I] H t _ I I It . ' ' ' , I l El - , ". " " , ' ' ' . . i $252539: _) I ' V _il . ::::.-.uugg! I , T I v , ) W , _ ' - ’73..†, . " Il ' 'T'ats l _.,__ _ . . (It - -- - , Cl ' . ', "ie,' ‘ it PAGE Padded Vm oust. iih,iyggitiL'ptaittrER' Ataarw I; EYArtoN re-ua-r-ttrho-ST/ttroasts:" 3‘?“ r Highland Park’s Leading Boot Shop T 509 Central Ave. __ I Phone 456 , . 526 Lincoln‘ Hm 4 Household Removals Pocket! an Ship Express and Freight. Moving to ' Po ta ' FELL BROS. a [a FLORSHEIN FEETURE ARCH “this, 1 all-men] vice is fnauie HENRY G, 48th r The new arch support- ing feature built into F1omhei1uShoes--both rigidanMexible.Bends with this foot. Gives lirmsuptiort'tothe arch. OUR Vorlam Sold exclusively at this store ' roof drain}?! at co i h an arotnrt ' hip Mr, Id In mung, Hominy Maid Humane! Ptirk, Illinoi AL '?'ttoeteits' META] 4tree, “3“,“ in the so ' your b 'de give loud ber- ’hone 1sit give lqna Ind our 1 Street ter- like: mot} ' , _ ’ CRYSTAL LAKE MAN cor SING JhllllilRl W9" . ml ART gli,ll'tiUmd Latl cllvi at stellie. decorum: mic, ' Gloria no coinmmt oppidi Imminen- tum." . , . With Prof. R. C. Flickinger, pro- lapse:- of Latin gnd,Gmk at North. western University, wielding thts u.. ton gt low; City recently, mny "w. ants. whoire eveg'ydny diet, in dry Greek ind Latin ind verbs, sang mare or less luntily the memorable nation- al hymn “The Star Spangled Banner" in Latin. t ' l "STAR SPAN GLED BAN NBR" Noted College holes!» Ms? g late. National Musical ' Piece; lit Compiling Latin Hymnal . . "Oh, pate-tn: icemi,’ _profu1tryutte die, 8alutatttin signum cite: noctia adven- Flanking Dr. Flickinger on right and .left were Prof. John Scott and Prof. J. C. Hurley, both of the clu- aical lengungei department of'Notth- western; None of the trio is fitted with a J ohn McCormack voice but all are reported to have done their best; as 'it Wag ' meeting of Ancient Challis cal “vents from all parts of the middle west and fret. Flickinger by special request was asked to lead the. scientists in song. i _ Announcements frole the big league baseball hummer. as to the number of pennants they no; going to win this year are ninguln rAmimiml of the election predictio made by the various national and tate ehatrmen on Septerttherdtmt. _ . Latin Hymnal _ Before leaving' Evanston Dr. Flick- inger was careful to pack into his suitcase a liberal supply of copies of his Latirrhymna1 with which he has been ettdeavoring with marked suc- cess to ihfluenee'Ameritttn students to make Latin s speaking not to ssy a singing lantruate. "Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early. light," Prof. Flickinger mer, bled, save'he an As per ilrat line at the opening of tie story. And then in Latin still, we second. third and fourth line: abou--.: . "What BO prgudlygwe hailed at the . twirririti, Git gnaw}, T Whose bread stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the' ramparts we watched, were _ so sallnntly streaming.†' Not Musical Experts And the sonomua Prep was con- tinued while the lea-med men from many universities wrinkled their fore- heads not over the Jttin words but as to just how mimedt the pitch set, by the Northwestern fprofeuor who admits he isn't qtm1ihiid to been the tstaff of the Mueic schq'ol. _ Ler Reside" m HIGHLANDPABK mass. anHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS IN tAtty LANGUAGE A Red ential Section of Distinction Particula front your Real Estate Agent FOR SALE ttis Now thiiii,rdjiit,,, MO ELEY RIDGE /: . "er"""' " a P, h i, "Sis C fl f f g .." Ii' , " “r g ...." .., " C -' L, _ l " ' b i . ’ - 2 _ ' r gill a . . L': li , F . 1 8 £1.ch ' T tt EG), T ' gl!, ' - I cNral <2 , , 1 . , r . le, , t "x ‘ A It 2Gutri,"A,,,, Has Ev‘olvod Proud of Endoc- Costume ing Ancient Lookihg Popuhtk Edwin Pearson and ritual Crystal Lake, Illinois, were interested visited to the Art iitstitutq, . few days no; Idoking our the hummus apeclul "-, hiMtiotttrin the East Wing Moria. Mr. Pearson was; formerly I student in the Art institute uphool, but for the past few years hat been in In- nich, where thtxovemment an hing a studio in the Royal Academy, and where he became interested in the production of m broom. m hat nowlomcd an animation for-tho making of these bronze: " Crystal Lake, Illinoll, and says that his Mm dry will bathe only one in America capable of producing hummus With the exact coloring of theeurly Egyptian. Greek" and Roman sculptutee. This is a form of art which has never been developed in America and consist! through chemical processes of eover'. lng the cornea of the sculptured futures with a patina or film of green ineruatatiitn, which in nature take: many years to 'sgttt',,',' and ', which is caused' by the calf ion of the bronze or copper in? moist a T oaphera. Mr. Pearson claims he Willa able to make exact reproduction of originala. MK PUBLICATION WILL NOT BE SOON Persons who have been looking for- Ward to the publishing of the income tax returns immediately after March 15, are doomea to disappointment. the law provides that the returns shall not be made public until the treasury department has had time to get the material in shape, nnd this did not am last yes! 