallyinew to Ravinia programs, those I Continued on page; 5 Thi hostesses for }the occasion will be in. Henry ‘Boyd, .Mrs. Ross J. Beam, Mrs. R. A, otrquevi11e, Mrs. A. J; Mattel, Mrs. Fayette Munro, Mrs. Charles Rubin: 33nd the members of we finance ccmlmittee, of which Mrs. t C. Willitsnttriis chairman. Btpusotr-Pturlo Atjaniah, Virgilio Lamiari, chm Rothier, Vittorio Tre- visan. ' t _ ' . ' RECEPTION AT To be Held Sahirday Evening in Honor of Retiring 0mi- Tr cers; Hostesses Bgritones - Mariq Basiolu, Louis D'Aitgelo, Qieusqppe Danise, Desire Dettletav Giacomo Bimini. _ Music for the affair will be fur- nished by the Harvey orchestra" of Chicago. i) - A The}e Will be ta ies, for cards tor those who do not c re to dance. This reception ant dance is given in hono‘r:of the,outttoi g president Mrs. Wilfbrd C. Shlpnes nd the other re; tiring officers. It, hoped that all the members and air friends will avail themselves or,this opportunity to do honor to these oMeera as well as cf the oirporhini riot enjoying' a most delightful eventng. Mtszzo-sopranos and eontraltos--, Merle Aleoek, Ina Bourskaya, Anna Correnti, Philine Falco, Ada Paitgi. 7 Tenors-Mario, Cfmmlee. Giovanni Martinelli; Giordano; Paltrinieri, Tito Schipa. Armand ToHatyan. The singers to abnear during tlie season, according tq' the preliminary a,nninpyiemtnt, arezas follqwa, ar- ranged in alphabetical order: Sopranos-Lucie), Bdri, Helen Freund, Margery Maxwell, Grazielta Pareto, Rosa Itaisa,jMarie Sundelius. JUNIOR CLASSjSTAGE ' PERFORMANCE FRIDAY Movie and. Vaudeville to be Given at Highland Park 4 Theatre Tdmorrow' . t The Junior class , f the Deerfield- Shields .hitth schoo will present a movie entitled "Th Air Hawk" and several nudeville numbers» at the 'il';;';';)),?:)';'.; Thea t e, tomorrow, af- ternton JFriday) ' three thirty o’clock. g'l'hia perf munce is open to the public. The lttovit is a thril- lingistory irf the lit, and the vaude- ville; aetii will be orrvisrs clever na- ture. C $ V MASQUERADE éBENEFIT SATURDAY EVENING S§turday evening, "April 18, a masquerade ball wil) be given in Santi hall; Bighwood. It danpe is being giveh for the benefi of ipteedy fam- ily. _ Tickets are being sold and the Knlghts of Pythias F re, moat anxious to nuke this a very} successful affair.. FROM, JUNE " TOSEPT. 7 HIGHLAND tum. ILLINOIS. mummy, Arm. 16. VIA SEEM TO _ BE BR asLIhllf ONE List of Talent WOMAN'S CLUB 2) At the boys are leuvihg camp this week, please overtmul your clothes closets today and let the Arden Show boys knbw that we ire ehterful xiv.- era. Tomorrow evening, Priair, th? dill- cers of Ft. Sheridan will: smtatrtairt the members of, the Highland Park club at a dance. V The boys who_have been in winter' camp at Arden Shore are about to leave, moat of them tii earn their own living and help take care of their families. These boys are betieen fourteen' and sixteen years of age 9nd are gadly in need pf clothes suitable to work in. If you 1taven't an egtire suit, separate trousers or Coatl‘yill be, welcome.- Kindly phone' Mrs. Jay Gl-idden, Industrial chairman, tr. P. 358, who will call for any apparel that cannot be delivered; The urinal meeting and election 91' offieets of the Hitrh1.tutd?trk club will be held, Saturday evening,‘ April 18. A diiiner' will open the mepting " 6:30 o'ticek. On Friday evening. Ariril 24, Luke Shore Temple, Pythian Sisters will give tcurdmnd bunco party in 81ml Hall, Highwood. Prize: will be aiard.. ed, ind refreshméntg will be taped. All members and their friends aré in- vited to attend. , _ ' Boys Leaving Winter Camp in Need of Wearing Apparel; Ages Between 14-16 The 1i1lm Place P. T. A. has charge of the costuming of characters and its members are working hard to in- sure the success of the pageant.