n] Li I} - . _ '.5.edg .lh!h! mmmmummmmnmumunnmnunmmmnmmmn"HE immmummmammalmunnnummnmnmmummmlmunummwgâ€"i eol " P‘Gl TWO I' Beautiful Things i éHighland Park Transfer [and Storage Company i FIREP'ROOF WAREHOUSE (god :0! the tin. they ":3 m tron horn. l by u too inch to expect that the mtry food! ihould be hard throdgh sprint moon, but they thould has} be' fixed up so that tnvellers J1 not [sink out of light. hurrying motorist: will re- Mi,' met that'thc railroad krttmott,itturotitieuiusomrat.. 'Ww‘thgnmoldtm.u ALEX RAFFERTY, Sr., Manager "The More You Bay, the Nore We Give" 380 Central Avenue Telephone 544 Community Shop Wedding Gifts See NOW--How Comfortably Y on Can Live at the Orringto'n EYANSTON'S LARGEST AND FINEST "thir: M 0V I N G PACKING SHIPPING Office 374 Central Avenue Phones 181-182 EXPRESS BAGGAGE FREIGHT See how happily-how easily and eco' normally you an live at this home, like hotel that does away with home wee. 'We will be glad to exhibit fut. ticket! or unfurnished apartments. daily or evening. Or, phone univereity 8700, EFORE you chose mother homo-a Bbefore you again relegate {OM to the chores of keeping ttttBe-- vidt The Orrinxton! ORRjjdroN _" 374 Central Avenue Have Just Been Received TRANSFER OF AND Suitable For Narrow meets“ ma mid. bani. widened,th none of ‘the engines“ Itatr. been able to 'luggest " yet how the nan-6w mind: on be enlarged. In these days Io! hon-stop Aitrhra, some one shouldlsuggést I plui for non-stop walks firrrthe kids on th? way to school. l _ trains stop " we}? crossing Ind wait anti) the 'ustm.mrtiurhr" mud by. (l In .loving memory of my darling f husband, Michael Farmer, whodiej (one year ago, Sunday. . . f7pd F His hwintriwire, Margaret', We wish to thank all those who so kindly' assisted in! during our hours of bereavement. _ Cirrner of Green Bay ,road' and Homewood avenue. ‘3 ' T V Rte. Karl A. Roth, pastor. _ Sunday School, 9 30 a. m. . Morning worship 0:80 a. tit. _ Confirmation Chu, meets on 'every Thursday at 4 p. m, V You are‘wordially invited to make use of the ending room at 387 Cen- tral avenu which is open every week day from 'r, ne o'elirck irrthe morning until six _ clock in the evening and Sunday af moon from two-thirty to six o'elocli. 7 7:45 p. m. 100sz service.. _ Cond enjoy the ser$jce with us. Welcome. 7:00 p.m. 4hrutiin Endeavor. Top- ie "Mr Denomination: Its History and: Principles." l l _ Green Bay rind tnd Laurel avenue. Rev. F. R, Cardwell, pastor. 9:30 a. m.' Bible; SehooL' There is a place for you in 4ur school. ' 10:45 a. m. Mowing worship. Ser.. mon by: the iastor,i _ - . . CC,2U,CC'tt1"r'rt'"'"t : UNITED EVANGELICAL A Servicqs are hold in.this church, 387 Hazel avenue, every Sunday morning {at 10:46.. Sunday School méets at "tine-thire o'eloe.k and is open to pupils up to the age of 20 yours. The Wednesday evening meet- ing," whicg ineiUes' testimonies of Christian 'eienee healing, is at 8t00, o'clock.- i _ l Subject for ,neh“ Sunday’s Lesson sermon, "Drrctrirui of Atonement." t, GRACE M. E. CHURCH t terndon when an Easter cantata was impr'essively rendered by the choir under the direction of Mr. Smith, the 'ctIieient choir Radar; All the services on latit Sunday were splendid in attendance and inter- est. There was an attendance of 177 at Sunday school, and the self-denial offerings for mis‘sions amounted to $89.00. The church was filled for both the morning worship and in the af- Choir Rhianna] levers Thursday evening. 5 Second street near Laurel avenue. J. G. Finkbeiner, pastor. ' SerGices for Sunday,. April 19: [ 9r45-s-Sunat school session. ' 11:00--Morning worship. 7 ir-,lFyenintt advices. ' ' Mid~week servieeis every Wednes- day evening." 'r', 8:00 The Church Night Discussion Ciasaes'httve prover! 1:0 helpful, it was decided to conduct a flverareek exten- sion that all may better understand and participate, in this work of relig- ious education "Some Ledaons from Christidn History" Will be the sub- Ject this week. Mr. N.. G. benintrtonc is. lender. ' 10:00 Dorcas Soqiety.‘ Luncheon will be' served at 12:30. _ , WEDNESDAY----- _ . 7:00 Young People's Society. Monday----. _ : Btmdar--.