'until in Cote- ber. Under the law the commissioner of Internal Revenue it Washington is empowered to set: the time for publieati6n and fix the regulations uh- der which this shsil be done Ind lo. cal collectors mustlwsit until he ssys the wprd, _ , Average wages for three and one- half hours' work " III that {I requir- ed to pay the average American tate, phone bill for one month. For that amount a person has a p6teritUreott- neetionl in his home or hie 0560, with a6,000,000 other te1ePtttntetrs1Nn year- ago, for I service connecting with Ion than 8,000,000 other telephones, the equivalent of "tr-ttoem' Inge. m charged. 7 ( ' T _ Tenneiaee has puaed a law against the theory of evolution, which will probnbly make bootleccers out of tho Dnrwiniats. i _ ' . Probably Several Months Before WIDE PHONE RANGE AT, TRIFLING COST “a m at)" a/ -e 33:1}: , Aauar. and 2)st'j',i'iid '?'rhl . Information on Incomes Is Available cirNtrrAN'rrNoPrpr Ill , "Yet despite tho bet than Con- ptnntinople is no longer capitol " Turing; that its co has dwindled n negligible an ' sad “at it: population in in n to 'itthi molt complete lethargy. thefcity ititl in n tnmpndonn importnncq in world "airs. The great Power- LII-vero- 1nsod to mdv4 their minus†to An- gora, tht not Turkish eatittol. To them Arum. in simply the t of a null and unimportant go meat. But Constantinople represen the en- trance to the Black In and‘ he trade with Russia nnd the But. I Constantinople in the fftt"t bitt city in the world. "It" P. “W spondent of thet lander! Daili, 3‘9"“ who hu treetrvisittrttr “mind: of the Near Eat Relief in ruby and Greece. He adds: , _ 1;“Comuntlnople. dead to it u, will be the center of the mist greet drunk fol-"power. Ween an great nation: ready for eventusliti .‘Xean- while America in active in . none- what different my, “new . e new gospel of the Golden Rule _ but the land by means of manifold edu- cational end humanitarian #tivitiee." _Both an and electriclti services were moored " high up.“ foWrw- in; the norm. Every "alum. con- struction gun: m mind into the territories and most of the mud tom had temporarily new un- lee within a few ham. l tt is reported that I in can? temphtlng fanning "tom United State. Denna ftom Floridg. Which goes to Ihow that if horm't I!" n one end at Penmylnuh he“! he iirwtiiuurtoterttteother/ , , Devastated communities " Illionie that were' victim: of the meat tor- nado, have had the entire edgineering and other resources of the Immune. tured gas industry " theirporittnand in the work of iarhnbititatian. _ Immediately after the ca tmphe. H. C. Abe“, president of t "Amar.. inn an astoelatton, wit to. the presidents of the Illinois Gob anodi- tion, andinno Gu ntssoetntitrtt and the Missouri Aesocintion of Public Utili- ties, the following message] "With pmtound cm l for In!†tents from storm, iti your territory, the American (in, quc' tion tin- der: the perviees of in e and". technical 'usd my other tttreg. resourcefin mtontiog of ' Itt serv- iced? r , I l Entire Resources of Chunks ", Combined to Help Tornado _ . Stricken RegionI GAS EXPERTS GIVE , I ' AID T0 SUFd'ERERS iiriraitm, ht State on Leth. u-gy, Says Wrttek Uir.in NM 1eg,,tii_, 1eiigttilrt,t; b' I autumnal-1m TEE1nll 510-395 "T" "‘W 0-. a ,M,td"" tit ' maï¬aâ€"E: - a Slim-1r. ggtlrggthett “than.†M -. Tuau at" a: 'Ill but: no! ,t,8t 'fiaiilara6i. T- m..." I." auf fed - It a, Mall- h ' Myâ€: Jttttr.gtt,tr.utT “lea-g 'lr%'.t'1uLtta"t,t tFit" FihtCFi'hi"iiih BRLDGIWOIK “I! FORCED at. Gold Cb-ra Rog-In Maid-u. ht... GAS Tut "e-dar.-', in d - ',ylht'i.1?irittcit,htt 3: if} "a; isn‘t-nu. {SHEA-9h!“ I YOUNG SAIBON ttttyr, to take an out all, when he also: hand it's um . of our ddtdonh milk ' anath- To try it In to mummw BOSTON DEW"! Urua. Taxman“ Ann. Phall- Mind Iâ€? Maths-b H DRY cut ANDDYm I! EI Fr tl Th Ml [if] 13MB“ tr you F you hr, ill? you you 15H you Ne " of l, can