‘ This event takesxhe place of the regular April meeting of the society: It is hoped to make it the moatbeautiful and impressive spectacle .the school has undirtakem . As this has been gottenip as the ehildren's final contribution, to the Auditorium fund, and is this only ef- (Continued on page 6) ANNUAL MEETING'OF " t ' H. P. CLUB APRIL 18 Ft. Sheridan Ofrieerg to Enter- tain Friday; Vote to Change . By-Laws A change Ill] the lay-laws will tre, voted ttpim. Several of the put prea- identsy of the club will be‘present ind will give brief talks, and the Glee Club witl sing. ', . . The. Hisrhiaisd Park Wotnan'trehitt will hold their annual atnetieoa at the club house on Tuesdly. April 21, at 12:30, Ps m. Thin wilidte the last meeting of the your. Luncheon will be followed by the election of otheerg and' committee re- ports. All the members shouldjt- tend and, learn what the club-has ac- complide during the patio“. . _ Several Nuclei V, t The iirst two episode: will inno- trate the' joys of ehWhmid end the joys of youth. The third deals with the joy.in nature, and the tourth and fifth in the joys in the practical arts and the fine arts} The sixth episode is to show the. joy in the {Eatinll of the yen, and the seventh has to do with/he, joys of literature. tu eighth sets forth the joy in the “ventures of the past, and in the ninth is' pie. tured the iorin service today. . With rinses for pantomihe or tab- leau an for occasional singing, the pageant will move steadily across the stage, and come to a flnale sihowimt the aims of the schools in developing good citizenship. Every pupil in the school ttom the kindergartdnithmugh the -eighth grade is to take part, the kindetgarteners leading on ,in the episode orchildhood. _ V ARDEN SHORE IN NEED OF' BOYS CLOTHING PYTHIAN SISTERS TO , _" . GIVE CARD PARTY TheElm Place school 1pupils are preparing a pageant .,or iirxre'esafonar to be given on Thursday evening‘, April 23, in which they will endeavor to show the spirit of beauty and hair- piness in the public abhoqi. It "rt'll have to do largeiy with i review of the activities of the séhooi your, the. paittteariti dividing itself into, a number of episoiies. _ [. i ANNUAL LUNCHEDN F _ Oli' WOMAN'S CLUB Several . Episodes to 1 Demons- 'trate' Happiness in T School ' Life; Plann'e'd by P.T.A¢ _ , To Aid Fund rb ELM PLACE PAGEANT 7 - THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Snow SCHOOL ' spmrr T. A. 'r'oAymtmite Tonight and Friday, l','8eereta of the Night" with James; KirkWood and Madge Bellamy; Saturday, Dor- othy Devon, William mm“. Charles Murray and Frankie Darrow in "Fighting the Flames"; Sunday and Monday, Irom Moore and Edith Rob- erta in “On Thin Iceâ€; Tao-damud Wednesday. Doria 1reIt.yt,4e8t I Marry Againâ€; T1ttsitdar%td' Fri- day, Tom Mix and Tony the wonder Jtorsis in Zane Grey'a “Riders of the Purple Sanâ€; Saturday, .