-, 1 I I 9:45 Church School. _ ll :00 J unior Congregation. " :00 Morning worship. Rev. Frank Pitt will preach on' the subject "The Burning Bush." 9:30 I 10;45 3:00 [ 6:30 ; North avenue and Laitretta player Wry. B. Doble', minister. PWRIAN CHURCH “use o'corptoit and Family, CARD OF T!HANKS IN MEMORIAM EBENEZER CHURCH 1m: mama!» Pm Puss. HIGHLAND fun. ILLINOIS ROBERT W. PEASE: THE REXALL STORE Opposite Northwestern Pmnge: OF COURSE you’ve heard THAT ont about the man WHO was asked one day WHY he walked so , F . L . TWISTED like and he . ‘ SAID he just couidn’t __y . HELP IT-that he hid TO,WALIC that way in" _ ORDER to fit a new ' SHIRT his wife had _e JUST made for him, and T WE ARE 'sure that could ' NOT have happened here , f IN HIGH-LAND PARK, became WE'DON’T know of any WIVES who make shirts , " FOR their husbands any: -' MORE-rt pays to buy 'tht READY mtuie--but what we STARTED" out to say was 11Wi we have just _' RE ENE!) tt new supnly,‘of, SPONGES, CHAMOIS, _ F MOTH-PROOF GARMENT BAGS MOTH BALLS, _ ' NAPTHALINE' FLAKES. ENOZ MOTH LIQUID AND SPRAYERS' FLIT, ETC.,, ETC. ' _ AND ‘it will pay any lady ' IN THIS community to V . . COME in and see them? I AT THE vex? firtt I l, . T OPPORTUN TY _ Fatt that federal irieome taxes. are1 being cpt down doek not mean that the taxpayers will welcomg' an in- creasg in other Luseturrnenter. Not true that the American "people spend all their time fox-trotting, as they Spend a good deal of it in globe trotting also. .. ' The politicians all any they are the poor man's friend, and they give special evidence of. it along about election time. ' . . Mrs. Reinecke» my; ithat the cheek up so far made shows that the num- ber of 'delinquenU is not any larger than usual this year. Still there are several hundred person who are delinquent. It will please us im- menser if they come in before the mid of 'the month. Nhrubtless many ot those who owe the government a tax and failed to file their retumevatithe animation on the period for tiling on March 16 are; innocent of any fraudulent in- tent," she said. .“They can best show this by coming involuntarily before we start out after them. .In that case they pay the 2trper cent penalty in addition to their tax and the matter will be ended. Those who fail to rev port; however, will be considered as willful evadera and prosecution: will follow unless they Ittutahow that they intended no fraud, The burden of proof will be upon them so far u the starting of _ prdceedings is concerned." Income tax delinquents; in that First Illinois district who no} innocent sd fraudulent intent will save themselves considerable trouble if they report to the: ampe- of Mri. Mnbel G. Roinecke before "Mny 1. Mm. iiiUi'iiii; an- nounced last week that alien's prepar- ind for a "drive" to round up dolin- ‘quenta' beginning about‘M’ay 1 1nd that all such who have failed inten- tionally to report theirs earnings for 1924 will be subject to prosecution for fraud. . Should Brat-t to Dace of Col- lector fore They Are DELINQUEN’T INCOME _ TAX PAYERS WARNED WEEK trireiirk T He'JiLes Pray CLhye the, [ dirt away ! LOOK POR suns c Duns telephone; SUBS thoroughly enjoy: his ehoten vocation of wash- ing clothes. He’s clean mind- ed through gnd through and it pains him terribl to no clothes become mile: and I" massed 'lt He likes to put them in a Ape r't1i,,nci,e.d he liktto take o an over the Prosecuted 384 Central Avenue " T l,,',,'"?,':","';'.'"")':':';:)":',:',';':.,,".)':"; 32â€.. ttfle _ '. _ _ T $98 momma $98 i? MOHAWK GREBE _ TUBES RrMUVENA'rBD--8uq not! _ 'Utr'reR'r.ierrRvrcE AND REPAIR won: North _$__hore Radio Shop New York-Cherry SPECIAL! , Launderérs, Dry Cleaners and Dyers Phone 178 Highland Park, Ill That difficult laundry ICE CREAM Reliable Laundry CARAMEL war'ttttteiott-r from your-no soaking. handing. nopinnintprmrcu_trt tho Boororttotheeintrwiththtttod1r-Vn oidauhionedeuruinstretcher.' We wash themvgently in pure, mild stsdn, t,'c,h:g,rt,r:,1t,r',1frr.,oatt1/f',t audit-hp. anom- Curtain Dryer,wi put hooks isr pint Thom is reuomble indeed. Judi phon- andlet tmtei1srountoreaitxmrthi-vica, 'ttv-tua-ir/rea-ara.-.". between tun layers of AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR Purer Because Carbonated Three Layer Brick ....your curtains (Ili/iii. Full 50c Quart n_:_L and mr will ‘nhowqou that we an do wonders with it. From Wu. ventilators, and all mat work down to garbage and uh'cuu I" and. by us, and give permanent â€Won wherever used. Anything in the that metal line wolwill be glad to "titnntq on, And you will be saw with both, work and pricey . PUT US ON OUR "MM'AL" HENRY G. " North First Street Phone 635 _ gm Brick museum, APRIL u Phone H. P. 265 li'] -Nr,4 3531 pi .‘ asem . rrgrrcE ttuNtg'd,',', tl triitha t pamedpily Mithael Entii’e collecti atuisir sz ti _ ing th , ' IAN an n f . tiisoo; ll r, cum; ',"'_, ataA) 5' 4W c, ‘ t, C, mine eV, [F m3 Y. APR! WOM, - mam MW "iiiri...r.,. Coal and ND Eva - tttthy at my. bd Mr