“Who Cares" with Dorothy Devon, William may , Charles Murray, Beverly Kayne and wanda Hurley. Matinee Saturday. See program on local page’o! thin paper. _ . ‘The uinual village election in Deer- tUtd will be held on Tuesday, April 21. Them are two tickets in the field, the Citizens and the Peoples. The candidates are: . ' _ _ Citizert-F'or president, Lincoln Penis; tot clerk, Alvin W. Rank; for trustees, Alexander L. Taylor, Ed- ward R., Selig, Albert W. Hagi (one year to tllt acuity). Four trustees to be elected. . _ Peopldsl-For president, James J. Hood; for: clerk, Stanley Anderson; for trustees, Arthur J. Ender, Theo. J. Kmnk, Edw. P. Begert, William W. Gary (one year to f111 vacancy). Four at to be elected. Mrs. Ji. . Garnett, 318; Min? Eliz- abeth WEI]! Robertson, 821; Carleton Vail, 289; W.'. C. Shipnes, president, 303. ' r . The following picture? Will be shown at Pearl Theatre next week. Two Tickets in Field in Annual Voting Battle April 21; Candidates Monday evening, April 13th. the Glee Club of the Highland Park duh gave that -firat, concert under the direction of Mr. AtiarrBettediet, . Dottm/KENYoN m , “IF I MARRY AGAIN" To be Shown 2 Days; Tom Mix ' in “Riders of the Purple GLEE CLUB’S FIRST CONCERT IS SUCCESS The oui cm bu ma hard ma deserve! much credit tor'the enter- tainment. T They did very my" lard, Itll 'who heard' their: web delitthed. Th The vote for the several candidates in the three voting places was as tot.. lows, according to the one!“ (gaunt: . . F "RP. LP. D'fld Total Me Brige .__..666 .103 120 882 Getty m...........266 84 190‘ M Balke .-............242 MI, T 275 Shipnes 233 2 21 256 Robe“ .....-..... 95 TO; V ' 168 ." t In District 107 _ ’In Piatrict 107 there was no con- test and the vote for .the candidates elected is as follows: George 8.10m for president for one. year, ti; Alfred C. Meyer, 'member Tor thrée yen-s. 42; Dr. Earl D. Fritsch, member for three Winn, 48. C P Me Brige Getty I... Balke J.., Shipnes .. Robe“ .. i mum 108 a'-" In District 108 there was brisk vtt- ing all- ternooq, although there was no cont t for the offices, with the ex- ception that the names of fwo or three pe us were written in the ballot tt din each instance 1'va one vc each. The vote result W: DEERFIELD VILLAGE ' ELECTION TUESDAY soloists ,0! the evening were Mun". 1rft'.'tp.t' Dr. Grant tr. Lambert r. B.t Lewis and “1'.va Bear 311-33er received much up; plume for“. own composition “The Vampird, of the Nile." r - This 'is the club's frmt appearance beforeâ€: “diam ad: it I": greatly aw“ F t , -. The election wall the-lib“ hotly contested school! electton held hi this' district for' 'rur'a,lirhtt several auto- mobileaf busy hauling voters to the polls in BitrNanfPaek and Vldnhy and much activity: also noted in Like Forest and D'eaMtetd.. Thin activity was due largely to the candidacy of three women, each of when friends were bmy for their candidate all 'te. 'ttrnoon. It is to be noted in this regard that while the women'g vote was large many of them Voted for one woman and one man as evidenced by the lam percentage of the total vote of about low which was pm: Mr. McBride. Also tt ll pointed out by politicians that had there been but. one woman in the field there is little doubt that she would have been elected. m- T In the high tsehdoreketion hat gat- urday “know ‘the successful un- didates for *megnben of the bond nu Geog†r. MeBride of High- land Park and CHW. Getty of Deer, field. A ‘. . MNhide and thty , C Elected Members of High School Board p, 490 275 256 168 L" In. O'Connor. who“ will": 1m. M Catherine Lynch. 7:: hon-Id. 26, 1864, mild “I tnngekd to Mi. O’Connor, Sept. .30, "" in' (Men- go. For 25 years they [had on ' (sun north ot DeeffMd and for thi but ttve yen: in the villas. half. Mr. O’Connor is well 1mm " super». visor of West Dame†and In. O'Connor also had a but of “all friends in th'e continuity who“ aor- row at her death is dopp and sincere, Ind the smmthy of .n g: extended the family. =2. . q There being much confusion among motorists as how to park ht an on 'treeu,itwatom-tedl. tthe city he asked to mark " spec. for carp, showing when to park, and N up Lain: where not to park, " u to aid; policemen in/their work. The prdpositiott of ukinx the Doc- field, usochtion into the local W 11nd Park "qoeutitm m dial-ad Ind but. over to the next regular meet- intr for ,find dismal. The tuner-l was bold My morning at 10:80 at the Roll (3.- church. Solemn requiem high not was eeletbratasd by In. W.9. attan, assisted by Rees. s. P. Quinl. Min Muzik, Timothy Hurley, Chic-co. and James O'Hara-mid John may»! Lake Forest. Burial in}: St. ‘Pat- rick'n cemetery. u Everett., Mrs. Catherine "O'Connor, wife of Suva-Vito: when O'Coaur of West Mammal sand-y ‘mninc. in her house in W, tolled-c pro- longod Hines. Besides the but“ thin Int-Vin four children, Funk and laugh of Deerfield, Rue of DepefMd All Lucy, who in new sum Mary Leonotte. B. v. the! Chicago. Two children we 'dead. ., Glen Brown. and eMttytlt yum son of Mm L. mam of "' Ptoa.. pect avenue, and brother of In. H. P. Nevittlof 918 N. Gnu: I.) and, passed away Wednesday. 4pm.: " 'hehotne of his *taie In}. Twit. 2843 Cortes ““70â€. win- in: s brief mm at titft-'i. In. nerd services were held 1‘1“.“ Imrial in Fcteqt am. has“ known .in Highlandeu‘k hulls it tended Deerfield Shields huts M. He was a1Ura tttertaerot.Derfud. Shields Chapter, 0011.; td the Build- an. _ _' . A A , _ .' ' 'ttttl,',"",').', W . The secretary W. Becker report- ed hem hed a atqNe- with?†Tentative cm $t'ldt't.i2"tdt one. when the .pnunt but was It we. the mane-t. of the D“; Men that the trhvirtnrseatt buy a " atthe present time memew Iceman! ere to he " lep- 'reserttatt'vq Chindhlom upland a willingness to meetvith a nit» tee and go over-stile Jd'uflt",'lt proposed that en invitation het as tended to Mr. 14ytindttuotn to meet- with. the neoan at the next "(no lar meeting, my 12. Wiring 'rrBrrftdi- There was considerable dieeupbn atsto_wiritttrttfmmrtrrduiiqndit being reported that the city favored the conduit system gather aunt!» BX type, regardless of the thet that the city ordinance can: for Bx type and the underwriters endorse it, "gg resolution wad adopted that the city- be naked to instruct its inspector to grant permits iureordintr to the city ordinance now in force. ' ' The garbage dispose! plant came in for considerable discussion as it was reported that the,th in en- tirely inadequate to existing am and that mere gating. was burned outeide of the plant than inside. The fume: end other conditions About “It dump was said to be. We 1†a construction mp an: hound nearby in a dangerous situation. . MRS. O’CONNOR DIES _ AT HOME, DEERFIELD Wife of Supervisor Wettt Deer- q fUld Passes: Feudal Held FORMER RESIDENT IS ' VICTIM or m PLU SixtrfourlmemUm of the High- iind .Pu-k Blaine“ New: spa-.134 tion met at the Gun Tea Pot M day nitht and, after Ming IN.“ excellent dinner listened to' I heâ€. on the productive 'dolhr by. Loui- Wallis of the Illinois Relations com- mittee. of :the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. mmmiss or ,IMPpRTANCB " Pitat, to Confer With Cannon- Iun on ' Federal Building Bite; Garbage and Park- Busmnssmsum C ii "i: mommvssssm s CT'i'?r7T1'"tT't"""r""""'" LiikmA-Lsi. , T .; s' _ V int Discussed TART 1 w: NUMBER I is! t'r,',1 hi " Cl